320 research outputs found

    A Model for Detecting Motifs in Biological Sequences

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    A method for detecting patterns in biological sequences is described that incorporates rigorous statistics for determining significances, and an algebraic system that, in combination with a depth first search procedure, can be used to efficiently search for all patterns up to a specified length. This method includes a context free command language grammar and is formulated using a mathematical model amendable to additions enhancements, The method was implemented and verified by detection of various types of patterns in protein sequences

    Proteomic analysis of interchromatin granule clusters

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    A variety of proteins involved in gene expression have been localized within mammalian cell nuclei in a speckled distribution that predominantly corresponds to interchromatin granule clusters (IGCs). We have applied a mass spectrometry strategy to identify the protein composition of this nuclear organelle purified from mouse liver nuclei. Using this approach, we have identified 146 proteins, many of which had already been shown to be localized to IGCs, or their functions are common to other already identified IGC proteins. In addition, we identified 32 proteins for which only sequence information is available and thus these represent novel IGC protein candidates. We find that 54% of the identified IGC proteins have known functions in pre-mRNA splicing. In combination with proteins involved in other steps of pre-mRNA processing, 81% of the identified IGC proteins are associated with RNA metabolism. In addition, proteins involved in transcription, as well as several other cellular functions, have been identified in the IGC fraction. However, the predominance of pre-mRNA processing factors supports the proposed role of IGCs as assembly, modification, and/or storage sites for proteins involved in pre-mRNA processing

    In the absence of ATPase activity, pre-RC formation is blocked prior to MCM2-7 hexamer dimerization

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    The origin recognition complex (ORC) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae binds origin DNA and cooperates with Cdc6 and Cdt1 to load the replicative helicase MCM2–7 onto DNA. Helicase loading involves two MCM2–7 hexamers that assemble into a double hexamer around double-stranded DNA. This reaction requires ORC and Cdc6 ATPase activity, but it is unknown how these proteins control MCM2–7 double hexamer formation. We demonstrate that mutations in Cdc6 sensor-2 and Walker A motifs, which are predicted to affect ATP binding, influence the ORC–Cdc6 interaction and MCM2–7 recruitment. In contrast, a Cdc6 sensor-1 mutant affects MCM2–7 loading and Cdt1 release, similar as a Cdc6 Walker B ATPase mutant. Moreover, we show that Orc1 ATP hydrolysis is not involved in helicase loading or in releasing ORC from loaded MCM2–7. To determine whether Cdc6 regulates MCM2–7 double hexamer formation, we analysed complex assembly. We discovered that inhibition of Cdc6 ATPase restricts MCM2–7 association with origin DNA to a single hexamer, while active Cdc6 ATPase promotes recruitment of two MCM2–7 hexamer to origin DNA. Our findings illustrate how conserved Cdc6 AAA+ motifs modulate MCM2–7 recruitment, show that ATPase activity is required for MCM2–7 hexamer dimerization and demonstrate that MCM2–7 hexamers are recruited to origins in a consecutive process

    Discovering Sequence Motifs with Arbitrary Insertions and Deletions

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    Biology is encoded in molecular sequences: deciphering this encoding remains a grand scientific challenge. Functional regions of DNA, RNA, and protein sequences often exhibit characteristic but subtle motifs; thus, computational discovery of motifs in sequences is a fundamental and much-studied problem. However, most current algorithms do not allow for insertions or deletions (indels) within motifs, and the few that do have other limitations. We present a method, GLAM2 (Gapped Local Alignment of Motifs), for discovering motifs allowing indels in a fully general manner, and a companion method GLAM2SCAN for searching sequence databases using such motifs. glam2 is a generalization of the gapless Gibbs sampling algorithm. It re-discovers variable-width protein motifs from the PROSITE database significantly more accurately than the alternative methods PRATT and SAM-T2K. Furthermore, it usefully refines protein motifs from the ELM database: in some cases, the refined motifs make orders of magnitude fewer overpredictions than the original ELM regular expressions. GLAM2 performs respectably on the BAliBASE multiple alignment benchmark, and may be superior to leading multiple alignment methods for “motif-like” alignments with N- and C-terminal extensions. Finally, we demonstrate the use of GLAM2 to discover protein kinase substrate motifs and a gapped DNA motif for the LIM-only transcriptional regulatory complex: using GLAM2SCAN, we identify promising targets for the latter. GLAM2 is especially promising for short protein motifs, and it should improve our ability to identify the protein cleavage sites, interaction sites, post-translational modification attachment sites, etc., that underlie much of biology. It may be equally useful for arbitrarily gapped motifs in DNA and RNA, although fewer examples of such motifs are known at present. GLAM2 is public domain software, available for download at http://bioinformatics.org.au/glam2

