133 research outputs found

    Robotic path planning for non-destructive testing - a custom MATLAB toolbox approach

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    The requirement to increase inspection speeds for non-destructive testing (NDT) of composite aerospace parts is common to many manufacturers. The prevalence of complex curved surfaces in the industry provides motivation for the use of 6 axis robots in these inspections. The purpose of this paper is to present work undertaken for the development of a KUKA robot manipulator based automated NDT system. A new software solution is presented that enables flexible trajectory planning to be accomplished for the inspection of complex curved surfaces often encountered in engineering production. The techniques and issues associated with conventional manual inspection techniques and automated systems for the inspection of large complex surfaces were reviewed. This approach has directly influenced the development of a MATLAB toolbox targeted to NDT automation, capable of complex path planning, obstacle avoidance, and external synchronization between robots and associated external NDT systems. This paper highlights the advantages of this software over conventional off-line-programming approaches when applied to NDT measurements. An experimental validation of path trajectory generation, on a large and curved composite aerofoil component, is presented. Comparative metrology experiments were undertaken to evaluate the real path accuracy of the toolbox when inspecting a curved 0.5 m2 and a 1.6 m2 surface using a KUKA KR16 L6-2 robot. The results have shown that the deviation of the distance between the commanded TCPs and the feedback positions were within 2.7 mm. The variance of the standoff between the probe and the scanned surfaces was smaller than the variance obtainable via commercial path-planning software. Tool paths were generated directly on the triangular mesh imported from the CAD models of the inspected components without need for an approximating analytical surface. By implementing full external control of the robotic hardware, it has been possible to synchronise the NDT data collection with positions at all points along the path, and our approach allows for the future development of additional functionality that is specific to NDT inspection problems. For the current NDT application, the deviations from CAD design and the requirements for both coarse and fine inspections, dependent on measured NDT data, demand flexibility in path planning beyond what is currently available from existing off-line robot programming software

    Introducing a novel mesh following technique for approximation-free robotic tool path trajectories

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    Modern tools for designing and manufacturing of large components with complex geometries allow more flexible production with reduced cycle times. This is achieved through a combination of traditional subtractive approaches and new additive manufacturing processes. The problem of generating optimum tool-paths to perform specific actions (e.g. part manufacturing or inspection) on curved surface samples, through numerical control machinery or robotic manipulators, will be increasingly encountered. Part variability often precludes using original design CAD data directly for toolpath generation (especially for composite materials), instead surface mapping software is often used to generate tessellated models. However, such models differ from precise analytical models and are often not suitable to be used in current commercially available path-planning software, since they require formats where the geometrical entities are mathematically represented thus introducing approximation errors which propagate into the generated toolpath. This work adopts a fundamentally different approach to such surface mapping and presents a novel Mesh Following Technique (MFT) for the generation of tool-paths directly from tessellated models. The technique does not introduce any approximation and allows smoother and more accurate surface following tool-paths to be generated. The background mathematics to the new MFT algorithm are introduced and the algorithm is validated by testing through an application example. Comparative metrology experiments were undertaken to assess the tracking performance of the MFT algorithms, compared to tool-paths generated through commercial software. It is shown that the MFT tool-paths produced 40% smaller errors and up to 66% lower dispersion around the mean values

    Robotic path planning for non-destructive testing of complex shaped surfaces

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    The requirement to increase inspection speeds for non-destructive testing (NDT) of composite aerospace parts is common to many manufacturers. The prevalence of complex curved surfaces in the industry provides significant motivation for the use of 6 axis robots for deployment of NDT probes in these inspections. A new system for robot deployed ultrasonic inspection of composite aerospace components is presented. The key novelty of the approach is through the accommodation of flexible robotic trajectory planning, coordinated with the NDT data acquisition. Using a flexible approach in MATLAB, the authors have developed a high level custom toolbox that utilizes external control of an industrial 6 axis manipulator to achieve complex path planning and provide synchronization of the employed ultrasonic phase array inspection system. The developed software maintains a high level approach to the robot programming, in order to ease the programming complexity for an NDT inspection operator. Crucially the approach provides a pathway for a conditional programming approach and the capability for multiple robot control (a significant limitation in many current off-line programming applications). Ultrasonic and experimental data has been collected for the validation of the inspection technique. The path trajectory generation for a large, curved carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) aerofoil component has been proven and is presented. The path error relative to a raster-scan tool-path, suitable for ultrasonic phased array inspection, has been measured to be within ± 2mm over the 1.6 m2 area of the component surface

