33 research outputs found
DijagnostiÄka vrijednost ultrazvuÄnoga pregleda prsnoga koÅ”a u razlikovanju pleuralnih izljeva maligne i nemaligne etiologije [Diagnostic validity of thoracic ultrasound in distinguishing malignant and nonmalignant pleural effusions]
Thoracic ultrasound is a diagnostic procedure that may help in the prediction of the pleural effusion etiology. Analyzing the ultrasound characteristics of pleural effusion, visceral and parietal pleura, the best predicting parameters for malignant pleural effusion (MPI) were pleural nodularity (sensitivity of 76,19 %, specificity of 71,43 %, accuracy of 73,81 %). Using various combinations of ultrasound and macroscopic characteristics of typical MPI (nodular pleura together with hemorrhagic/sanguinolent effusion; nodular pleura together with the fibrin absence in pleural effusion; pleural thickness over 10 mm together with hemorrhagic/sanguinolent effusion) finding accuracy in prediction of MPI increased up to 82,50 %. Using integrated statistical analyses of ultrasound, macroscopic and biochemical parameters (logistic regression), the three parameters were obtained (pleural nodularity, fibrin absence, serum proteins) which were the best predictors for MPI (sensitivity of 81,58 %, specificity of 76,09 %, accuracy of 89,64 %). The best single predicting parameter for non-malignant pleural effusion (NMPI) was the fibrinous remodeling (sensitivity of 45,24 %, specificity of 90,48 %, accuracy of 67,86 %). Using various combinations of ultrasound and macroscopic characteristics of typical NMPI (clear/serous pleural effusion together with fibrinous remodeling; pleural effusion fibrinous remodeling together with absent pleural nodularity; pleural effusion fibrinous remodeling together with pleural thickness less than 10 mm), finding accuracy in prediction of NMPI increased up to 88,24 %. Based on these findings, together with results of previous studies, a simple diagnostic algorithm for lymphocytic pleural effusions was proposed
Acute Asthma Management in Emergency Room
Egzacerbaciju astme karakterizira pogorÅ”anje osnovnih simptoma bolesti ā zaduhe, kaÅ”lja, piskanja i/ili pritiska u prsima, koji se javljaju kao posljedica progresivne bronhoopstrukcije i otežanog ekspirija. Dok se blage egzacerbacije uglavnom uspjeÅ”no lijeÄe ambulantno u okviru primarne zdravstvene zaÅ”tite, one umjerene i teÅ”ke zahtijevaju lijeÄenje u bolniÄkoj hitnoj službi, a nerijetko i hospitalizaciju. Pristup bolesniku s astmom u hitnoj službi ukljuÄuje brzu procjenu težine egzacerbacije na temelju fizikalnog nalaza, parametara pluÄne funkcije (saturacija krvi kisikom, plinska analiza arterijske krvi) i težine opstruktivnih smetnja disanja (inicijalno i kontrolno mjerenje PEF ili FEV1). LijeÄenje akutnog napadaja astme temelji se na ponavljanoj primjeni inhalacijskih bronhodilatatora brzog djelovanja, ranom uvoÄenju sustavnih glukokortikoida i adekvatnoj oksigenoterapiji. Cilj zbrinjavanja u hitnoj službi jest razrijeÅ”iti ili barem ublažiti bronhoopstrukciju i korigirati hipoksemiju Å”to je prije moguÄe, kao i na vrijeme prepoznati refraktorne sluÄajeve koji zahtijevaju hospitalizaciju ili Äak prijam u jedinicu intenzivnog lijeÄenja.Asthma exacerbation is characterised by worsening of asthma symptoms, i.e. dyspnoea, cough, wheezing and/or chest tightness, which result from a progressive airway obstruction and expiratory airflow limitation. While mild exacerbations are usually successfully treated in outpatient settings, moderate and severe exacerbations require management in the emergency department, sometimes with subsequent hospital admission. The approach to the asthma patient in the emergency room includes rapid assessment of exacerbation severity based on physical findings, pulmonary function parameters (oxygen saturation, arterial blood gases analysis) and severity of airflow limitation (initial and repeated measurement of PEF or FEV1). The treatment of acute asthma includes the repeated administration of rapid-acting inhaled bronchodilators, the early administration of systemic glucocorticoids, and oxygen supplementation. The aim of the emergency management is to resolve or at least alleviate airflow obstruction and hypoxemia as quickly as possible, and to recognise without delay refractory cases requiring hospital admission or even intensive care unit treatment
Mistakes in Asthma Diagnosis ā A Differential Diagnostic Trap or an Inadequate Diagnostic Procedure?
Dijagnoza astme temelji se na detaljnoj anamnezi, fizikalnom pregledu prsnog koÅ”a te rezultatima testova pluÄne funkcije i procjene alergijskog statusa. NajÄeÅ”Äe diferencijalnodijagnostiÄke nedoumice uzrokuju bolesti prezentirane sliÄnim kliniÄkim obilježjima: kroniÄna opstruktivna pluÄna bolest, bolesti gornjih diÅ”nih putova, gastroezofagealna refluksna bolest, disfunkcija glasnica, lokalizirana opstrukcija velikih diÅ”nih putova te brojni drugi rijetki poremeÄaji. Treba istaknuti da se u veÄini sluÄajeva diferencijalnodijagnostiÄke dvojbe mogu razrijeÅ”iti pridržavanjem standardnih dijagnostiÄkih postupaka preporuÄenih u smjernicama za zbrinjavanje astme. Nepridržavanje naputaka smjernica, tj. dijagnosticiranje astme iskljuÄivo na temelju kliniÄkog dojma može rezultirati pogreÅ”nom dijagnozom i nepotrebnim prolongiranim propisivanjem diferentne terapije.Asthma diagnosis is based on a detailed medical history, physical examination of the chest, lung function tests and allergic status assessment. The diseases with similar clinical features, i.e. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, upper airways diseases, gastroesophageal reflux disease, vocal cord dysfunction, localized obstruction of airways and other numerous rare disorders are the most common differential diagnostic traps. One should note that these ambiguities may be solved in the majority of cases by complying with diagnostic standards given in asthma management guidelines. The noncompliance with these guidelines, i.e. asthma diagnosis made exclusively on the basis of a clinical impression, may lead to a wrong diagnosis and unnecessarily long administration of a differential therapy
Churg-Straussov sindrom sa zahvaÄenim mioperikardom
Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) is a small-vessel necrotizing vasculitis typically characterized by asthma, lung infiltrates, extravascular necrotizing granulomas and hypereosinophilia. Cardiac disease is a major contributor to disease-related death in CSS. We describe a 38-year- old man with late-onset asthma, allergic rhinosinusitis, and high extravascular and peripheral blood eosinophilia, who presented with migratory pulmonary infiltrates and acute myopericarditis. Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) were negative. Early therapy with medium-dose methylprednisolone led to resolution of the pericardial effusion and significant clinical improvement. In the present case report, the importance of early recognition of CSS in patients with asthma and peripheral eosinophilia is discussed. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, besides electro- and echocardiography, may be helpful in early detection of cardiac involvement in CSS, enabling appropriate treatment aimed to prevent further disease progression and potentially fatal consequences.Churg-Straussov sindrom (CSS) je nekrotizirajuÄi vaskulitis malih krvnih žila koji je znakovito obilježen astmom, pluÄnim infiltracijama, ekstravaskularnim nekrotizirajuÄim granulomima i hipereozinofilijom. SrÄana bolest je najvažniji uzrok smrti kod CSS. Opisuje se 38-godiÅ”nji muÅ”karac s astmom kasnog nastupa, alergijskim rinosinusitisom i visokom ekstravaskularnom i perifernom eozinofilijom, koji se prezentira s migrirajuÄim pluÄnim infiltratima i akutnim mioperikarditisom. Antineutrofilna citoplazmatska antitijela (ANCA) bila su negativna. Rana terapija srednjom dozom metilprednizolona rijeÅ”ila je perikardijalni izljev i dovela do znaÄajnog kliniÄkog poboljÅ”anja. U ovom prikazu sluÄaja raspravlja se o važnosti ranog prepoznavanja CSS kod bolesnika s astmom i perifernom eozinofilijom. Uz elektro- i ehokardiografiju, magnetska rezonancija srca može pomoÄi u ranom otkrivanju zahvaÄenosti srca kod CSS, te tako omoguÄiti primjereno lijeÄenje kako bi se sprijeÄilo napredovanje bolesti i moguÄe pogubne posljedice
