9 research outputs found

    Effect of seeding date, environment, and storage on canola seed vigour

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    Non-Peer ReviewedSeed vigour has been identified as one of the leading factors limiting stand establishment and yield in western Canada. Field studies at Scott, SK demonstrated that seed derived from Fall and April-sown canola produced higher plant densities, higher biomass at bolting, and higher seed yield than seed derived from May-sown canola. This study established the impact of seeding date on seed quality and vigour, which in turn affected emergence, seedling vigour and yield. Also, seed vigour slowly declines within one year, primarily from seed derived from the May-sown canola. Currently we are in the process of uncovering which genes and proteins are in common with vigour irrespective of seed source. We will combine our analysis with synchrotron technologies for a much more in-depth understanding of what constitutes “seed vigour” to develop a rapid, simple, and inexpensive method that will identify intrinsic characteristics of superior seed lots, as well as seed lots that lose vigour when stored under adverse conditions. In addition, we have initiated a study to compare hormones and metabolites during cold acclimation and freeze-induced injury/recovery to correlate these changes with winter survival. This research will identify traits that can be used in marker-assisted/molecular breeding programs for winter hardiness and possible genetic engineering studies on abiotic stress tolerance of seeds and plants. To further understand the processes involved in stress tolerance, we utilized gene transfer techniques to produce a PNT canola that over-expresses a novel gene which results in higher yields under stressful conditions. These PNT lines were tested in the field over 3 years across Western Canada in non-stressed, moderately stressed, or severely stressed areas. At each location, several lines flowered and matured 1 to 3 weeks earlier. The faster maturating PNT lines (up to 55% more mature at harvest) had increased yields (up to 32% increase) and enhanced seed quality (up to 87% increase in larger and more mature seed) versus the control. These results, both in controlled laboratory tests and in field trials, have been optimistic for genetic engineering of plants for enhanced stress tolerance without losing agronomical important characteristics

    Geochemistry of Munro Township Basalt

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    Magma mixing in komatiitic lavas from Munro Township, Ontario

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    Komatiites at Munro Township, northeast Ontario, show greater LREE depletion and have lower ratios of highly to moderately incompatible elements (e.g. Ti/Sc) than associated komatiitic basalts. These differences indicate that the two magma types are not related to one another by low pressure fractional crystallization: they formed either from mantle sources with slightly different compositions, or from the same source under different conditions of partial melting or high pressure fractionation.In some situations these two magma types have mixed together to form hybrid magmas. The best example is Fred’s Flow, a thick mafic-ultramafic layered unit that has chemical characteristics intermediate between those of the komatiites and komatiitic basalts. Textural evidence for mixing is found in the flow top breccia which contains two types of fragment, one with komatiitic composition and the second with basaltic composition. Particularly significant are augite phenocrysts in the breccia, which have compositions indicating that they could not have crystallized from the liquid that formed the bulk of Fred’s Flow.Magma mixing may also have played a role in the formation of komatiitic basaltic flows with acicular pyroxene textures and komatiites which contain anomalously Forich olivine xenocrysts or unusually high concentrations of incompatible trace elements

    Operando Topography and Mechanical Property Mapping of CO<sub>2</sub>Reduction Gas-Diffusion Electrodes Operating at High Current Densities

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    Electrochemical atomic force microscopy (EC-AFM) enables measurement of electrode topography and mechanical properties during electrochemical reactions. However, for aqueous-based reactions that make gas products, such as CO2 reduction and water splitting into CO/H2, current densities below 1 mA cm-2 have been necessary to prevent formation of bubbles at the electrode; such bubbles can stick to the AFM probe and prevent further AFM imaging. Here, we demonstrate a novel cell design with a gas-diffusion electrode (GDE) to exhaust the gas products, thereby enabling high current density EC-AFM measurements at 1, 10, and 100 mA cm-2 that are not disturbed by bubble formation at the electrode surface. These experiments revealed a stable morphological structure of Cu catalysts deposited on GDEs during high current density operation. Systematic spatially resolved maps of deformation and adhesion showed no signs of a gas-liquid interface between catalyst particles of the GDE.</p

    The Effect of Water, Sugars, and Proteins on the Pattern of Ice Nucleation and Propagation in Acclimated and Nonacclimated Canola Leaves

