609 research outputs found

    Environmental Dependence of the Fundamental Plane of Galaxy Clusters

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    Galaxy clusters approximate a planar (FP) distribution in a three-dimensional parameter space which can be characterized by optical luminosity, half-light radius, and X-ray luminosity. Using a high-quality catalog of cluster redshifts, we find the nearest neighbor cluster for those common to an FP study and the cluster catalog. Examining scatter about the FP, we find 99.2% confidence that it is dependent on nearest neighbor distance. Our study of X-Ray clusters finds that those with high central gas densities are systematically closer to neighbor clusters. If we combine results here with those of Fritsch and Buchert, we find an explanation for some of our previous conclusions: Clusters in close proximity to other clusters are more likely to have massive cooling flows because they are more relaxed and have higher central gas densities.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters. Moderate revisions, including more statistical analysis and discussion. Latex, 7 page

    GMOS Integral Field Spectroscopy of a Merging System with Enhanced Balmer Absorption

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    In this paper we present the three dimensional dynamics of the galaxy SDSS J101345.39+011613.66, selected for its unusually strong Balmer absorption lines (Wo(H-delta)=7.5A). Using the GMOS-South IFU in Nod & Shuffle mode we have mapped the continuum and optical absorption lines of this z=0.1055 field galaxy. This galaxy has a disturbed morphology, with a halo of diffuse material distributed asymmetrically toward the north. Using the [OII] emission line (Wo([OII])=4.1A) we find that the gas and hot OB stars are offset from the older stars in the system. The gas also has a spatially extended and elongated morphology with a velocity gradient of 100+/-20km/s across 6kpc in projection. Using the strong H-gamma and H-delta absorption lines we find that the A- stars are widely distributed across the system and are not centrally concentrated arguing that the A-star population has formed in molecular clouds outside the nucleus. By cross correlating the spectra from the datacube with an A-star template we find evidence that the A-star population has a 40km/s shear in the same direction as the gas. The disturbed morphology, strong colour gradients and strong H-delta and H-gamma absorption lines in SDSS J101345.39 argue that this is a recent tidal interaction/merger between a passive elliptical and star-forming galaxy. Although based on a single object, these results show that we can spatially resolve and constrain the dynamics of this short lived (yet important) phase of galaxy formation in which the evolutionary process take galaxies from star-forming to their quiescent end products.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Projection, Spatial Correlations, and Anisotropies in a Large and Complete Sample of Abell Clusters

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    An analysis of R >= 1 Abell clusters is presented for samples containing recent redshifts from the MX Northern Abell Cluster Survey. The newly obtained redshifts from the MX Survey as well as those from the ESO Nearby Abell Cluster Survey (ENACS) provide the necessary data for the largest magnitude-limited correlation analysis of rich clusters in the entire sky (excluding the galactic plane) to date. We find 19.4 <= r_0 <= 23.3 h^-1Mpc, -1.92 <= gamma <= -1.83 for four different subsets of Abell/ACO clusters, including a large sample (N=104) of cD clusters. We have used this dataset to look for line-of-sight anisotropies within the Abell/ACO catalogs. We show that the strong anisotropies present in previously studied Abell cluster datasets are not present in our R >= 1 samples. There are, however, indications of residual anisotropies which we show are the result of two elongated superclusters, Ursa Majoris and Corona Borealis, whose axes lie near the line-of-sight. After rotating these superclusters so that their semi-major axes are prependicular to the line-of-sight, we find no anisotropies as indicated by the correlation function. The amplitude and slope of the two-point correlation function remain the same before and after these rotations. We also remove a subset of R = 1 Abell/ACO clusters that show sizable foreground/background galaxy contamination and again find no change in the amplitude or slope of the correlation function. We conclude that the correlation length of R >= 1 Abell clusters is not artificially enhanced by line-of-sight anisotropies.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures, AASTeX Accepted for publication in Ap

