117 research outputs found

    Characterization and temperature dependence of Arctic Micromonas polaris viruses

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    Global climate change-induced warming of the Artic seas is predicted to shift the phytoplankton community towards dominance of smaller-sized species due to global warming. Yet, little is known about their viral mortality agents despite the ecological importance of viruses regulating phytoplankton host dynamics and diversity. Here we report the isolation and basic characterization of four prasinoviruses infectious to the common Arctic picophytoplankter Micromonas. We furthermore assessed how temperature influenced viral infectivity and production. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the putative double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) Micromonas polaris viruses (MpoVs) are prasinoviruses (Phycodnaviridae) of approximately 120 nm in particle size. One MpoV showed intrinsic differences to the other three viruses, i.e., larger genome size (205 ± 2 vs. 191 ± 3 Kb), broader host range, and longer latent period (39 vs. 18 h). Temperature increase shortened the latent periods (up to 50%), increased the burst size (up to 40%), and affected viral infectivity. However, the variability in response to temperature was high for the different viruses and host strains assessed, likely affecting the Arctic picoeukaryote community structure both in the short term (seasonal cycles) and long term (global warming)

    Gcase and limp2 abnormalities in the liver of niemann pick type c mice

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the NWO-Building Blocks of Life: GlcCer grant to J.M.F.G.A: BBOL-2007247202. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The lysosomal storage disease Niemann–Pick type C (NPC) is caused by impaired cholesterol efflux from lysosomes, which is accompanied by secondary lysosomal accumulation of sph-ingomyelin and glucosylceramide (GlcCer). Similar to Gaucher disease (GD), patients deficient in glucocerebrosidase (GCase) degrading GlcCer, NPC patients show an elevated glucosylsphingosine and glucosylated cholesterol. In livers of mice lacking the lysosomal cholesterol efflux transporter NPC1, we investigated the expression of established biomarkers of lipid-laden macrophages of GD patients, their GCase status, and content on the cytosol facing glucosylceramidase GBA2 and lysoso-mal integral membrane protein type B (LIMP2), a transporter of newly formed GCase to lysosomes. Livers of 80-week-old Npc1−/− mice showed a partially reduced GCase protein and enzymatic activity. In contrast, GBA2 levels tended to be reciprocally increased with the GCase deficiency. In Npc1−/− liver, increased expression of lysosomal enzymes (cathepsin D, acid ceramidase) was observed as well as increased markers of lipid-stressed macrophages (GPNMB and galectin-3). Im-munohistochemistry showed that the latter markers are expressed by lipid laden Kupffer cells. Earlier reported increase of LIMP2 in Npc1−/− liver was confirmed. Unexpectedly, immunohistochemistry showed that LIMP2 is particularly overexpressed in the hepatocytes of the Npc1−/− liver. LIMP2 in these hepatocytes seems not to only localize to (endo)lysosomes. The recent recognition that LIMP2 harbors a cholesterol channel prompts the speculation that LIMP2 in Npc1−/− hepatocytes might mediate export of cholesterol into the bile and thus protects the hepatocytes.publishersversionpublishe

    A structurally informed autotransporter platform for efficient heterologous protein secretion and display.

