27 research outputs found

    A robust University-NGO partnership: Analysing school efficiencies in Bolivia with community-based management techniques

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    Community-based management research is a collaborative effort between management, academics and communities in need with the specific goal of achieving social change to foster social justice. Because it is designed to promote and validate joint methods of discovery and community-based sources of knowledge, community-based management research has several unique characteristics, which may affect its execution. This article describes the process of a community-based management research project which is descriptive in nature and uses quantitative techniques to examine school efficiencies in low-income communities in a developing country – Bolivia. The article describes the partnership between a US-based university and a Bolivian not-for-profit organisation, the research context and the history of the research project, including its various phases. It focuses on the (yet unpublished) process of the community-based research as opposed to its content (which has been published elsewhere). The article also makes the case that the robust partnership between the US-based university and the Bolivian NGO has been a determining factor in achieving positive results. Strengths and limitations are examined in the hope that the experience may be helpful to others conducting descriptive quantitative management research using community-engaged frameworks in cross-cultural settings. Keywords: international partnership, community-engaged scholarship, education efficiency, multicultural low-income education

    Using the Business Classroom to Help Fe y Alegría- Bolivia Schools with Analytics and Pattern Visualization

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    This article describes the analytical support a Saint Joseph’s University (SJU) data mining class provided over the past three academic years to Fe y Alegría in Bolivia (FyAB), a Jesuit-sponsored institution dedicated to the education of the poor and looking for a feasible model that could help them identify which students and schools have the most need. SJU undergraduates, working without viable socio-economic household income information for each student in the database, had to be creative in assisting FyAB using only survey data provided by Bolivian school-age pupils. Working in consultation with FyAB school representatives, their goal for each iteration was twofold: 1) create a model that provides evidence, given current sample data, of the students most in need and 2) expand it for application across the larger population of FyAB schools. Such work exemplifies, as noted by Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si’ (2015), the importance of equality and justice in education as instruments toward sustainability. This article thus provides context for, and a historical background of, this ongoing initiative, and describes its specific characteristics. It reviewssequential cohorts of students by semester, how the requests, focus, and models evolved with new and changing issues, and concludes by sharing a system SJU students created in the fall of 2017—an innovative web-based and easily updated visualization tool that allows for very efficient examination of survey answers—to help make initial analyses easier for those looking to implement immediate student outreach initiatives in Bolivia

    Management of complex scalp defects after excision of malignant tumors

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    Introduction: Scalp reconstruction after cancer resection remains a challenge for surgeons, especially considering the increasing incidence of skin cancer among elderly patients. Dermal matrix (DM) is a heterogeneous group of wound covering materials that aid in wound closure and replace some of the skins functions, either temporarily or permanently. Patients at higher surgical risk can benefit from the use of DM, which help to generate a new dermis, offering great improvements in coverage of complex and extensive defects Methods: It is a retrospective study with analysis of medical records and report of two cases of patients at the A.C.Camargo Cancer Center-SP, Brazil. Results: We report two cases of complex and extensive scalp defects at a single center using DM associated with skin grafting and negative pressure therapy (NPT) in reconstructive surgery after resection of malignant skin neoplasm with satisfactory functional and esthetic results. Conclusions: Extensive lesions of the scalp are a challenge in clinical practice and a multidisciplinary treatment is essential. The results obtained indicate that DM associated with partial skin grafting and NPT have enormous potential to increase the therapeutic options available to the surgeon and possibly benefit patients, especially those who do not have the clinical conditions for extensive coverage surgery with microsurgical flap

    Acesso a Tratamento Endovascular para Acidente Vascular Cerebral Isquémico em Portugal