    Galaxy Star Formation as a Function of Environment in the Early Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present in this paper a detailed analysis of the effect of environment on the star formation activity of galaxies within the Early Data Release (EDR) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We have used the Halpha emission line to derive the star formation rate (SFR) for each galaxy within a volume-limited sample of 8598 galaxies with 0.05 less than or equal to z less than or equal to 0.095 and M (r*) less than or equal to 20.45. We find that the SFR of galaxies is strongly correlated with the local ( projected) galaxy density, and thus we present here a density-SFR relation that is analogous to the density-morphology relation. The effect of density on the SFR of galaxies is seen in three ways. First, the overall distribution of SFRs is shifted to lower values in dense environments compared with the field population. Second, the effect is most noticeable for the strongly star-forming galaxies (Halpha EW &gt; 5 Angstrom) in the 75th percentile of the SFR distribution. Third, there is a break ( or characteristic density) in the density-SFR relation at a local galaxy density of similar to1 h(75)(-2) Mpc(-2). To understand this break further, we have studied the SFR of galaxies as a function of clustercentric radius from 17 clusters and groups objectively selected from the SDSS EDR data. The distribution of SFRs of cluster galaxies begins to change, compared with the field population, at a clustercentric radius of 3-4 virial radii (at the &gt;1sigma statistical significance), which is consistent with the characteristic break in density that we observe in the density-SFR relation. This effect with clustercentric radius is again most noticeable for the most strongly star-forming galaxies. Our tests suggest that the density-morphology relation alone is unlikely to explain the density-SFR relation we observe. For example, we have used the ( inverse) concentration index of SDSS galaxies to classify late-type galaxies and show that the distribution of the star-forming (EW Halpha &gt; 5Angstrom) late-type galaxies is different in dense regions ( within 2 virial radii) compared with similar galaxies in the field. However, at present, we are unable to make definitive statements about the independence of the density-morphology and density-SFR relation. We have tested our work against potential systematic uncertainties including stellar absorption, reddening, SDSS survey strategy, SDSS analysis pipelines, and aperture bias. Our observations are in qualitative agreement with recent simulations of hierarchical galaxy formation that predict a decrease in the SFR of galaxies within the virial radius. Our results are in agreement with recent 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey results as well as consistent with previous observations of a decrease in the SFR of galaxies in the cores of distant clusters. Taken together, these works demonstrate that the decrease in SFR of galaxies in dense environments is a universal phenomenon over a wide range in density (from 0.08 to 10 h(75)(-2) Mpc(-2)) and redshift (out to z similar or equal to 0.5)

    Probing the accelerating Universe with radio weak lensing in the JVLA Sky Survey

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    We outline the prospects for performing pioneering radio weak gravitational lensing analyses using observations from a potential forthcoming JVLA Sky Survey program. A large-scale survey with the JVLA can offer interesting and unique opportunities for performing weak lensing studies in the radio band, a field which has until now been the preserve of optical telescopes. In particular, the JVLA has the capacity for large, deep radio surveys with relatively high angular resolution, which are the key characteristics required for a successful weak lensing study. We highlight the potential advantages and unique aspects of performing weak lensing in the radio band. In particular, the inclusion of continuum polarisation information can greatly reduce noise in weak lensing reconstructions and can also remove the effects of intrinsic galaxy alignments, the key astrophysical systematic effect that limits weak lensing at all wavelengths. We identify a VLASS "deep fields" program (total area ~10-20 square degs), to be conducted at L-band and with high-resolution (A-array configuration), as the optimal survey strategy from the point of view of weak lensing science. Such a survey will build on the unique strengths of the JVLA and will remain unsurpassed in terms of its combination of resolution and sensitivity until the advent of the Square Kilometre Array. We identify the best fields on the JVLA-accessible sky from the point of view of overlapping with existing deep optical and near infra-red data which will provide crucial redshift information and facilitate a host of additional compelling multi-wavelength science.Comment: Submitted in response to NRAO's recent call for community white papers on the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS

    An improved measurement of muon antineutrino disappearance in MINOS

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    We report an improved measurement of muon anti-neutrino disappearance over a distance of 735km using the MINOS detectors and the Fermilab Main Injector neutrino beam in a muon anti-neutrino enhanced configuration. From a total exposure of 2.95e20 protons on target, of which 42% have not been previously analyzed, we make the most precise measurement of the anti-neutrino "atmospheric" delta-m squared = 2.62 +0.31/-0.28 (stat.) +/- 0.09 (syst.) and constrain the anti-neutrino atmospheric mixing angle >0.75 (90%CL). These values are in agreement with those measured for muon neutrinos, removing the tension reported previously.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. In submission to Phys.Rev.Let
