15,153 research outputs found

    On Representation of the Reeb Graph as a Sub-Complex of Manifold

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    The Reeb graph R(f)\mathcal{R}(f) is one of the fundamental invariants of a smooth function f ⁣:M→Rf\colon M\to \mathbb{R} with isolated critical points. It is defined as the quotient space M/â€‰âŁâˆŒM/_{\!\sim} of the closed manifold MM by a relation that depends on ff. Here we construct a 11-dimensional complex Γ(f)\Gamma(f) embedded into MM which is homotopy equivalent to R(f)\mathcal{R}(f). As a consequence we show that for every function ff on a manifold with finite fundamental group, the Reeb graph of ff is a tree. If π1(M)\pi_1(M) is an abelian group, or more general, a discrete amenable group, then R(f)\mathcal{R}(f) contains at most one loop. Finally we prove that the number of loops in the Reeb graph of every function on a surface MgM_g is estimated from above by gg, the genus of MgM_g.Comment: 18 page

    Does Aid Cause Trade? Evidence from an Asymmetric Gravity Model

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    Anderson and vanWincoop (2003) developed what has become the standard framework for framing and interpreting empirical work using the gravity model. Its main advantage is that it recognizes and tackles the issue of endogeneity of prices. Hoverer, two shortcomings of their framework are that 1) it relies heavily on an assumption of symmetry among countries; and 2) it requires nonlinear estimations. For issues related to North-South trade, the assumption of symmetry is problematic. In this paper we develop an asymmetric extension of the Anderson-vanWincoop framework appropriate to the analysis of North-South trade. To avoid nonlinear estimations, we also use an appropriately extended version of Baier and Bergstrand’s (2006) method of estimating a linear approximation to the model—thus permitting estimation using (“good old”) OLS and easily compute comparative statics. As an illustration of its use, we examine the empirical link between foreign aid and trade. The results are striking. The coefficients are positive and significant, matching a long list of empirical results in the aid and trade literature. However, the comparative statics shows that aid affects prices so as to reduce the volume of trade of non-donor Northern exporters. Since most Northern countries are non-donors, the total volume of exports from the North actually decreases.Foreign aid, trade, gravity

    Critical Narrative of Multiracial Women\u27s Personal Journey: Negotiating the Intersectionallity of Race and Gender Issues in a Monoracial Paradigm

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    The aim of this study was to examine how three women of color, mothers of Multiracial children, experience gender and racial identity issues in the context of United States; explore their choice of racial indicator for their children and the impact that raising multiracial children would have on their own racial identity. This study was informed by critical race feminist thought, framed by qualitative inquiry and oral history as research methodology. Throughout this study I have attempted to demonstrate that gender and race are significant factors in these three women\u27s lived experiences. The participants\u27 accounts revealed how different aspects of sexism, racism, heritage pride, and racial invisibility have been a part of their lives, and influenced the choices of racial indicators for their multiracial children. There was ample evidence from the stories of these three participants that the racial identity indicator of their multiracial children and the consequences of these choices, provided a more significant set of apprehensions than the concerns these three women had for their own gender and racial identity issues. Data was collected through semi-structured open ended interviews

    Many-body interactions in a quantum wire in the integer quantum Hall regime: suppression of exchange-enhanced g factor

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    The collapse of Hall gaps in the integer quantum Hall liquid in a quantum wire is investigated. Motivated by recent experiment [Pallecchi et al. PRB 65, 125303 (2002)] previous approaches are extended to treat confinement effects and the exchanged enhanced g-factor in quantum wires. Two scenarios for the collapse of the Μ=1\nu =1 state are discussed. In the first one the Μ=1\nu =1 state becomes unstable at Bcr(1)B_{cr}^{(1)}, due to the exchange interaction and correlation effects, coming from the edge-states screening. In the second scenario, a transition to the Μ=2\nu =2 state occurs at Bcr(2)B_{cr}^{(2)}, with a smaller effective channel width, caused by the redistribution of the charge density. This effect turns the Hartree interaction essential in calculating the total energy and changes Bcr(2)B_{cr}^{(2)} drastically. In both scenarios, the exchange enhanced g-factor is suppressed for magnetic fields lower than BcrB_{cr}. Phase diagrams for the Hall gap collapse are determined. The critical fields, activation energy, and optical gg-factor obtained are compared with experiments. Within the accuracy of the available data, the first scenario is most probable to be realized.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Arabidopsis thaliana: A model host plant to study plant-pathogen interaction using Chilean field isolates of Botrytis cinerea

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    http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-97602006000200004&lng=es&nrm=isoOne of the fungal pathogens that causes more agriculture damage is Botrytis cinerea. Botrytis is a constant threat to crops because the fungus infects a wide range of host species, both native and cultivated. Furthermore, Botrytis persists on plant debris in and on the soil. Some of the most serious diseases caused by Botrytis include gray mold on vegetables and fruits, such as grapes and strawberries. Botrytis also causes secondary soft rot of fruits and vegetables during storage, transit and at the market. In many plant-pathogen interactions, resistance often is associated with the deposition of callose, accumulation of autofluorescent compounds, the synthesis and accumulation of salicylic acid as well as pathogenesis-related proteins. Arabidopsis thaliana has been used as a plant model to study plant-pathogen interaction. The genome of Arabidopsis has been completely sequenced and this plant serves as a good genetic and molecular model. In this study, we demonstrate that Chilean field isolates infect Arabidopsis thaliana and that Arabidopsis subsequently activates several defense response mechanisms associated with a hypersensitive response. Furthermore, we propose that Arabidopsis may be used as a model host species to analyze the diversity associated with infectivity among populations of Botrytis cinerea field isolates

    Systemic Abandonment of Latino Mid-Adolescents Residing in Less Ethnically Populated Urban Communities of the Midwest

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    This Ministry Focus Paper attempts to take a deeper look at abandonment in the Latino mid-adolescent community in the United States, the Midwest, and, specifically, Indianapolis, contrasting and comparing history, ethos, and systemic abandonment with the dominant culture mid-adolescent in the United States. Chap Clark, in his groundbreaking research entitled Hurt, uses the phrase “systemic abandonment” to describe the present state of the adolescent.1 Clark realizes that abandonment has been a slow, historical process initiated with the rise of the middle class and accentuated by postmodern values, such as: individualism, consumerism, and the perception of competence and sophistication of the young—as described by David Elkind—without social capital.2 Clark, in Hurt 2.0, shares about a group affected by systemic abandonment and not fitting within the “sociological mainstream.”3 Clark groups them into two clusters: the vulnerable and the privileged. The Latino oppressed culture is included in the vulnerable group. Although its value orientation is familism, collectivism, and social harmony, it is also affected by systemic abandonment. It is the final goal of this Ministry Focus Paper to create a structure that allows churches to adopt schools. The goal is to provide social capital in a multicultural setting, and therefore help reduce abandonment. It describes the DDMC model (Development, Discipleship, Mission, and Community) developed in a less ethnically minority populated urban community of the Midwest. Content reader: Chap Clark, PhD Footnotes 1 Chap Clark, Hurt: Inside the World of Today\u27s Teenagers (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2004), 43-44. 2 David Elkind, All Grown Up and No Place to Go: Teenagers in Crisis (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1998), 5. 3 Chap Clark, Hurt 2.0: Inside the World of Today’s Teenagers (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2011), 165-186

    Optimization of distribution in the supply chain: case study - Medimport

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    Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças EmpresariaisO objetivo deste projeto passou por examinar as estratĂ©gias de gestĂŁo da cadeia de abastecimento que a MEDIMPORT pode implementar para reduzir os elevados custos e simultaneamente aumentar a eficiĂȘncia. Na pesquisa, baseada num estudo de caso, foram utilizados dados provenientes de entrevistas semiestruturadas, consultas junto de especialistas, observaçÔes e documentação interna da empresa. Da anĂĄlise emergem os problemas de infraestrutura de transporte precĂĄria inerente a Moçambique. Os desafios da distribuição e logĂ­stica conduziram a recomendaçÔes baseadas na implementação de um novo modelo de sistema de distribuição assente na digitalização da cadeia de abastecimentos e na introdução de um sistema de combate Ă  falsificação e fraude de medicamentos. O principal objetivo passa por melhorar a transparĂȘncia da informação ao longo da cadeia de abastecimento, permitindo a tomada de melhores decisĂ”es em relação Ă  gestĂŁo de consumos, stocks e previsĂ”es de consumo. Espera-se que a eficiĂȘncia aumente, mas tambĂ©m as receitas, dada a abordagem mais centrada no cliente ditada pelas recomendaçÔes.The purpose of this project was to examine Supply Chain Management (SCM) strategies that MEDIMPORT can implement to reduce the high costs and increase efficiency. Following a case study research, it was used data from semi-structured interviews, consultants with experts, observations and internal documentation from the company. From the analyse emerge the problems of poor transportation infrastructure inherent to Mozambique. The challenges of distribution and logistics conduct to recommendations assent to implement a new supply system model based on digitalization of the supply chain and introduction of an anti-counterfeit system of drugs. The main purpose is to improve the transparency of information across the supply chain allowing better decisions regarding the management of consumptions, stocks, and forecast. Is expected that efficiency increase but also revenues given the more customer-centric approach imposed by the recommendations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparing the content of instruments assessing environmental factors using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

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    Purpose: To describe and compare the content of instruments that assess environmental factors using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Methods: A systematic search of PubMed, CINAHL and PEDro databases was conducted using a pre-determined search strategy. The identified instruments were screened independently by two investigators, and meaningful concepts were linked to the most precise ICF category according to published linking rules. Results: Six instruments were included, containing 526 meaningful concepts. Instruments had between 20% and 98% of items linked to categories in Chapter 1. The highest percentage of items from one instrument linked to categories in Chapters 2–5 varied between 9% and 50%. The presence or absence of environmental factors in a specific context is assessed in 3 instruments, while the other 3 assess the intensity of the impact of environmental factors. Discussion: Instruments differ in their content, type of assessment, and have several items linked to the same ICF category. Most instruments primarily assess products and technology (Chapter 1), highlighting the need to deepen the discussion on the theory that supports the measurement of environmental factors. This discussion should be thorough and lead to the development of methodologies and new tools that capture the underlying concepts of the ICF
