335 research outputs found

    La educación bucodental en la Educación Primaria: Un estudio sobre los hábitos y conocimientos del alumnado de 6º de Primaria

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    [ES] En este trabajo se estudian los hábitos y conocimientos que el alumnado de tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria (11-12 años) manifiesta tener. Para ello se ha pasado una encuesta en varios centros escolares de dos contextos culturales diferentes y se ha llegado a la conclusión de que hay un porcentaje de alumnos que no tienen unos hábitos de salud bucodental adecuados y que, además, muchos no tienen conocimientos suficientes. Por último se han realizado una serie de recomendaciones educativas que pueden servir para mejorar los hábitos y conocimientos que el alumnado tiene con respecto a la salud bucodental.[EUS] Lan honek, hirugarren zikloko Lehen Hezkuntzako ikasleen (11-12 urte) ohiturak eta ezaguerak aurkezten ditu. Horretarako, bi ikastetxetan galdeketa bat pasatu da. Bi ikastetxeek izandako testuinguru kulturala nahiko desberdina izan da. Hori dela eta, hurrengo ondorioetara ailegatu naiz; testuinguruaren arabera, ikasleak izaten dituzten ezaguerak eta azturak aho-hortzen osasunaren inguruan desberdina izango da. Amaitzeko, aho-hortzen osasunari buruz dagoen adimena garatzeko eta ohitura sustatzeko, hainbat gomendio hezigarriak proposatu dira.[EN] In this paper we study the habits and knowledges that the students of the third cycle of Primary Education – 11-12 years old – have. For this reason a survey has been passed over several schools in two distinct cultural contexts and it has been concluded that there is a percentage of students who don't have adequate oral health habits and that many don't know enought about it. Finally a series of educational recommendations that can serve to improve the habits and knowledges that the students have regarding to the oral health have been made

    p53 loss and Kras mutation in an invasive murine model of colorectal cancer

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    For many years there have been many excellent mouse models of benign intestinal adenoma though not of later stage invasive disease. In this study we have attempted to generate a number of murine models that closely recapitulate the human disease by manipulating mutations that occur during colorectal cancer (CRC) progression. The p53 tumour suppressor gene is commonly mutated in sporadic CRC, though loss alone does not drive intestinal tumorigenesis. When we targeted p53 deletion to the adult murine intestine in concert with a single mutation in the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (Apc) tumour suppressor gene, this led to an acceleration of tumorigenesis and an increase in the number of invasive tumours and more rarely metastasis. These invasive tumours closely resemble human tumours and importantly had many features of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT). Tumours in this background still formed at relatively long latencies suggesting other genetic events were occurring to drive the progression in the absence of p53. Up to 50% of colon cancers have a mutation in KRAS. Targeting mutant KrasG12D to the intestinal epithelium promotes hyperplasia though not tumorigenesis. In combination with Apc mutation there is an acceleration of tumorigenesis and a greater propensity to develop colonic tumours. To test whether Kras mutation caused a more marked phenotype in the background of p53 deficiency we generated VillinCreER+ Apcfl/+ p53fl/fl KrasG12D/+ mice. Remarkably these mice develop invasive and rarely metastatic tumours in as little as 50 days. Moreover even small tumours (less than 1mm) could be invasive. We believe these mouse models of invasive and metastatic intestinal adenocarcinoma will be an excellent tool to study the invasive and metastatic process in vivo. Moreover they should allow us to test the efficacy of drugs aimed to inhibit the invasion process

    Wild edible plant knowledge, distribution and transmission:a case study of the Achí Mayans of Guatemala

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    BACKGROUND: Knowledge about wild edible plants (WEPs) has a high direct-use value. Yet, little is known about factors shaping the distribution and transfer of knowledge of WEPs at global level and there is concern that use of and knowledge about WEPs is decreasing. This study aimed to investigate the distribution, transmission and loss of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) concerning WEPs used by a Mayan community of Guatemala and to enumerate such plants. METHODS: The case study was carried out in a semi-isolated community where part of the population took refuge in the mountains in 1982–1985 with WEPs as the main source of food. Major variables possibly determining knowledge and therefore investigated were socio-demographic characteristics, distance to and abundance of natural resources and main source of knowledge transmission. A reference list of species was prepared with the help of three key informants. Information about the theoretical dimension of knowledge was gathered through free listing and a questionnaire survey, while practical skills were assessed using a plant identification test with photographs. All villagers older than 7 years participated in the research (n = 62 including key informants). RESULTS: A total of 44 WEPs were recorded. Theoretical knowledge was unevenly distributed among the population, and a small group including very few informants (n = 3) mentioned, on average, three times more plants than the rest of the population during the free listing. Practical knowledge was more homogeneously distributed, key informants recognising 23 plants on average and the rest of the population 17. Theoretical and practical knowledge increased with age, the latter decreasing in the late phases of life. Knowledge about WEPs was transmitted through relatives in 76% of the cases, which led to increased knowledge of plants and ability to recognise them. CONCLUSIONS: The WEP survey may serve as a reference point and as a useful compilation of knowledge for the community for their current and future generations. This study shows that the elder and the refugees living in the area for longer time know more than others about WEPs. It also shows the important role of knowledge transmission through relatives to preserve TEK

    La educación bucodental en la Educación Primaria: Un estudio sobre los hábitos y conocimientos del alumnado de 6º de Primaria

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    [ES] En este trabajo se estudian los hábitos y conocimientos que el alumnado de tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria (11-12 años) manifiesta tener. Para ello se ha pasado una encuesta en varios centros escolares de dos contextos culturales diferentes y se ha llegado a la conclusión de que hay un porcentaje de alumnos que no tienen unos hábitos de salud bucodental adecuados y que, además, muchos no tienen conocimientos suficientes. Por último se han realizado una serie de recomendaciones educativas que pueden servir para mejorar los hábitos y conocimientos que el alumnado tiene con respecto a la salud bucodental.[EUS] Lan honek, hirugarren zikloko Lehen Hezkuntzako ikasleen (11-12 urte) ohiturak eta ezaguerak aurkezten ditu. Horretarako, bi ikastetxetan galdeketa bat pasatu da. Bi ikastetxeek izandako testuinguru kulturala nahiko desberdina izan da. Hori dela eta, hurrengo ondorioetara ailegatu naiz; testuinguruaren arabera, ikasleak izaten dituzten ezaguerak eta azturak aho-hortzen osasunaren inguruan desberdina izango da. Amaitzeko, aho-hortzen osasunari buruz dagoen adimena garatzeko eta ohitura sustatzeko, hainbat gomendio hezigarriak proposatu dira.[EN] In this paper we study the habits and knowledges that the students of the third cycle of Primary Education – 11-12 years old – have. For this reason a survey has been passed over several schools in two distinct cultural contexts and it has been concluded that there is a percentage of students who don't have adequate oral health habits and that many don't know enought about it. Finally a series of educational recommendations that can serve to improve the habits and knowledges that the students have regarding to the oral health have been made

    El cuento coeducativo como destructor de barreras patriarcales

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    El presente trabajo pretende contribuir a desarrollar una actitud favorable y activa en los profesionales de la educación ante la importancia de implementar actividades y programas que fomenten la igualdad de género en nuestras escuelas, beneficiándonos de la literatura infantil como estrategia para una educación literaria de calidad que desarrolle competencias artísticas, mediante metodologías de aprendizaje basadas en la investigación-acción. Como objetivo fundamental se trata de abrir una puerta a la reflexión, de indagar sobre la importancia de la sensibilización hacia una educación no sexista, basada en la igualdad de género como determinante significativo del desarrollo infantil y de la identidad personal. A lo largo del marco teórico del presente trabajo de fin de grado se presentan conceptos relativos a la educación en la igualdad y a las teorías sobre la diferencia entre lo masculino y lo femenino, la influencia ejercida por el entorno y a cómo la literatura puede influir en el mantenimiento y/o ruptura de roles sociales y estereotipos sexistas. En cuanto a la investigación práctica y a los participantes en ella, fue llevada a cabo en una clase de 19 alumnos de cuatro y cinco años, con el fin de concienciar a los docentes sobre la necesidad de realizar prácticas que fomenten la igualdad de género de manera continuada en nuestras escuelas a lo largo de la escolaridad obligatoria; tema apenas investigado y desarrollado en nuestras aulas y a menudo relegado al plano de una educación transversal insuficiente, debido al peso que ejercen en la actualidad las asignaturas de índole academicista sobre el desarrollo socio-emocional de los alumnos
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