552 research outputs found

    A Greenhouse Tomato Crop Grey Mould Disease Early Warning System

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    Tomato is a very important crop in the Mediterranean region in general and in Portugal in particular being the production for fresh consumption made essentially in greenhouses. Botrytis cinerea Pers.: Fr. is the causal agent of grey mould disease and is one of the most important diseases affecting greenhouse tomato crops, high relative humidity and the presence of free water on the plant surfaces have been recognized as favourable to the development of this disease. The availability of a early warning system providing to the tomato grower alerts with information of the potential favoured conditions for the disease appearance in its early stages or even before can have a very positive impact in reducing the economic and environmental impacts due to a more rational and efficient disease control management. Today we have the necessary technology to build and launch an Internet based early warning system for grey mould disease in greenhouse tomato crop supported by a wireless sensor network. In this paper a prototype for such a system is presented. From the research conducted until the moment the proposed solution is viable and the next step will be to validate it in the field in different locations and with distinct greenhouses conditions

    Use Of Cumene Hydroperoxide As An End-point Indicator In The Titration Of Bases By Catalytic Thermometric Titrimetry

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    The use of the decomposition reaction of cumene hydroperoxide for indication of the end-point of the titration of organic bases with perchloric acid was investigated. The rise in temperature at the end-point is of the order of 25°C. Only strong bases can be determined when the titrand solvent is acetic acid - acetic anhydride (92 + 8 v/v), but even weak bases such as caffeine can be determined in 1,2-dichloroethane. Some titration curves resulting from titration of bases with boron trifluoride (a Lewis acid) are presented.115676176

    Microabrasion In Tooth Enamel Discoloration Defects: Three Cases With Long-term Follow-ups

