45 research outputs found

    Volcanic Gas Studies by Multi Axis Differential Absorption Spectroscopy

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    The chemistry of volcanic plumes can give insights into volcanic processes, which could help with improving the forecast of volcanic eruptions and is also of atmospheric relevance as the volcanic source of aerosols and trace gases can have a significant climatic impact. Although both are very important aspects, the chemical processes in volcanic plumes are inadequately understood. In this thesis, measurements by ground based Mini-MAX DOAS systems were carried out to study gas emissions from eight volcanoes. Bromine monoxide (BrO), chlorine monoxide (ClO), chlorine dioxide (OClO), formaldehyde (HCHO) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) abundances were measured. A global volcanic BrO flux of 1.2 - 13 Gg/y was determined. The study was focused on the measurements of BrO and SO2. The ratio between both trace gases was investigated at di®erent volcanic sites, as well as the dependence on the distance to the source and the volcanic activity. Additional attempts were made to distinguish the di®erent summit craters of Mt. Etna. No BrO was detected in proximity of the active vents of the volcanoes. An experimental study of the increase of the BrO/SO2 ratio with the aging plume was also conducted. ClO and OClO were measured in a volcanic plume for the first time. In contrast to BrO, ClO was detected near the volcanic source, and the distance dependency of ClO/SO2 ratio did not exhibit the increase found for the BrO/SO2 ratio. The miniaturized instrument developed in this thesis made possible to determine an SO2 flux (2.2 t/d) for the remote volcano Ollague. The length of the average light path through a volcanic plume and the problems of determining it was discussed. A comparison between an SO2 flux calculation assuming no scattering due to the volcanic plume and an SO2 flux estimating the enhancement of light path by scattering in the plume illustrate the present uncertainty

    Quantification of the depletion of ozone in the plume of Mount Etna

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    Volcanoes are an important source of inorganic halogen species into the atmosphere. Chemical processing of these species generates oxidised, highly reactive, halogen species which catalyse considerable O<sub>3</sub> destruction within volcanic plumes. A campaign of ground-based in situ O<sub>3</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub> and meteorology measurements was undertaken at the summit of Mount Etna volcano in July/August 2012. At the same time, spectroscopic measurements were made of BrO and SO<sub>2</sub> columns in the plume downwind. <br><br> Depletions of ozone were seen at all in-plume measurement locations, with average O<sub>3</sub> depletions ranging from 11–35 nmol mol<sup>−1</sup> (15–45%). Atmospheric processing times of the plume were estimated to be between 1 and 4 min. A 1-D numerical model of early plume evolution was also used. It was found that in the early plume O<sub>3</sub> was destroyed at an approximately constant rate relative to an inert plume tracer. This is ascribed to reactive halogen chemistry, and the data suggests the majority of the reactive halogen that destroys O<sub>3</sub> in the early plume is generated within the crater, including a substantial proportion generated in a high-temperature "effective source region" immediately after emission. The model could approximately reproduce the main measured features of the ozone chemistry. Model results show a strong dependence of the near-vent bromine chemistry on the presence or absence of volcanic NO<sub>x</sub> emissions and suggest that near-vent ozone measurements can be used as a qualitative indicator of NO<sub>x</sub> emission

    Advances in Bromine Speciation in Volcanic Plumes

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    Volcanoes are a significant halogen source to the atmosphere. After water, carbon dioxide and sulfur compounds, halogens are often the most abundant gases in volcanic plumes. In the past, less attention was given to the heavy halogens bromine and iodine. However, the discovery of bromine monoxide (BrO) in volcanic plumes led to new interest especially in volcanic bromine chemistry and its impact on atmospheric processes. The BrO detection came along with advances in volcanic remote sensing techniques, in particular, robust DOAS applications and the possibility of continuous measurements by automated instruments located at safe distances from the volcano. As one of the consequences, the volcanic community developed an increased interest to use BrO/SO2 ratios as a potential tracer of volcanic activity. BrO is a secondary volcanic gas, but the only bromine species in volcanic plumes, which has been measured by remote sensing techniques today. For a better understanding on bromine chemistry in volcanic plumes and to gain information on the original amount of emitted bromine by only measuring BrO, additional techniques were developed (alkaline traps, diffusion denuders) and adapted for drone-based sampling to determine further gaseous bromine species (i.e. Br2, HBr, HOBr, interhalogens) at various plume ages. Additionally models of plume-atmospheric chemistry were developed to help the interpretation of field-measurements. Model studies simulating plume conditions indicated that a complex atmospheric chemistry mechanism transforms emitted HBr into BrO and other reactive bromine species such as BrOH, Br2, BrCl, BrONO2 or BrNO2. To reproduce the very rapid formation of BrO observed in volcanic plumes, the volcanic emission input to the (low-temperature) plume chemistry models also needs to consider the high-temperature near-vent plume conditions, as represented by thermodynamic models. The formation of BrO and other reactive bromine species depend not only on the amount of bromine emitted but also on plume mixing processes, relative humidity, and aerosol particle acidity. However, uncertainties remain in the validation of the plume chemistry models by a lack of field-measurements. This review provides a comprehensive summary on volcanic bromine data of the last 15 years achieved from established and cutting edge measurement techniques as well as their treatment and interpretation in recent model experiments. It points out controversially discussed relation of bromine degassing to volcanic activity and puts a light on remaining uncertainties

