3,495 research outputs found

    Heart Treatment in Ancient Egyptian Mummification

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    Descriptions in the popular and academic literature, of the treatment of the heart as part of the Egyptian mummification tradition, are derived from accounts by classical authors. Our reliance on these normative descriptions, in the absence of Egyptian accounts, has obscured the wide range of mummification practices and the intrasocietal changes occurring in ancient Egypt. It has impeded the study of geographic, chronological, and socio-political variations in ancient Egyptian mortuary practice and ideology. This study focuses on computed tomography (CT) as a non-destructive gold standard for mummies studies, and in the examination of heart treatment indications and variations with time, sex, and status

    The importance of mammillary body efferents for recency memory: towards a better understanding of diencephalic amnesia

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    Despite being historically one of the first brain regions linked to memory loss, there remains controversy over the core features of diencephalic amnesia as well as the critical site for amnesia to occur. The mammillary bodies and thalamus appear to be the primary locus of pathology in the cases of diencephalic amnesia, but the picture is complicated by the lack of patients with circumscribed damage. Impaired temporal memory is a consistent neuropsychological finding in Korsakoff syndrome patients, but again, it is unclear whether this deficit is attributable to pathology within the diencephalon or concomitant frontal lobe dysfunction. To address these issues, we used an animal model of diencephalic amnesia and examined the effect of mammillothalamic tract lesions on tests of recency memory. The mammillothalamic tract lesions severely disrupted recency judgements involving multiple items but left intact both recency and familiarity judgements for single items. Subsequently, we used disconnection procedures to assess whether this deficit reflects the indirect involvement of the prefrontal cortex. Crossed-lesion rats, with unilateral lesions of the mammillothalamic tract and medial prefrontal cortex in contralateral hemispheres, were unimpaired on the same recency tests. These results provide the first evidence for the selective importance of mammillary body efferents for recency memory. Moreover, this contribution to recency memory is independent of the prefrontal cortex. More broadly, these findings identify how specific diencephalic structures are vital for key elements of event memory

    Another Hole in the Head? Brain Treatment in Ancient Egyptian Mummies

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    Perhaps the most sensational and best-known feature of Egyptian mummification, the removal of the brain, is commonly attributed to the New Kingdom onward (e.g. [1]). Variability both within and between excerebration techniques, however, is poorly appreciated in the literature [2], and reporting of excerebration is often inconsistent, greatly simplified, or simply absent in descriptions of mummified remains, making detailed comparative studies difficult if not impossible. The goals of this study were to demonstrate: variability in mummy excerebration techniques temporal and status trends in brain treatment the limitations of the literature for large studies This study focuses on computed tomography (CT), as a non-destructive gold standard for mummies studies, in the examination of three primary treatments of the brain in mummification: transnasal craniotomy (TNC) transforaminal craniotomy (TFC) the absence of excerebration in relation to their radiological indications and their variations with time and status

    Assessment of Human Trabecular Architecture in the Pubis by Three Radiographic Modalities

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    This poster discusses technical aspects of an investigation into the use of non-destructive radiological analyses of pubic cancellous bone structure to estimate age-at-death from human skeletal remains. This study stems from findings, in X-ray plain films, of increased rarification and orientation of trabeculae with age [1]; likely in concert with the macroscopic remodelling of the symphyseal surface currently used in estimation of age-at-death. The study uses three non-destructive X-ray imaging modalities: plain film radiography, computed tomography (CT), and micro-CT (μCT). Plain film radiography has greater spatial resolution than CT [2] and is relatively inexpensive, widely available, and, with portable X-ray units, even accessible in the field for archaeological and forensic applications. CT scanners are largely restricted to clinical settings due to the size, sensitivity, and cost of the machine, but offer a greater contrast resolution than plain film radiography [2]. More expensive and more precise, μCTscanners are further restricted in their availability and accessibility, but CT andμCTmodalities provide volumetric data, avoiding the confusion of overlying cortical and cancellous structures and the apparent increases in density with element thickness seen in plain film radiography

    Extent of resection predicts risk of progression in adult pilocytic astrocytoma.

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    OBJECT:Pilocytic astrocytomas are rare tumours in adults. Presentation, management and prognostic factors are poorly characterised. METHODS:Retrospective single centre study from 2000 to 2016. RESULTS:50 cases were identified (median age 29 years; range 16-76). Symptoms at presentation were neurological deficit (n = 21), headache (n = 18) and seizures (n = 6). Five were incidental findings. Five patients had hydrocephalus at presentation and required emergent management, two by endoscopic third ventriculostomy and three by external ventricular drain. Symptoms were present for a median of 16 weeks (range 1 week to 34 years). Surgery consisted of gross total resection (n = 23), subtotal resection (n = 21) or biopsy (n = 6). Progression occurred in 20 patients at a median time of 7 years following surgery and was asymptomatic in just over half of these cases. A greater degree of resection (complete vs. subtotal) was associated with longer time to progression (Kaplan-Meier analysis, log rank test = 3.58, p = 0.059). At their first progression 12 patients underwent re-resective surgery and the remainder received radiotherapy. The median 5-year survival was 80%. CONCLUSIONS:In adult patients with a pilocytic astrocytoma, a macroscopic resection should be the aim at the first resective operation. Emergency management of hydrocephalus may be required in the first instance

    The anterior thalamic nuclei and cognition: a role beyond space?