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    Superficial irregularities and certain intrinsic stains on the dental enamel surfaces can be resolved by enamel microabrasion, however, treatment for such defects need to be confined to the outermost regions of the enamel surface. Dental bleaching and resin-based composite repair are also often useful for certain situations for tooth color corrections. This article presented and discussed the indications and limitations of enamel microabrasion treatment. Three case reports treated by enamel microabrasion were also presented after 11, 20 and 23 years of follow-ups.224347354Akin, M., Basciftci, F.A., Can white spot lesions be treated effectively? (2012) Angle Orthodontist, 82, pp. 770-775Ardu, S., Benbachir, N., Stavridakis, M., Dietschi, D., Krejci, I., Feilzer, A., A combined chemo-mechanical approach for aesthetic management of superficial enamel defects (2009) Br Dent J, 206, pp. 205-208Bailey, R.W., Christen, A.G., Effects of a bleaching technic on the labial enamel of human teeth stained with endemic dental fluorosis (1970) J Dent Res, 49, pp. 168-170Bassir, M.M., Bagheri, G., Comparison between phosphoric acid and hydrochloric acid in microabrasion technique for the treatment of dental fluorosis (2013) J Conserv Dent, 16, pp. 41-44Briso, A., Lima, A., Goncalves, R., Gallinari, M., Santos, P.D., Transenamel and transdentinal penetration of hydrogen peroxide applied to cracked or microabrasioned enamel (2014) Oper Dent, 39, pp. 166-173Castro, K.S., Araújo, F.A.C., Duarte, R.M., Sampaio, F.C., Meireles, S.S., Acceptability, efficacy and safety of two treatment protocols for dental fluorosis: A randomized clinical trial (2014) J Dent, , doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2014.01.011. Epub ahead of printCelik, E.U., Yildiz, G., Yazkan, B., Clinical evaluation of enamel microabrasion for the aesthetic management of mild-to-severe dental fluorosis (2013) J Esthet Restor Dent, 25, pp. 422-430Celik, E.U., Yildiz, G., Yazkan, B., Comparison of enamel microabrasion with a combined approach to the esthetic management of fluorosed teeth (2013) Oper Dent, 38, pp. 134-143Chhabra, N., Singbal, K.P., Viable approach to manage superficial enamel discoloration (2010) Contemp Clin Dent, 1, pp. 284-287Croll, T.P., Enamel microabrasion for removal of superficial dysmineralization and decalcification defects (1990) J Am Dent Assoc, 120, pp. 411-415Croll, T.P., (1991) Enamel Microabrasion, , Chicago: QuintessenceCroll, T.P., Hastening the enamel microabrasion procedure eliminating defects, cutting treatment time (1993) J Am Dent Assoc, 124, pp. 87-90Croll, T.P., Bullock, G.A., Enamel microabrasion for removal of smooth surface decalcification lesions (1994) J Clin Orthod, 28 (365), p. 70Croll, T.P., Cavanaugh, R.R., Enamel color modification by controlled hydrochloric acid-pumice abrasion. I. technique and examples (1986) Quintessence Int, 17, pp. 81-87Croll, T.P., Segura, A., Donly, K.J., Enamel microabrasion: New considerations in 1993 (1993) Pract Periodontics Aesthet Dent, 5, pp. 19-28. , quiz 29Dixit, U.B., Shetty, R.M., Comparison of soft-tissue, dental, and skeletal characteristics in children with and without tongue thrusting habit (2013) Contemp Clin Dent, 4, pp. 2-6Donly, K.J., O'Neill, M., Croll, T.P., Enamel microabrasion: A microscopic evaluation of the abrosion effect (1992) Quintessence Int, 23, pp. 175-179Fragoso, L.S., Lima, D.A., Alexandre, R.S., Bertoldo, C.E., Aguiar, F.H., Lovadino, J.R., Evaluation of physical properties of enamel after microabrasion, polishing, and storage in artificial saliva (2011) Biomed Mater, 6 (3), p. 035001. , doi: 10.1088/1748-6041/6/3/035001Fujimoto, S., Yamaguchi, K., Gunjigake, K., Clinical estimation of mouth breathing (2009) Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 136 (630), p. 7Haywood, V.B., Heymann, H.O., Nightguard vital bleaching: How safe is it? (1991) Quintessence Int, 22, pp. 515-523Kendell, R.L., Hydrochloric acid removal of brown fluorosis stains: Clinical and scanning electron micrographic observations (1989) Quintessence Int, 20, pp. 837-839Killian, C.M., Conservative color improvement for teeth with fluorosis-type stain (1993) J Am Dent Assoc, 124, pp. 72-74Killian, C.M., Croll, T.P., Enamel microabrasion to improve enamel surface texture (1990) J Esthet Dent, 2, pp. 125-128Limeback, H., Vieira, A.P., Lawrence, H., Improving esthetically objectionable human enamel fluorosis with a simple microabrasion technique (2006) Eur J Oral Sci, 114, pp. 123-129Machado, L.S., Sundfeld, N.D., Oliveira, G.B., Carvalho, T.C., Oliveira, F.G., Sundfeld, R.H., Combining enamel microabrasion and dental bleaching: Recovering smile aesthetics (2013) Dent Today, 32, pp. 110-111McCloskey, R.J., A technique for removal of fluorosis stains (1984) J Am Dent Assoc, 109, pp. 63-64Murphy, T.C., Willmot, D.R., Rodd, H.D., Management of postorthodontic demineralized white lesions with microabrasion: A quantitative assessment (2007) Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 131, pp. 27-33Nahsan, F.P., Silva, L.M., Baseggio, W., Franco, E.B., Francisconi, P.A., Mondelli, R.F., Conservative approach for a clinical resolution of enamel white spot lesions (2011) Quintessence Int, 42, pp. 423-426Paula, A., Santos, P.H., Oliveira, F.G., Machado, L.S., Neto, D.S., Sundfeld, R.H., Integrating techniques to restore an adolescent's smile (2012) Dent Today, 31 (88), pp. 90-91Price, R.B., Loney, R.W., Doyle, M.G., Moulding, M.B., An evaluation of a technique to remove stains from teeth using microabrasion (2003) J Am Dent Assoc, 134, pp. 1066-1071Reston, E.G., Corba, D.V., Ruschel, K., Tovo, M.F., Barbosa, A.N., Conservative approach for esthetic treatment of enamel hypoplasia (2011) Oper Dent, 36, pp. 340-343Rodrigues, M.C., Mondelli, R.F., Oliveira, G.U., Franco, E.B., Baseggio, W., Wang, L., Minimal alterations on the enamel surface by micro-abrasion: In vitro roughness and wear assessments (2013) J Appl Oral Sci, 21, pp. 112-117Segura, A., Donly, K.J., Wefel, J.S., Drake, D., Effect of enamel microabrasion on bacterial colonization (1997) Am J Dent, 10 (272), p. 4Sheoran, N., Garg, S., Damle, S.G., Dhindsa, A., Opal, S., Gupta, S., Esthetic management of developmental enamel opacities in young permanent maxillary incisors with two microabrasion techniques a split mouth study (2014) J Esthet Restor Dent, , doi: 10.1111/jerd.12096. Epub ahead of printSundfeld, R.H., Croll, T.P., Briso, A.L., Alexandre, R.S., Sundfeld, N.D., Considerations about enamel microabrasion after 18 years (2007) Am J Dent, 20, pp. 67-72Sundfeld, R.H., Rahal, V., Croll, T.P., de Alexandre, R.S., Briso, A.L., Enamel microabrasion followed by dental bleaching for patients after orthodontic treatment case reports (2007) J Esthet Restor Dent, 19, pp. 71-77Yamaguchi, K., Morimoto, Y., Nanda, R.S., Ghosh, J., Tanne, K., Morphological differences in individuals with lip competence and incompetence based on electromyographic diagnosis (2000) J Oral Rehabil, 27, pp. 893-90