    Ground-Based Remote Sensing and Imaging of Volcanic Gases and Quantitative Determination of Multi-Species Emission Fluxes

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    The physical and chemical structure and the spatial evolution of volcanic plumes are of great interest since they influence the Earth's atmospheric composition and the climate. Equally important is the monitoring of the abundance and emission patterns of volcanic gases, which gives insight into processes in the Earth's interior that are difficult to access otherwise. Here, we review spectroscopic approaches (from ultra-violet to thermal infra-red) to determine multi-species emissions and to quantify gas fluxes. Particular attention is given to the emerging field of plume imaging and quantitative image interpretation. Here UV SO2 cameras paved the way but several other promising techniques are under study and development. We also give a brief summary of a series of initial applications of fast imaging techniques for volcanological research

    On the link between Earth tides and volcanic degassing

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    Long-term measurements of volcanic gas emissions conducted during the recent decade suggest that under certain conditions the magnitude or chemical composition of volcanic emissions exhibits periodic variations with a period of about two weeks. A possible cause of such a periodicity can be attributed to the Earth tidal potential. The phenomenology of such a link has been debated for long, but no quantitative model has yet been proposed. The aim of this paper is to elucidate whether a causal link from the tidal forcing to variation in the volcanic degassing can be traced analytically. We model the response of a simplified magmatic system to the local tidal gravity variations and derive a periodical vertical magma displacement in the conduit with an amplitude of 0.1–1 m, depending on geometry and physical state of the magmatic system. We find that while the tide-induced vertical magma displacement has presumably no significant direct effect on the volatile solubility, the differential magma flow across the radial conduit profile may result in a significant increase of the bubble coalescence rate in a depth of several kilometres by up to several ten percent. Because bubble coalescence facilitates separation of gas from magma and thus enhances volatile degassing, we argue that the derived tidal variation may propagate to a manifestation of varying volcanic degassing behaviour. The presented model provides a first basic framework which establishes an analytical understanding of the link between the Earth tides and volcanic degassing

    Quantifying BrO and SO2 distributions in volcanic plumes—Recent advances in imaging Fabry-Pérot interferometer correlation spectroscopy

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    Bromine monoxide (BrO) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) are two gases frequently observed in volcanic plumes by spectroscopic techniques capable of continuous gas monitoring like, e.g., Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS). The spatio-temporal resolution of DOAS measurements, however, only allows to determine average gas fluxes (minutes to hours resolution). In particular, it is insufficient to record two-dimensional images of SO2 and BrO in real-time (seconds time resolution). Thus, it is impossible to resolve details of chemical conversions of reactive plume constituents. However, these details are vital for further understanding reactive halogen chemistry in volcanic plumes. Therefore, instruments that combine high spatio-temporal resolution and high gas sensitivity and selectivity are required. In addition, these instruments must be robust and compact to be suitable for measurements in harsh and remote volcanic environments. Imaging Fabry-Pérot interferometer (FPI) correlation spectroscopy (IFPICS) is a novel technique for atmospheric trace gas imaging. It allows measuring atmospheric gas column density (CD) distributions with a high spatial and temporal resolution, while at the same time providing selectivity and sensitivity comparable to DOAS measurements. IFPICS uses the periodic transmission spectrum of an FPI, that is matched to the periodic narrowband (vibrational) absorption features of the target trace gas. Recently, IFPICS has been successfully applied to volcanic SO2. Here we demonstrate the applicability of IFPICS to much weaker (about two orders of magnitude) trace gas optical densities, such as that of BrO in volcanic plumes. Due to its high reactivity, BrO is extremely difficult to handle in the laboratory. Thus, based on the similarity of the UV absorption cross sections, we used formaldehyde (HCHO) as a spectral proxy for BrO in instrument characterization measurements. Furthermore, we present recent advances in SO2 IFPICS measurements and simultaneous measurements of SO2 and BrO from a field campaign at Mt Etna in July 2021. We find photon shot-noise limited detection limits of 4.7 × 1017 molec s0.5 cm−2 for SO2 and of 8.9 × 1014 molec s0.5 cm−2 for BrO at a spatial resolution of 512 × 512 pixels and 200 × 200 pixels, respectively. Furthermore, an estimate for the BrO to SO2 ratio (around 10–4) in the volcanic plume is given. The prototype instrument presented here provides spatially resolved measurements of the reactive volcanic plume component BrO. The temporal resolution of our approach allows studies of chemical conversions inside volcanic plumes on their intrinsic timescale

