3,117 research outputs found

    JHK Imaging and Photometry of Low z QSOs and Radio Galaxy

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    We describe J,H,K deep imaging of 90 arcmin fields around 4 QSOs and one Radio galaxy at redshifts in the range 0.06 to 0.30, and show their images, luminosity profiles, and NIR 2-colour diagrams of objects. We find that the QSO hosts are all resolved, and compare them with previous CCD images. The host galaxy colours are consistent with old and young stellar populations at the QSO redshift. The colours of nearby galaxies suggest that all the AGN live in groups of generally smaller companion galaxies, mostly with evolved populations at the same redshift. The two radio-loud objects live in richer cluster environments than the others. Gissel population models indicate reddening in the galaxies, star-forming regions, and possibly a systematic H-K offset. The QSO luminosity profiles are complex and reveal some of their tidal disturbance and star-formation history.Comment: 22 pages of text (latex), 2 tables )latex), and 15 figures (postscript). Accepted for publication in AJ, February 1997. Also available at http://www.dao.nrc.ca/DAO/SCIENCE/science.htm

    Evolution of luminous IRAS galaxies: Radio imaging

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    In a recent study of IRAS galaxies' optical morphologies, we found that luminous IR sources lie in the IR color-luminosity plane in groups which separate out by optical spectroscopic type and also by degree of tidal disturbance. We found that the most luminous steep-IR-spectrum sources are generally galaxies in the initial stages of a major tidal interaction. Galaxies with active nuclei were generally found to have flatter IR spectra, to cover a range of IR luminosity, and to be in the later stages of a tidal interaction. We proposed a sequence of events by which luminous IR sources evolve: they start as interacting or merging galaxies, some develop active nuclei, and most undergo extensive star-formation in their central regions. Another way to study these objects and their individual evolution is to study their radio morphologies. Radio emission may arise at a detectable level from supernovae in star-forming regions and/or the appearance of an active nucleus can be accompanied by a nuclear radio source (which may develop extended structure). Therefore, the compact radio structure may trace the evolution of the inner regions of IRAS-luminous sources. If the radio sources are triggered by the interactions, we would expect to find the radio morphology related to the optical 'interactivity' of the systems. Here, we explore using the radio emission of IRAS galaxies as a possible tracer of galaxy evolution. We present and discuss observations of the compact radio morphology of 111 luminous IRAS-selected active galaxies covering a wide range of IR and optical properties

    The Emergence of the Modern Universe: Tracing the Cosmic Web

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    This is the report of the Ultraviolet-Optical Working Group (UVOWG) commissioned by NASA to study the scientific rationale for new missions in ultraviolet/optical space astronomy approximately ten years from now, when the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is de-orbited. The UVOWG focused on a scientific theme, The Emergence of the Modern Universe, the period from redshifts z = 3 to 0, occupying over 80% of cosmic time and beginning after the first galaxies, quasars, and stars emerged into their present form. We considered high-throughput UV spectroscopy (10-50x throughput of HST/COS) and wide-field optical imaging (at least 10 arcmin square). The exciting science to be addressed in the post-HST era includes studies of dark matter and baryons, the origin and evolution of the elements, and the major construction phase of galaxies and quasars. Key unanswered questions include: Where is the rest of the unseen universe? What is the interplay of the dark and luminous universe? How did the IGM collapse to form the galaxies and clusters? When were galaxies, clusters, and stellar populations assembled into their current form? What is the history of star formation and chemical evolution? Are massive black holes a natural part of most galaxies? A large-aperture UV/O telescope in space (ST-2010) will provide a major facility in the 21st century for solving these scientific problems. The UVOWG recommends that the first mission be a 4m aperture, SIRTF-class mission that focuses on UV spectroscopy and wide-field imaging. In the coming decade, NASA should investigate the feasibility of an 8m telescope, by 2010, with deployable optics similar to NGST. No high-throughput UV/Optical mission will be possible without significant NASA investments in technology, including UV detectors, gratings, mirrors, and imagers.Comment: Report of UV/O Working Group to NASA, 72 pages, 13 figures, Full document with postscript figures available at http://casa.colorado.edu/~uvconf/UVOWG.htm

    Flavour singlet pseudoscalar masses in N_f = 2 QCD

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    We perform a lattice mass analysis in the flavour singlet pseudoscalar channel on the SESAM and TXL full QCD vacuum configurations, with 2 active flavours of dynamical Wilson fermions at beta = 5.6. At our inverse lattice spacing, a^-1 = 2.3 GeV, we retrieve by a chiral extrapolation to the physical light quark masses the value m_eta' = 3.7(+8)(-4) m_pi. A crude extrapolation from (N_f = 3) phenomenology would suggest m_eta' \approx 5.1 m_pi for N_f = 2 QCD. we verify that the mass gap between the singlet state eta' and the pi flavour triplt state is due to gauge configurations with non-trivial topology.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Sub-Relativistic Radio Jets and Parsec-Scale Absorption in Two Seyfert Galaxies

