562 research outputs found

    Démonter, extraire, combiner, remonter

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    Cet article est consacré à la construction du “MIDIbox SID synthesizer”, un synthétiseur musical construit grâce à la combinaison de technologies passées (low-tech) et récentes (high-tech). Cette machine, utilisée tant pour la production que pour la scène, nous offre un cas intéressant de description et de précision de la notion de créolisation technique proposée par l’historien des techniques anglais David Edgerton. En décrivant la chaîne opératoire qui mène des bricoleurs informatiques et musiciens à extraire différents composants de cet ordinateur des années 1980, et à les combiner dans un objet technique plus récent, il montre une démarche d’innovation singulière qui interroge en retour le lien souvent fait entre “innovation” et production de nouveauté. Celle-ci permet, in fine, de sortir de l’opposition classique low-tech/high-tech pour saisir plus finement l’hétérogénéité de la constitution des objets techniques.This article focuses on the design of the “MIDIbox SID synthesizer”, a musical synthesizer that is made of the combination of past (low-tech) and recent (high-tech) technologies. This machine, used both for music production and stage shows, offers us an interesting case to illustrate and expand the concept of creole technologies proposed by the English historian of technology David Edgerton. By describing the operational sequence that leads computer tinkerers and musicians to extract different components of this computer of the 1980s, and to combine them in a more recent technical object, it shows a singular innovation approach which interrogates in return the link often made between “innovation” and the production of novelty. In the end, this allows us to shy away from the classic low-tech / high-tech opposition in order to grasp more finely the heterogeneity of the constitution of technical objects

    Socio-cognitive functions of space in collaborative settings : a literature review about Space, Cognition and Collaboration

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    This document reports on a brief literature review about social and cognitive functions of spatial features used when collaborating in both physical and virtual settings. Those concepts come from various fields like social, cognitive as well as environmental psychology or CSCW (Computer Supported Collaborative Work). I briefly summarize the social and cognitive affordances of spatial features like distance, proxemics, co-presence, visibility or activity in the context of physical and virtual space. The way human beings employ those features finally allows to give insights about potential avenues of research

    Generated Detective, un cas d’œuvre transformative algorithmique

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    International audienceSur la base d'une analyse d'une oeuvre artistique générée par un programme remixant des contenus trouvés sur le Web, cet article illustre la façon dont les logiciels informatiques, les algorithmes et leur encodage, sont une composante fondamentale de notre culture, comme l’ont montré par ailleurs les media studies ou la sociologie des techniques. Une situation qui témoigne ade l’avènement d’une situation nouvelle ; à une extension de la logique de remix présente antérieurement dans le champ de la production culturelle

    Où est passé le futur ?

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    International audienc

    Ethnographier avec le design

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    Cet article décrit comment les démarches de « recherche-création » mises en œuvre par les designers peuvent constituer une forme de technographie singulière et fertile pour l’anthropologie. Sur la base d’une série de projets récents dans le champ du design numérique, nous montrons comment, à la suite de la littérature, du cinéma ou de la photographie, les modalités de recherche par la pratique au cœur de la recherche en design pourraient renouveler l’enquête ethnographique, et permettre de « raconter autrement » des phénomènes sociotechniques aussi divers que les implications sociospatiales du numérique, les gestes réalisés avec les objets numériques ou encore la présence des infrastructures discrètes ou invisibles du numérique. Sans prétendre que ces designers se positionnent comme ethnographes, nous constaterons que leurs productions visent des objectifs comparables : décrire les systèmes techniques, saisir les chaînes opératoires, appréhender les gestes et le langage propres aux usages des objets techniques.This article describes how the “practice-based” approaches to research adopted by designers can be seen as a unique and fertile form of technography for Anthropology. Based on a series of recent projects in the field of digital design, we show how, following literature, cinema or photography, applied arts and their creation-driven focus could renew ethnographic research, and make it possible to “tell differently” sociotechnical phenomena as diverse as the sociospatial implications of digital technologies, gestures made with digital objects, or the presence of invisible digital infrastructures. Without claiming that these designers position themselves as ethnographers, we will find that their productions aim at comparable objectives; for example, describing socio-technical systems, capturing chaînes opératoires, apprehending gestures and language specific to the uses of technical objects

    A Descriptive Framework to Design for Mutual Location-Awareness in Ubiquitous Computing

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    The following paper provides developers, designers and researchers of location-aware applications with a descriptive framework of applications that convey Mutual Location-Awareness. These applications rely on ubiquitous computing systems to inform people on the whereabouts of significant others. The framework describes this as a 3 steps process made of a capturing, retrieval and delivery phase. For each of these phases, it presents the implications for the users in terms of interpretations of the information. Such framework is intended to both set the design space and research questions to be answered in the field of social location-aware applications

