26 research outputs found

    Base-line characteristics of HIV-infected tuberculosis patients in Vietnam.

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    <p>IQR – inter-quartile; PK  =  pharmacokinetic; BMI  =  body mass index;</p>(1)<p>16/33 or 13/25 patients were underweight (BMI<18.5) and 17/33 or 12/25 were normal (BMI>18.5- 25.6)</p>(2)<p>Measured at the second visit (Day 14) before antiretroviral therapy initiation</p>(3)<p>N = 30</p

    Pharmacokinetic parameters of rifabutin and 25-O desacetyl rifabutin.

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    <p>Data are presented as medians with the range in parenthesis</p><p>OD – once daily; TPW - three times per week; Cmax -peak concentration; Tmax - time to reach peak concentration; C0 - concentration at time 0; Cmin -concentration at the end of a dosing interval (24 h or 48 h);NA non available, Cmin 48 h post dosing non available in 10 patients; AUCτ – area under the curve during a dosing interval τ, τ is 24 h for OD dosing and 48 h for TPW. Cave – average concentration (AUCτ/τ).</p

    Timeline of the pharmacokinetic trial of rifabutin with antiretroviral treatment in HIV-infected patients with tuberculosis in Vietnam.

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    <p>PK =  pharmacokinetic analyses; TPW =  three times per week; OD  =  once per Day; d4T =  stavudine; 3TC  =  lamivudine; LPV/r  =  lopinavir/ritonavir; TB  =  tuberculosis; SCC  =  short course chemotherapy; RH =  rifampicin and isoniazid; ART  =  antiretroviral therapy; EFV  =  efavirenz</p

    Demographic characteristics of patients.

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    <p>Summary measure is n (%) for all categorical characteristics.</p><p>(*). Scar or parent report.</p><p>P value for comparison of all three groups. If P<0.05, P1, P2, P3 will be calculated.</p><p>P1: for comparison between confirmed TB and probable TB; P2: for between probable TB and TB unlikely and P3: for between TB unlikely and confirmed TB.</p