852 research outputs found

    Effective Assessment of Solutions to improve the quality of Teaching of Candidate art for Students (Training System) at People\u27s Security Academy

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    To improve the quality of teaching martial arts of the People\u27s Police to students at the People\u27s Security Academy. The topic used 05 routine research methods in sport and physical education to evaluate the effectiveness of solutions. The experimental subjects are 160 second and third-year students of 3 majors at the People\u27s Security Academy, divided into 2 control and experimental groups, the experimental period is carried out in the academic year 2020-2021 from May September 2020 to July 2021. After experimenting with research methods in sports, the thesis has shown the effectiveness, superiority, and science of 09 solutions to improve the quality of martial arts teaching. People\u27s Police for students at the People\u27s Security Academy

    Catching-up Industrial Development of East Asian Economies and its Application to Vietnam

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    ٛ ٛ ٛ Abstract: This paper attempts to examine the catching-up process in industrial development of East Asian economies. For this purpose, RCA curve will be used to depict this process and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient will be employed as a supporting evidence for the catching-up. The paper shows that the evolving specialization patterns of East Asian economies are in accordance with the prediction of Catching-up Product Cycle (CPC). The specialization patterns of these economies differ according to their level of development. Japan has th

    A field experimental study of natural language versus Boolean searching

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    The impact of E-HR on the roles and competencies of HR

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    Since the emergence of the internet, a new era of HR termed as E-HRM has begun, dramatically reengineering the HR practices and processes to operate in a highly competitive market. As a result, HRM has undergone a change process in terms of HRM functions over the last decade. Observations through previous studies lead us to the interest of seeking for both positive and negative impacts of E-HR to HRM function in organizations, particularly to the changes in roles and competencies of HR specialists as well as non-HR staff (line managers and employees). This research is a qualitative single case study based on semi-structured interview conducted via phone calls. Data was collected during semi-structured interviews with 10 middle management executives including 4 HR managers and 6 other functional managers in a successful MNC in the industry of milk and dairies in Vietnam. The case company is in the first phase of strategically transforming HR department at different levels and has just adopted ICTs in recent years. There is a trend to continue the automation of HR service in the next few years. In addition, the findings suggest that the delivery of HR services with a small range of web-based tools used hardly enables the expected changes in HR’s role toward a strategic partner though it supports the shift of HR focus to the role as employee champion. The initiation of E-HRM practices is pushing HR to move from a traditional bureaucratic department to a client-friendly approach which potentially targets at the role of an employee champion. Another tangible effect caused by E-HRM is the devolvement of HR responsibilities to line management though the support from HR technology to their daily work is unobvious. However, improvements in competencies of HR professional after the implementation of E-HRM were found to be inconsiderable. A preference of developing people related skills such as communication, teamwork, consultancy and negotiation to other types of competencies existed among HR professionals, though they were suggested to focus on upgrading the business knowledge, critical thinking and leadership.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format
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