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    Infrared video thermography was used to observe ice nucleation temperatures, patterns of ice formation, and freezing rates in nonacclimated and cold acclimated leaves of a spring (cv Quest) and a winter (cv Express) canola (Brassica napus). Distinctly different freezing patterns were observed, and the effect of water content, sugars, and soluble proteins on the freezing process was characterized. When freezing was initiated at a warm subzero temperature, ice growth rapidly spread throughout nonacclimated leaves. In contrast, acclimated leaves initiated freezing in a horseshoe pattern beginning at the uppermost edge followed by a slow progression of ice formation across the leaf. However, when acclimated leaves, either previously killed by a slow freeze (2°C h(−1)) or by direct submersion in liquid nitrogen, were refrozen their freezing pattern was similar to nonacclimated leaves. A novel technique was developed using filter paper strips to determine the effects of both sugars and proteins on the rate of freezing of cell extracts. Cell sap from nonacclimated leaves froze 3-fold faster than extracts from acclimated leaves. The rate of freezing in leaves was strongly dependent upon the osmotic potential of the leaves. Simple sugars had a much greater effect on freezing rate than proteins. Nonacclimated leaves containing high water content did not supercool as much as acclimated leaves. Additionally, wetted leaves did not supercool as much as nonwetted leaves. As expected, cell solutes depressed the nucleation temperature of leaves. The use of infrared thermography has revealed that the freezing process in plants is a complex process, reminding us that many aspects of freezing tolerance occur at a whole plant level involving aspects of plant structure and metabolites rather than just the expression of specific genes alone

    Effect of seeding date on canola seed quality

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    Non-Peer ReviewedCanola (Brassica napus), a cool season crop, is very sensitive to heat particularly at the flowering stage of growth. Nutall et al. (1992) reported a 3°C increase in mean maximum daily temperature (21 to 24°C) during flowering resulted in a 0.4 tonne ha-1 decrease in seed yield. Canola sown in the Fall or mid-April flowers 18 to 24 days earlier and can yield up to 30% higher than can canola sown in mid-May (Johnson et al. 1998). Canola seed weights have averaged 30% and 20% higher for Fall and early spring seed dates, respectively, as compared to the late spring seeding date. These plants flower and mature in June and thereby escape midsummer heat and drought stresses. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of seeding date on the size, maturity, germination rate and emergence rate of canola seed

    Orientation of a bipolar membrane determines the dominant ion and carbonic species transport in membrane electrode assemblies for CO<sub>2</sub>reduction

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    A bipolar membrane (BPM), consisting of a cation and an anion exchange layer (CEL and AEL), can be used in an electrochemical cell in two orientations: reverse bias and forward bias. A reverse bias is traditionally used to facilitate water dissociation and control the pH at either side. A forward bias has been proposed for several applications, but insight into the ion transport mechanism is lacking. At the same time, when implementing a BPM in a membrane electrode assembly (MEA) for CO2 reduction, the BPM orientation determines the environment of the CO2 reduction catalyst, the anolyte interaction and the direction of the electric field at the interface layer. In order to understand the transport mechanisms of ions and carbonic species within a bipolar membrane electrode assembly (BPMEA), these two orientations were compared by performing CO2 reduction. Here, we present a novel BPMEA using a Ag catalyst layer directly deposited on the membrane layer at the vapour-liquid interface. In the case of reverse bias, the main ion transport mechanism is water dissociation. CO2 can easily crossover through the CEL as neutral carbonic acid due to the low pH in the reverse bias. Once it enters the AEL, it will be transported to the anolyte as (bi)carbonate because of the presence of hydroxide ions. When the BPM is in the forward bias mode, with the AEL facing the cathode, no net water dissociation occurs. This not only leads to a 3 V lower cathodic potential but also reduces the flux of carbonic species through the BPM. As the pH in the AEL is higher, (bi)carbonate is transported towards the CEL, which then blocks the majority of those species. However, this forward bias mode showed a lower selectivity towards CO production and a higher salt concentration was observed at the cathode surface. The high overpotential and CO2 crossover in reverse bias can be mitigated via engineering BPMs, providing higher potential for future application than that of a BPM in forward bias owing to the intrinsic disadvantages of salt recombination and poor faradaic efficiency for CO2 reduction. This journal is ChemE/Materials for Energy Conversion & StorageChemE/Transport PhenomenaChemE/Delft Ingenious Desig