326 research outputs found

    Some remarks about flows of Hilbert-Schmidt operators

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    International audienceThis paper deals with bracket flows of Hilbert-Schmidt operators. We establish elementary convergence results for such flows and discuss some of their consequences

    Diagonalisation asymptotique d'opérateurs de Hilbert-Schmidt

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    Dans ce poster, nous présentons quelques propriétés asymptotiques de flots dans l'espace des opérateurs de Hilbert-Schmidt

    The Deep-Pocket Effect of Internal Capital Markets

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    We provide evidence suggesting that incumbents’ access to group deep pockets has a negative impact on entry in product markets. Relying on a unique French data set on business groups, our paper presents three major findings. First, the amount of cash holdings owned by incumbent-affiliated groups is negatively related to entry in a market. Second, the impact on entry of group deep pockets is more important in markets where access to external funding is likely to be more difficult. Third, the ‘entry deterring effeect’ of group deep pockets is more pronounced when groups have more active internal capital markets. Our findings suggest that internal capital markets operate within corporate groups and that they have a potential anti-competitive effect.Business Groups, Internal Capital Markets, Deep-Pockets, Market Entry

    High order asymptotic preserving scheme for linear kinetic equations with diffusive scaling

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    In this work, high order asymptotic preserving schemes are constructed and analysed for kinetic equations under a diffusive scaling. The framework enables to consider different cases: the diffusion equation, the advection-diffusion equation and the presence of inflow boundary conditions. Starting from the micro-macro reformulation of the original kinetic equation, high order time integrators are introduced. This class of numerical schemes enjoys the Asymptotic Preserving (AP) property for arbitrary initial data and degenerates when ϵ\epsilon goes to zero into a high order scheme which is implicit for the diffusion term, which makes it free from the usual diffusion stability condition. The space discretization is also discussed and high order methods are also proposed based on classical finite differences schemes. The Asymptotic Preserving property is analysed and numerical results are presented to illustrate the properties of the proposed schemes in different regimes

    The Deep-Pocket Effect of Internal Capital Markets

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    We provide evidence suggesting that incumbents' access to group deep pockets has a negative impact on entry in product markets. Relying on a unique French data set on business groups, our paper presents three major findings. First, the amount of cash holdings owned by incumbent-affiliated groups is negatively related to entry in a market. Second, the impact on entry of group deep pockets is more important in markets where access to external funding is likely to be more difficult. Third, the “entry deterring effect" of group deep pockets is more pronounced when groups have more active internal capital markets. Our findings suggest that internal capital markets operate within corporate groups and that they have a potential anti-competitive effect.Business Groups, Cash Holdings, Internal Capital Markets, Deep-Pockets, Market Entry

    L'effet du genre sur l'indécision vocationnelle et les parcours scolaire : l'intégration des garçons aux études collégiales

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    Au cours des dernières années, de nombreuses recherches et indicateurs ont illustré la situation précaire des garçons en milieu scolaire. Non exclusive au Québec, cette problématique est au coeur des préoccupations scientifiques et sociales, car elle touche un nombre considérable de jeunes hommes de la société québécoise. Dans la lignée des travaux portant sur l'influence du genre en milieu scolaire, ce mémoire s'intéresse à cette problématique sous un angle nouveau, en traitant celle-ci en fonction de l'indécision vocationnelle et du parcours scolaire de la population étudiante qui débute au collégial. Au cours de la session d'automne 2009, un questionnaire portant sur les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, le parcours scolaire et l'indécision vocationnelle a été administré dans 21 collèges du Québec à 969 étudiantes et étudiants inscrits à leur première session au collégial. L'objectif général de la présente étude est de mesurer l'influence que peuvent avoir certains événements perturbateurs du parcours scolaire, tels que le redoublement scolaire, l'interruption des études et la non obtention du diplôme d'études secondaires, et les caractéristiques sociodémographiques telles que le niveau de scolarité des parents et la perception des étudiants et étudiantes au sujet de l'importance que leurs parents accordent aux études postsecondaires, sur la précision des choix scolaires et professionnels en établissant des comparaisons selon le genre à l'arrivée au collégial. Les principaux résultats font état de l'indécision professionnelle plus marquée des garçons à l'arrivée au collégial et du développement vocationnel généralement plus tardif de ces derniers en comparaison à celui des filles. Les analyses ont également mis au jour les effets significatifs de la perception des étudiants quant à l'importance que leurs parents accordent à la poursuite de leurs études, sur la précision des choix vocationnels et sur les événements perturbateurs vécus au secondaire

    On the stability of totally upwind schemes for the hyperbolic initial boundary value problem

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    In this paper, we present a numerical strategy to check the strong stability (or GKS-stability) of one-step explicit totally upwind scheme in 1D with numerical boundary conditions. The underlying approximated continuous problem is a hyperbolic partial differential equation. Our approach is based on the Uniform Kreiss-Lopatinskii Condition, using linear algebra and complex analysis to count the number of zeros of the associated determinant. The study is illustrated with the Beam-Warming scheme together with the simplified inverse Lax-Wendroff procedure at the boundary

    The Deep-Pocket Effect of Internal Capital Markets

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    This paper provides evidence that incumbent and entrant firms' access to business group deep pockets affects entry patterns in product markets. Relying on a unique French data set on business groups, this paper shows that entry in manufacturing industries is negatively related to the cash hoarded by incumbent-affliated groups, and positively related to entrant groups' cash. In line with theoretical predictions, we find that the impact on entry of group cash holdings is more important in environments where financial constraints are pronounced and in more financially dependent sectors. The cash holdings of incumbent and entrant groups also affect the survival rate of entrants in the 3 to 5 year post-entry window. Overall, our findings suggest that internal capital markets operate within corporate groups and affect the product market behavior of affliated firms by mitigating financial constraints