We present a case report of a middle-aged man who developed spontaneous pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax after performing spirometry. The patient was evaluated in post-COVID-19 outpatient hospital 70 days after his initial hospitalization for severe COVID-19 pneumonia. After performing forced expiratory maneuver on spirometry, high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) showed a small right-sided pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum along the bronchi, large blood vessels, and cardiac contour with āground-glassā opacifications in all lung lobes. The patient was cardiopulmonary compensated and conservative treatment was recommended. The long-term consequences of COVID-19 pneumonia are still not suffi ciently known. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum can very rarely occur as a complication during regular investigation of lung function caused by forced expiratory maneuver on spirometry. Due to lung parenchymal damage, pneumomediastinum with or without pneumothorax in post-COVID-19 patients occurring after spirometry can be expected as a rare but possible complication.Spontani pneumomedijastinum (SPM) je rijetka komplikacija pluÄnih bolesti. U ovom prikazu bolesnika opisan je bolesnik koji je 70 dana nakon hospitalizacije zbog teÅ”ke pneumonije COVID-19 nakon izvoÄenja spirometrije dobio spontani pneumomedijastinum i pneumotoraks. Na HRCT-u (CT toraksa visoke rezolucije) prsnog koÅ”a nakon spirometrije bio je vidljiv manji desnostrani pneumotoraks te pneumomedijastinum uz uzorak takozvanog \u27mlijeÄnog stakla\u27 u svim pluÄnim režnjevima. BuduÄi da je bolesnik bio kardiopulmonalno kompenziran, preporuÄen je konzervativni pristup i daljnje praÄenje. BuduÄi da su dugoroÄne posljedice pneumonije COVID-19 joÅ” uvijek nedovoljno poznate, uÄinci infekcije na respiracijski te druge organske sustave pratit Äe se u iduÄim godinama. SPM može nastati kao vrlo rijetka komplikacija redovnog ispitivanja pluÄne funkcije spirometrijom tijekom koje se provodi forsirani ekspirij. S obzirom na oÅ”teÄenje pluÄnog parenhima uzrokovano pneumonijom COVID-19, Pneumomedijastinum se može oÄekivati kao moguÄa, iako rijetka komplikacija nakon provoÄenja spirometrije u razdoblju bolesti \u27post-COVID-19\u27
Is the Use of Long Acting Beta Agonists Justified in Asthma Patients?
Sigurnost primjene simpatomimetika dugog djelovanja (LABA) u bolesnika s astmom zasigurno je jedan od najÄeÅ”Äe raspravljanih predmeta u farmakoterapiji ove bolesti tijekom posljednjih dvadesetak godina. Prisutni su stavovi u rasponu od miÅ”ljenja o njihovoj potpunoj sigurnosti do prijedloga da budu zabranjeni. Kao moguÄe posljedice primjene LABE zagovornici njihove Å”tetnosti istiÄu toleranciju i smanjenu uÄinkovitost simpatomimetika kratkog djelovanja (SABA). To bi moglo rezultirati gubitkom kontrole astme, poveÄanom stopom egzacerbacija, a u konaÄnici i poveÄanim mortalitetom. ViÅ”estruke pažljive, nezavisne i nepristrane analize baza podataka dosadaÅ”njih ispitivanja nisu potvrdile riziÄnost propisivanja LABE kada se, sukladno preporukama smjernica, propisuje uz inhalacijske kortikosteroide (ICS). KonaÄan odgovor trebalo bi dati planirano prospektivno ispitivanje s ciljem usporedbe primjene kombinacije LABE i ICS-a u odnosu prema samom ICS-u. Neki autoriteti istiÄu da je ovakvo istraživanje neracionalno te da Äe s obzirom na potrebnu veliÄinu uzorka biti vrlo skupo, a da precizan odgovor možda neÄe bit moguÄ ni nakon njegova zavrÅ”etka. Bilo kako bilo, do objave rezultata tog ispitivanja vrijede viÅ”estruko provjereni naputci aktualnih smjernica. Oni dopuÅ”taju propisivanje LABE u lijeÄenju astme samo u kombinaciji s ICS- -om, i to u bolesnika u kojih kontrola astme nije postignuta niskim ili srednje visokim dozama ICS-a. PreporuÄuje se uporaba fiksnih kombinacija u istom rasprÅ”ivaÄu Å”to onemoguÄuju potencijalno riziÄno uzimanje same LABE.The safety of long acting beta agonists (LABAs) in asthma patients has been certainly one of the most discussed issues in the pharmacotherapy of this disease over the last twenty years. The opinions