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The self-sufficient autotransporter (AT) pathway, ubiquitous in Gram-negative bacteria, combines a relatively simple protein secretion mechanism with a high transport capacity. ATs consist of a secreted passenger domain and a β-domain that facilitates transfer of the passenger across the cell-envelope. They have a great potential for the extracellular expression of recombinant proteins but their exploitation has suffered from the limited structural knowledge of carrier ATs. Capitalizing on its crystal structure, we have engineered the <it>Escherichia coli</it> AT Hemoglobin protease (Hbp) into a platform for the secretion and surface display of heterologous proteins, using the <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</it> vaccine target ESAT6 as a model protein.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on the Hbp crystal structure, five passenger side domains were selected and one by one replaced by ESAT6, whereas a β-helical core structure (β-stem) was left intact. The resulting Hbp-ESAT6 chimeras were efficiently and stably secreted into the culture medium of <it>E. coli</it>. On the other hand, Hbp-ESAT6 fusions containing a truncated β-stem appeared unstable after translocation, demonstrating the importance of an intact β-stem. By interrupting the cleavage site between passenger and β-domain, Hbp-ESAT6 display variants were constructed that remain cell associated and facilitate efficient surface exposure of ESAT6 as judged by proteinase K accessibility and whole cell immuno-EM analysis. Upon replacement of the passenger side domain of an alternative AT, EspC, ESAT6 was also efficiently secreted, showing the approach is more generally applicable to ATs. Furthermore, Hbp-ESAT6 was efficiently displayed in an attenuated <it>Salmonella typhimurium</it> strain upon chromosomal integration of a single encoding gene copy, demonstrating the potential of the Hbp platform for live vaccine development.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We developed the first structurally informed AT platform for efficient secretion and surface display of heterologous proteins. The platform has potential with regard to the development of recombinant live vaccines and may be useful for other biotechnological applications that require high-level secretion or display of recombinant proteins by bacteria.</p

    Evolution of the Color-Magnitude Relation in Galaxy Clusters at z ~1 from the ACS Intermediate Redshift Cluster Survey

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    We apply detailed observations of the Color-Magnitude Relation (CMR) with the ACS/HST to study galaxy evolution in eight clusters at z~1. The early-type red sequence is well defined and elliptical and lenticular galaxies lie on similar CMRs. We analyze CMR parameters as a function of redshift, galaxy properties and cluster mass. For bright galaxies (M_B < -21mag), the CMR scatter of the elliptical population in cluster cores is smaller than that of the S0 population, although the two become similar at faint magnitudes. While the bright S0 population consistently shows larger scatter than the ellipticals, the scatter of the latter increases in the peripheral cluster regions. If we interpret these results as due to age differences, bright elliptical galaxies in cluster cores are on average older than S0 galaxies and peripheral elliptical galaxies (by about 0.5Gyr). CMR zero point, slope, and scatter in the (U-B)_z=0 rest-frame show no significant evolution out to redshift z~1.3 nor significant dependence on cluster mass. Two of our clusters display CMR zero points that are redder (by ~2sigma) than the average (U-B)_z=0 of our sample. We also analyze the fraction of morphological early-type and late-type galaxies on the red sequence. We find that, while in the majority of the clusters most (80% to 90%) of the CMR population is composed of early-type galaxies, in the highest redshift, low mass cluster of our sample, the CMR late-type/early-type fractions are similar (~50%), with most of the late-type population composed of galaxies classified as S0/a. This trend is not correlated with the cluster's X-ray luminosity, nor with its velocity dispersion, and could be a real evolution with redshift.Comment: ApJ, in press, 27 pages, 22 figure

    Interfering with DNA Decondensation as a Strategy Against Mycobacteria

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    Tuberculosis is once again a major global threat, leading to more than 1 million deaths each year. Treatment options for tuberculosis patients are limited, expensive and characterized by severe side effects, especially in the case of multidrug-resistant forms. Uncovering novel vulnerabilities of the pathogen is crucial to generate new therapeutic strategies. Using high resolution microscopy techniques, we discovered one such vulnerability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We demonstrate that the DNA of M. tuberculosis can condense under stressful conditions such as starvation and antibiotic treatment. The DNA condensation is reversible and specific for viable bacteria. Based on these observations, we hypothesized that blocking the recovery from the condensed state could weaken the bacteria. We showed that after inducing DNA condensation, and subsequent blocking of acetylation of DNA binding proteins, the DNA localization in the bacteria is altered. Importantly under these conditions, Mycobacterium smegmatis did not replicate and its survival was significantly reduced. Our work demonstrates that agents that block recovery from the condensed state of the nucleoid can be exploited as antibiotic. The combination of fusidic acid and inhibition of acetylation of DNA binding proteins, via the Eis enzyme, potentiate the efficacy of fusidic acid by 10 and the Eis inhibitor to 1,000-fold. Hence, we propose that successive treatment with antibiotics and drugs interfering with recovery from DNA condensation constitutes a novel approach for treatment of tuberculosis and related bacterial infections

