15 research outputs found

    Effect of sulfur content in wet or dry distillers grains fed at several inclusions on cattle growth performance, ruminal parameters, and hydrogen sulfide

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    Effects of S from wet or dry distillers grains with solubles (DGS) containing 0.82 or 1.16% S on animal growth performance, carcass characteristics, apparent total tract digestibility, and ruminal parameters were evaluated. In Exp. 1, crossbred beef steers (n = 120; 345 ± 34 kg BW) were individually fed ad libitum using Calan gates. Treatments were applied as a 2 × 2 × 3 + 1 factorial treatment arrangement with factors of DGS type (wet or dry), S content in DGS (0.82 or 1.16% DM basis), and DGS inclusion (20, 30, and 40%, DM basis), as well as a corn control diet (no DGS). In Exp. 2, ruminally cannulated crossbred beef steers (n = 6; 381 ± 31 kg BW) were assigned to 1 of 5 diets in a 5 × 6 unbalanced Latin Square design and fed ad libitum through five 14-d periods. A 2 × 2 + 1 factorial treatment arrangement was used with the factors of DGS type and S content in DGS (similar to Exp. 1). Inclusion of DGS was 40%, except for a MATCH diet containing wet 1.16% S DGS included at 31.4% (DM basis). Intake of DM decreased linearly (P \u3c 0.01) and quadratically (P \u3c 0.01) for steers fed wet and dry DGS that was 1.16% S, respectively. In addition, steers fed dry DGS consumed 9% more DM (P \u3c 0.01) than those fed wet. Gain decreased linearly (P = 0.02) when wet 1.16% S DGS increased in the diet, representing a 12% drop in ADG between the Control and 40% DGS inclusion. A quadratic (P = 0.02) improvement in G:F was observed for steers fed wet DGS compared with dry, regardless of S content (P = 0.52). Feeding diets with wet 1.16% S DGS linearly decreased (P = 0.03) HCW. In Exp. 2, molar proportion of propionate declined (P = 0.01) 9% and A:P ratio tended (P = 0.13) to be greater when 1.16 compared with 0.82% S DGS was fed. Apparent total tract DMD was not affected (P \u3e 0.16) and only subtle changes (P \u3c 0.01) in ruminal pH parameters were observed. Greater (P = 0.02) ruminal H2S concentration for steers fed wet compared with dry DGS was observed, while 1.16% S DGS tended (P = 0.12) to produce greater ruminal H2S than 0.82% S. Sulfur in wet DGS appears to be more prone to be converted to ruminal H2S, because feeding 1.16% S as wet DGS had a greater impact on ADG, DMI, and ruminal H2S compared with dry DGS

    Les nouvelles conditions d'une politique agricole : commentaires

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    [eng] International commodity agreements on a number of principal products ? - It is true that economists could have displayed more foresight in recent years. From the point of view of the individual farmer, however, total predictability - such as complete market transparency for instance - would not be entirely desirable. Nevertheless farmers do demand from an agricultural policy that it should ensure them minimum prices for their main products which will provide at least a basis for their forward budgeting. This absence of minimum price guaranteed to the farmer himself is an aspect of the EEC's common policy for beef which is particularly open to criticism. Unfortunately it is evident that, generally speaking, decisions taken within the framework of the CAP are not always the consequence of forethought on the part of the Commission or even of national ministries, but depend rather on political compromises arrived at within the Council of Ministers. As far as the future is concerned, international commodity agreements on a number of principal products constitute a possible means whereby the effects of unpredictability can be somewhat mitigated. [fre] Il est vrai que les Ă©conomistes auraient pu montrer plus de prĂ©voyance au cours de ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. Du point de vue de l'agriculteur mĂȘme, la prĂ©visibilitĂ© totale, telle qu'une transparence absolue du marchĂ© par exemple, ne serait pas entiĂšrement souhaitable. NĂ©anmoins l'agriculteur pourrait exiger d'une politique agricole qu'elle lui assure des prix minimaux pour ses principaux produits qui lui fourniraient au moins une base de calcul pour son budget. Ce manque de garantie de prix minimal au stade du producteur est surtout critiquable lorsqu'il s'agit de la politique commune de la CEE pour la viande bovine. Malheureusement on peut constater que grosso modo les dĂ©cisions prises dans le cadre de la PAC ne rĂ©sultent pas toujours d'une prĂ©voyance de la part de la Commission ou mĂȘme des administrations nationales, mais relĂšvent plutĂŽt de compromis politiques Ă©tablis au sein du Conseil des Ministres. Quant Ă  l'avenir, les accords internationaux sur un certain nombre de denrĂ©es principales constituent un moyen possible de rĂ©duire dans une certaine mesure les consĂ©quences de l'imprĂ©visibilitĂ©.

    The future of European agriculture Trade, technology and the environment

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:3668.239(EIU-SR--2007) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Decarbonising Queensland: Four Pillars toward a Resilient and Inclusive Low-Carbon Economy : Queensland Universities Vice Chancellors Forum

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    This policy brief provides an assessment of key policy and technical issues, opportunities and options and provides recommendations to support Queensland Government in the design and delivery of the Queensland Climate Action Plan (QCAP) toward net-zero emissions.1 The findings herein are based on presentations and discussions by leading experts from Queensland universities at the Vice Chancellor’s Queensland Decarbonisation Forum, 29 June 2022