11 research outputs found

    Teologi Perdamaian Perspektif Asghar Ali Engineer

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    Islam merupakan agama yang mengajarkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, salah satunya yakni perdamaian. Asghar Ali Engineer menyebutkan bahwa Islam saat ini menjadi agama yang kerap kali dibahas, baik oleh kaum muslim maupun non-muslim. Sebab Islam memiliki nilai universalnya ialah agama yang mengajarkan kedamaian. Namun hal ini dapat di lihat dan tidak sesuai karena banyaknya aksi teror yang dilakukan oleh sebagian pemeluk agama Islam itu sendiri. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang teologi perdamaian perspektif Asghar Ali Engineer. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mengkaji dan menganalisis teologi perdamaian perspektif Asghar Ali Engineer. Dalam Menyusun penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan. Asghar Ali Engineer dalam karyanya menyuguhkan tentang kedilan, pembebasan demi mewujudkan perdamaian di dunia ini. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa umat Islam harus menanamkan di dalam dirinya untuk memiliki nilai-nilai yang akan mewujudkan perdamaian. Nilai-nilai tersebut ialah anti kekerasan, keadilan, kebenaran, toleransi, cinta dan kasih sayang. Dengan pemikirannya ini, Asghar Ali mengajak umat Islam untuk terbiasa berdialog ketika menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan, karena dialog merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting demi menjauhkan diri untuk melakukan kekerasan.

    Analysis of effective mobility and hall effect mobility in high-k based In0.75Ga0.25As metal-oxide-semiconductor high-electron-mobility transistors

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    We report an In0.75Ga0.25As metal-oxide-semiconductor high-electron-mobility transistor with a peak Hall mobility of 8300 cm(2)/Vs at a carrier density of 2 x 10(12) cm(-2). Comparison of split capacitance-voltage (CV) and Hall Effect measurements for the extracted electron mobility have shown that the split-CV can lead to an overestimation of the channel carrier concentration and a corresponding underestimation of electron mobility. An analysis of the electron density dependence versus gate voltage allows quantifying the inaccuracy of the split-CV technique. Finally, the analysis supported by multi-channel conduction simulations indicates presence of carriers spill over into the top InP barrier layer at high gate voltages. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. (doi: 10.1063/1.3665033

    Analysis of electron mobility in HfO2/TiN gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors: The influence of HfO2 thickness, temperature, and oxide charge

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    We report a new analysis of electron mobility in HfO2/TiN gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) by investigating the influence of HfO2 thickness (1.6-3 nm), temperature (50-350 K), and oxide charge (similar to 1x10(11)-8x10(12) cm(-2)) in the high inversion charge region. The fixed oxide charge and interface state densities are deliberately increased using negative-bias-temperature stress, allowing the determination of the Coulomb scattering term as a function of temperature for various oxide charge levels. The temperature dependence of the Coulomb scattering term is consistent with the case of a strongly screened Coulomb potential. Using the experimentally determined temperature dependence of Coulomb scattering term, a model is developed for the electron mobility, including the effects oxide charge (mu(C)), high-k phonon (mu(Ph-Hk)), silicon phonon (mu(Ph-Si)), and surface roughness scattering (mu(SR)). The model provides an accurate description of the experimental data for variations in HfO2 thickness, temperature, and oxide charge. Using the model the relative contributions of each mobility component are presented for varying oxide charge and high-k thickness. Scaling of the HfO2 physical thickness provided a reduction in the oxide charge and high-k phonon scattering mechanisms, leading to an increase in electron mobility in HfO2/TiN gate MOSFETs

    Can Metal/Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP MOSCAP properties translate to Metal/Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP MOSFET characteristics?

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    In this paper we present the electrical characteristics of Metal/Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP MOS capacitor (MOSCAP) structures formed using a relatively straightforward capacitor process flow and for MOSCAPs which experience the full process flow of an In0.53Ga0.47As n channel MOSFET. From analysis of the capacitance-voltage response over a range of ac signal frequencies fixed oxide charge densities and interface state concentrations are determined for the MOSCAP structures and the impact of forming gas annealing on oxide and interface state densities is presented. The MOSCAP results are compared to the properties of fully processed metal/Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP n channel MOSFETs, and the results indicate that the findings from the MOSCAPS do translate to the measured InGaAs MOSFET characteristics

    Recent advances in chromosome capture techniques unraveling 3D genome architecture in germ cells, health, and disease

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    Abstract In eukaryotes, the genome does not emerge in a specific shape but rather as a hierarchial bundle within the nucleus. This multifaceted genome organization consists of multiresolution cellular structures, such as chromosome territories, compartments, and topologically associating domains, which are frequently defined by architecture, design proteins including CTCF and cohesin, and chromatin loops. This review briefly discusses the advances in understanding the basic rules of control, chromatin folding, and functional areas in early embryogenesis. With the use of chromosome capture techniques, the latest advancements in technologies for visualizing chromatin interactions come close to revealing 3D genome formation frameworks with incredible detail throughout all genomic levels, including at single-cell resolution. The possibility of detecting variations in chromatin architecture might open up new opportunities for disease diagnosis and prevention, infertility treatments, therapeutic approaches, desired exploration, and many other application scenarios


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