444 research outputs found

    The structure of gravel-bed flow with intermediate submergence: a laboratory study

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    The paper reports an experimental study of the flow structure over an immobile gravel bed in open channel at intermediate submergence, with particular focus on the near-bed region. The experiments consisted of velocity measurements using three-component (stereoscopic) Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in near-bed horizontal plane and two-component PIV in three vertical planes that covered three distinctly different hydraulic scenarios where the ratio of flow depth to roughness height (i.e., relative submergence) changes from 7.5 to 10.8. Detailed velocity measurements were supplemented with fine-scale bed elevation data obtained with a laser scanner. The data revealed longitudinal low-momentum and high-momentum "strips'' in the time-averaged velocity field, likely induced by secondary currents. This depth-scale pattern was superimposed with particle-scale patches of flow heterogeneity induced by gravel particle protrusions. A similar picture emerged when considering second-order velocity moments. The interaction between the flow field and gravel-bed protrusions is assessed using cross correlations of velocity components and bed elevations in a horizontal plane just above gravel particle crests. The cross correlations suggest that upward and downward fluid motions are mainly associated with upstream-facing and lee sides of particles, respectively. Results also show that the relative submergence affects the turbulence intensity profiles for vertical velocity over the whole flow depth, while only a weak effect, limited to the near-bed region, is noticed for streamwise velocity component. The approximation of mean velocity profiles with a logarithmic formula reveals that log-profile parameters depend on relative submergence, highlighting inapplicability of a conventional "universal'' logarithmic law for gravel-bed flows with intermediate submergence

    A novel experimental technique and its application to study the effects of particle density and flow submergence on bed particle saltation

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    This research was sponsored by EPSRC grant EP/G056404/1 which is greatly appreciated.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Frequency-wavenumber spectrum of the free surface of shallow turbulent flows over a rough boundary

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    Data on the frequency-wavenumber spectra and dispersion relation of the dynamic water surface in an open channel flow are very scarce. In this work, new data on the frequency-wavenumber spectra were obtained in a rectangular laboratory flume with a rough bottom boundary, over a range of subcritical Froude numbers. These data were used to study the dispersion relation of the surface waves in such shallow turbulent water flows. The results show a complex pattern of surface waves, with a range of scales and velocities. When the mean surface velocity is faster than the minimum phase velocity of gravity-capillary waves, the wave pattern is dominated by stationary waves that interact with the static rough bed. There is a coherent three-dimensional pattern of radially propagating waves with the wavelength approximately equal to the wavelength of the stationary waves. Alongside these waves, there are freely propagating gravity-capillary waves that propagate mainly parallel to the mean flow, both upstream and downstream. In the flow conditions where the mean surface velocity is slower than the minimum phase velocity of gravity-capillary waves, patterns of non-dispersive waves are observed. It is suggested that these waves are forced by turbulence. The results demonstrate that the free surface carries information about the underlying turbulent flow. The knowledge obtained in this study paves the way for the development of novel airborne methods of non-invasive flow monitoring


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    The radial variations of cell morphologies (cell lengths, vessel diameter, vessel frequency and cell wall thickness of wood fibers) were investigated for 7-year-old Ochroma pyramidale trees planted in East Java, Indonesia by developing the linear or nonlinear mixed-effects models. In addition, xylem maturation process based on the cell morphologies and effects of radial growth rate on cell morphologies were discussed. The mean values of cell morphology were as follow: vessel element length 0.59 mm, fiber length 2.16 mm, vessel diameter 221 µm, and fiber wall thickness 1.03 µm. Radial variations of cell length and vessel diameter were well explained by Michaelis-Menten equation: values increased from pith to certain position and then it became almost stable. Vessel frequency, wood fiber diameter, and wood fiber wall thickness was expressed by the formula of logarithmic formula, quadratic formula, and linear formula, respectively. Variance component ration of category was 66.8%, 46.1%, 31.4%, 1.5%, and 33.7% for vessel element length, wood fiber length, vessel diameter, vessel frequency, and wood fiber wall thickness, respectively, suggesting that many cell morphologies influenced by the radial growth rate. Smaller values of mean absolute error obtained in the models in relation to distance from pith were found in all cell morphologies, except for vessel frequency and wood fiber diameter. Thus, xylem maturation of this species depended on diameter growth rather than cambial age. Boundary of core wood and outer wood was 5 to 10 cm from pith in which increasing ratio of cell length reached less than 0.3%. Core wood was characterized as lower wood density and mechanical properties with shorter cell lengths and thinner wood fiber walls, whereas outer wood was characterized as higher wood density and mechanical properties with longer cell length and thicker wood fiber walls

