9 research outputs found


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    The article presents an analytical review of the scientific literature on the topic of “camel” antibodies, their discovery, structural differences from classical immunoglobulins and their application in genetic engineering, biological research and medicine, in particular, in cancer therapy.В статье представлен аналитический обзор научной литературы на тему «верблюжьих» антител, их открытия, структурных отличий от классических иммуноглобулинов и их применения в генной инженерии, биологических исследованиях и в медицине, в частности, в онкологической терапии.

    High genetic diversity of measles virus, World Health Organization European region, 2005-2006

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    During 2005-2006, nine measles virus (MV) genotypes were identified throughout the World Health Organization European Region. All major epidemics were associated with genotypes D4, D6, and B3. Other genotypes (B2, D5, D8, D9, G2, and H1) were only found in limited numbers of cases after importation from other continents. The genetic diversity of endemic D6 strains was low; genotypes C2 and D7, circulating in Europe until recent years, were no longer identified. The transmission chains of several indigenous MV strains may thus have been interrupted by enhanced vaccination. However, multiple importations from Africa and Asia and virus introduction into highly mobile and unvaccinated communities caused a massive spread of D4 and B3 strains throughout much of the region. Thus, despite the reduction of endemic MV circulation, importation of MV from other continents caused prolonged circulation and large outbreaks after their introduction into unvaccinated and highly mobile communities

    Preparing Technology Teachers for Professional Activities in the Information Space of Technological Education

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    Current digitalization of education calls for new approaches to teacher training. The study conducted in all Russian regions showed that there is an urgent need to develop a spe-cial training program for technology teachers that would equip them with an adequate in-formation and communications technology (ICT) competence. The new training program needs to be different from the programs developed for teachers of other subjects, since technology as a subject area has specific features with an emphasis on practice-oriented learning and the advanced use of ICT. The study is based on the scientific statements of Russian scientists (Akhmetov, 2008), (Bogatyrev, 2003), (Gotskaya & Zhuchkov, 2001), (Grinshkun, 2013). The majority of scientific works are devoted to the preparing teachers of computer science, mathematics and physics. The methodological foundations of technology teacher preparation is an urgent task. The purpose of the study is theoretical substation, creation and implementation of the methodological system, which prepare technology teachers for ICT use at their further pro-fessional activities. The study uses the modern methods of collecting and processing initial information, pedagogical modeling, experimental work, final diagnostics. The experimental work was carried out in 2008–2018. The participants of the pedagogical experiment were 850 technology teachers from 28 Russian regions, 620 students and 57 teachers from 15 universities in Russia, Ukraine and the USA. The result of the research is the system of methodological preparation of technology teachers, which has been tested at the domestic and foreign levels

    Обоснование раннего удаления хрусталика в лечении заболевания первичного закрытия угла передней камеры

