7 research outputs found

    Analysis of Meaning in Safavid Altar Rugs Based on Mieke Bal's Views

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    Problem Definition: Since many scholars in the traditional arts believe in a single meaning, it seems less possible to realize the duplication of meaning in these arts. Because it is thought that these arts are designed based on specific principles, among these arts are altar rugs woven in the Safavid period. The previous research conducted by referring to the verbal signs in the rugs implied the devotional operation of these rugs. In these research works, using different components in rugs to achieve a fixed meaning has been emphasized. However, after examining the rugs, it was found that parts of the text were ignored to get the general meaning in reading some of the rugs. Now the question is, "How will the emphasis on these details affect reading the text?Objective: The aim is to read the altar rugs and emphasize the marginalized details.Research Method: The rugs in this study are examined using a descriptive-analytical method, and the emphasis is on Mieke Bal's Views based on the navel of images.Results: Following the required examination and considering the views of Mieke Bal, one of the theorists who believe in the polysemous nature of art, it can be concluded that not all traditional arts can be taken for granted in general and fixed sense. In some traditional arts, such as the altar rugs of the Safavid period, researchers have neglected part of the text to achieve a fixed meaning. Therefore, since the emphasis on detail or even the presence of an unseen spot in the image by the audience can change the meaning, it is postponed in reading industrial, traditional, and even religious arts. The multiplicity of meaning can also be considered in the altar rugs

    How do Structural Barriers to Green and Blue Spaces Influence the Accessibility of Nature-Based Interventions: A Scoping Review Protocol

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    This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice

    Measurement of sound absorption coefficients of flat surfaces in a workshop

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    International audienceTo improve the acoustic treatment of facings and provide appropriate solutions for noise control at workplace , it is necessary to develop methods of acoustic characterization of the walls in industrial halls. Sound absorption coefficient measurement in industrial rooms is however quite a difficult task because of the partially reverberant conditions. This work describes the measurement of the sound absorption coefficient of flat panels subject to small angle sound incidence, in an industrial hall using an experimental device equipped with an acoustic array. The directivity of this array has been optimized so that the major part of the received acoustic energy would come from one portion only of the investigated facing, this, in turn attenuating the reflected beams due to the reverberation. This new device includes an impulse sound source targeting the panels. The present article focuses mainly on the sound source design and implementation. It also describes some sound absorption measurements carried in a semi-anechoic chamber and in an industrial hall in order to examine the performance of the device. Sound absorption coefficients of several standard liners obtained through this device have been compared to those resulted from the two microphone technique

    Prediction of the acoustic pressure above periodically uneven facings in industrial workplaces

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    International audienceThe aim of this work is to predict sound pressure in front of wall facings based on periodic sound scattering surface profiles. The method involves investigating plane wave reflections randomly incident upon an uneven surface. The waveguide approach is well suited to the geometries usually encountered in industrial workplaces. This method simplifies the profile geometry by using elementary rectangular volumes. The acoustic field in the profile interstices can then be expressed as the superposition of waveguide modes. In past work, walls considered are of infinite dimensions and are subjected to a periodic surface profile in only one direction. We therefore generalise this approach by extending its applicability to ''double-periodic'' wall facings. Free-field measurements have been taken and the observed agreement between numerical and experimental results supports the validity of the waveguide method

    Measurement of vibrational energy flow in a plate with high energy flow boundary crossing using electronic speckle pattern interferometry

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    This article has been published in the journal, Applied Acoustics [© Elsevier]. The definitive version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2012.04.002The measurement of vibrational energy flow is an important tool in understanding the vibrational behaviour of structures. In the past, because of transducer constraints, the measurement of vibrational energy flow was mostly restricted to single point measurements. However, recent developments in advanced laser measurement techniques, such as electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI), have gained interest in applying two-dimensional, multi-point measurement techniques to the estimation of vibrational energy flow. This paper addresses the measurement of vibrational energy flow in a plate by using an ESPI based vibrational energy flow measurement technique. A radially symmetric bending wave plate vibration model is introduced and theoretical expressions for energy-based quantities are derived. To assess the accuracy of the measurement method, these theoretical quantities are compared to synthetic results derived from the ESPI energyflowmeasurement technique. The ESPI measurement technique is also applied to an experimental ‘infinite’ plate. Thus, a specially designed experimental apparatus was constructed so as to minimise undesired wave reflections in the plate and, thus, achieve a high energy flow boundary crossing at the edges of the plate. To reduce the effect of optical noise contamination on the ESPI measured out-of-plane plate displacement data, optimal filters were applied prior to the vibrational energy flow computation. To appraise the accuracy of the experimental method, measured vibrational power on the plate is compared with measured vibrational input power. A difference of less than 1 dB between both quantities indicates that vibrational energy flow within a rectangular plate that contains radially symmetric wave propagation can be measured to a good degree of accuracy if appropriate filtering is applied

    Acoustic intensity technique applied to monitor planetary gears

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    Condition monitoring of gear trains by classic techniques based on vibrations and/or extensometry measurements requires the preparation of the sensor contact surfaces and the cables installation. In the case of planetary gear trains, this task is more difficult due to their compactness and the complexity of the relative movements among their different elements. As an alternative, the authors studied the possibility of using acoustic measurements for the planetary gear-set characterisation, as well as for predictive maintenance of this mechanical system. In order to perform this study, a suitable measurement equipment was selected and a bespoke software was developed to control it, to process the data, as well as to represent the results. This informatic tool was used to perform the acoustic characterisation, in which acoustic pressure and intensity measurements were combined with advanced algorithms, such as sincronous-average technique. In this study, two different failures were experimentally recreated in a commercial gearbox, representing the results by frequency and order spectra and intensity maps. The obtained results were compared with those obtained in the box without defect.This work has been supported by project DPI2017-85390-P funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness