66 research outputs found

    Water, rather than temperature, dominantly impacts how soil fauna affect dissolved carbon and nitrogen release from fresh litter during early litter decomposition

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    Longstanding observations suggest that dissolved materials are lost from fresh litter through leaching, but the role of soil fauna in controlling this process has been poorly documented. In this study, a litterbag experiment employing litterbags with different mesh sizes (3 mm to permit soil fauna access and 0.04 mm to exclude fauna access) was conducted in three habitats (arid valley, ecotone and subalpine forest) with changes in climate and vegetation types to evaluate the effects of soil fauna on the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) during the first year of decomposition. The results showed that the individual density and community abundance of soil fauna greatly varied among these habitats, but Prostigmata, Isotomidae and Oribatida were the dominant soil invertebrates. At the end of the experiment, the mass remaining of foliar litter ranged from 58% for shrub litter to 77% for birch litter, and the DOC and TDN concentrations decreased to 54%-85% and increased to 34%-269%, respectively, when soil fauna were not present. The effects of soil fauna on the concentrations of both DOC and TDN in foliar litter were greater in the subalpine forest (wetter but colder) during the winter and in the arid valley (warmer but drier) during the growing season, and this effect was positively correlated with water content. Moreover, the effects of fauna on DOC and TDN concentrations were greater for high-quality litter and were related to the C/N ratio. These results suggest that water, rather than temperature, dominates how fauna affect the release of dissolved substances from fresh litter

    Formation of forest gaps accelerates C, N and P release from foliar litter during 4 years of decomposition in an alpine forest

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    Relative to areas under canopy, the soils in forest gaps receive more irradiance and rainfall (snowfall); this change in microclimate induced by forest gaps may influence the release of carbon (C) and nutrients during litter decomposition. However, great uncertainty remains about the effects of forest gaps on litter decomposition. In this study, we incubated foliar litters from six tree and shrub species in forest gaps and canopy plots and measured the release of C, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in different snow cover periods in an alpine forest from 2012 to 2016. We found that N was retained by 24-46% but that P was immediately released during an early stage of decomposition. However, forest gaps decreased litter N retention, resulting in more N and P being released from decomposing litters for certain species (i.e., larch, birch and willow litters). Moreover, the release of C and nutrients during litter decomposition stimulated by forest gaps was primarily driven by warmer soil temperature in this high-altitude forest. We conclude that gap formation during forest regeneration may accelerate C turnover and nutrient cycling and that this stimulation might be regulated by the litter species in this seasonally snow-covered forest.Peer reviewe

    Partitioning of root, litter and microbial respiration by plant input manipulation in forests

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    Soil respiration ( R _s ) is the largest carbon (C) flux from terrestrial ecosystems to the atmosphere and is of great significance to the global C budget. An increasing number of studies have assessed R _s through in situ observations and model estimates over the last decades, but the sources and pathways of soil carbon dioxide (CO _2 ) are not fully understood, and great uncertainty remains in R _s partitioning of soil CO _2 sources. Here, we compiled 236 paired observations that measured soil CO _2 fluxes after concurrently removal of living roots (and rhizosphere), litter, and both roots and litter in plant input manipulation experiments conducted at 14 forest sites to partition root + rhizosphere ( R _r ), litter ( R _l ) and soil organic matter-derived microbial respiration ( R _m ) in total soil CO _2 flux. We found that R _r , R _l and R _m accounted for 20.1%, 21.8% and 62.7% of the total R _s , respectively. Mean annual precipitation (MAP) was the most important factor driving R _r / R _s , R _l / R _s and R _m / R _s , and MAP was positively correlated with R _r / R _s and R _l / R _s but negatively correlated with R _m / R _s , suggesting a significant climatic control over the proportions of R _s components. Across all sites, the proportions of R _r / R _s and R _l / R _s increased but R _m / R _s decreased with the increase in soil CO _2 flux, suggesting that the proportions of root- and litter-derived soil CO _2 are generally higher in the tropics than in cold temperate and boreal forests. More accurate partitioning of R _r , R _l and R _m to elucidate different sources and pathways of soil CO _2 flux will provide important insights for the global R _s assessment and terrestrial C budget

    Alpine Litter Humification and Its Response to Reduced Snow Cover: Can More Carbon Be Sequestered in Soils?