    i-Farm: A exploração vitícola inteligente da sociedade da informação e do conhecimento

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    www.i-Farm.pt.Neste trabalho iremos explorar o potencial das mais recentes inovações tecnológicas disponíveis no mercado para construir a i-Farm, a exploração vitícola inteligente da sociedade da informação e do conhecimento. O projecto i-Farm foi financiado pelo Programa DEMTEC da Agência de Inovação, apesar de passível de ser aplicado em qualquer actividade agrícola, é apresentado para o caso concreto da vinha, pois a viticultura foi considerada estratégicas no âmbito do Plano Estratégico Nacional para o Desenvolvimento Rural Português (GPP, 2007), numa lógica de aumento da competitividade do sector agrícola, conforme previsto no Eixo 1 da referida estratégia. A viticultura, mais concretamente a viticultura de precisão, tem vindo a receber uma atenção crescente da comunidade científica e empresarial na medida em que é efectivamente uma actividade capital intensivo em que a realização de investimentos em tecnologias de informação e comunicação podem ser justificados numa análise custo/benefício rigorosa. É hoje possível encontrar na literatura científica e nas empresas de prestação de serviços especializados exemplos concretos da aplicação das mais recentes tecnologias de monitorização remota sem fios na vinha (Camilli et al., 2007, Morais et al., 2008, Neto et al. 2007). Neste projecto quisemos ir mais longe na utilização das tecnologias disponíveis para construir um sistema integrado de apoio à decisão numa abordagem de Business Intelligence e estudar a utilização de digital dashboards para suportar a tomada de decisão ao nível da exploraçãoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Titration Of Proteins In Dimethyl Sulphoxide-water Mixtures

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    The acid-base behaviour of arginine, lysozyme and ovalbumin has been studied by potentiometric and catalytic thermometric titrimetry in a mixture of dimethyl sulphoxide-water, with acrylonitrile as the end-point indicator in the latter technique. It was observed that, with the exception of the SH groups, all the protonated groups, including the guanidine groups of lysozyme and ovalbumin, were titrated by catalytic thermometric titrimetry. By using potentiometric titrimetry, all the titratable groups of ovalbumin were determined, whereas the guanidine groups of lysozyme were not determined by this technique.116111181118


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    Wireless sensors networks appeared in the 1970’s for military and industrial use. They have since undergone a major evolution, particularly since the 90’s, thanks to the improvements in wireless communications. These changes have allowed them to participate in a wide variety of applications in different sectors such as agriculture and environment. This paper shows the development of a SCADA application programmed with LabVIEW® 8.6 (National Instruments), which allows management of data received by wireless sensors networks through a friendly interface for users. For the application shown in this paper we have worked with a MEP 510 sensors network (Crossbow). The functionalities implemented are the following: Network configuration; Data storage into database; Statistical processing of historical data with polynomial adjustment and spline interpolation; Visualization by data graphics in real time and historical data; Visualization of 2D intensity diagrams from the spatial distribution of sensors; and Creation of a users registry system that allows, depending on the category assigned, receiving or not access privileges in the application. As a complement we have developed the possibility of remote access. Sensors network implemented and the applications developed have been checked by operational tests for each functionality, as well as sensors joining and leaving the network situations, range of variables and working modes. The results obtained show the robustness of the SCADA application and the limitations of wireless sensors networks operating on field conditions