    Quantitative and Dynamic Assessment of the Contribution of the ER to Phagosome Formation

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    SummaryPhagosomes were traditionally thought to originate from an invagination and scission of the plasma membrane to form a distinct intracellular vacuole. An alternative model implicating the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as a major component of nascent and maturing phagosomes was recently proposed (Gagnon et al., 2002). To reconcile these seemingly disparate hypotheses, we used a combination of biochemical, fluorescence imaging, and electron microscopy techniques to quantitatively and dynamically assess the contribution of the plasmalemma and of the ER to phagosome formation and maturation. We could not verify even a transient physical continuity between the ER and the plasma membrane, nor were we able to detect a significant contribution of the ER to forming or maturing phagosomes in either macrophages or dendritic cells. Instead, our data indicate that the plasma membrane is the main constituent of nascent and newly formed phagosomes, which are progressively remodeled by fusion with endosomal and eventually lysosomal compartments as phagosomes mature into acidic, degradative organelles

    CLASH-X: A Comparison of Lensing and X-ray Techniques for Measuring the Mass Profiles of Galaxy Clusters

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    We present profiles of temperature (Tx), gas mass, and hydrostatic mass estimated from new and archival X-ray observations of CLASH clusters. We compare measurements derived from XMM and Chandra observations with one another and compare both to gravitational lensing mass profiles derived with CLASH HST and ground-based lensing data. Radial profiles of Chandra and XMM electron density and enclosed gas mass are nearly identical, indicating that differences in hydrostatic masses inferred from X-ray observations arise from differences in Tx measurements. Encouragingly, cluster Txs are consistent with one another at ~100-200 kpc radii but XMM Tx systematically decline relative to Chandra Tx at larger radii. The angular dependence of the discrepancy suggests additional investigation on systematics such as the XMM point spread function correction, vignetting and off-axis responses. We present the CLASH-X mass-profile comparisons in the form of cosmology-independent and redshift-independent circular-velocity profiles. Ratios of Chandra HSE mass profiles to CLASH lensing profiles show no obvious radial dependence in the 0.3-0.8 Mpc range. However, the mean mass biases inferred from the WL and SaWLens data are different. e.g., the weighted-mean value at 0.5 Mpc is = 0.12 for the WL comparison and = -0.11 for the SaWLens comparison. The ratios of XMM HSE mass profiles to CLASH lensing profiles show a pronounced radial dependence in the 0.3-1.0 Mpc range, with a weighted mean mass bias of value rising to ~0.3 at ~1 Mpc for the WL comparison and of 0.25 for SaWLens comparison. The enclosed gas mass profiles from both Chandra and XMM rise to a value 1/8 times the total-mass profiles inferred from lensing at 0.5 Mpc and remain constant outside of that radius, suggesting that [8xMgas] profiles may be an excellent proxy for total-mass profiles at >0.5 Mpc in massive galaxy clusters.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 24 pages; scheduled to appear in the Oct 10, 2014 issue. This version corrects the typographical error in the superscripts for Equation (2) to include the square of (r/r_core). The correct version of this equation was used in the analysi

    Maturing Human CD127+ CCR7+ PDL1+ Dendritic Cells Express AIRE in the Absence of Tissue Restricted Antigens.

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    Expression of the Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) outside of the thymus has long been suggested in both humans and mice, but the cellular source in humans has remained undefined. Here we identify AIRE expression in human tonsils and extensively analyzed these "extra-thymic AIRE expressing cells" (eTACs) using combinations of flow cytometry, CyTOF and single cell RNA-sequencing. We identified AIRE+ cells as dendritic cells (DCs) with a mature and migratory phenotype including high levels of antigen presenting molecules and costimulatory molecules, and specific expression of CD127, CCR7, and PDL1. These cells also possessed the ability to stimulate and re-stimulate T cells and displayed reduced responses to toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists compared to conventional DCs. While expression of AIRE was enriched within CCR7+CD127+ DCs, single-cell RNA sequencing revealed expression of AIRE to be transient, rather than stable, and associated with the differentiation to a mature phenotype. The role of AIRE in central tolerance induction within the thymus is well-established, however our study shows that AIRE expression within the periphery is not associated with an enriched expression of tissue-restricted antigens (TRAs). This unexpected finding, suggestive of wider functions of AIRE, may provide an explanation for the non-autoimmune symptoms of APECED patients who lack functional AIRE.JF and HS were funded by project ERC-2013-ADG number 341038. MB was funded by EMBO ALTF 786-2013. BH was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Veni program (91618032). LH, JpvH, and ST were supported by a grant from the Dutch Arthritis Foundation (2013_2_37). MM was supported by Wellcome Trust (grant105045/Z/14/Z). JM was supported by core funding from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and from Cancer Research UK (award number 17197)

