1,890 research outputs found

    Learning Loosely Connected Markov Random Fields

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    We consider the structure learning problem for graphical models that we call loosely connected Markov random fields, in which the number of short paths between any pair of nodes is small, and present a new conditional independence test based algorithm for learning the underlying graph structure. The novel maximization step in our algorithm ensures that the true edges are detected correctly even when there are short cycles in the graph. The number of samples required by our algorithm is C*log p, where p is the size of the graph and the constant C depends on the parameters of the model. We show that several previously studied models are examples of loosely connected Markov random fields, and our algorithm achieves the same or lower computational complexity than the previously designed algorithms for individual cases. We also get new results for more general graphical models, in particular, our algorithm learns general Ising models on the Erdos-Renyi random graph G(p, c/p) correctly with running time O(np^5).Comment: 45 pages, minor revisio

    Deformation and breakup of bubbles and drops in turbulence

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    Fragmentation of bubbles and droplets in turbulence produces a dispersed phase spanning a broad range of scales, encompassing everything from droplets in nanoemulsions to centimeter-sized bubbles entrained in breaking waves. Along with deformation, fragmentation plays a crucial role in enhancing interfacial area, with far-reaching implications across various industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, and ocean engineering. However, understanding and modeling these processes is challenging due to the complexity of anisotropic and inhomogeneous turbulence typically involved, the unknown residence time in regions with different turbulence intensities, and difficulties arising from the density and viscosity ratios. Despite these challenges, recent advances have provided new insights into the underlying physics of deformation and fragmentation in turbulence. This review summarizes existing works in various fields, highlighting key results and uncertainties, and examining the impact on turbulence modulation, drag reduction, and heat and mass transfer

    Time-Frequency Analysis Reveals Pairwise Interactions in Insect Swarms

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    The macroscopic emergent behavior of social animal groups is a classic example of dynamical self-organization, and is thought to arise from the local interactions between individuals. Determining these interactions from empirical data sets of real animal groups, however, is challenging. Using multicamera imaging and tracking, we studied the motion of individual flying midges in laboratory mating swarms. By performing a time-frequency analysis of the midge trajectories, we show that the midge behavior can be segmented into two distinct modes: one that is independent and composed of low-frequency maneuvers, and one that consists of higher-frequency nearly harmonic oscillations conducted in synchrony with another midge. We characterize these pairwise interactions, and make a hypothesis as to their biological function

    Intrinsic Fluctuations and Driven Response of Insect Swarms

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    Animals of all sizes form groups, as acting together can convey advantages over acting alone; thus, collective animal behavior has been identified as a promising template for designing engineered systems. However, models and observations have focused predominantly on characterizing the overall group morphology, and often focus on highly ordered groups such as bird flocks. We instead study a disorganized aggregation (an insect mating swarm), and compare its natural fluctuations with the group-level response to an external stimulus. We quantify the swarm’s frequency-dependent linear response and its spectrum of intrinsic fluctuations, and show that the ratio of these two quantities has a simple scaling with frequency. Our results provide a new way of comparing models of collective behavior with experimental data

    Measurements of the Solid-body Rotation of Anisotropic Particles in 3D Turbulence

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    We introduce a new method to measure Lagrangian vorticity and the rotational dynamics of anisotropic particles in a turbulent fluid flow. We use 3D printing technology to fabricate crosses (two perpendicular rods) and jacks (three mutually perpendicular rods). Time-resolved measurements of their orientation and solid-body rotation rate are obtained from stereoscopic video images of their motion in a turbulent flow between oscillating grids with RλR_\lambda=9191. The advected particles have a largest dimension of 6 times the Kolmogorov length, making them a good approximation to anisotropic tracer particles. Crosses rotate like disks and jacks rotate like spheres, so these measurements, combined with previous measurements of tracer rods, allow experimental study of ellipsoids across the full range of aspect ratios. The measured mean square tumbling rate, ⟨p˙ip˙i⟩\langle \dot{p}_i \dot{p}_i \rangle, confirms previous direct numerical simulations that indicate that disks tumble much more rapidly than rods. Measurements of the alignment of crosses with the direction of the solid-body rotation rate vector provide the first direct observation of the alignment of anisotropic particles by the velocity gradients of the flow.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    The Spatial Extent of Attention During Driving

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    The present study examined the limits of spatial attention during driving using a dual-task performance paradigm. Drivers were asked to follow a lead vehicle that varied in speed while also detecting a light change in an array located above the roadway. Reaction time increased and accuracy decreased as a function of the horizontal location of the light change and the distance, from the driver, of the light change. In addition, RMS error in car following increased immediately following the light change. These results demonstrate that when drivers attend to a centrally located task, their ability to respond to other events varies as a function of horizontal visual angle and distance in the scene

    Aging and Steering Control Under Reduced Visibility Conditions

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    The current study investigated age-related differences in a steering control task under low visibility conditions. Younger and older drivers were presented with displays simulating forward vehicle motion through a 3D scene of random dots on a ground plane. The lateral position of the vehicle was perturbed by a simulated side wind gust according to a sum of sinusoidal functions. The drivers’ task was to steer the vehicle to maintain a straight path. The visibility of the driving scene was reduced by reducing the quantity and the quality of the optical flow field. We found that performance decreased when visibility was reduced for both older and younger drivers, with better performance for younger drivers as compared with older drivers. An age-related interaction was also found with deteriorated optical flow information. These results suggest that under reduced visibility conditions, older drivers may have increased accident risk due to decreased ability to successfully steer the vehicle
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