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    The Very Long Baseline Array has been used at 15 GHz to image the milliarcsecond structure of the Seyfert galaxies Mrk 231 and Mrk 348 at two epochs separated by about 1.7 yr. Both galaxies contain parsec-scale double radio sources whose components have brightness temperatures of 10^9-10^{11} K, implying that they are generated by synchrotron emission. The nuclear components are identified by their strong variability between epochs, indicating that the double sources represent apparently one-sided jets. Relative component speeds are measured to be ~0.1c at separations of 1.1 pc or less (for H_0 = 65 km/s/Mpc), implying that parsec-scale Seyfert jets are intrinsically different from those in most powerful radio galaxies and quasars. The lack of observed counterjets is most likely due to free-free absorption by torus gas, with an ionized density n_e > 2 X 10^5 cm^{-3} at T~8000 K, or n_e > 10^7 cm^{-3} at T~10^{6.6} K, in the inner parsec of each galaxy. The lower density is consistent with values found from X-ray absorption measurements, while the higher temperature and density are consistent with direct radio imaging of the NGC 1068 torus by Gallimore et al.Comment: 12 pages, 2 postscript figures, LaTeX file in AASTeX format, accepted by ApJ Letter

    Spitzer Observations of Centaurus A: Infrared Synchrotron Emission from the Northern Lobe

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    We present measurements obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope in five bands from 3.6-24 microns of the northern inner radio lobe of Centaurus A, the nearest powerful radio galaxy. We show that this emission is synchrotron in origin. Comparison with ultraviolet observations from GALEX shows that diffuse ultraviolet emission exists in a smaller region than the infrared but also coincides with the radio jet. We discuss the possibility, that synchrotron emission is responsible for the ultraviolet emission and conclude that further data are required to confirm this.Comment: 4 pages, accepted by ApJ

    Far-Ultraviolet Color Gradients in Early-Type Galaxies

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    We discuss far-UV (1500 A) surface photometry and FUV-B color profiles for 8 E/S0 galaxies from images taken with the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope, primarily during the Astro-2 mission. In three cases, the FUV radial profiles are more consistent with an exponential than a de Vaucouleurs function, but there is no other evidence for the presence of a disk or of young, massive stars. In all cases except M32 the FUV-B color becomes redder at larger radii. There is a wide range of internal radial FUV-B color gradients. However, we find no correlation between the FUV-B color gradients and internal metallicity gradients based on Mg absorption features. We conclude that metallicity is not the sole parameter controlling the "UV upturn component" in old populations.Comment: 11 pages; tar.gz file includes LaTeX text file, 3 PostScript figures. Paper to be published in ApJ Letter

    The Relative Orientation of Nuclear Accretion and Galaxy Stellar Disks in Seyfert Galaxies

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    We use the difference (delta) between the position angles of the nuclear radio emission and the host galaxy major axis to investigate the distribution of the angle (beta) between the axes of the nuclear accretion disk and the host galaxy disk in Seyfert galaxies. We provide a critical appraisal of the quality of all measurements, and find that the data are limited by observational uncertainties and biases, such as the well known deficiency of Seyfert galaxies of high inclination. There is weak evidence that the distribution of delta for Seyfert 2 galaxies may be different (at the 90% confidence level) from a uniform distribution, while the Seyfert 1 delta distribution is not significantly different from a uniform distribution or from the Seyfert 2 delta distribution. The cause of the possible non-uniformity in the distribution of delta for Seyfert 2 galaxies is discussed. Seyfert nuclei in late-type spiral galaxies may favor large values of delta (at the ~96% confidence level), while those in early-type galaxies show a more or less random distribution of delta. This may imply that the nuclear accretion disk in non-interacting late-type spirals tends to align with the stellar disk, while that in early-type galaxies is more randomly oriented, perhaps as a result of accretion following a galaxy merger. We point out that biases in the distribution of inclination translate to biased estimates of beta in the context of the unified scheme. When this effect is taken into account, the distributions of beta for all Seyferts together, and of Seyfert 1's and 2's separately, agree with the hypothesis that the radio jets are randomly oriented with respect to the galaxy disk. The data are consistent with the expectations of the unified scheme, but do not demand it.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Vol 516 #1, May 1, 1999. Corrected figure placement within pape

    Ultraviolet Imaging of the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae

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    We have used the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope to obtain deep far-UV (1620 Angstrom), 40' diameter images of the prototypical metal-rich globular cluster 47 Tucanae. We find a population of about 20 hot (Teff > 9000 K) objects near or above the predicted UV luminosity of the hot horizontal branch (HB) and lying within two half-light radii of the cluster center. We believe these are normal hot HB or post-HB objects rather than interacting binaries or blue stragglers. IUE spectra of two are consistent with post-HB phases. These observations, and recent HST photometry of two other metal-rich clusters, demonstrate that populations with rich, cool HB's can nonetheless produce hot HB and post-HB stars. The cluster center also contains an unusual diffuse far-UV source which is more extended than its V-band light. It is possible that this is associated with an intracluster medium, for which there was earlier infrared and X-ray evidence, and is produced by C IV emission or scattered light from grains.Comment: 13 pages AASLaTeX including one postscript figure and one bitmapped image, JPEG format. Submitted to the Astronomical Jorunal. Full Postscript version available at http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~bd4r