range from those favouring their full safety to those suggesting their ban. Those opposing their use claim that LABAs may reduce tolerance and efficiency of SABA. This could lead to the loss of asthma control, increased exacerbation rate, and finally, to increased mortality. Multiple, thorough, independent and unbiased analyses of data obtained by trials so far have not confirmed LABA related risks if used concomitantly with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) in line with the relevant guidelines. A planned prospective trial, whose aim is to compare the co-administration of LABA and ICS with ICS administered as monotherapy, should give the final answer. Some authorities in this field claim that such a research would be irrational and very expensive due to the requisite sample size. Additionally, they claim that it may not be possible to give a precise answer even after its completion. In any case, the current guidelines, which have been verified on multiple occasions, are valid until the results of this trial become available. The current guidelines allow the administration of LABA in asthma patients in combination with ICS, however, only in those patients whose asthma cannot be controlled by low or moderately high doses of ICS. The use of fixed combinations in the same spray, which would prevent potential risks of LABA used in monotherapy, is therefore recommended
The Role of Anticholinergics in Asthma Treatment
Iako su antikolinergici prihvaÄeni kao prva linija bronhodilatacijskog lijeÄenja KOPB-a, mnogi ih lijeÄnici tradicionalno propisuju i u astmatiÄara. UÄinkovitost ipratropija u akutnoj i stabilnoj astmi etablirana je joÅ” prije dvadesetak godina, a nekoliko recentnih ispitivanja istiÄe terapijski potencijal tiotropija u lijeÄenju ove bolesti. Antikolinergici su tradicionalno klasificirani kao brohodilatatori. Na temelju istraživanja āneživÄanogaā kolinergiÄkog sustava diÅ”nih putova oÄito je da barem neki od njih (tiotropij) uz poznati mehaniÄki, bronhorelaksacijski uÄinak manifestiraju i nemehaniÄke, protuupalne i protuproliferativne, uÄinke. Ovi rezultati promiÄu tiotropij od pukog bronhodilatatora u preparat s potencijalnim protuupalnim djelovanjem koji bi mogao modificirati tijek astme i/ili KOPB-a. Za potvrdu ovog koncepta potrebni su dodatni kliniÄki pokusi planirani na naÄin da se izravno dokažu navedene postavke.Although anticholinergics have been accepted as first-line bronchodilators in COPD, many physicians also prescribe them to asthmatics. The efficacy of ipratropium in acute and stable asthma was established about twenty years ago, and some recent studies emphasize the therapeutic potential of tiotropium in asthma treatment. Traditionally, anticholinergics have been classified as bronchodilators. On the basis of the research of non-neuronal cholinergic respiratory system, it is obvious that at least some of them (tiotropium) exhibit non-mechanical, anti-inflammatory, and antiproliferative effects in addition to their known mechanical and bronchorelaxing effects. These results promote tiotropium from its position of a mere bronchodilator to that of a potential anti-inflammatory agent that could modify asthma and/or COPD course. Additional clinical trials should be conducted to confirm these hypotheses
Ultrasound of the Diaphragm and Its Application in the Clinical Practice
Ultrazvuk dijafragme dijagnostiÄka je metoda kojom se može utvrditi dijafragmalna disfunkcija ili paraliza. Dijafragmalna disfunkcija može uzrokovati otežano disanje i intoleranciju napora. Rijetko se utvrÄuje u kliniÄkoj praksi te prava incidencija nije poznata. Javlja se u nekih neuromiÅ”iÄnih bolesti poput multiple skleroze, amiotrofiÄne lateralne skleroze, poliomijelitisa, lezije N. phrenicusa te u nekih bolesti vezivnog tkiva, pluÄnim bolestima ili idiopatski. Za razliku od ranije upotrebljavanih metoda procjene dijafragmalne funkcije poput elektromiografije, mjerenja transdijafragmalnog tlaka i fluoroskopije, ultrazvuk