446 research outputs found

    金融活動と産業変革についての一考察 : ベトナムにおける研究事例

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    広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(学術)Doctor of Philosophydoctora

    Pension Reforms in Viet Nam: Voices of Local Citizenry

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    Many developing countries have reformed their national pension systems in response to ageing populations and to increase pension scheme participation. The World Bank has been active in pension reforms in developing countries since the 1990s, and Vietnamese pension reforms since 2004 have reflected many proposals of the World Bank – a leading international donor to Viet Nam since 1993. There have been many criticisms of the World Bank’s pension privatisation proposals for developing countries – for example, the World Bank did not take into account country-specific environmental factors such as financial market conditions and regulatory capacity, and it focused on economic growth rather than old-age poverty reduction. This research studies whether the Vietnamese pension reforms, with the World Bank as an active agent, have taken into account the concerns and expectations of an important stakeholder group: the Vietnamese people. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and a survey of Vietnamese people. The findings from interviews and the survey were analysed with reference to the World Bank’s proposals for Viet Nam and changes in Vietnamese legislation. The aim of the research is to explore the extent to which the World Bank, with its global power, and the Vietnamese government, with its dependence on global finance and technical knowledge, have responded to concerns and expectations of Vietnamese people

    Buněčná lokalizace rezistentních proteinů Vga(A)LC a Msr(A) prostřednictvím fluorescenční mikroskopie

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    Vga(A)LC a Msr(A) jsou klinicky významnými rezistentními proteiny u stafylokoků, které udělují rezistenci k inhibitorům translace. Patří mezi ARE ABC-F podrodinu proteinů, která je součástí ABC transportérů. Narozdíl od typických ABC transportérů, ABC-F proteiny nemají transmembránové domény, které jsou zodpovědné za transport látek přes membránu. Proto pro ně není charakteristická transportní funkce, ale regulační nebo rezistenční funkce. Jejich mechanismus působení na ribozomu byl popsán teprve nedávno, kde tyto proteiny vytěsňují antibiotikum z ribozomu. Stále jsou však některé aspekty jejich funkce neobjasněné. Například to, jaký je význam umístění Vga(A) na membráně, které bylo detekováno v membránové frakci nikoliv v ribozomální. V této práci jsem prostřednictvím fluorescenční mikroskopie pozorovala subcelulární lokalizaci rezistenčních fúzních proteinů Vga(A)LC-mEos2, Vga(A)LC- GFP a Msr(A)- eqFP650 v živých buňkách S. aureus, za různých kultivačních podmínek. Ukázalo se, že Vga(A)LC- GFP i Msr(A)- eqFP650 se vyskytují v ohnisku blízko membrány. V závislosti na ATPázové aktivitě nebo přítomnosti antibiotika se lokalizace Msr(A)- eqFP650 v buňce mění z ohniskové na difuzní, pravděpodobně na ribozomech, což navrhuje hypotézu o duálním mechanismu ARE ABC-F proteinů. Druhým cílem práce bylo...Vga(A)LC and Msr(A) are clinically significant resistant proteins in staphylococci that confer resistance to translational inhibitors. They belong to ARE ABC-F protein subfamily, which is part of ABC transporters. Unlike typical ABC transporters, ABC-F proteins do not have transmembrane domains that are responsible for the transport of substances through the membrane. Therefore, they do not have characteristic transport function but regulatory or resistance function. Their mechanism of action on the ribosome has been described only recently, where these proteins displace the antibiotic from the ribosome. However, some aspects of their function are still unclear. For example, what is the function of the Vga(A) location on a membrane that has been detected in the membrane fraction but not in the ribosomal. In this work, using fluorescence microscopy, I observed subcellular localization of the Vga(A)LC-mEos2, Vga(A)LC-GFP and Msr(A)-eqFP650 resistant fusion proteins in live cells of S. aureus under different culture conditions . It has been shown that Vga(A)LC-GFP and Msr(A)-eqFP650 occur in a foci near the membrane. Depending on ATPase activity or the presence of an antibiotic, the localization of Msr(A)-eqFP650 in the cell changes from focal to diffuse, presumably on ribosomes, suggesting a...Katedra genetiky a mikrobiologieDepartment of Genetics and MicrobiologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Content and language integrated learning in Vietnam: evolution of students' and teachers' perceptions in an innovative foreign language learning system

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    Cette recherche porte sur un dispositif d'enseignement d'une langue étrangère innovant au Vietnam, de type EMILE (Enseignement d'une matière intégrée à une langue étrangère) et promu par Le Ministère de l'éducation et de la formation en 2008. IL s'agit d'une recherche exploratoire et qualitative visant à extraire les représentations d'élèves de 1ère et 2ème année au lycée. Un premier questionnaire administré au début de la mise en œuvre de l'EMILE porte sur leurs perceptions/motivations au sujet de l'anglais en général, les cours d'anglais et les cours de type EMILE. Un deuxième questionnaire a été administré après une année et demi de pratique de l'EMILE. Parallèlement, les enseignants de spécialité qui participaient au dispositif EMILE, ont été interviewés. Le traitement des données a permis de confronter les perceptions des élèves et des enseignants à propos du dispositif innovant et d'en identifier les qualités et les défauts. Les résultats soulignent le décalage qui existe entre la perception des potentialités du dispositif et les nombreux obstacles concrets qui entravent leurs réalisations.The present research examines Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), an innovative language learning system in Vietnam launched by the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training in 2008. This exploratory, qualitative investigation was first centred on the perceptions of high school students, obtained through two questionnaires. The first one was administered at the outset of the CLIL implementation, with a view to identifying their perceptions about and motivations for English in general, English as a Foreign Language and CLIL. A second questionnaire was administered after a year and a half of CLIL practice to evaluate potential motivational changes. At the same time, the content teachers of the project who taught their speciality in English were interviewed. Data processing made it possible to cross-check students' and teachers' perceptions of CLIL, its assets and its drawbacks. The results point out the discrepancy which exists between the perceived didactic potentialities of CLIL and the many concrete impediments that hamper their full realization. In the wake of this survey, some recommendations are made to improve CLIL implementation in Vietnam, particularly with regard to the content teachers' training in the foreign language

    Double moral hazard in state-owned enterprises (SOES) in Vietnam case of Vietnam ship-building industry group (VINASHIN)

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Policy,2012OutstandingmasterpublishedNguyen, Thi Bich Ngoc

    Blended Learning for Secondary Schools in Nam Dinh Province to Satisfy New Standards: The Current Situation and Proposed Models

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    We offered blended learning models for high schools in Nam Dinh province to satisfy Vietnam's new criteria. These models were based on general approaches to issues, theoretical research, and field research based on surveys and anket questionnaires conducted throughout the area. The results of a survey demonstrate that high school teachers in Nam Dinh have gained a fundamental grasp of blended learning and have, in practice, embraced both online and face-to-face instruction, particularly during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak. However, there was not a standard model for blended learning, therefore it was only used by a few persons. In other contexts, the concept of "blended learning" referred to what was effectively a face-to-face session that was broadcast over the Internet without the necessary adjustments being made to the content, methodology, or evaluation. As a result, we offer a number of different ways to blended learning for high schools in Nam Dinh in order to improve the quality of education provided throughout the province

    The Effects of Collaborative Learning on Young ESL Learners’ L2 Anxiety and Speaking Performance

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    Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) is one of the issues of interest attracting researchers in recent decades. However, while collaborative learning introduced a prospective tool for FLA, it has not been much researched in the L2 classroom context, particularly in Vietnam. This paper focuses on using collaborative learning to reduce foreign language anxiety and enhance the L2 speaking performance of young learners at an English center in Ho Chi Minh City. A combination of tools, including Aydin et al.’s (2017) Children Foreign Language Anxiety Scale (CFLAS) for the pre-tests and post-tests, the teacher’s diary, and follow-up interviews, was used to measure the changes in learner’ FLA level and speaking performance. After five-week implementations, these learners’ FLA was slightly alleviated, and their speaking performance was improved using a collaborative learning approach. Moreover, learners were found to have positive attitudes and experience with learning in the new approach. These findings implied that collaborative learning could be a potential treatment to help L2 learners uncover their anxious selves and find more confidence in using the target languag