    Adapting robot paths for automated NDT of complex structures using ultrasonic alignment

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    Automated inspection systems using industrial robots have been available for several years. The IntACom robot inspection system was developed at TWI Wales and utilizes phased array ultrasonic probes to inspect complex geometries, in particular aerospace composite components. To increase inspection speed and accuracy, off-line path planning is employed to define a series of robotic movements following the surface of a component. To minimize influences of refraction at the component interface and effects of anisotropy, the ultrasonic probe must be kept perpendicular to the surface throughout the inspection. Deviations between the actual component and computer model used for path-planning result in suboptimal alignment and a subsequent reduction in the quality of the ultrasonic echo signal. In this work we demonstrate methods for using the ultrasonic echo signals to adapt a robotic path to achieve a minimal variation in the reflected surface echo. The component surface is imaged using phased array probes to calculate a sparse 3D point cloud with estimated normal directions. This is done through a preliminary alignment path covering approximately 25% of the total surface to minimize the impact on overall inspection time. The data is then compared to the expected geometry and deviations are minimized using least-squares optimization. Compared to manual alignment techniques, this method shows a reduction in surface amplitude variation of up to 32%, indicating that the robot is following the surface of the component more accurately

    A machine learning approach to identify important variables for distinguishing between fallers and non-fallers in older women

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    Falls are a significant ongoing public health concern for older adults. At present, few studies have concurrently explored the influence of multiple measures when seeking to determine which variables are most predictive of fall risks. As such, this cross-sectional study aimed to identify those functional variables (i.e. balance, gait and clinical measures) and physical characteristics (i.e. strength and body composition) that could best distinguish between older female fallers and non-fallers, using a machine learning approach. Overall, 60 community-dwelling older women (≥65 years), retrospectively classified as fallers (n = 21) or non-fallers (n = 39), attended three data collection sessions. Data (281 variables) collected from tests in five separate domains (balance, gait, clinical measures, strength and body composition) were analysed using random forest (RF) and leave-one-variable-out partial least squares correlation analysis (LOVO PLSCA) to assess variable importance. The strongest discriminators from each domain were then aggregated into a multi-domain dataset, and RF, LOVO PLSCA, and logistic regression models were constructed to identify the important variables in distinguishing between fallers and non-fallers. These models were used to classify participants as either fallers or non-fallers, with their performance evaluated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. The study found that it is possible to classify fallers and non-fallers with a high degree of accuracy (e.g. logistic regression: sensitivity = 90%; specificity = 87%; AUC = 0.92; leave-one-out cross-validation accuracy = 63%) using a combination of 18 variables from four domains, with the gait and strength domains being particularly informative for screening programmes aimed at assessing falls risk

    The Olympia anatomic polished cemented stem is associated with a high survivorship, excellent hip-specific functional outcome, and high satisfaction levels:follow-up of 239 consecutive patients beyond 15 years

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    Introduction: The Olympia femoral stem is a stainless steel, anatomically shaped, polished and three-dimensionally tapered implant designed for use in cemented total hip arthroplasty (THA). The primary aim of this study was to determine the long-term survivorship, radiographic outcome, and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) of the Olympia stem. Patients and methods: Between May 2003 and December 2005, 239 patients (264 THAs) underwent a THA with an Olympia stem in our institution. Patient-reported outcome measures were assessed using the Oxford Hip Score (OHS), EuroQol-5 dimensions (EQ-5D) score, and patient satisfaction at mean 10 years following THA. Patient records and radiographs were then reviewed at a mean of 16.5 years (SD 0.7, 15.3–17.8) following THA to identify occurrence of complications or revision surgery for any cause following surgery. Radiographs were assessed for lucent lines and lysis according to Gruen’s zones Results: Mean patient age at surgery was 68.0 years (SD 10.9, 31–93 years). There were 156 women (65%, 176 THAs). Osteoarthritis was the indication for THA in 204 patients (85%). All cause stem survivorship at 10 years was 99.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 97.9%–100%) and at 15 years was 97.5% (94.6%–100%). The 15-year stem survival for aseptic loosening was 100%. Analysis of all-cause THA failure demonstrated a survivorship of 98.5% (96.3%–100%) at 10 years and 95.9% (92.4%–99.4%) at 15 years. There were 9 THAs with non-progressive lucent lines in a single Gruen zone and 3 had lines in two zones, and no patient demonstrated signs for lysis. At a mean of 10-year (SD 0.8, 8.7–11.3) follow-up, mean OHS was 39 (SD 10.3, range 7–48) and 94% of patients reported being very satisfied or satisfied with their THA. Conclusions: The Olympia stem demonstrated excellent 10-year PROMs and very high rates of stem survivorship at final follow-up beyond 15 years