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    The anterior thalamic nuclei are a vital node within hippocampal-diencephalic-cingulate circuits that support spatial learning and memory. Reflecting this interconnectivity, the overwhelming focus of research into the cognitive functions of the anterior thalamic nuclei has been spatial processing. However, there is increasing evidence that the functions of the anterior thalamic nuclei extend beyond the spatial realm. This work has highlighted how these nuclei are required for certain classes of temporal discrimination as well as their importance for processing other contextual information; revealing parallels with the non-spatial functions of the hippocampal formation. Yet further work has shown how the anterior thalamic nuclei may be important for other forms of non-spatial learning, including a critical role for these nuclei in attentional mechanisms. This evidence signals the need to reconsider the functions of the anterior thalamic within the framework of their wider connections with sites including the anterior cingulate cortex that subserve non-spatial functions

    Dynamical Arrest in Attractive Colloids: The Effect of Long-Range Repulsion

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    We study gelation in suspensions of model colloidal particles with short-ranged attractive and long-ranged repulsive interactions by means of three-dimensional fluorescence confocal microscopy. At low packing fractions, particles form stable equilibrium clusters. Upon increasing the packing fraction the clusters grow in size and become increasingly anisotropic until finally associating into a fully connected network at gelation. We find a surprising order in the gel structure. Analysis of spatial and orientational correlations reveals that the gel is composed of dense chains of particles constructed from face-sharing tetrahedral clusters. Our findings imply that dynamical arrest occurs via cluster growth and association.Comment: Final version: Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 208301 (2005

    Backroom Treasures: CT Scanning of Two Ibis Mummies from the Peabody Museum Collection

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    Museum collections of Egyptian human and animal mummies have great potential for research and museums often curate larger collections than those on exhibit. Scheduling access for medical imaging projects is often complicated for mummies on display because of the important environmental controls under which they are kept. Consequently, collections in storage are often more numerous and more readily available, in terms of time and physical access, than those on exhibit. Application of computed tomography (CT) to the study of mummified remains allows for detailed three-dimensional evaluations, without the difficulties of superimposition that characterise plain film radiographs. Three-dimensional visualisation, multi-planar reformats (MPR), maximum intensity projections (MIP), and curve-linear reconstructions of these mummies were especially valuable for close examination of the complex curves of the spine and the contents of the gizzard. These manipulations are no less important in the study of animal mummies than they are in those of humans.

    Do the rat anterior thalamic nuclei contribute to behavioural flexibility?

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    The rodent anterior thalamic nuclei (ATN) are vital for spatial memory. A consideration of their extensive frontal connections suggests that these nuclei may also subserve non-spatial functions. The current experiments explored the importance of the ATN for different aspects of behavioural flexibility, including their contribution to tasks typically associated with frontal cortex. In Experiment 1, rats with ATN lesions were tested on a series of response and visual discriminations in an operant box and, subsequently, in a water tank. The tasks included assessments of reversal learning as well switches between each discrimination dimension. Results revealed a mild and transient deficit on the operant task that was not specific to any stage of the procedure. In the water tank, the lesion animals were impaired on the reversal of a spatial discrimination but did not differ from controls on any other measure. Experiment 2 examined the impact of ATN damage on a rodent analogue of the ‘Stroop’, which assesses response choice during stimulus conflict. The lesion animals successfully acquired this task and were able to use contextual information to disambiguate conflicting cue information. However, responding during the initial presentation of conflicting cue information was affected by the lesion. Taken together, these results suggest that the ATN are not required for aspects of behavioural flexibility (discrimination learning, reversals or high-order switches) typically associated with the rat medial prefrontal cortex. The results from Experiment 2 suggest that the non-spatial functions of the ATN may be more aligned with those of the anterior cingulate cortex

    Dissociable Roles of Dopamine Within the Core and Medial Shell of the Nucleus Accumbens in Memory for Objects and Place

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    There is increasing focus on the role of the nucleus accumbens (NAc) in learning and memory, but there is little consensus as to how the core and medial shell subregions of the NAc contribute to these processes. In the current experiments, we used spontaneous object recognition to test rats with 6-hydroxydopamine lesions targeted at the core or medial shell of the NAc on a familiarity discrimination task and a location discrimination task. In the object recognition variant, control animals were able to discriminate the novel object at both 24-hr and 5-min delay. However, in the lesion groups, performance was systematically related to dopamine (DA) levels in the core but not the shell. In the location recognition task, sham-operated animals readily detected the object displacement at test. In the lesion groups, performance impairment was systematically related to DA levels in the shell but not the core. These results suggest that dopamine function within distinct subregions of the NAc plays dissociable roles in the modulation of memory for objects and place