23 research outputs found

    Electrical charging of ash in Icelandic volcanic plumes

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    The existence of volcanic lightning and alteration of the atmospheric potential gradient in the vicinity of near-vent volcanic plumes provides strong evidence for the charging of volcanic ash. More subtle electrical effects are also visible in balloon soundings of distal volcanic plumes. Near the vent, some proposed charging mechanisms are fractoemission, triboelectrification, and the so-called "dirty thunderstorm" mechanism, which is where ash and convective clouds interact electrically to enhance charging. Distant from the vent, a self-charging mechanism, probably triboelectrification, has been suggested to explain the sustained low levels of charge observed on a distal plume. Recent research by Houghton et al. (2013) linked the self-charging of volcanic ash to the properties of the particle size distribution, observing that a highly polydisperse ash distribution would charge more effectively than a monodisperse one. Natural radioactivity in some volcanic ash could also contribute to self-charging of volcanic plumes. Here we present laboratory measurements of particle size distributions, triboelectrification and radioactivity in ash samples from the Gr\'{i}msv\"{o}tn and Eyjafjallaj\"{o}kull volcanic eruptions in 2011 and 2010 respectively, and discuss the implications of our findings.Comment: XV Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 15-20 June 2014, Norman, Oklahoma, US

    Droplet charging in stratiform clouds

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    The role of droplet charge in stratiform clouds is one of the least well understood areas in cloud microphysics and is thought to affect cloud radiative and precipitation processes. Layer clouds cover a large proportion of the Earth's surface and are important in regulating the planetary radiation budget. Using a new remote sensing method developed at our University Observatory, we demonstrate that charge in the base of stratiform clouds is typically of negative polarity, as expected from theory considering the vertical current flow into and out of the cloud. More detailed vertical charge structure of layer clouds can be found using balloon-carried instruments. Our previous research using in situ balloon observations has demonstrated that, on average, the bulk charge polarity and location agrees with theoretical predictions of positive charge at the upper edge and negative charge at the lower edge. Here we present optical and charge measurements of droplets from a variety of stratiform clouds, demonstrating the typical variability which is observed.Comment: XVI International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 17-22 June 2018, Nara city, Nara, Japa

    Shear-induced electrical changes in the base of thin layer cloud

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    Charging of upper and lower horizontal boundaries of extensive layer clouds results from current flow in the global electric circuit. Layer-cloud charge accumulation has previously been considered a solely electrostatic phenomenon, but it does not occur in isolation from meteorological processes, which can transport charge. Thin layer clouds provide special circumstances for investigating this dynamical charge transport, as disruption at the cloud-top may reach the cloud base, observable from the surface. Here, a thin (~300 m) persistent layer-cloud with base at 300 m and strong wind shear at cloud-top was observed to generate strongly correlated fluctuations in cloud base height, optical thickness and surface electric Potential Gradient (PG) beneath. PG changes are identified to precede the cloud base fluctuations by 2 minutes, consistent with shear-induced cloud-top electrical changes followed by cloud base changes. These observations demonstrate, for the first time, dynamically driven modification of charge within a layer-cloud. Even in weakly charged layer-clouds, redistribution of charge will modify local electric fields within the cloud and the collisional behaviour of interacting charged cloud droplets. Local field intensification may also explain previously observed electrostatic discharges in warm clouds