9 research outputs found

    Competitiveness of agro-food and environmental economy

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    The main goal of the 'Competitiveness of agro-food and environmental economy’ (CAFEE`12), was to debate new ideas contained in scientifically research in the field of rural development, agro-food economy, agro-food system, ecological performance etc. carried out by academicians, scientists and professionals. The Conference was held in November, 8-10, 2012, to the Faculty of Agro-food and Environmental Economics, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. The conference proceedings volume includes all the draft papers accepted and published in the proceedings of The 1st International Conference 'Competitiveness of agro-food and Environmental economy’ (CAFEE`12), organized by Faculty of Agro-Food and Environmental Economics and Research Center of Regional Analysis and Policies from The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, in partnership with Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, National Research Institute, Poland, St James's Business School(UK), University of Verona – Italy, Institute of Agricultural Economics- Serbia, Faculty of Agriculture Zemun- Serbia, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romanian Academy, Institute of Research for Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences – Romania and Faculty of Economic Sciences, Petroleum and Gas University of Ploiesti Romania

    Competitiveness of agro-food and environmental economy

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    The main goal of the 'Competitiveness of agro-food and environmental economy’ (CAFEE`12), was to debate new ideas contained in scientifically research in the field of rural development, agro-food economy, agro-food system, ecological performance etc. carried out by academicians, scientists and professionals. The Conference was held in November, 8-10, 2012, to the Faculty of Agro-food and Environmental Economics, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. The conference proceedings volume includes all the draft papers accepted and published in the proceedings of The 1st International Conference 'Competitiveness of agro-food and Environmental economy’ (CAFEE`12), organized by Faculty of Agro-Food and Environmental Economics and Research Center of Regional Analysis and Policies from The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, in partnership with Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, National Research Institute, Poland, St James's Business School(UK), University of Verona – Italy, Institute of Agricultural Economics- Serbia, Faculty of Agriculture Zemun- Serbia, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romanian Academy, Institute of Research for Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences – Romania and Faculty of Economic Sciences, Petroleum and Gas University of Ploiesti Romania

    Improvement for the quality of the agro-food products – condition for the Romanian agriculture integration in the European Union

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    Romanian agro-food products’ competitivity depends, as a priority, on their quality. There are some factors that conduct to a decrease in productivity for agricultural production in Romania and in its quality, the main are: financial difficulties in input supply, small dimension of the farms and lack of the technologies, management and marketing for the main part of the farms. In order to improve agro-food products’ quality, it is necessary to harmonize Romanian quality standards to those of the European Union and to support the quality of the traded agro-food products. One of the agro-food branches of the economy which may become competitive on the European Union market is wine, with the condition of quality improving. In this paper we present some measures for wine quality improving. We intend to present some ways of improving the wine quality.Wine; Quality; Agro-food products; Competitiveness.

    Proceedings "Competitiveness of agro-food and environmental economy",2013

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    The main goal of the conference Competitiveness of agro-food and environmental economy’ (CAFEE`13), was to debate new ideas provided by research along with experiences brought by institutional and business representatives in the field of rural development, agro-food economy, agro-food system, environmental policy and management. The Conference was held in November, 7-8, 2013, to the Faculty of Agro-food and Environmental Economics, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. The conference proceedings volume includes all the draft papers accepted and published in the proceedings of The 1st International Conference 'Competitiveness of agro-food and Environmental economy’ (CAFEE`13), organized by Faculty of Agro-Food and Environmental Economics and Research Center of Regional Analysis and Policies from The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, in partnership with Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, National Research Institute, Poland, St James's Business School(UK), University of Verona – Italy, Institute of Agricultural Economics- Serbia, Faculty of Agriculture Zemun- Serbia, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romanian Academy, Institute of Research for Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences – Romania and Faculty of Economic Sciences, Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti Romania