    Robot Detector de Enfermedades en Cultivos de Gulupa

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    Se detallará el proceso de diseño y simulación de un Robot capaz de transitar a lo largo de un cultivo de gulupa detectando por medio de un algoritmo las gulupas presentes en el cultivo filtrando cada una de forma individual, además de una aplicación móvil que se comunica con el robot por medio de un servidor donde comparten las imágenes de los frutos, estas imágenes son mostradas en la aplicación dentro de una tabla que contiene información de una imagen. el diseño del robot se hizo en el software SolidWorks 2017, dicho modelo CAD fue exportado a Blender, para posteriormente ser cargado en el software de simulación GAZEBO para utilizar el framework ROS, esto con el fin de simular el movimiento del robot y desarrollar diversas pruebas de desempeño al dispositivo como el paso por obstáculos, visualización de objetos y correcto funcionamiento de los sensores. El algoritmo para la detección de frutos se basará en el uso de diversas técnicas de filtrado como convolución y watershet, utilizando las librerías para el lenguaje de programación Python: OpenCV y Numpy, para evaluar el rendimiento del algoritmo se hará con una base de datos que contiene 2090 imágenes de frutos tomadas en diversos estados de iluminación y posición del fruto. Al procesar cada imagen con el algoritmo se extraerán los falsos positivos y verdaderos positivos, con estos datos se calculará la efectividad que tuvo el algoritmo. La aplicación de dispositivo móvil se programará en el entorno de programación Android Studio y el lenguaje kotlin, dicha aplicación descargará la información almacenada en un servidor que será creado usando las funciones de apache en este será cargada una base de datos en la cual se utilizaran las herramientas MySQL y PhpMyAdmin, el desempeño de esta aplicación y servidor será medido cargando imágenes de salida del algoritmo en la base de datos y que sean visualizados en la aplicación.The design and simulation process of a robot capable of moving along a gulupa crop will be detailed, detecting by means of an algorithm the gulupas present in the crop, filtering each one individually, as well as a mobile application that communicates with the robot through a server where they share the images of the fruits, these images are shown in the application within a table that contains information about an image. The robot design was made in the SolidWorks 2017 software, said CAD model was exported to Blender, to later be loaded into the GAZEBO simulation software to use the ROS framework, this to simulate the movement of the robot and develop various tests. of performance to the device such as the passage through obstacles, visualization of objects and correct operation of the sensors. The algorithm for the detection of fruits will be based on the use of various filtering techniques such as convolution and watershet, using the libraries for the Python programming language: OpenCV and Numpy, to evaluate the performance of the algorithm it will be done with a database that contains 2090 images of fruits taken in various lighting states and position of the fruit. When processing each image with the algorithm, the false positives and true positives will be extracted, with these data the effectiveness of the algorithm will be calculated. The mobile device application will be programmed in the Android Studio programming environment and the kotlin language, said application will download the information stored on a server that will be created using the Apache functions, in which a database will be loaded in which the functions will be used. MySQL and PhpMyAdmin tools, the performance of this application and server will be measured by uploading output images of the algorithm to the database and displaying them in the application

    Design et ethnographie

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    Prototypage rapide d’un concept de design avec des matériaux recyclés © Nicolas Nova Comprendre les gens pour imaginer les objets envisageables pour eux : cet objectif utilitaire encadre les pratiques de design ethnography, apparues depuis les années 1980 dans le secteur des technologies de l’information et de la communication(Salvador 1999), puis dans le design industriel et de services(Norman 2013). Le terme et la pratique de design ethnography se sont imposés peu à peu en parallèle du use..

    DO PARTNERS CARE ABOUT THEIR MUTUAL LOCATION? Spatial awareness in virtual environments.

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    This paper reports on four experimental studies concerning regard to how people use space so as to solve problems collaboratively in virtual environments. Prior to presenting the results, it summarizes the wide range of literature concerning social uses of spatiality in human interactions. The experiments we conducted revealed that virtual space modifies and improves collaborative processes such as division of labor, grounding, communication, coordination, as well as the performance to the task. It concludes by proposing Computer Supported Collaborative Work practitioners? ideas about how to use these results in order to design more effective and more adapted environments

    The Symmetry of Partner Modelling

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    © 2016, International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc. Collaborative learning has often been associated with the construction of a shared understanding of the situation at hand. The psycholinguistics mechanisms at work while establishing common grounds are the object of scientific controversy. We postulate that collaborative tasks require some level of mutual modelling, i.e. that each partner needs some model of what the other partners know/want/intend at a given time. We use the term “some model” to stress the fact that this model is not necessarily detailed or complete, but that we acquire some representations of the persons we interact with. The question we address is: Does the quality of the partner model depend upon the modeler’s ability to represent his or her partner? Upon the modelee’s ability to make his state clear to the modeler? Or rather, upon the quality of their interactions? We address this question by comparing the respective accuracies of the models built by different team members. We report on 5 experiments on collaborative problem solving or collaborative learning that vary in terms of tasks (how important it is to build an accurate model) and settings (how difficult it is to build an accurate model). In 4 studies, the accuracy of the model that A built about B was correlated with the accuracy of the model that B built about A, which seems to imply that the quality of interactions matters more than individual abilities when building mutual models. However, these findings do not rule out the fact that individual abilities also contribute to the quality of modelling process