1,023 research outputs found

    Mindful Metabolism Mastery: Unravelling the Intricacies of Mental Influence on Weight Management

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    This study investigates the tricky connections between mindfulness, metabolic results, and weight control via a complete quantitative analysis. Employing a randomized controlled trial design, participants were assigned to a mindfulness intervention organization or a manipulate institution. Descriptive statistics found out baseline comparison between organizations in demographics and key variables. Correlation analysis demonstrated a vast poor affiliation among mindfulness rankings and weight changes, with a couple of linear regression confirming that better mindfulness rankings independently expect extra weight loss. While the correlation among mindfulness and blood glucose tiers turned into no longer statistically massive, regression evaluation indicated a terrible association after adjusting for confounding variables. Physical activity degree emerged as a giant predictor of decrease blood glucose tiers. The consequences spotlight the potential of mindfulness in fostering mindful ingesting and contributing to weight control. Integrating mindfulness into interventions may additionally enhance their efficacy in addressing the mental aspects of eating behavior. Future research ought to discover included interventions combining mindfulness practices with targeted bodily activity techniques for comprehensive metabolic health. This observe advances our knowledge of the nuanced relationships between mindfulness, metabolism, and weight control

    Single pion contribution to the hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen

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    A detailed discussion of the long-range one-pion exchange (Yukawa potential) contribution to the 2S hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen which had, until recently, been disregarded is presented. We evaluate the relevant vertex amplitudes, in particular π0ÎŒ+Ό−\pi^0\mu^+\mu^-, combining low energy chiral expansions together with experimental data on π0\pi^0 and η\eta decays into two leptons. A value of ΔEHFSπ=−(0.09±0.06) ΌeV\Delta{E}^\pi_{HFS}= -(0.09 \pm 0.06)\ \mu\rm{eV} is obtained for this contribution.Comment: v2: Expanded and completed versio

    Novel approach to measure the leptonic eta(')->mu+mu- decays via charmed meson decays

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    In this article, we propose a novel approach to measure the branching ratios of the leptonic eta(')-> mu+mu- decays by using charmed meson decays, namely, D+(s)->pi+ eta(')(->mu+mu-) and D0->K-pi+eta(')(->mu+mu-). We advocate that the data available at LHCb can already yield a new measurement of Br(eta->mu+mu-) with accuracy competitive with the current world average. We also estimate that using the data collected by LHCb between 2015 and 2018 in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0/fb, the relative uncertainties to this branching ratio can be reduced down to ~10%. We also show that the first observation of Br(eta'->mu+mu-) may be possible with the Upgrade of the LHCb experiment.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    The Effects of Event Depictions in Second Language Phrasal Vocabulary Learning

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    In frĂŒheren Studien zum L2-Wortschatzerwerb wurden die Auswirkungen des visuellen Kontexts auf das Lernen und die Verarbeitung von Wörtern und Kollokationen in der L2 untersucht. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Erstsprache einen positiven Transfer auf das Lernen einer Zweitsprache hat, wenn die Wörter Ähnlichkeiten aufweisen. DarĂŒber hinaus wurden die EinflĂŒsse der kognitiven FĂ€higkeiten der Lernenden und ihres Erwerbsalters (AoA) auf das L2-Vokabellernen unter verschiedenen Bedingungen des L2-Vokabellernens festgestellt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Auswirkungen des visuellen Kontexts und des Transfers auf das Lernen von L2-Vokabeln weiter zu untersuchen und zu klĂ€ren, wie die kognitiven FĂ€higkeiten und das Erwerbsalter diese Auswirkungen in einem bestimmten L2-Lernkontext beeinflussen. Im Detail wurden Effekte der Ereignisdarstellung (d.h. nicht-sprachlicher visueller Kontext) untersucht sowie Transfereffekte aus der Erstsprache in die Zweitsprache im Bezug auf das Lernen von L2-Phrasenwortschatz (d.h. Verb-Nomen-Phrasen) bei erwachsenen AnfĂ€ngern. Wir fĂŒhrten Kurzzeitexperimente zum L2-Wortschatzerwerb durch, bei denen wir die Reaktionszeiten maßen. Zwei weitere Forschungsfragen untersuchten, ob es ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen der AoA oder den kognitiven FĂ€higkeiten der Lernenden und ihrem Lernerfolg beim Vokabellernen in einer kurzfristigen L2-Lernumgebung gibt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass erwachsene L2-AnfĂ€nger*innen beim L2-Vokabellernen von visuellen Darstellungen profitierten: Sie waren unter Lernbedingungen mit Ereignissen genauer und schneller als unter Lernbedingungen ohne Ereignisse. Diese Effekte konnten in drei Experimenten nicht nur mit jungen Erwachsenen im Alter von 18 bis 31 Jahren nachgewiesen werden, sondern galten auch fĂŒr Erwachsene im frĂŒhen und spĂ€ten mittleren Alter von 32 bis 65 Jahren. Die vorangegangene Forschung deutete darauf hin, dass die Ähnlichkeit zwischen L1 und L2 das L2-Lernen beeinflussen könnte, jedoch nicht in diesem spezifischen L2-Lernkontext. DarĂŒber hinaus wurde der AoA der Probanden manipuliert, was dazu fĂŒhrte, dass junge Erwachsene in den kognitiven Tests und bei den L2-Lernaufgaben besser abschnitten als die anderen beiden Gruppen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen unserer Forschung konnten wir herausfinden, welche Faktoren den Erfolg des L2-Wortschatzerwerbs bei erwachsenen L2-AnfĂ€ngern stark beeinflussen und dass das Lernen von L2-Phrasenwortschatz mit dargestellten Ereignisfotos angewendet werden kann.Previous studies of L2 vocabulary learning presented visual context effects on L2 word and collocation learning and processing. It was found that L1 has a positive transfer in L2 learning when words have similarities. Furthermore, the influences of learners’ cognitive ability and their age of acquisition (AoA) in L2 vocabulary learning have been found in diverse L2 vocabulary learning conditions. The present dissertation aimed to further investigate the effects of visual context and transfer on L2 learning, as well as how cognitive ability and AoA influence any such effects in a particular L2 vocabulary learning context. In detail, we investigated event depiction (i.e., non-linguistic visual context) effects and L1–L2 transfer effects on L2 phrasal vocabulary (i.e., verb-noun phrases) learning for adult beginners. We conducted short-term L2 vocabulary learning experiments during which we measured reaction times. Two other research questions examined whether there are relationships between learners’ AoA or their cognitive ability and their L2 vocabulary learning success in a short-term L2 learning setting. Results showed adult L2 beginners benefited from visual depictions in L2 vocabulary learning: They were more accurate and faster in event-present learning conditions than in event-absent learning conditions. These effects were not only replicated with young adults aged 18 to 31 in three experiments, but they also extended to early and late middle-aged adults aged 32 to 65. The prior research suggested that the L1–L2 similarity might influence L2 learning, but not in our L2 learning context. In addition, the AoA of subjects was manipulated, which resulted in young adults performing in the cognitive test and L2 learning tasks best compared to the other two groups. Based on the findings of our research, we were able to identify which factors strongly influence L2 vocabulary learning success for L2 adult beginners and that L2 phrasal vocabulary learning with depicted event photographs can be applied
