210 research outputs found
Radial basis function neural network control for parallel spatial robot
The derivation of motion equations of constrained spatial multibody system is an important problem of dynamics and control of parallel robots. The paper firstly presents an overview of the calculating the torque of the driving stages of the parallel robots using Kronecker product. The main content of this paper is to derive the inverse dynamics controllers based on the radial basis function (RBF) neural network control law for parallel robot manipulators. Finally, numerical simulation of the inverse dynamics controller for a 3-RRR delta robot manipulator is presented as an illustrative example
New Approaches Using Cognitive Radio in Green Networking
The green networks are energy-efficient network architectures and we consider them as the basis of the wireless communication optimizing energy usage. Indeed, future communication technologies are moving in this direction, meaning that they will be less energy-intensive and, in some cases, even energy self-sufficient. Specifically, cognitive radio (CR) networks, cooperative relay networks, and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) techniques have been considered as effective means to facilitate energy harvesting (EH) and a power spectrum allocation for the minimization of total transmit power, hence, making the wireless communication greener.
The dissertation consists of three research sections corresponding to the aims. The first aim deals with an radio frequency (RF) wireless energy transfer model for D2D systems. In order to harvest more energy, a multiple-antenna base station and a power beacon are adopted for the D2D transmission network. We derive expressions outage probability in closed-forms. Further, independent simulations are used to validate the exactness of the theoretical expressions. In the second aim, new cooperative system models are proposed and studied. To reach the second aim, the secondary source acts as a relay and employs Amplify and Forward (AF) mode to serve distant NOMA users under a given interference constraint. To provide a detailed examination of the system performance metrics, we derived closed-form formulas for the outage probability and average throughput of the multi-users in the presence of interference constraints. In the last aim of the dissertation, we designed a new system model for a hybrid satellite-terrestrial cognitive network (HSTCN) relying on NOMA interconnecting a satellite and multiple terrestrial nodes. Reliability and security of transmission were studied to minimize the total transmit power. To reach the third aim, we examined the following performance factors: outage probability, hardware impairment, intercept probability, and average throughput. The novel closed-forms expressions of these performance factors are derived. The last but not at least, we simulated the new HSTCN system model. The achieved results figured that the new proposed approaches make it possible to take into account service quality requirements and are applicable in future green networking.Zelené sítě jsou energeticky efektivní síťové architektury a považujeme je za základ bezdrátové komunikace optimalizující spotřebu energie. Tímto směrem se ubírají budoucí komunikační technologie, což znamená, že budou méně energeticky náročné a v některých případech dokonce energeticky soběstačné. Kognitivní rádiové (CR) sítě, kooperativní relay sítě a neortogonální vícenásobné přístupové (NOMA) techniky jsou považovány za účinný prostředek k usnadnění získávání energie (EH) a přidělování výkonového spektra pro minimalizaci celkového vysílacího výkonu, díky čemuž je bezdrátová komunikace zelenější.
