81 research outputs found

    Modulation of human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) transcription during persistent and de novo HIV-1 infection

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    Background: The human genome contains multiple LTR elements including human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) that together account for approximately 8–9% of the genomic DNA. At least 40 different HERV groups have been assigned to three major HERV classes on the basis of their homologies to exogenous retroviruses. Although most HERVs are silenced by a variety of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms, they may be reactivated by environmental stimuli such as exogenous viruses and thus may contribute to pathogenic conditions. The objective of this study was to perform an in-depth analysis of the influence of HIV-1 infection on HERV activity in different cell types. Results: A retrovirus-specific microarray that covers major HERV groups from all three classes was used to analyze HERV transcription patterns in three persistently HIV-1 infected cell lines of different cellular origins and in their uninfected counterparts. All three persistently infected cell lines showed increased transcription of multiple class I and II HERV groups. Up-regulated transcription of five HERV taxa (HERV-E, HERV-T, HERV-K (HML-10) and two ERV9 subgroups) was confirmed by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR analysis and could be reversed by knock-down of HIV-1 expression with HIV-1-specific siRNAs. Cells infected de novo by HIV-1 showed stronger transcriptional up-regulation of the HERV-K (HML-2) group than persistently infected cells of the same origin. Analysis of transcripts from individual members of this group revealed up-regulation of predominantly two proviral loci (ERVK-7 and ERVK-15) on chromosomes 1q22 and 7q34 in persistently infected KE37.1 cells, as well as in de novo HIV-1 infected LC5 cells, while only one single HML-2 locus (ERV-K6) on chromosome 7p22.1 was activated in persistently infected LC5 cells. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that HIV-1 can alter HERV transcription patterns of infected cells and indicate a correlation between activation of HERV elements and the level of HIV-1 production. Moreover, our results suggest that the effects of HIV-1 on HERV activity may be far more extensive and complex than anticipated from initial studies with clinical material

    Native Desorption Electrospray Ionization Liberates Soluble and Membrane Protein Complexes from Surfaces

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    Mass spectrometry (MS) applications for intact protein complexes typically require electrospray (ES) ionization and have not been achieved via direct desorption from surfaces. Desorption ES ionization (DESI) MS has however transformed the study of tissue surfaces through release and characterisation of small molecules. Motivated by the desire to screen for ligand binding to intact protein complexes we report the development of a native DESI platform. By establishing conditions that preserve non‐covalent interactions we exploit the surface to capture a rapid turnover enzyme–substrate complex and to optimise detergents for membrane protein study. We demonstrate binding of lipids and drugs to membrane proteins deposited on surfaces and selectivity from a mix of related agonists for specific binding to a GPCR. Overall therefore we introduce this native DESI platform with the potential for high‐throughput ligand screening of some of the most challenging drug targets including GPCRs

    Structure and enzymatic mechanism of a moonlighting dUTPase

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    Genome integrity requires well controlled cellular pools of nucleotides. dUTPases are responsible for regulating cellular dUTP levels and providing dUMP for dTTP biosynthesis. In Staphylococcus, phage dUTPases are also suggested to be involved in a moonlighting function regulating the expression of pathogenicity-island genes. Staphylococcal phage trimeric dUTPase sequences include a specific insertion that is not found in other organisms. Here, a 2.1 Å resolution three-dimensional structure of a [varphi]11 phage dUTPase trimer with complete localization of the phage-specific insert, which folds into a small [beta]-pleated mini-domain reaching out from the dUTPase core surface, is presented. The insert mini-domains jointly coordinate a single Mg2+ ion per trimer at the entrance to the threefold inner channel. Structural results provide an explanation for the role of Asp95, which is suggested to have functional significance in the moonlighting activity, as the metal-ion-coordinating moiety potentially involved in correct positioning of the insert. Enzyme-kinetics studies of wild-type and mutant constructs show that the insert has no major role in dUTP binding or cleavage and provide a description of the elementary steps (fast binding of substrate and release of products). In conclusion, the structural and kinetic data allow insights into both the phage-specific characteristics and the generally conserved traits of [varphi]11 phage dUTPase

    Protein-protein interactions: switch from classical methods to proteomics and bioinformatics-based approaches

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    Following the sequencing of the human genome and many other organisms, research on protein-coding genes and their functions (functional genomics) has intensified. Subsequently, with the observation that proteins are indeed the molecular effectors of most cellular processes, the discipline of proteomics was born. Clearly, proteins do not function as single entities but rather as a dynamic network of team players that have to communicate. Though genetic (yeast two-hybrid Y2H) and biochemical methods (co-immunoprecipitation Co-IP, affinity purification AP) were the methods of choice at the beginning of the study of protein-protein interactions (PPI), in more recent years there has been a shift towards proteomics-based methods and bioinformatics-based approaches. In this review, we first describe in depth PPIs and we make a strong case as to why unraveling the interactome is the next challenge in the field of proteomics. Furthermore, classical methods of investigation of PPIs and structure-based bioinformatics approaches are presented. The greatest emphasis is placed on proteomic methods, especially native techniques that were recently developed and that have been shown to be reliable. Finally, we point out the limitations of these methods and the need to set up a standard for the validation of PPI experiments