    Differences in run-up, take-off, and flight characteristics: successful vs. unsuccessful high jump attempts at the IAAF world championships

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    Studies previously conducted on high jump have yielded important information regarding successful performance. However, analyses in competitive scenarios have often disregarded athletes’ unsuccessful attempts. This study aimed to investigate the biomechanical differences between successful and unsuccessful jumps during competition. High-speed video footage (200 Hz) was obtained from 11 athletes during the 2018 Men's World Athletics Indoor Championship Final. From each athlete, one successful (SU) and one unsuccessful (UN) jump at the same bar height were included in the analysis, leaving seven athletes in total. Following whole-body 3D manual digitization, several temporal and kinematic variables were calculated for the run-up, take-off, and flight phases of each jump. During SU jumps, athletes raised the center of mass to a greater extent (p < 0.01) from take-off. Touchdown in SU jumps was characterized by a faster anteroposterior velocity (p < 0.05), lower backward lean (p < 0.05), and changes in joint angles for the stance and trail limbs (p < 0.05). Athletes also shortened the final contact time during SU jumps (p < 0.01) after producing a longer flight time in the final step of the run-up (p < 0.05). Elite-level high jumpers undertake a series of adjustments to successfully clear the bar after UN jumps. These adjustments reinforce the importance of the run-up in setting the foundations for take-off and bar clearance. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate the need for coaches to be mindful of the adjustments required in stance and trail limbs when looking to optimize feedback to athletes during training and competition


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in postural control and knee joint position sense (KJPS) during a trek to high altitude. Postural control during standing balance and KJPS were measured in 12 participants at sea-level, 3619m, 4600m and 5140m. Total (p = 0.003, d=1.9) and anterior-posterior sway velocity (p= 0.001, d=1.9) during standing balance with eyes open velocity was significantly greater at altitudes of 3619m and 5140m when compared with sea level. Despite a gradual ascent profile, exposure to 3619 m was associated with impairments in postural control. Importantly, these impairments did not worsen at higher altitudes. The present findings should be considered during future trekking expeditions when considering specific strategies to manage impairments in postural control that occur with increasing altitude

    Deployment of ultrasonic through-transmission inspection using twin cooperative industrial robots

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    The uptake of composite materials in the aerospace sector has led to a number of automated inspections systems based on industrial robots to be developed, including the IntACom project at TWI Technology Centre Wales. These new materials present challenges not only due to their intrinsic material properties but also due to the higher complexity of their surface geometries. Robotic inspections are designed using Off-Line Programing (OLP) software to describe a path on a computer-aided design (CAD) model of the object to be inspected using the pulse-echo ultrasonic method. By synchronising the movements of two robots, a second robot can be used to follow the path of the first, allowing for ultrasonic through-transmission inspections. Investigations carried out at TWI Technology Centre Wales have identified key challenges encountered in alignment and synchronisation when carrying out through-transmission inspections of various components. Reasons behind these challenges include inherent latency in the communication between the two robots and tool misalignment. Another challenge typically encountered arises from the relative pose between probes remaining fixed which makes it difficult to inspect geometries with varying thicknesses. The current paper discusses the above mentioned challenges and presents on-going work at TWI to tackle these issues. The effects of misalignment on the received ultrasonic signal are discussed and experimentally verified. The robot velocity and acceleration profiles are also taken into account for geometries with high curvature and their effects on through-transmission inspections are discussed. Finally an inspection of a component with varying thickness is presented and the results are compared for different robot cooperation methods
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