    Back-flow ripples in troughs downstream of unit bars: Formation, preservation and value for interpreting flow conditions

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    Back-flow ripples are bedforms created within the lee-side eddy of a larger bedform with migration directions opposed or oblique to that of the host bedform. In the flume experiments described in this article, back-flow ripples formed in the trough downstream of a unit bar and changed with mean flow velocity; varying from small incipient back-flow ripples at low velocities, to well-formed back-flow ripples with greater velocity, to rapidly migrating transient back-flow ripples formed at the greatest velocities tested. In these experiments back-flow ripples formed at much lower mean back-flow velocities than predicted from previously published descriptions. This lower threshold mean back-flow velocity is attributed to the pattern of velocity variation within the lee-side eddy of the host bedform. The back-flow velocity variations are attributed to vortex shedding from the separation zone, wake flapping and increases in the size of, and turbulent intensity within, the flow separation eddy controlled by the passage of superimposed bedforms approaching the crest of the bar. Short duration high velocity packets, whatever their cause, may form back-flow ripples if they exceed the minimum bed shear stress for ripple generation for long enough or, if much faster, may wash them out. Variation in back-flow ripple cross-lamination has been observed in the rock record and, by comparison with flume observations, the preserved back-flow ripple morphology may be useful for interpreting formative flow and sediment transport dynamics

    Dominant features in three-dimensional turbulence structure: comparison of non-uniform accelerating and decelerating flows

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    The results are presented from an experimental study to investigate three-dimensional turbulence structure profiles, including turbulence intensity and Reynolds stress, of different non-uniform open channel flows over smooth bed in subcritical flow regime. In the analysis, the uniform flow profiles have been used to compare with those of the non-uniform flows to investigate their time-averaged spatial flow turbulence structure characteristics. The measured non-uniform velocity profiles are used to verify the von Karman constant κ and to estimate sets of log-law integration constant B r and wake parameter П, where their findings are also compared with values from previous studies. From κ, B r and П findings, it has been found that the log-wake law can sufficiently represent the non-uniform flow in its non-modified form, and all κ, B r and П follow universal rules for different bed roughness conditions. The non-uniform flow experiments also show that both the turbulence intensity and Reynolds stress are governed well by exponential pressure gradient parameter β equations. Their exponential constants are described by quadratic functions in the investigated β range. Through this experimental study, it has been observed that the decelerating flow shows higher empirical constants, in both the turbulence intensity and Reynolds stress compared to the accelerating flow. The decelerating flow also has stronger dominance to determine the flow non-uniformity, because it presents higher Reynolds stress profile than uniform flow, whereas the accelerating flow does not

    Decision-Making and Depressive Symptomatology

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    Difficulty making decisions is a core symptom of depressive illness, but the nature of these difficulties has not been well characterized. The two studies presented herein use the same hypothetical scenarios that call for a decision. In Study 1, participants were asked to make and explain their decisions in a free-response format, as well as to describe their prior experiences with similar situations. The results suggest that those with more depressive symptoms make decisions that are less likely to further their interests. We also identified several interesting associations between features of decision-making and the presence of depressive symptoms. In Study 2, participants were guided through their decisions with simple decision tools to investigate whether the association between depressive symptoms and poor decisions is better accounted for by failure to use of good decision-making strategies, or by other factors, such as differences in priorities or goals. With this minimal intervention the quality of decisions no longer declined significantly as a function of depressive symptom severity. Moreover, few associations between depressive symptom severity and decision-related goals and priorities were evident, suggesting that the previously-exposed difficulties of depressed individuals with decision-making were largely the result of their failure to use effective decision-making techniques