1,101 research outputs found

    Evaluating the performance of low-energy feed forward osmosis system for desalination using impaired and saline water sources

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    Forward Osmosis (FO) is a natural process of treating water or wastewater due to the difference in osmotic pressures. FO is a membrane separation technology, applicable to food processing, industrial wastewater treatment and seawater or brackish water desalination. The phenomena of FO processes occur whereby water molecules are driven across a semi-permeable membrane by an osmotic pressure gradient that is generated from a higher concentrate draw solution. FO processes can recover potable water resources from wastewater streams through the flow of pure water from a lower concen-trated feed solution towards higher concentrated draw solutions leaving behind pollutants, impurities, and salts in the semi-permeable membrane. This paper assesses the design, build and testing of a laboratory scaled Feed Forward Osmosis (FFO) system for treating river water collected from the River Medway, Kent, England. The FO process was a highly effective form of river water treatment and able to treat the River Water with high rejection rates of solutes (>90%). Experimental results showed that the FFO system can achieve a better performance when the molarity of the draw solution is higher. The average solute rejection rate of the FO membrane for both inorganic and organic compounds was 94.83 %. Moreover, the operation of the forward osmosis membrane illustrated that it has a lower fouling propensity and higher solute rejection ca-pabilities. The pilot scaled FFO system has the ability for greater salt rejection and lower electronic conductivity levels which resulted from the successful desalination of river water. A sodium chloride (NaCl) or saltwater draw solution performed posi-tively in inducing higher osmotic pressures with a substantial effect of lower energy requirements for the system. Lower en-ergy consumptions of the FFO system allow similar water treatment possibilities with energy savings potential. The FFO system showed to be an environmentally viable and economically feasible river water treatment technology

    A Statistical Method for Estimating Luminosity Functions using Truncated Data

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    The observational limitations of astronomical surveys lead to significant statistical inference challenges. One such challenge is the estimation of luminosity functions given redshift zz and absolute magnitude MM measurements from an irregularly truncated sample of objects. This is a bivariate density estimation problem; we develop here a statistically rigorous method which (1) does not assume a strict parametric form for the bivariate density; (2) does not assume independence between redshift and absolute magnitude (and hence allows evolution of the luminosity function with redshift); (3) does not require dividing the data into arbitrary bins; and (4) naturally incorporates a varying selection function. We accomplish this by decomposing the bivariate density into nonparametric and parametric portions. There is a simple way of estimating the integrated mean squared error of the estimator; smoothing parameters are selected to minimize this quantity. Results are presented from the analysis of a sample of quasars.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Non perturbative renormalization group potentials and quintessence

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    New solutions to the non perturbative renormalization group equation for the effective action of a scalar field theory in the Local Potential Approximation having the exponential form e±ϕe^{\pm\phi} are found. This result could be relevant for those quintessence phenomenological models where this kind of potentials are already used, giving them a solid field theoretical derivation. Other non perturbative solutions, that could also be considered for the quintessence scenario, are also found. Apart from this particular cosmological application, these results could be relevant for other models where scalar fields are involved, in particular for the scalar sector of the standard model.Comment: 4 pages. Corrected typo

    Critical behavior in colloid-polymer mixtures: theory and simulation

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    We extensively investigated the critical behavior of mixtures of colloids and polymers via the two-component Asakura-Oosawa model and its reduction to a one-component colloidal fluid using accurate theoretical and simulation techniques. In particular the theoretical approach, hierarchical reference theory [Adv. Phys. 44, 211 (1995)], incorporates realistically the effects of long-range fluctuations on phase separation giving exponents which differ strongly from their mean-field values, and are in good agreement with those of the three-dimensional Ising model. Computer simulations combined with finite-size scaling analysis confirm the Ising universality and the accuracy of the theory, although some discrepancy in the location of the critical point between one-component and full-mixture description remains. To assess the limit of the pair-interaction description, we compare one-component and two-component results.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Tests of Statistical Methods for Estimating Galaxy Luminosity Function and Applications to the Hubble Deep Field

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    We studied the statistical methods for the estimation of the luminosity function (LF) of galaxies. We focused on four nonparametric estimators: 1/Vmax1/V_{\rm max} estimator, maximum-likelihood estimator of Efstathiou et al. (1988), Cho{\l}oniewski's estimator, and improved Lynden-Bell's estimator. The performance of the 1/Vmax1/V_{\rm max} estimator has been recently questioned, especially for the faint-end estimation of the LF. We improved these estimators for the studies of the distant Universe, and examined their performances for various classes of functional forms by Monte Carlo simulations. We also applied these estimation methods to the mock 2dF redshift survey catalog prepared by Cole et al. (1998). We found that 1/Vmax1/V_{\rm max} estimator yields a completely unbiased result if there is no inhomogeneity, but is not robust against clusters or voids. This is consistent with the well-known results, and we did not confirm the bias trend of 1/Vmax1/V_{\rm max} estimator claimed by Willmer (1997) in the case of homogeneous sample. We also found that the other three maximum-likelihood type estimators are quite robust and give consistent results with each other. In practice we recommend Cho{\l}oniewski's estimator for two reasons: 1. it simultaneously provides the shape and normalization of the LF; 2. it is the fastest among these four estimators, because of the algorithmic simplicity. Then, we analyzed the photometric redshift data of the Hubble Deep Field prepared by Fern\'{a}ndez-Soto et al. (1999) using the above four methods. We also derived luminosity density ρL\rho_{\rm L} at BB- and II-band. Our BB-band estimation is roughly consistent with that of Sawicki, Lin, & Yee (1997), but a few times lower at 2.0<z<3.02.0 < z < 3.0. The evolution of ρL(I)\rho_{\rm L}(I) is found to be less prominent.Comment: To appear in ApJS July 2000 issue. 36 page

    By design : negotiating flexible learning in the built environment discipline

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    The term &lsquo;flexible education&rsquo; is now firmly entrenched within Australian higher education discourse, yet the term is a contested one imbued with a multiplicity of meanings. This paper describes a process designed to elucidate how the idea of flexible education can be translated into teaching models that are informed by the specific demands of disciplinary contexts. The process uses a flexible learning &lsquo;matching&rsquo; tool to articulate the understandings and preferences of students and academics of the Built Environment to bridge the gap between student expectations of flexibility and their teacher&rsquo;s willingness and ability to provide that flexibility within the limits of the pedagogical context and teaching resources. The findings suggest an informed starting point for educators in the Built Environment and other creative disciplines from which to traverse the complexities inherent in negotiating flexibility in an increasingly digital world

    Changes of intracellular sodium and potassium ion concentrations in frog spinal motoneurons induced by repetitive synaptic stimulation

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    A post-tetanic membrane hyperpolarization following repetitive neuronal activity is a commonly observed phenomenon in the isolated frog spinal cord as well as in neurons of other nervous tissues. We have now used double-barrelled Na+- and K+-ion-sensitive microelectrodes to measure the intracellular Na+- and K+-concentrations and also the extracellular K+-concentration of lumbar spinal motoneurons during and after repetitive stimulation of a dorsal root. The results show that the posttetanic membrane hyperpolarization occurred at a time when the intracellular [Na+] reached its maximal value, intracellular [K+] had its lowest level and extracellular [K+] was still elevated. The hyperpolarization was blocked by ouabain and reduced by Li+. These data support the previous suggestion that an electrogenic Na+/K+ pump mode may be the mechanism underlying the post-tetanic membrane hyperpolarization