Disertační práce se skládá ze tří výzkumných částí odpovídajících cílům. První cíl se zabývá modelem bezdrátového přenosu radiofrekvenční (RF) energie pro systémy D2D. Aby bylo možné získat více energie, jsou pro přenosovou D2D síť použity základnové stanice s více anténami a napájecím radiomajákem. Pro navržený model jsou odvozeny pravděpodobnosti výpadků, kdy tyto výrazy jsou v uzavřené formě. Dále jsou k ověření platnosti získaných teoretických výrazů použity nezávislé simulace. Ve druhém cíli jsou navrženy a zkoumány nové modely kooperativního systému. Aby bylo dosaženo druhého cíle, sekundární zdroj funguje jako relay uzel a využívá režim AF (Amplify and Forward), který slouží vzdáleným NOMA uživatelům za specifických interferenčních podmínek. Abychom poskytli podrobné zhodnocení výkonnostních metrik systému, odvodili jsme vztahy v uzavřené formě pro pravděpodobnost výpadků a průměrnou propustnost více uživatelů za přítomnosti interferenčních omezení. V posledním cíli disertační práce jsme navrhli nový systémový model pro hybridní satelitně-terestrickou kognitivní síť (HSTCN) založenou na neortogonálním vícenásobném přístupu (NOMA) propojující satelit a více terestrických uzlů. Zkoumána byla spolehlivost a zabezpečení přenosu s důrazem na minimalizaci celkového vysílacího výkonu. Pro dosažení třetího cíle jsme zkoumali následující výkonnostní faktory: pravděpodobnost výpadku, poškození hardwaru, pravděpodobnost zachycení a průměrnou propustnost. Pro tyto výkonnostní faktory jsou odvozeny v uzavřených formách nové výrazy. V neposlední řadě jsme rovněž simulovali nový systémový HSTCN model. Dosažené výsledky potvrdily, že nově navržené přístupy umožňují zohledňovat požadavky na kvalitu služeb a jsou použitelné v budoucích zelených sítích.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově
On tracking control problem for polysolenoid motor model predictive approach
The Polysolenoid Linear Motor (PLM) have been playing a crucial role in many industrial aspects due to its functions, in which a straight motion is provided directly without mediate mechanical actuators. Recently, with several commons on mathematic model, some control methods for PLM based on Rotational Motor have been applied, but position, velocity and current constraints which are important in real systems have been ignored. In this paper, position tracking control problem for PLM was considered under state-independent disturbances via min-max model predictive control. The proposed controller forces tracking position errors converge to small region of origin and satisfies state including position, velocity and currents constraints. Further, a numerical simulation was implemented to validate the performance of the proposed controller
Seismic microzonation of Hanoi, Vietnam using microtremor observations
It is imperative to carry out comprehensive seismic hazard assessment for big cities in order to reduce the potential damage from earthquakes. One of the fundamental steps in seismic hazard assessment is microzonation of cities, which provides a basis for site-specific hazard analysis. This study focuses on microzonation of Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam, using microtremor observations. Microtremor observations were carried out at 63 sites in Hanoi. The predominant period of the ground at all the sites were determined from the horizontal to vertical (H/V) spectral ratios of microtremors and a microzonation map was developed for Hanoi on the basis of the variation of the predominant period of the ground. It was observed that in Hanoi, the northern part of the city has shorter predominant period (less than 0.4 s) and the predominant period of the ground increases towards south. The areas in the Hanoi metropolitan area, especially areas located along the Red River and around the West Lake have comparatively longer predominant period (0.6-1.0 s). The western districts of Hanoi also have longer predominant period (0.6-1.2 s) and it decreases towards the eastern direction. This study shows that there is a possibility of long-period ground motion in Hanoi, especially in Hanoi metropolitan area and western and southern districts of Hanoi. The long-period ground motion may have severe effects on high-rise buildings and other long-period structures
Study on outage performance gap of two destinations on CR-NOMA network
Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and cognitive radio (CR) are promising for solving the severe spectral scarcity problem encountered by the next generation of wireless communication systems. This study aims to improve spectral efficiency at two secondary destinations by investigating a CR-NOMA network under situation of the perfect successive interference cancellation (SIC). We also derive the exact outage probability for secondary users. Furthermore, an approximate computation method is applied to indicate more insights. It is confirmed that the performance achieved together with performance gap among two users can be obtained due to different power allocation factors assigned to users
The role of orographic effects on occurrence of the heavy rainfall event over Central Vietnam in November 1999