    IFT74 variants cause skeletal ciliopathy and motile cilia defects in mice and humans

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    Motile and non-motile cilia play critical roles in mammalian development and health. These organelles are composed of a 1000 or more unique proteins, but their assembly depends entirely on proteins synthesized in the cell body and transported into the cilium by intraflagellar transport (IFT). In mammals, malfunction of non-motile cilia due to IFT dysfunction results in complex developmental phenotypes that affect most organs. In contrast, disruption of motile cilia function causes subfertility, disruption of the left-right body axis, and recurrent airway infections with progressive lung damage. In this work, we characterize allele specific phenotypes resulting from IFT74 dysfunction in human and mice. We identified two families carrying a deletion encompassing IFT74 exon 2, the first coding exon, resulting in a protein lacking the first 40 amino acids and two individuals carrying biallelic splice site mutations. Homozygous exon 2 deletion cases presented a ciliary chondrodysplasia with narrow thorax and progressive growth retardation along with a mucociliary clearance disorder phenotype with severely shorted cilia. Splice site variants resulted in a lethal skeletal chondrodysplasia phenotype. In mice, removal of the first 40 amino acids likewise results in a motile cilia phenotype but with little effect on primary cilia structure. Mice carrying this allele are born alive but are growth restricted and developed hydrocephaly in the first month of life. In contrast, a strong, likely null, allele of Ift74 in mouse completely blocks ciliary assembly and causes severe heart defects and midgestational lethality. In vitro studies suggest that the first 40 amino acids of IFT74 are dispensable for binding of other IFT subunits but are important for tubulin binding. Higher demands on tubulin transport in motile cilia compared to primary cilia resulting from increased mechanical stress and repair needs could account for the motile cilia phenotype observed in human and mice

    IFT74 variants cause skeletal ciliopathy and motile cilia defects in mice and humans

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    Motile and non-motile cilia play critical roles in mammalian development and health. These organelles are composed of a 1000 or more unique proteins, but their assembly depends entirely on proteins synthesized in the cell body and transported into the cilium by intraflagellar transport (IFT). In mammals, malfunction of non-motile cilia due to IFT dysfunction results in complex developmental phenotypes that affect most organs. In contrast, disruption of motile cilia function causes subfertility, disruption of the left-right body axis, and recurrent airway infections with progressive lung damage. In this work, we characterize allele specific phenotypes resulting from IFT74 dysfunction in human and mice. We identified two families carrying a deletion encompassing IFT74 exon 2, the first coding exon, resulting in a protein lacking the first 40 amino acids and two individuals carrying biallelic splice site mutations. Homozygous exon 2 deletion cases presented a ciliary chondrodysplasia with narrow thorax and progressive growth retardation along with a mucociliary clearance disorder phenotype with severely shorted cilia. Splice site variants resulted in a lethal skeletal chondrodysplasia phenotype. In mice, removal of the first 40 amino acids likewise results in a motile cilia phenotype but with little effect on primary cilia structure. Mice carrying this allele are born alive but are growth restricted and developed hydrocephaly in the first month of life. In contrast, a strong, likely null, allele of Ift74 in mouse completely blocks ciliary assembly and causes severe heart defects and midgestational lethality. In vitro studies suggest that the first 40 amino acids of IFT74 are dispensable for binding of other IFT subunits but are important for tubulin binding. Higher demands on tubulin transport in motile cilia compared to primary cilia resulting from increased mechanical stress and repair needs could account for the motile cilia phenotype observed in human and mice
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