136 research outputs found

    Biosynthesis of HLA-C heavy chains in melanoma cells with multiple defects in the expression of HLA-A, -B, -C molecules

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    Recent investigations have shown that malignant transformation may down-regulate the expression of class I HLA molecules, beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)m) and members of the antigen-processing machinery. In the present study, we HLA-genotyped and identified at a biochemical level the three (HLA-A25, -B8, -Cw7) class I alleles expressed by the previously described [D'Urso CM et al (1992) J Clin Invest 87: 284-292] beta(2)m-defective human melanoma FO-1 cell line and tested their ability to interact with calnexin, calreticulin and the TAP (transporter associated with antigen processing) complex. Ail these alleles were found to bind calnexin, but not calreticulin or the poorly expressed TAP complex, both in parental and beta(2)m-transfected FO-1 cells, demonstrating a complex defect of class I expression in FO-1 cells. In these conditions, Cw7 heavy chains interacted with calnexin more strongly than A25 and B8, and preferentially accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum, in both a calnexin-associated and a calnexin-free form. In addition, they could be transported to the cell surface at low levels even in the absence of beta(2)m, without undergoing terminal glycosylation. These results establish a parallel between HLA-C and the murine D-b and L-d molecules which have been found to be surface expressed and functional in beta(2)m-defective cells. They also demonstrate distinctive features of HLA-C molecules. We propose that the accumulation of several assembly intermediates of HLA-C might favour the binding of peptide antigens not readily bound by HLA-A and -B molecules in neoplastic cells with suboptimal class I expression

    A missense mutation in TRAPPC6A leads to build-up of the protein, in patients with a neurodevelopmental syndrome and dysmorphic features.

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    Childhood onset clinical syndromes involving intellectual disability and dysmorphic features, such as polydactyly, suggest common developmental pathways link seemingly unrelated phenotypes. We identified a consanguineous family of Saudi origin with varying complex features including intellectual disability, speech delay, facial dysmorphism and polydactyly. Combining, microarray based comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) to identify regions of homozygosity, with exome sequencing, led to the identification of homozygous mutations in five candidate genes (RSPH6A, ANKK1, AMOTL1, ALKBH8, TRAPPC6A), all of which appear to be pathogenic as predicted by Proven, SIFT and PolyPhen2 and segregate perfectly with the disease phenotype. We therefore looked for differences in expression levels of each protein in HEK293 cells, expressing either the wild-type or mutant full-length cDNA construct. Unexpectedly, wild-type TRAPPC6A appeared to be unstable, but addition of the proteasome inhibitor MG132 stabilised its expression. Mutations have previously been reported in several members of the TRAPP complex of proteins, including TRAPPC2, TRAPPC9 and TRAPPC11, resulting in disorders involving skeletal abnormalities, intellectual disability, speech impairment and developmental delay. TRAPPC6A joins a growing list of proteins belonging to the TRAPP complex, implicated in clinical syndromes with neurodevelopmental abnormalities

    A Detailed Analysis of the Murine TAP Transporter Substrate Specificity

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    The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) supplies cytosolic peptides into the endoplasmic reticulum for binding to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Its specificity therefore influences the repertoire of peptides presented by MHC molecules. Compared to human TAP, murine TAP's binding specificity has not been characterized as well, even though murine systems are widely used for basic studies of antigen processing and presentation.We performed a detailed experimental analysis of murine TAP binding specificity by measuring the binding affinities of 323 peptides. Based on this experimental data, a computational model of murine TAP specificity was constructed. The model was compared to previously generated data on human and murine TAP specificities. In addition, the murine TAP specificities for known epitopes and random peptides were predicted and compared to assess the impact of murine TAP selectivity on epitope selection.Comparisons to a previously constructed model of human TAP specificity confirms the well-established differences for peptide substrates with positively charged C-termini. In addition these comparisons show that several residues at the N-terminus of peptides which strongly influence binding to human TAP showed little effect on binding to murine TAP, and that the overall influence of the aminoterminal residues on peptide affinity for murine TAP is much lower than for the human transporter. Murine TAP also partly prefers different hydrophobic amino acids than human TAP in the carboxyterminal position. These species-dependent differences in specificity determined in vitro are shown to correlate with the epitope repertoire recognized in vivo. The quantitative model of binding specificity of murine TAP developed herein should be useful for interpreting epitope mapping and immunogenicity data obtained in humanized mouse models

    Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 (BHV-1) UL49.5 Luminal Domain Residues 30 to 32 Are Critical for MHC-I Down-Regulation in Virus-Infected Cells

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    Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) UL49.5 inhibits transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) and down-regulates cell-surface expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules to promote immune evasion. We have constructed a BHV-1 UL49.5 cytoplasmic tail (CT) null and several UL49.5 luminal domain mutants in the backbone of wild-type BHV-1 or BHV-1 UL49.5 CT- null viruses and determined their relative TAP mediated peptide transport inhibition and MHC-1 down-regulation properties compared with BHV-1 wt. Based on our results, the UL49.5 luminal domain residues 30–32 and UL49.5 CT residues, together, promote efficient TAP inhibition and MHC-I down-regulation functions. In vitro, BHV-1 UL49.5 Δ30–32 CT-null virus growth property was similar to that of BHV-1 wt and like the wt UL49.5, the mutant UL49.5 was incorporated in the virion envelope and it formed a complex with gM in the infected cells