In this study, the WRF model is used to investigate the role of Central Vietnam terrain on occurrence of the heavy rainfall event in November 1999 over Central Vietnam. Two model experiments with and without terrain were performed to examine the orographic blocking effects during the event. In the terrain experiment, the results from a three-day simulation show that the model reasonably well captures northeast monsoon circulation, tropical cyclones and the occurrence of heavy rainfall in Central Vietnam. The topography causes a high pressure anomaly intensifying northeast monsoon. When the terrain is removed, the three-day accumulated rainfall decreases approximately 75% in comparison with that in the terrain experiment. The terrain blocking and lifting effects in strong wind and moisture laden conditions combined with convergence circulation over open ocean are the main factors for occurrence of the heavy rainfall event
Exploiting secure performance of full-duplex decode and forward in optimal relay selection networks
In the presence of an illegitimate user, we investigate the secrecy outage probability (SOP) of the optimal relay selection (ORS) networks by applying decode-and-forward (DnF) based full-duplex (FD) relaying mode. The closed-form expressions for the allocations of the end-to-end signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) in each wireless network are derived as well as the closed-form expression for the exact SOP of the proposed ORS system is presented under Rayleigh fading schemes. As an important achievement, SOP is also compared between orthogonal multiple access (OMA) and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) schemes. Our results reveal that the SOP of the suggested scheme can be considerably influenced by several parameters involved, including the number of relays, the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of eavesdropper links, transmit power and the average residual self-interference (SI) enforced on the FD relays.Web of Science244767
Secrecy performance analysis on spatial modeling of wireless communications with unmanned aerial vehicle and ground devices
In this paper, the secrecy performance of the spatial modeling for ground devices with randomly placed eavesdroppers when an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) acted as two hops decode and forward (DF) was investigated. We characterize the secrecy outage probability (SOP) and intercept probability (IP) expressions. Our capacity performance analysis is based on the Rayleigh fading distributions. After analytical results by Monte Carlo simulation, and the Gauss-Chebyshev parameter was selected to yield a close approximation, the results demonstrate the SOP with the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) between UAV and ground users among the eavesdroppers and the IP relationship with the ability to intercept the information of the ground users successfully
Outage performance of underlay cognitive radio networks over mix fading environment
In this paper, the underlay cognitive radio network over mix fading environment is presented and investigated. A cooperative cognitive system with a secondary source node S, a secondary destination node D, secondary relay node Relay, and a primary node P are considered. In this model system, we consider the mix fading environment in two scenarios as Rayleigh/Nakagami-m and Nakagami-m/Rayleigh Fading channels. For system performance analysis, the closed-form expression of the system outage probability (OP) and the integral-formed expression of the ergodic capacity (EC) are derived in connection with the system's primary parameters. Finally, we proposed the Monte Carlo simulation for convincing the correctness of the system performance
Choosing the best machine tool in mechanical manufacturing
Machine tools are indispensable components and play an important role in mechanical manufacturing. The equipment of machine tools has a huge effect on the operational efficiency of businesses. Each machine tool type is described by many different criteria, such as cost, technological capabilities, accuracy, energy consumption, convenience in operation, safety for workers, working noise, etc. If the selection of machine is only based on one or several criteria, it will be really easy to make mistakes, which means it is not possible to choose the real best machine. A machine is considered to be the best only when it is chosen based on all of its criteria. This work is called multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM). In this study, the selection of machine tools has been done using two different multi-criteria decision-making methods, including the FUCA method (Faire Un Choix Adéquat) and the CURLI method (Collaborative Unbiased Rank List Intergration). These are two methods with very different characteristics. When using the FUCA method, it is necessary to normalize the data and determine the weights for the criteria. Meanwhile, if using the CURLI method, these two things are not necessary. The selection of these two distinct methods is intended to produce the most generalizable conclusions. Three types of machine tool, which are considered in this study, include grinding machine, drilling machine and milling machine. The number of grinders that were offered for selection was twelve, the number of drills that were surveyed in this study was thirteen, while nine were the number of milling machines that were given for selection. The objective of this study is to determine the best solution in each type of machine. The results of ranking the machines are very similar when using the two mentioned methods. Specially, in all the surveyed cases, the two methods FUCA and CURLI always find the same best alternative. Accordingly, it is possible to firmly come to a conclusion that the FUCA method and the CURLI method are equally effective in machine tool selection. In addition, this study has determined the best three machines corresponding to the three different machine type
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