    The Combined Use of Pediococcus pentosaceus and Fructooligosaccharide Improves Growth Performance, Immune Response, and Resistance of Whiteleg Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei Against Vibrio parahaemolyticus

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    In this study, we evaluated the effect of probiotic bacteria Pediococcus pentosaceus supplemented at different inclusion levels in a control diet [basal diet containing 0.5% fructooligosaccharide (FOS)] on the growth performance, feed conversion ratio, immune response, and the disease resistance of whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles against Vibrio parahaemolyticus. A control diet with 0.5% FOS but without P. pentosaceus supplementation (Control) was prepared. In addition, three other test diets were also formulated: control diet supplemented with P. pentosaceus at (i) 1 x 10(6) cfu g(-1) diet (P1), (ii) 1 x 10(7) cfu g(-1) diet (P2), or (iii) 1 x 10(8) cfu g(-1) diet (P3). After a 60-day feeding trial, the experimental shrimps were challenged with V. parahaemolyticus. The results showed that dietary supplementation of P. pentosaceus significantly improved the growth performance and immune responses of L. vannamei juveniles. The juveniles that were fed with a P2 or P3 diet recorded the maximum increase in the final body weight, final length, weight gain, and survival rate. The total hemocyte counts, phenoloxidase, and lysozyme activity of shrimp fed with either of these two diets were significantly enhanced. The results also showed that juveniles fed with a P2 or P3 diet exhibited significantly lower mortality when challenged with V. parahaemolyticus. Overall results suggested that a combination of P. pentosaceus at the inclusion level of 1 x 10(7) cfu g(-1) diet (P2) and 0.5% FOS could be considered as a potential synbiotic formulation for improving the growth, health, and robustness of L. vannamei

    Musculoskeletal Pain and Work-related Risk Factors among Waste Collectors in Hanoi, Vietnam: A Cross-sectional Study

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    BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are prevalent among waste collectors (WCs) in developing countries. AIM: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of MSDs and the factors associated with the risk of persistent musculoskeletal pain among WCs in Hanoi, Vietnam. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was utilized to study 468 WCs in 2017. The Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire and a questionnaire on demographic and work conditions were used to collect data. Descriptive and multivariate logistics regression analyzes were applied at a significance level of 0.05 to examine the factors related to the risk of persistent pain. FINDINGS: About 74.4% of the participants of this study experienced MSDs in at least one body region and 9.4% reported MSDs in all 10 body sites. The lower back was reported to be the most affected followed by the neck and shoulders. The risk of persistent musculoskeletal pain was significantly associated with age (odds ratio (OR) = 2.31, confidence interval (CI) = 1.05–5.09), gender (OR = 3.29, CI = 1.28–8.44), work hours (OR = 2.35, CI = 1.12–4.92), work shift (OR = 0.48, CI = 0.26–0.92), duration of poor postures of the neck (OR = 0.31, CI = 0.13–0.76), bent back (OR = 0.4 CI = 0.18–0.92) and for medial rotation (OR = 3.01, CI = 1.42–6.36), carrying heavy objects (OR = 2.94, CI = 1.15–7.48), and experience of work dissatisfaction (OR = 3.31, CI = 1.46-7.52), stress (OR = 7.14, CI = 3.14–16.24), or anxiety (OR = 6.37, CI = 3.07–13.21). CONCLUSIONS: High prevalence of MSDs among WCs and its association with self-assessed unfavorable work postures and work-related stress implies the need of mechanical and social support at work for WC to prevent the development of MSDs and persistent pain