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    Introduction: Since the publication of endovascular treatment trials and European Stroke Guidelines, Portugal has re-organized stroke healthcare. The nine centers performing endovascular treatment are not equally distributed within the country, which may lead to differential access to endovascular treatment. Our main aim was to perform a descriptive analysis of the main treatment metrics regarding endovascular treatment in mainland Portugal and its administrative districts. Material and Methods: A retrospective national multicentric cohort study was conducted, including all ischemic stroke patients treated with endovascular treatment in mainland Portugal over two years (July 2015 to June 2017). All endovascular treatment centers contributed to an anonymized database. Demographic, stroke-related and procedure-related variables were collected. Crude endovascular treatment rates were calculated per 100 000 inhabitants for mainland Portugal, and each district and endovascular treatment standardized ratios (indirect age-sex standardization) were also calculated. Patient time metrics were computed as the median time between stroke onset, first-door, and puncture. Results: A total of 1625 endovascular treatment procedures were registered. The endovascular treatment rate was 8.27/100 000 inhabitants/year. We found regional heterogeneity in endovascular treatment rates (1.58 to 16.53/100 000/year), with higher rates in districts closer to endovascular treatment centers. When analyzed by district, the median time from stroke onset to puncture ranged from 212 to 432 minutes, reflecting regional heterogeneity. Conclusion: The overall national rate of EVT in the first two years after the organization of EVT-capable centers is one of the highest among European countries, however, significant regional disparities were documented. Moreover, stroke-onset-to-first-door times and in-hospital procedural times in the EVT centers were comparable to those reported in the randomized controlled trials performed in high-volume tertiary hospitals.Introdução: A aprovação do tratamento endovascular para o acidente vascular cerebral isquémico obrigou à reorganização dos cuidados de saúde em Portugal. Os nove centros que realizam tratamento endovascular não estão distribuídos equitativamente pelo território, o que poderá causar acesso diferencial a tratamento. O principal objetivo deste estudo é realizar uma análise descritiva da frequência e métricas temporais do tratamento endovascular em Portugal continental e seus distritos. Material e Métodos: Estudo de coorte nacional multicêntrico, incluindo todos os doentes com acidente vascular cerebral isquémico submetidos a tratamento endovascular em Portugal continental durante um período de dois anos (julho 2015 a junho 2017). Foram colhidos dados demográficos, relacionados com o acidente vascular cerebral e variáveis do procedimento. Taxas de tratamento endovascular brutas e ajustadas (ajuste indireto a idade e sexo) foram calculadas por 100 000 habitantes/ano para Portugal continental e cada distrito. Métricas de procedimento como tempo entre instalação, primeira porta e punção foram também analisadas. Resultados: Foram registados 1625 tratamentos endovasculares, indicando uma taxa bruta nacional de tratamento endovascular de 8,27/100 000 habitantes/ano. As taxas de tratamento endovascular entre distritos variaram entre 1,58 e 16,53/100 000/ano, com taxas mais elevadas nos distritos próximos a hospitais com tratamento endovascular. O tempo entre sintomas e punção femural entre distritos variou entre 212 e 432 minutos. Conclusão: Portugal continental apresenta uma taxa nacional de tratamento endovascular elevada, apresentando, contudo, assimetrias regionais no acesso. As métricas temporais foram comparáveis com as observadas nos ensaios clínicos piloto

    Global Phylogeography of Fucus distichus: scripts and datasets

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    Datasets associated with the paper Trans-Arctic asymmetries, melting pots and weak species cohesion in the low-dispersal amphiboreal seaweed Fucus distichus, by João Neiva et al.</p

    International Financial Reporting Standards Adoption and Information Quality: Evidence from Brazil

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    This paper examines whether the mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Brazil in 2010 has improved the value relevance of accounting information, information content of earnings, financial analyst forecasting activities, and liquidity. We examine the variables in the pre-IFRS mandatory adoption sample period, considered herein as 2008 to 2009, and the post-IFRS adoption period of 2011 to 2012. We provide evidence demonstrating improvement in value relevance of earnings and number of analysts following the firms in the period after IFRS adoption, but we do not find improvements in information content of earnings, accuracy in analyst forecasting, and liquidity in the post-adoption period. Our findings suggest a positive relationship between IFRS adoption and some areas of information quality in Brazil. By focusing on one important economy as it takes significant steps toward full convergence with IFRS, our study contributes to the growing literature concerning the impact of IFRS adoption around the world

    Sur une variété de gahnite stannifère de Cabanas (Portugal)

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    Un minéral octaédrique trouvé dans les filons de pegmatite à cassitérite de Cabanas (Portugal). Il s'agit d'une gahnite stannifère (Al₂O₃ 45%, SnO₂ 13,5% ZnO 32 %). L'examen aux rayons X a montré une surstructure d'ordre 4. La structure est cubique, a = 32,20 kX. On peut considérer ce minéral comme terme intermédiaire entre la gahnite et la nigérite.Neiva Joao Manuel Cotelo, Rimsky Alexandre, Sandréa André Philippe. Sur une variété de gahnite stannifère de Cabanas (Portugal). In: Bulletin de la Société française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie, volume 78, 1-3, 1955. pp. 97-105

    Genetic diversity of natural and restored api-api putih (Avicennia alba) populations in the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia

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    A large tract of mangrove forest in Malaysia has been lost due to increased anthropogenic activities. Restorative practices of mangrove forest have been adopted nationwide to re-establish ecosystem services in combating coastal erosion. However, genetic considerations in local mangrove restoration practices are still far lacking despite the vast literature on their genetic diversity. To understand whether the restored mangroves can impact the genetic diversity distribution among natural populations, we used eight microsatellite markers to assess the genetic diversity of the Api-api putih (Avicennia alba) between the natural and restored populations along the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. We found no difference in terms of genetic diversity between these populations. Two genetic clusters were detected among A. alba along the west coast based on Bayesian clustering and discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC). The southwest monsoon current circulation that coincides the timing of seed dispersal of A. alba may explain such pattern of genetic differentiation. Despite the minimal genetic structure, our results suggest that seed sourcing from either population is viable for the local mangrove restoration programs in the future