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    While carbon loss from plant litter is well understood, the mechanisms by which this carbon is sequestered in the decomposing litter substrate remains unclear. Here we assessed humus accumulations in five foliar litters during four years of decomposition and their responses to reduced snow cover in an alpine forest. In contrast to the traditional understanding (i.e., the three-stage model), we found that fresh litter had a high humus content (8–13% across species), which consistently increased during litter decomposition and such an increase primarily depended on the accumulation of humic acid. Further, reduced snow cover decreased humus accumulation at early stages but increased it at late stages. These results suggested that humification simultaneously occurred with decomposition during early litter decay, but this process was more sensitive to the changing climate in seasonally snow-covered ecosystems, as previously expected

    Acid Hydrolysable Components Released from Four Decomposing Litter in an Alpine Forest in Sichuan, China

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    Acid hydrolysable components have been thought to release from plant litter at early periods of decomposition and to be sensitive to hydrological change. Variations in snow depth and timing may alter the release of acid hydrolysable components from decomposing litter in seasonally snow-covered ecosystems. Here, we measured the release of acid hydrolyzable components from four foliar litters (fir, cypress, larch and birch) in deep and shallow snow plots during winter (snow formation, snow coverage and snowmelt stages) and growing seasons in an alpine forest from 2012 to 2016. We found that the content of acid hydrolysable components was 16–21% in fresh litter across species, and only 4–5% of these components remained in the litter after four years of decomposition when 53–66% of litter mass was lost. The content of acid hydrolysable components greatly decreased within 41 days and during the growing seasons of the fourth year of decomposition, suggesting that acid hydrolysable components in plant litter are not only released at early periods but also at a very late period during litter decay. However, the content of acid hydrolysable components increased significantly at snowmelt stages. Reduced snow cover increased the content and remaining level of acid hydrolysable components during the four years of decomposition by altering leaching, microbial biomass and stoichiometry. We propose that more effective partitioning of chemical fractions should be incorporated to distinguish the carbon and nutrient release during litter decomposition within a complex context of the changing environment

    Alpine Litter Humification and Its Response to Reduced Snow Cover: Can More Carbon Be Sequestered in Soils?

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    While carbon loss from plant litter is well understood, the mechanisms by which this carbon is sequestered in the decomposing litter substrate remains unclear. Here we assessed humus accumulations in five foliar litters during four years of decomposition and their responses to reduced snow cover in an alpine forest. In contrast to the traditional understanding (i.e., the three-stage model), we found that fresh litter had a high humus content (8–13% across species), which consistently increased during litter decomposition and such an increase primarily depended on the accumulation of humic acid. Further, reduced snow cover decreased humus accumulation at early stages but increased it at late stages. These results suggested that humification simultaneously occurred with decomposition during early litter decay, but this process was more sensitive to the changing climate in seasonally snow-covered ecosystems, as previously expected

    Changes in soil faunal density and microbial community under altered litter input in forests and grasslands

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    Root and foliar litter inputs are the primary sources of carbon and nutrients for soil fauna and microorganisms, yet we still lack a quantitative assessment to evaluate the effects of root and foliar litter on various groups of soil organisms across terrestrial ecosystems. Here, we compiled 978 paired observations from 68 experimental sites to assess the directions and magnitudes of adding and removing foliar and root litter on the soil faunal density and microbial biomass that was evaluated by phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) across forests and grasslands worldwide. We found that litter addition had only a marginal effect on soil faunal density but significantly increased the soil total microbial-, fungal- and bacterial-PLFAs by 13%, 14%, and 10%, respectively, across ecosystems, suggesting that the soil microbial community is more sensitive to carbon source addition than soil fauna, particularly in soils with low carbon to nitrogen ratios. In contrast, removing litter significantly decreased the soil faunal density by 17% but had few effects on soil microorganisms. Compared with foliar litter, root litter input had a more positive effect on the development of soil fungal taxa. The effect of both litter addition and removal on soil faunal density and microbial biomass did not differ between humid and arid regions, but a greater influence was observed in grasslands than in forests for soil microbial community. Our results highlight that the increasing litter production under a global greening scenario would stimulate microbial activity in grasslands more than in forests, and this stimulation would be greater for soil microbes than soil fauna
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