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    PURPOSE. To demonstrate the feasibility of early lens extraction in the treatment of primary angle closure disease in clinical practice.MATERIAL AND METHODS. Three clinical cases are presented at different stages of primary angle closure disease (PACD). The first one is related to the development of a bilateral acute attack of primary angle closure (PAC) in the intensive care unit during the treatment for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) associated with COVID-19 pneumonia in a patient with a previously undiagnosed PACD. The second case demonstrates the progression of glaucomatous optic neuropathy (GON) in early primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG) after laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) and delayed selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) against the background of increased lens thickness. The third example illustrates the progression of advanced PACG in the right eye (OD) and moderate PACG in the left eye (OS), which was due to the formation of goniosynechia after bilateral LPI, which required transscleral diode cyclophotocoagulation (TSCP) in OD and trabeculectomy in OS. Subsequently, bilateral lens extraction with implantation of an intraocular lens (LE+IOL) and SLT was performed.RESULTS. In the first clinical case, advanced PACG developed in both eyes within 2 months. After bilateral LPI, trabeculectomy, compensation of intraocular pressure (IOP) was achieved, visual functions remained the same. In the second clinical case, 5.5 years after LPI and SLT, an increase in the thickness of the lens was revealed (OD by 0.2 mm, OS 0.48 mm). GON did not progress in OD (the rate of thinning of the retinal nerve fiber layer was 0.94 µm/year, p=0.32 and the progression rate in OS was -1.04 µm/year (p=0.018). Taking into account the lens mechanism of the progression of PACD, bilateral LE+IOL was recommended. In the third clinical example IOP remained elevated after bilateral LPI, TSCP in OD and trabeculectomy in OS as a result of goniosinechiogenesis, and therefore LE+IOL also did not lead to its decrease. After bilateral SLT, compensation of IOP was achieved without local hypotensive therapy (IOP, Icare: OD 18.0 mm Hg, OS 15 mm Hg).CONCLUSION. For preserving visual functions LE+IOL is highly recommended at the very beginning of PACD in order to prevent the formation of GON and goniosynechia. This is dictated by the dominant role of the lens mechanism in the PACD formation as it is demonstrated in the described clinical examples.ЦЕЛЬ. Продемонстрировать целесообразность раннего удаления хрусталика в лечении заболевания первичного закрытия угла в клинической практике.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ. Представлены три клинических случая на разных стадиях заболевания первичного закрытия угла (ЗПЗУ). Первый связан развитием двухстороннего приступа первичного закрытия угла (ПЗУ) в отделении интенсивной терапии на фоне лечения острого респираторного дистресс-синдрома (ОРСД), связанного с пневмонией COVID-19, у пациентки с ранее не диагностированным ЗПЗУ. Второй случай демонстрирует прогрессирование глаукомной оптической нейропатии (ГОН) при начальной первичной закрытоугольной глаукоме (ПЗУГ) после периферической лазерной иридотомии (ПЛИТ) и отсроченной селективной лазерной трабекулопластики (СЛТ) на фоне увеличения толщины хрусталика. Третий пример иллюстрирует прогрессирование далекозашедшей ПЗУГ на правом глазу (OD) и развитой ПЗУГ на левом (OS), которое было обусловлено формированием гониосинехий после билатеральной ПЛИТ, что потребовало выполнения диодной транссклеральнной циклофотокоагуляции (ДТЦК) на OD и синустрабекулэктомии (СТЭК) на OS. В дальнейшем выполнена билатеральная факоэмульсификация катаракты с имплантацией интраокулярной линзы (ФЭ+ИОЛ) и СЛТ.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. В первом клиническом случае в течение 2-х месяцев развилась далекозашедшая ПЗУГ на обоих глазах. После двухсторонней ПЛИТ, СТЭК достигнута компенсация внутриглазного давления (ВГД), зрительные функции остались прежними. Во втором клиническом случае через 5,5 лет после ПЛИТ и СЛТ выявлено увеличение толщины хрусталика (OD на 0,2 мм, OS 0,48 мм). На OD ГОН стабильна (скорость истончения слоя нервных волокон сетчатки 0,94 мкм/год, p=0,32, на OS скорость прогрессирования составила -1,04 мкм/год, p=0,018. Учитывая хрусталиковый механизм прогрессирования ЗПЗУ, рекомендована билатеральная ФЭ+ИОЛ. В третьем клиническом примере ВГД оставалось повышенным после билатеральной ПЛИТ, ДТЦК на OD и СТЭК на OS в результате гониосинехиообразования, а потому ФЭ+ИОЛ также не привела к его снижению. После двухсторонней СЛТ достигнута компенсация ВГД без местной гипотензивной терапии (ВГД по данным Icare на OD 18,0 мм рт.ст., OS 15 мм рт.ст.).ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Для сохранения зрительных функций в лечении ЗПЗУ необходимо проводить ФЭ+ИОЛ в самом начале заболевания до формирования ГОН и гониосинехий. Это продиктовано доминирующей ролью хрусталика в формировании ЗПЗУ в описанных клинических примерах

    The Association of PLAUR Genotype and Soluble suPAR Serum Level with COVID-19-Related Lung Damage Severity

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    Uncovering the risk factors for acute respiratory disease coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) severity may help to provide a valuable tool for early patient stratification and proper treatment implementation, improving the patient outcome and lowering the burden on the healthcare system. Here we report the results of a single-center retrospective cohort study on 151 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)-infected symptomatic hospitalized adult patients. We assessed the association of several blood test measurements, soluble urokinase receptor (uPAR) serum level and specific single nucleotide polymorphisms of ACE (I/D), NOS3 (rs2070744, rs1799983), SERPINE1 (rs1799768), PLAU (rs2227564) and PLAUR (rs344781, rs2302524) genes, with the disease severity classified by the percentage of lung involvement on computerized tomography scans. Our findings reveal that the T/C genotype of PLAUR rs2302524 was independently associated with a less severe lung damage (odds ratio 0.258 [0.071–0.811]). Along with high C-reactive protein, fibrinogen and soluble uPAR serum levels turned out to be independently associated with more severe lung damage in COVID-19 patients. The identified factors may be further employed as predictors of a possibly severe COVID-19 clinical course

    PAK signalling during the development and progression of cancer

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