    Skeletal Muscle Stem Cell Niche from Birth to Old Age

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    Stem cells are defined as undifferentiated cells that are able to unlimitedly renew themselves within controlled conditions and to differentiate into a multitude of mature cell types. Skeletal muscle stem cells, represented predominantly by satellite cells, show a variable capability of self-renewal and myogenic differentiation. They were found to be involved not only in the growth of myofibers during neonatal and juvenile life but also in the regeneration of skeletal muscles after an injury. The microenvironment in which stem cells are nourished and maintained dormant preceding division and differentiation is known as “niche.” The niche consists of myofibers, which are believed to modulate the active/inactive state of the stem cells, extracellular matrix, neural networks, blood vessels, and a multitude of soluble molecules. It was observed that changes in the composition of the niche have an impact on the stem cell functions and hierarchy. Furthermore, it seems that its layout is variable throughout the entire life, translating into a decrease in the regenerative capacity of satellite cells in aged tissues. The scope of this chapter is to provide a detailed view of the changes that occur in the skeletal stem cell niche during life and to analyze their implications on tissue regeneration. Future studies should focus on developing new therapeutic tools for diseases involving muscle atrophy

    Landslide distribution and land use within the Calarasi key sector

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    The study represents a detailed analysis of the propagation of landslides on a key sector in the District of Călăraşi - an area strongly affected by slope processes. The analysis was based on topographic maps at scale 1: 25000 (year 1970) orthophotos (year 2007) with a resolution of 40 cm on the field research. With the use of GIS was evaluated the influence of lithology, geomorphological conditions and the use of terrain on the temporal dynamics and spatial distribution of landslides. Using these techniques were determined the number of landslides (104) and their main characteristics (size, type, impact oncommunities, etc.).</p

    The servicies in the rural economy based on innovation and knowledge in Romania

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    Nowadays, economical reality in developed countries shows that the most important and efficient investments are those related to intelligence, stimulating creativity and knowledge. Investments orientation to these three directions guided to the creation of what literature of specialty calls „new economy“ or „economy based on knowledge“ and, as a result, to the society based on innovations, information and knowledge. The new economy is based on the favorite domains such as: technologies based on microelectronic and informatics, biological technologies, genetics technologies, green revolution, nuclear techniques, space navigation, bio-energy etc. Accordingly to the guidelines established through the Lisbon Strategy, at European Union politics level, science and technology are considered as being key instruments for the European future. The essential role of the scientific research and technological development in raising the European economy competitiveness was emphased through the European Commission Communication „More Research and Innovation - Investing for Growth and Employment“ of October 2005. For Romania, the necessity of raising the economy competitiveness, in particular of the agro-food and rural economy, impose as an essential requests the decrease of the technological gaps that makes it different of the others European Union Member States, as well as realizing an economic environment capable of assimilating and developing high technology fields and to adapt to the dynamic changes imposed by the globalization and by the technology based on knowledge. In realizing the above mentioned objectives, an important role is played by the agro-food and rural economy services, without which can not be valorized the results of the investments made in agriculture, food industry and rural development.Rural development, Rural area, Services, Innovation, Economy based on knowledge, Rural economy, Competitiviness, Competition.

    Contributions to spatial landslide assessments in the Bâc tableland

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     The article is dedicated to studying landslide distribution patterns and to assessing landslide development using large-scale remote sensing data and GIS technologies. There were obtained digital models of elevation and landforms within key sectors. There were shown up dependency of the process development on morphometric characteristics of the slopes. Also, there were indentified different dependency rates for the conditions within different key sectors.   </p

    Are There Any Land Use Dynamics in the Upper Bistrița Basin, Eastern Carpathians, Romania, in the Period 1990–2021?

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    This paper aims to assess land use and land use change (LULC). For this purpose, supervised mapping on satellite imagery, using the European Space Agency (ESA) SNAP programme from LANDSAT databases, publicly accessible through the European Copernicus portal, was used. At the same time, an analysis of the degree of landscape fragmentation in the study area was carried out, which revealed that, because of the particular fragmentation of small polygons, the best results were obtained via analysis/supervised mapping on satellite images. This method, once validated in the field, reflects the most accurate land use pattern in the analysed area, with wide applications in studies of agriculture, biodiversity, geography, etc. Between 2000 and 2010, significant changes were registered. Artificial surfaces decreased by approximately 400 ha, showing a negative trend in the last period of the interval. Coniferous forests reached their maximum threshold in 2000 (with 114,400 ha) in conjunction with the “Grassland” class, which exceeded 16,700 ha. In 2010, a drastic decrease in “Grassland” was recorded, reaching half of the values of 1990 and 2000, now having only 15,684 ha. Land cover changes were significant when comparing the period before 1989 with 2021. This fact was due to socio-economic changes in society, in large part caused by changes in professions and the way of life of the population