293 research outputs found

    Multiple liver abscesses with isolation of streptococcus intermedius related to a pyogenic dental infection in an immuno-competent patient

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p><it>Streptococcus intermedius </it>- a member of the <it>Streptococcus anginosus </it>group - is part of the normal microbial flora of the oral cavity. Despite being regarded as a harmless apathogenic commensal, <it>Streptococcus intermedius </it>has been described to cause abscesses in various locations of the body.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>We report the clinical case and course of treatment of a 18-year-old male patient presenting with multiple hepatic abscesses associated with an untreated pyogenic dental infection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>Streptococcus intermedius </it>can cause liver abscesses emerging from dental infectious foci even in previously healthy patients without underlying innate or aquired immunodeficiency. The case illustrates the potential danger and underestimated risk associated with untreated dental infections.</p

    Fermion loops, loop cancellation and density correlations in two dimensional Fermi systems

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    We derive explicit results for fermion loops with an arbitrary number of density vertices in two dimensions at zero temperature. The 3-loop is an elementary function of the three external momenta and frequencies, and the N-loop can be expressed as a linear combination of 3-loops with coefficients that are rational functions of momenta and frequencies. We show that the divergencies of single loops for low energy and small momenta cancel each other when loops with permuted external variables are summed. The symmetrized N-loop, i.e. the connected N-point density correlation function of the Fermi gas, does not diverge for low energies and small momenta. In the dynamical limit, where momenta scale to zero at fixed finite energy variables, the symmetrized N-loop vanishes as the (2N-2)-th power of the scale parameter.Comment: 24 pages (including 3 EPS figures), LaTeX2e; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Singular Structure and Enhanced Friedel Oscillations in the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas

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    We calculate the leading order corrections (in rsr_s) to the static polarization Π(q,0,)\Pi^{*}(q,0,), with dynamically screened interactions, for the two-dimensional electron gas. The corresponding diagrams all exhibit singular logarithmic behavior in their derivatives at q=2kFq=2 k_F and provide significant enhancement to the proper polarization particularly at low densities. At a density of rs=3r_s=3, the contribution from the leading order {\em fluctuational} diagrams exceeds both the zeroth order (Lindhard) response and the self-energy and exchange contributions. We comment on the importance of these diagrams in two-dimensions and make comparisons to an equivalent three-dimensional electron gas; we also consider the impact these finding have on Π(q,0)\Pi^{*}(q,0) computed to all orders in perturbation theory

    Direct mass measurements beyond the proton drip-line

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    First on-line mass measurements were performed at the SHIPTRAP Penning trap mass spectrometer. The masses of 18 neutron-deficient isotopes in the terbium-to-thulium region produced in fusion-evaporation reactions were determined with relative uncertainties of about 71087\cdot 10^{-8}, nine of them for the first time. Four nuclides (144,145^{144, 145}Ho and 147,148^{147, 148}Tm) were found to be proton-unbound. The implication of the results on the location of the proton drip-line is discussed by analyzing the one-proton separation energies

    Exact integral equation for the renormalized Fermi surface

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    The true Fermi surface of a fermionic many-body system can be viewed as a fixed point manifold of the renormalization group (RG). Within the framework of the exact functional RG we show that the fixed point condition implies an exact integral equation for the counterterm which is needed for a self-consistent calculation of the Fermi surface. In the simplest approximation, our integral equation reduces to the self-consistent Hartree-Fock equation for the counterterm.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Van Hove singularity and spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking in Sr3Ru2O7

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    The most salient features observed around a metamagnetic transition in Sr3Ru2O7 are well captured in a simple model for spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking under a magnetic field, without invoking a putative quantum critical point. The Fermi surface symmetry breaking happens in both a majority and a minority spin band but with a different magnitude of the order parameter, when either band is tuned close to van Hove filling by the magnetic field. The transition is second order for high temperature T and changes into first order for low T. The first order transition is accompanied by a metamagnetic transition. The uniform magnetic susceptibility and the specific heat coefficient show strong T dependence, especially a log T divergence at van Hove filling. The Fermi surface instability then cuts off such non-Fermi liquid behavior and gives rise to a cusp in the susceptibility and a specific heat jump at the transition temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Renormalized perturbation theory for Fermi systems: Fermi surface deformation and superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    Divergencies appearing in perturbation expansions of interacting many-body systems can often be removed by expanding around a suitably chosen renormalized (instead of the non-interacting) Hamiltonian. We describe such a renormalized perturbation expansion for interacting Fermi systems, which treats Fermi surface shifts and superconductivity with an arbitrary gap function via additive counterterms. The expansion is formulated explicitly for the Hubbard model to second order in the interaction. Numerical soutions of the self-consistency condition determining the Fermi surface and the gap function are calculated for the two-dimensional case. For the repulsive Hubbard model close to half-filling we find a superconducting state with d-wave symmetry, as expected. For Fermi levels close to the van Hove singularity a Pomeranchuk instability leads to Fermi surfaces with broken square lattice symmetry, whose topology can be closed or open. For the attractive Hubbard model the second order calculation yeilds s-wave superconductivity with a weakly momentum dependent gap, whose size is reduced compared to the mean-field result.Comment: 18 pages incl. 6 figure

    Spontaneous breaking of four-fold rotational symmetry in two-dimensional electronic systems explained as a continuous topological transition

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    The Fermi liquid approach is applied to the problem of spontaneous violation of the four-fold rotational point-group symmetry (C4C_4) in strongly correlated two-dimensional electronic systems on a square lattice. The symmetry breaking is traced to the existence of a topological phase transition. This continuous transition is triggered when the Fermi line, driven by the quasiparticle interactions, reaches the van Hove saddle points, where the group velocity vanishes and the density of states becomes singular. An unconventional Fermi liquid emerges beyond the implicated quantum critical point.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure