6,789 research outputs found

    Bearing tester data compilation, analysis and reporting and bearing math modeling, volume 1

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    Thermal and mechanical models of high speed angular contact ball bearings operating in LOX and LN2 were developed and verified with limited test data in an effort to further understand the parameters that determine or effect the SSME turbopump bearing operational characteristics and service life. The SHABERTH bearing analysis program which was adapted to evaluate shaft bearing systems in cryogenics is not capable of accommodating varying thermal properties and two phase flow. A bearing model with this capability was developed using the SINDA thermal analyzer. Iteration between the SHABERTH and the SINDA models enable the establishment of preliminary bounds for stable operation in LN2. These limits were established in terms of fluid flow, fluid inlet temperature, and axial load for a shaft speed of 30,000 RPM

    3-Dimensional Core-Collapse

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    In this paper, we present the results of 3-dimensional collapse simulations of rotating stars for a range of stellar progenitors. We find that for the fastest spinning stars, rotation does indeed modify the convection above the proto-neutron star, but it is not fast enough to cause core fragmentation. Similarly, although strong magnetic fields can be produced once the proto-neutron star cools and contracts, the proto-neutron star is not spinning fast enough to generate strong magnetic fields quickly after collapse and, for our simulations, magnetic fields will not dominate the supernova explosion mechanism. Even so, the resulting pulsars for our fastest rotating models may emit enough energy to dominate the total explosion energy of the supernova. However, more recent stellar models predict rotation rates that are much too slow to affect the explosion, but these models are not sophisticated enough to determine whether the most recent, or past, stellar rotation rates are most likely. Thus, we must rely upon observational constraints to determine the true rotation rates of stellar cores just before collapse. We conclude with a discussion of the possible constraints on stellar rotation which we can derive from core-collapse supernovae.Comment: 34 pages (5 of 17 figures missing), For full paper, goto http://qso.lanl.gov/~clf/papers/rot.ps.gz accepted by Ap

    Ultrabroad-bandwidth multifrequency Raman generation

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    We report on the modeling of transient stimulated rotational Raman scattering in H2 gas. We predict a multifrequency output, spanning a bandwidth greater than the pump frequency, that may be generated without any significant delay with respect to the pump pulses. The roles of dispersion and transiency are quantified

    Opportunities in producing and marketing strawberries in New Hampshire, Station Bulletin, no.400

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    The Bulletin is a publication of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire

    Eggs under the hammer, Bulletin, no. 300

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    The Bulletin is a publication of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire

    Markets and prices for New Hampshire berries, Bulletin, no. 321

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    The Bulletin is a publication of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire

    A global reanalysis of nuclear parton distribution functions

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    We determine the nuclear modifications of parton distribution functions of bound protons at scales Q2≥1.69Q^2\ge 1.69 GeV2^2 and momentum fractions 10−5≤x≤110^{-5}\le x\le 1 in a global analysis which utilizes nuclear hard process data, sum rules and leading-order DGLAP scale evolution. The main improvements over our earlier work {\em EKS98} are the automated χ2\chi^2 minimization, simplified and better controllable fit functions, and most importantly, the possibility for error estimates. The resulting 16-parameter fit to the N=514 datapoints is good, χ2/d.o.f=0.82\chi^2/{\rm d.o.f}=0.82. Within the error estimates obtained, the old {\em EKS98} parametrization is found to be fully consistent with the present analysis, with no essential difference in terms of χ2\chi^2 either. We also determine separate uncertainty bands for the nuclear gluon and sea quark modifications in the large-xx region where they are not stringently constrained by the available data. Comparison with other global analyses is shown and uncertainties demonstrated. Finally, we show that RHIC-BRAHMS data for inclusive hadron production in d+Au collisions lend support for a stronger gluon shadowing at x<0.01x<0.01 and also that fairly large changes in the gluon modifications do not rapidly deteriorate the goodness of the overall fits, as long as the initial gluon modifications in the region x∼0.02−0.04x\sim 0.02-0.04 remain small.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figure

    Marketing New Hampshire McIntosh apples, Bulletin, no. 347

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    The Bulletin is a publication of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire
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