je neinvazivna i jednostavna pretraga koja ne izlaže bolesnike ionizirajuÄem zraÄenju. Cilj je ovog rada opisati pregled dijafragme ultrazvuÄnom metodom te primjenu ultrazvuka u kliniÄkoj praksi uz pregled literature.Ultrasound of the diaphragm is a diagnostic method that can determine diaphragmatic dysfunction or paralysis. Diaphragmatic dysfunction can cause dyspnea and exercise intolerance. It is rarely diagnosed in clinical practice and its true incidence is unknown. It can occur in some neuromuscular diseases such as multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, poliomyelitis, phrenic nerve lesions, and in some connective tissue diseases, lung diseases or it can be idiopathic. Unlike previously used diagnostic methods for assessing diaphragmatic function such as electromyography, transdiaphragmatic pressure measurement and fluoroscopy, ultrasound is a fast, non-invasive and simple examination, which does not expose patients to ionizing radiation. The aim of this review is to describe the examination of the diaphragm using the ultrasound method and its application in clinical practice along with a literature review
Endobronhalni ultrazvuk (engl. Endobronchial ultrasound ā EBUS) omoguÄuje vizualizaciju medijastinalnih i hilusnih limfnih Ävorova, a prema potrebi i njihovu punkciju (engl. Transbronchial Needle Aspiration ā TBNA). Metodom doplera moguÄe je istodobno pregledati i krvne žile. NajÄeÅ”Äe indikacije za ovu pretragu jesu poveÄanje medijastinalnih i/ili hilusnih limfnih Ävorova nejasna uzroka te procjena proÅ”irenosti pluÄnoga nemikrocelularnog karcinoma (engl. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer ā NSCLC). U radu su prikazani prvi rezultati primjene ove dijagnostiÄke metode u Zavodu za pulmologiju Interne klinike KliniÄke bolnice Dubrava. S obzirom na visoku osjetljivost i specifiÄnost te dobru podnoÅ”ljivost, EBUS-TBNA pokazala se temeljnom pretragom u dijagnostici medijastinalne limfadenopatije.Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) enables visualization of mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes as well as, in case of clinical indication, its transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA). Simultaneous application of color doppler gives the Āadditional prospects to investigate the blood vessels. The primary indication for EBUS is radiographic finding of mediastinal and/or hilar lymph nodes enlargement as well as the staging of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In this article we present the initial results of application of this valuable diagnostic procedure performed at the Department for pulmonary diseases in Clinical hospital Dubrava in Zagreb. According to its high sensitivity and specificity, and being safe and well tolerated, EBUS-TBNA was positioned as basic diagnostic procedure in patients with mediastinal lymphadenopathy
Prvi rezultati dijagnostiÄke primjene endobronhalnog ultrazvuka u KliniÄkoj bolnici Dubrava [Initial results of diagnostic application of endobronchial ultrasound in Clinical hospital Dubrava]
Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) enables visualization of mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes as well as, in case of clinical indication, its transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA). Simultaneous application of color doppler gives the additional prospects to investigate the blood vessels. The primary indication for EBUS is radiographic finding of mediastinal and/or hilar lymph nodes enlargement as well as the staging of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In this article we present the initial results of application of this valuable diagnostic procedure performed at the Department for pulmonary diseases in Clinical hospital Dubrava in Zagreb. According to its high sensitivity and specificity, and being safe and well tolerated, EBUS-TBNA was positioned as basic diagnostic procedure in patients with mediastinal lymphadenopathy