    Alternative Ii-independent antigen-processing pathway in leukemic blasts involves TAP-dependent peptide loading of HLA class II complexes

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    During HLA class II synthesis in antigen-presenting cells, the invariant chain (Ii) not only stabilizes HLA class II complexes in the endoplasmic reticulum, but also mediates their transport to specialized lysosomal antigen-loading compartments termed MIICs. This study explores an alternative HLA class II presentation pathway in leukemic blasts that involves proteasome and transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP)-dependent peptide loading. Although HLA-DR did associate with Ii, Ii silencing in the human class II-associated invariant chain peptide (CLIP)-negative KG-1 myeloid leukemic cell line did not affect total and plasma membrane expression levels of HLA-DR, as determined by western blotting and flow cytometry. Since HLA-DR expression does require peptide binding, we examined the role of endogenous antigen-processing machinery in HLA-DR presentation by CLIP− leukemic blasts. The suppression of proteasome and TAP function using various inhibitors resulted in decreased HLA-DR levels in both CLIP− KG-1 and ME-1 blasts. Simultaneous inhibition of TAP and Ii completely down-modulated the expression of HLA-DR, demonstrating that together these molecules form the key mediators of HLA class II antigen presentation in leukemic blasts. By the use of a proteasome- and TAP-dependent pathway for HLA class II antigen presentation, CLIP− leukemic blasts might be able to present a broad range of endogenous leukemia-associated peptides via HLA class II to activate leukemia-specific CD4+ T cells

    Varicellovirus UL49.5 Proteins Differentially Affect the Function of the Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing, TAP

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    Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes play an important role in the protection against viral infections, which they detect through the recognition of virus-derived peptides, presented in the context of MHC class I molecules at the surface of the infected cell. The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) plays an essential role in MHC class I–restricted antigen presentation, as TAP imports peptides into the ER, where peptide loading of MHC class I molecules takes place. In this study, the UL49.5 proteins of the varicelloviruses bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1), pseudorabies virus (PRV), and equine herpesvirus 1 and 4 (EHV-1 and EHV-4) are characterized as members of a novel class of viral immune evasion proteins. These UL49.5 proteins interfere with MHC class I antigen presentation by blocking the supply of antigenic peptides through inhibition of TAP. BHV-1, PRV, and EHV-1 recombinant viruses lacking UL49.5 no longer interfere with peptide transport. Combined with the observation that the individually expressed UL49.5 proteins block TAP as well, these data indicate that UL49.5 is the viral factor that is both necessary and sufficient to abolish TAP function during productive infection by these viruses. The mechanisms through which the UL49.5 proteins of BHV-1, PRV, EHV-1, and EHV-4 block TAP exhibit surprising diversity. BHV-1 UL49.5 targets TAP for proteasomal degradation, whereas EHV-1 and EHV-4 UL49.5 interfere with the binding of ATP to TAP. In contrast, TAP stability and ATP recruitment are not affected by PRV UL49.5, although it has the capacity to arrest the peptide transporter in a translocation-incompetent state, a property shared with the BHV-1 and EHV-1 UL49.5. Taken together, these results classify the UL49.5 gene products of BHV-1, PRV, EHV-1, and EHV-4 as members of a novel family of viral immune evasion proteins, inhibiting TAP through a variety of mechanisms

    Allele-Independent Turnover of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Class Ia Molecules.

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    Major histocompatibility complex class I (MHCI) glycoproteins present cytosolic peptides to CD8+ T cells and regulate NK cell activity. Their heavy chains (HC) are expressed from up to three MHC gene loci (human leukocyte antigen [HLA]-A, -B, and -C in humans), whose extensive polymorphism maps predominantly to the antigen-binding groove, diversifying the bound peptide repertoire. Codominant expression of MHCI alleles is thus functionally critical, but how it is regulated is not fully understood. Here, we have examined the effect of polymorphism on the turnover rates of MHCI molecules in cell lines with functional MHCI peptide loading pathways and in monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDCs). Proteins were labeled biosynthetically with heavy water (2H2O), folded MHCI molecules immunoprecipitated, and tryptic digests analysed by mass spectrometry. MHCI-derived peptides were assigned to specific alleles and isotypes, and turnover rates quantified by 2H incorporation, after correcting for cell growth. MHCI turnover half-lives ranged from undetectable to a few hours, depending on cell type, activation state, donor, and MHCI isotype. However, in all settings, the turnover half-lives of alleles of the same isotype were similar. Thus, MHCI protein turnover rates appear to be allele-independent in normal human cells. We propose that this is an important feature enabling the normal function and codominant expression of MHCI alleles