    Long-term monitoring of SO2 quiescent degassing from Nyiragongo’s lava lake

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    The activity of open-vent volcanoes with an active lava-lake, such as Nyiragongo, is characterized by persistent degassing, thus continuous monitoring of the rate, volume and fate of their gas emissions is of great importance to understand their geophysical state and their potential impact. We report results of SO2 emission measurements from Nyiragongo conducted between 2004 and 2012 with a network of ground-based scanning-DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) remote sensors. The mean SO2 emission rate is found to be 13 ± 9 kg s−1, similar to that observed in 1959. Daily emission rate has a distribution close to log-normal and presents large inter-day variability, reflecting the dynamics of percolation of magma batches of heterogeneous size distribution and changes in the effective permeability of the lava lake. The degassed S content is found to be between 1000 and 2000 ppm from these measurements and the reported magma flow rates sustaining the lava lake. The inter-annual trend and plume height statistics indicate stability of a quiescently degassing lava lake during the period of study

    BrO/SO2 molar ratios from scanning DOAS measurements in the NOVAC network

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    The molar ratio of BrO to SO2 is, like other halogen/sulfur ratios, a possible precursor for dynamic changes in the shallow part of a volcanic system. While the predictive significance of the BrO/SO2 ratio has not been well constrained yet, it has the major advantage that this ratio can be readily measured using the remote-sensing technique differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) in the UV. While BrO/SO2 ratios have been measured during several short-term field campaigns, this article presents an algorithm that can be used to obtain long-term time series of BrO/SO2 ratios from the scanning DOAS instruments of the Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change (NOVAC) or comparable networks. Parameters of the DOAS retrieval of both trace gases are given. The influence of co-adding spectra on the retrieval error and influences of radiative transfer will be investigated. Difficulties in the evaluation of spectroscopic data from monitoring instruments in volcanic environments and possible solutions are discussed. The new algorithm is demonstrated by evaluating data from the NOVAC scanning DOAS systems at Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia, encompassing almost 4 years of measurements between November 2009 and end of June 2013. This data set shows variations of the BrO/SO2 ratio several weeks prior to the eruption on 30 June 2012

    Active alkaline traps to determine acidic-gas ratios in volcanic plumes: Sampling techniques and analytical methods

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    In situ measurements have been the basis for monitoring volcanic gas emissions for many years and—being complemented by remote sensing techniques—still play an important role to date. Con- cerning in situ techniques for sampling a dilute plume, an increase in accuracy and a reduction of detection limits are still necessary for most gases (e.g., CO2, SO2, HCl, HF, HBr, HI). In this work, the Raschig-Tube tech- nique (RT) is modified and utilized for application on volcanic plumes. The theoretical and experimental absorption properties of the RT and the Drechsel bottle (DB) setups are characterized and both are applied simultaneously to the well-established Filter packs technique (FP) in the field (on Stromboli Island and Mount Etna). The comparison points out that FPs are the most practical to apply but the results are error- prone compared to RT and DB, whereas the RT results in up to 13 times higher analyte concentrations than the DB in the same sampling time. An optimization of the analytical procedure, including sample pretreat- ment and analysis by titration, Ion Chromatography, and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, led to a comprehensive data set covering a wide range of compounds. In particular, less abundant species were quantified more accurately and iodine was detected for the first time in Stromboli's plume. Simultane- ously applying Multiaxis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) the chemical transforma- tion of emitted bromide into bromine monoxide (BrO) from Stromboli and Etna was determined to 3–6% and 7%, respectively, within less than 5 min after the gas release from the active vents

    Periodicity in the BrO/SO2 molar ratios in the volcanic gas plume of Cotopaxi and its correlation with the Earth tides during the eruption in 2015

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    We evaluated NOVAC (Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change) gas emission data from the 2015 eruption of Cotopaxi volcano (Ecuador) for BrO/SO2 molar ratios. Statistical analysis of the data revealed a conspicuous periodic pattern with a periodicity of about two weeks in a three month time series. While the time series is too short to rule out a chance recurrence of transient geological or meteorological events as a possible origin for the periodic signal, we nevertheless took this observation as a motivation to examine the influence of natural forcings with periodicities of around two weeks on volcanic gas emissions. One strong aspirant with such a periodicity are the Earth tides, which are thus central in this study. We present the BrO/SO2 data, analyse the reliability of the periodic signal, discuss a possible meteorological or eruption-induced origin of this signal, and compare the signal with the theoretical ground surface displacement pattern caused by the Earth tides. Central result is the observation of a significant correlation between the BrO/SO2 molar ratios with the North-South and vertical components of the calculated tide-induced surface displacement with correlation coefficients of 47 % and 36 %, respectively. From all other investigated parameters, only the correlation between the BrO/SO2 molar ratios and the relative humidity in the local atmosphere resulted in a comparable correlation coefficient of about 33 %