    Identification of structurally conserved residues of proteins in absence of structural homologs using neural network ensemble

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    Motivation: So far various bioinformatics and machine learning techniques applied for identification of sequence and functionally conserved residues in proteins. Although few computational methods are available for the prediction of structurally conserved residues from protein structure, almost all methods require homologous structural information and structure-based alignments, which still prove to be a bottleneck in protein structure comparison studies. In this work, we developed a neural network approach for identification of structurally important residues from a single protein structure without using homologous structural information and structural alignment

    Improved genome-wide localization by ChIP-chip using double-round T7 RNA polymerase-based amplification

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    Chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with DNA microarrays (ChIP-chip) is a powerful technique to detect in vivo protein–DNA interactions. Due to low yields, ChIP assays of transcription factors generally require amplification of immunoprecipitated genomic DNA. Here, we present an adapted linear amplification method that involves two rounds of T7 RNA polymerase amplification (double-T7). Using this we could successfully amplify as little as 0.4 ng of ChIP DNA to sufficient amounts for microarray analysis. In addition, we compared the double-T7 method to the ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction (LM-PCR) method in a ChIP-chip of the yeast transcription factor Gsm1p. The double-T7 protocol showed lower noise levels and stronger binding signals compared to LM-PCR. Both LM-PCR and double-T7 identified strongly bound genomic regions, but the double-T7 method increased sensitivity and specificity to allow detection of weaker binding sites

    The Cohesin loading factor NIPBL recruits histone deacetylases to mediate local chromatin modifications

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    Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) is a rare congenital malformation disorder. About half of the patients with CdLS carry mutations in the NIPBL gene encoding the NIPBL protein, a subunit of the Cohesin loading complex. Recent studies show association of Cohesin with chromatin-remodeling complexes, either by establishing cohesion or by recruiting Cohesin to specific chromosome locations. In yeast two-hybrid assays, we identified an interaction of NIPBL with the histone deacetylases -1 and -3. These interactions were confirmed in mammalian cells by coimmunoprecipitation and a critical region for interaction was defined to a stretch of 163 amino acids of a highly conserved region of NIPBL, which is mutated in patients with CdLS. Utilizing reporter gene assays, we could show that NIPBL fused to the GAL4-DNA-binding domain (GAL4-DBD) represses promoter activity via the recruitment of histone deacetylases. Interestingly, this effect is dramatically reduced by both NIPBL missense mutations identified in CdLS and by chemical inhibition of the histone deacetylases. Our data are the first to indicate a molecular and functional connection of NIPBL with chromatin-remodeling processes via the direct interaction with histone deacetylases

    Conserved phosphoryl transfer mechanisms within kinase families and the role of the C8 proton of ATP in the activation of phosphoryl transfer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The kinome is made up of a large number of functionally diverse enzymes, with the classification indicating very little about the extent of the conserved kinetic mechanisms associated with phosphoryl transfer. It has been demonstrated that C8-H of ATP plays a critical role in the activity of a range of kinase and synthetase enzymes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A number of conserved mechanisms within the prescribed kinase fold families have been identified directly utilizing the C8-H of ATP in the initiation of phosphoryl transfer. These mechanisms are based on structurally conserved amino acid residues that are within hydrogen bonding distance of a co-crystallized nucleotide. On the basis of these conserved mechanisms, the role of the nucleotide C8-H in initiating the formation of a pentavalent intermediate between the γ-phosphate of the ATP and the substrate nucleophile is defined. All reactions can be clustered into two mechanisms by which the C8-H is induced to be labile via the coordination of a backbone carbonyl to C6-NH<sub>2 </sub>of the adenyl moiety, namely a "push" mechanism, and a "pull" mechanism, based on the protonation of N7. Associated with the "push" mechanism and "pull" mechanisms are a series of proton transfer cascades, initiated from C8-H, via the tri-phosphate backbone, culminating in the formation of the pentavalent transition state between the γ-phosphate of the ATP and the substrate nucleophile.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The "push" mechanism and a "pull" mechanism are responsible for inducing the C8-H of adenyl moiety to become more labile. These mechanisms and the associated proton transfer cascades achieve the proton transfer via different family-specific conserved sets of amino acids. Each of these mechanisms would allow for the regulation of the rate of formation of the pentavalent intermediate between the ATP and the substrate nucleophile. Phosphoryl transfer within kinases is therefore a specific event mediated and regulated via the coordination of the adenyl moiety of ATP and the C8-H of the adenyl moiety.</p