    Continuous-distribution puddle model for conduction in trilayer graphene

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    An insulator-to-metal transition is observed in trilayer graphene based on the temperature dependence of the resistance under different applied gate voltages. At small gate voltages the resistance decreases with increasing temperature due to the increase in carrier concentration resulting from thermal excitation of electron-hole pairs. At large gate voltages excitation of electron-hole pairs is suppressed, and the resistance increases with increasing temperature because of the enhanced electron-phonon scattering. We find that the simple model with overlapping conduction and valence bands, each with quadratic dispersion relations, is unsatisfactory. Instead, we conclude that impurities in the substrate that create local puddles of higher electron or hole densities are responsible for the residual conductivity at low temperatures. The best fit is obtained using a continuous distribution of puddles. From the fit the average of the electron and hole effective masses can be determined.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Characterizing top gated bilayer graphene interaction with its environment by Raman spectroscopy

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    In this work we study the behavior of the optical phonon modes in bilayer graphene devices by applying top gate voltage, using Raman scattering. We observe the splitting of the Raman G band as we tune the Fermi level of the sample, which is explained in terms of mixing of the Raman (Eg) and infrared (Eu) phonon modes, due to different doping in the two layers. We theoretically analyze our data in terms of the bilayer graphene phonon self-energy which includes non-homogeneous charge carrier doping between the graphene layers. We show that the comparison between the experiment and theoretical model not only gives information about the total charge concentration in the bilayer graphene device, but also allows to separately quantify the amount of unintentional charge coming from the top and the bottom of the system, and therefore to characterize the interaction of bilayer graphene with its surrounding environment

    A Bibliografia do xisto

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    Descreve as características e as condições de pesquisa bibliográfica em xistos oleígenos que a Bibliografia do Xisto apresenta: cobertura exaustivada literatura internacional (12.717 referências) com indicação da(s) área(s) de conhecimento coberta(s)pelo trabalho (Aplicação, Biologia, Documentação,Economia, Geologia, História, Legislação e RegrasNormativas, Mineração e Prospecção, Mineralogia ePetrografia, Notícias, Origem, Paleontologia,Política e Programas, Propriedades Fundamentais,Química, Saúde e Tecnologia). A Bibliografia utiliza o sistema automático de indexação KWOC e é composta das seguintes partes: 1) índice Cronológico de Referências: relaciona as referências pelo ano de publicação e, dentro de cada ano, por ordem do número de registro do documento na Bibliografia do Xisto; 2) Índice de Autores:relaciona os autores em ordem alfabética, listando cronologicamente os vários trabalhos de cada um;3) índice de Termos: palavras-chave dos títulos dos documentos e áreas de conhecimento; 4) Lista da Produção Literária (total) dos Autores; 5) Lista de Ocorrência dos Termos; 6) Lista e Gráfico da Freqüência Anual dos Trabalhos; 7) Lista de Publicações Periódicas: arrola alfabeticamente as abreviaturas normalizadas dos 2.3OO títulos constantes da Bibliografia. Toda a Bibliografia do Xisto está normalizada em inglês e se encontra gravada em microfichas. Bibliografias setoriais sobre cada uma das 17 áreas de conhecimento (emais Patentes e Teses) foram produzidas a partir da grande Bibliografia, utilizando o mesmo sistema de indexação. Por solicitação dos usuários,bibliografias restritas a termos específicos ou a expressões booleanas, com entradas do Índice de Termos, podem ser produzidas, por computador, a partir da grande Bibliografia. Abstract Describes the characteristics and facilities of bibliographical research on oil shales provided by the Oil Shale Bibliography: world-wide coverage of the literature (12.717 references) classified according to 17 areas of knowledge-. Application,Biology, Chemistry, Documentation, Economy,Fundamental Properties, Geology, Health, History,Legislation and Normative Rules, Mineralogy and Petrography, Mining and Prospection, News, Origin, Paleontology, Politics and Programs, and Technology. The Bibliography uses the KWOC automatic indexing system and consists of a Chronological Index, an Author Index, a Subject Index, a List of the Authors' (total) Literary Production, a List of Occurrence of Words, a Listand Graph of the Annual Frequency of Papers and aList of Serials. The whole Oil Shale Bibliography is translated into English and is recorded in microfiches. Sectorial bibliographies on each of the 17 areas of knowledge (plus Patents and Theses)were computer produced from the Bibliography,using the same indexing system. Bibliographies restricted to specific words (keywords) or boolean expressions, may also be computer produced from the Bibliography