69 research outputs found

    A modular dCas9-SunTag DNMT3A epigenome editing system overcomes pervasive off-target activity of direct fusion dCas9-DNMT3A constructs

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    Detection of DNA methylation in the genome has been possible for decades; however, the ability to deliberately and specifically manipulate local DNA methylation states in the genome has been extremely limited. Consequently, this has impeded our understanding of the direct effect of DNA methylation on transcriptional regulation and transcription factor binding in the native chromatin context. Thus, highly specific targeted epigenome editing tools are needed to address this. Recent adaptations of genome editing technologies, including fusion of the DNMT3A DNA methyltransferase catalytic domain to catalytically inactive Cas9 (dC9-D3A), have aimed to alter DNA methylation at desired loci. Here, we show that these tools exhibit consistent off-target DNA methylation deposition in the genome, limiting their capabilities to unambiguously assess the functional consequences of DNA methylation. To address this, we developed a modular dCas9-SunTag (dC9Sun-D3A) system that can recruit multiple DNMT3A catalytic domains to a target site for editing DNA methylation. dC9Sun-D3A is tunable, specific, and exhibits much higher induction of DNA methylation at target sites than the dC9-D3A direct fusion protein. Importantly, genome-wide characterization of dC9Sun-D3A binding sites and DNA methylation revealed minimal off-target protein binding and induction of DNA methylation with dC9Sun-D3A, compared to pervasive off-target methylation by dC9-D3A. Furthermore, we used dC9Sun-D3A to demonstrate the binding sensitivity to DNA methylation for CTCF and NRF1 in situ. Overall, this modular dC9Sun-D3A system enables precise DNA methylation deposition with the lowest off-target DNA methylation levels reported to date, allowing accurate functional determination of the role of DNA methylation at single loci.Christian Pflueger, Dennis Tan, Tessa Swain, Trung Nguyen, Jahnvi Pflueger, Christian Nefzger ... et al

    Breaking constraint of mammalian axial formulae

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    The vertebral column of individual mammalian species often exhibits remarkable robustness in the number and identity of vertebral elements that form (known as axial formulae). The genetic mechanism(s) underlying this constraint however remain ill-defined. Here, we reveal the interplay of three regulatory pathways (Gdf11, miR-196 and Retinoic acid) is essential in constraining total vertebral number and regional axial identity in the mouse, from cervical through to tail vertebrae. All three pathways have differing control over Hox cluster expression, with heterochronic and quantitative changes found to parallel changes in axial identity. However, our work reveals an additional role for Hox genes in supporting axial elongation within the tail region, providing important support for an emerging view that mammalian Hox function is not limited to imparting positional identity as the mammalian body plan is laid down. More broadly, this work provides a molecular framework to interrogate mechanisms of evolutionary change and congenital anomalies of the vertebral column.Gabriel M. Hauswirth, Victoria C. Garside, Lisa S.F. Wong, Heidi Bildsoe, Jan Manent, Yi-Cheng Chang, Christian M. Nefzger, Jaber Firas, Joseph Chen, Fernando J. Rossello, Jose M. Polo, Edwina McGlin

    Nicotinamide alone accelerates the conversion of mouse embryonic stem cells into mature neuronal populations.

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    Vitamin B3 has been shown to play an important role during embryogenesis. Specifically, there is growing evidence that nicotinamide, the biologically active form of vitamin B3, plays a critical role as a morphogen in the differentiation of stem cells to mature cell phenotypes, including those of the central nervous system (CNS). Detailed knowledge of the action of small molecules during neuronal differentiation is not only critical for uncovering mechanisms underlying lineage-specification, but also to establish more effective differentiation protocols to obtain clinically relevant cells for regenerative therapies for neurodegenerative conditions such as Huntington's disease (HD). Thus, this study aimed to investigate the potential of nicotinamide to promote the conversion of stem cells to mature CNS neurons. METHODS: Nicotinamide was applied to differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells (mESC; Sox1GFP knock-in 46C cell line) during their conversion towards a neural fate. Cells were assessed for changes in their proliferation, differentiation and maturation; using immunocytochemistry and morphometric analysis methods. RESULTS: Results presented indicate that 10 mM nicotinamide, when added at the initial stages of differentiation, promoted accelerated progression of ESCs to a neural lineage in adherent monolayer cultures. By 14 days in vitro (DIV), early exposure to nicotinamide was shown to increase the numbers of differentiated βIII-tubulin-positive neurons. Nicotinamide decreased the proportion of pluripotent stem cells, concomitantly increasing numbers of neural progenitors at 4 DIV. These progenitors then underwent rapid conversion to neurons, observed by a reduction in Sox 1 expression and decreased numbers of neural progenitors in the cultures at 14 DIV. Furthermore, GABAergic neurons generated in the presence of nicotinamide showed increased maturity and complexity of neurites at 14 DIV. Therefore, addition of nicotinamide alone caused an accelerated passage of pluripotent cells through lineage specification and further to non-dividing mature neurons. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that, within an optimal dose range, nicotinamide is able to singly and selectively direct the conversion of embryonic stem cells to mature neurons, and therefore may be a critical factor for normal brain development, thus supporting previous evidence of the fundamental role of vitamins and their metabolites during early CNS development. In addition, nicotinamide may offer a simple effective supplement to enhance the conversion of stem cells to clinically relevant neurons

    Retrotransposon instability dominates the acquired mutation landscape of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells.

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    Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can in principle differentiate into any cell of the body, and have revolutionized biomedical research and regenerative medicine. Unlike their human counterparts, mouse iPSCs (miPSCs) are reported to silence transposable elements and prevent transposable element-mediated mutagenesis. Here we apply short-read or Oxford Nanopore Technologies long-read genome sequencing to 38 bulk miPSC lines reprogrammed from 10 parental cell types, and 18 single-cell miPSC clones. While single nucleotide variants and structural variants restricted to miPSCs are rare, we find 83 de novo transposable element insertions, including examples intronic to Brca1 and Dmd. LINE-1 retrotransposons are profoundly hypomethylated in miPSCs, beyond other transposable elements and the genome overall, and harbor alternative protein-coding gene promoters. We show that treatment with the LINE-1 inhibitor lamivudine does not hinder reprogramming and efficiently blocks endogenous retrotransposition, as detected by long-read genome sequencing. These experiments reveal the complete spectrum and potential significance of mutations acquired by miPSCs.Patricia Gerdes, SueMei Lim, AdamD. Ewing, Michael R. Larcombe, Dorothy Chan, Francisco J. Sanchez-Luque, Lucinda Walker, Alexander L. Carleton, Cini James, Anja S. Knaupp, Patricia E. Carreira, Christian M. Nefzger, Ryan Lister, Sandra R. Richardson, Jose M. Polo, Geoffrey J. Faulkne

    TINC — A Method to Dissect Regulatory Complexes at Single-Locus Resolution — Reveals an Extensive Protein Complex at the Nanog Promoter

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    Cellular identity is ultimately dictated by the interaction of transcription factors with regulatory elements (REs) to control gene expression. Advances in epigenome profiling techniques have significantly increased our understanding of cell-specific utilization of REs. However, it remains difficult to dissect the majority of factors that interact with these REs due to the lack of appropriate techniques. Therefore, we developed TINC: TALE-mediated isolation of nuclear chromatin. Using this new method, we interrogated the protein complex formed at the Nanog promoter in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and identified many known and previously unknown interactors, including RCOR2. Further interrogation of the role of RCOR2 in ESCs revealed its involvement in the repression of lineage genes and the fine-tuning of pluripotency genes. Consequently, using the Nanog promoter as a paradigm, we demonstrated the power of TINC to provide insight into the molecular makeup of specific transcriptional complexes at individual REs as well as into cellular identity control in general.Anja S. Knaupp, Monika Mohenska, Michael R. Larcombe, Ethan Ford, Sue Mei Lim, Kayla Wong, Joseph Chen, Jaber Firas, Cheng Huang, Xiaodong Liu, Trung Nguyen, Yu B.Y. Sun, Melissa L. Holmes, Pratibha Tripathi, Jahnvi Pflueger, Fernando J. Rossello, Jan Schro, der, Kathryn C. Davidson, Christian M. Nefzger, Partha P. Das, Jody J. Haigh, Ryan Lister, Ralf B. Schittenhelm, and Jose M. Pol

    Epidemiology and etiology of Parkinson’s disease: a review of the evidence

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    Entwicklung von Methoden zur Auswertung von Einzel-Ereignissen des neuartigen Gamma-Teleskops MEGA

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