24 research outputs found

    Assessing Three-Dimensional Art Objects Quantitative Evaluation of Qualitative Achievements in Art and Design Education

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    Knowledge about shaping three-dimensional objects is tangibly and conceptually relevant to human activities within a spatial environment, and is part of formal arts and design education as one of the basic elements in the process of learning about creating functional artifacts and art objects. Basic skills connected with this knowledge are conveyed in 'Basic Three-Dimensional Object' class, which is aimed at conveying a deeper understanding of three-dimensional objects as touchable and visible, and occupying a structural space. Learning this entails is quite an elaborate exploration, which, when evaluated afterward, is of a qualitative nature. However, in higher education every step of the learning process is quantified in order to validate the students' achievements. This requires an objective judgment from the lecturer, despite the fact that many parameters which are relevant for art objects are not exact. Therefore, once grades are released, not all students understand the meaning of numbers that represent their grades. These numbers are of a precise, quantitative nature, while explanations from lecturers in non-exact narrations are of a qualitative nature. The contrast between these two types of evaluation has raised questions such as: is quantitative grading an appropriate method, or is it better to use a subjective validation to appreciate creativity

    The Influence of Bauhaus School on the Education of Three-Dimensional Form (Nirmana Space) at Bandung Institute of Technology

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    The study of three-dimensional space at the Basic Course for Higher Education of Arts and Design at the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) has been conducted for more than 50 years. Ever since the beginning, the curriculum of this study refers to the models developed by the era of Modernism. This study program has been continued by educators who came from academic institutions with Bauhaus as their primary example. This program trains students to give a creative, clear and structural response to a three-dimensional object, material character, and three-dimensional aspects. Emphasized is the Harmonization of forms, the students should create another form that is more concrete, although without any intended meaning or function, other than its own structural form. This paper contains preliminary data is of a number of visual documents and interviews with several educators in the fields of fine art, design and crafts in Indonesia, and from the countries where Modernism and Bauhaus were born. Cultural backgrounds and geographical situations of each educator have also influenced their teaching methods. Additional Data is acquired from the Bauhaus Archive Museum. Then a temporary conclusion is presented weather this method is still in use or already changed. The applied method in the case study  is a method of qualitative research that is not based on mathematical logic, the principle of numbers, or statistical methods. By studying the process as much as possible a series of 'historical' three dimentional space shape, researchers aim to provide a complete view and a bit of depth on the subject under study nirmana space. The nature of this paper is a descriptive study or a review and analysis of the socio-historical context Finally, this paper presents a timeline of the historical development of Three-Dimensional Space Study at the Basic Course for Higher Education of Arts and Design at the ITB. Keywords: Bauhaus; Indonesia; ITB; Visual Art &  Design  Education; Visual Basic Three-Dimensional

    Understanding the role of visuals in commercial website interaction on smartphone display

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    Flexible and ease of internet access through mobile device in Indonesia has changed the way users interact with commercial websites, especially online ticketing service website. Yet, no study on how the presented website visuals on smartphone display perceived and experienced by users is found. This paper exposes users’ interactive experience on smartphone display, showcasing 3 (three) popular online ticketing service providers in Indonesia, traveloka dot com, pegi-pegi dot com, and tiket dot com. 60 individuals were purposively sampled and each was asked to access all chosen websites using provided smartphone. 2 (two) pages follow-up questionnaire was presented to each respondent: first page is for identifying users’ perception 5 (five) items likert-scale responses and second page is for identifying users’ experiences using Schrepp, Hinderks & Thomaschewski’s UXQ (User Experience Questionnaire). Results show that when interacting with online ticketing service websites on smartphone, sites that look simple and easy to interact with may provide sense of savvyness, comfortability, and security. This indicates that presented website visuals on smartphone display affect users’ experience when using online services. Although further studies are needed, this results offer valuable insights to the discussions of human interactive experience in using online platform

    Pengaruh Konteks pada Ilustrasi Buku Pendidikan Karakter terhadap Perilaku Disiplin Anak Usia Dini

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    This research aims to describe and explain: (1) the difference of influence in disciplinal behavior of the early ages in learning using character education books containing congeniality between context and illustration in the form of story, activity, and activity-comparative; (2) the strongest influence between story, activity, and activity-comparative books containing congeniality between context and illustration to disciplinal behavior of the early age. This research was conducted in TK Kristen Kalam Kudus Surakarta. This research was done with experimental quantitative method. Before the experiment was carried out, early analysis of character education books containing congeniality between context in illustration was done, continued by determining books that fit the criteria in congeniality between context and illustration based on the early analysis and experts’ opinions. The experts including book authors who are proficient in the psychological development of the early age, and teachers of kindergartens. Data retrieval was done using instruments. Instruments and data have been validated theoretically and contextually. The results conclude that there is a significant influence of congeniality between context and illustration to disciplinal behavior of the early age in kindergartens. The strongest influence among the books containing congeniality between context in illustration is activity-comparative books.This research aims to describe and explain: (1) the difference of influence in disciplinal behavior of the early ages in learning using character education books containing congeniality between context and illustration in the form of story, activity, and activity-comparative; (2) the strongest influence between story, activity, and activity-comparative books containing congeniality between context and illustration to disciplinal behavior of the early age. This research was conducted in TK Kristen Kalam Kudus Surakarta. This research was done with experimental quantitative method. Before the experiment was carried out, early analysis of character education books containing congeniality between context in illustration was done, continued by determining books that fit the criteria in congeniality between context and illustration based on the early analysis and experts’ opinions. The experts including book authors who are proficient in the psychological development of the early age, and teachers of kindergartens. Data retrieval was done using instruments. Instruments and data have been validated theoretically and contextually. The results conclude that there is a significant influence of congeniality between context and illustration to disciplinal behavior of the early age in kindergartens. The strongest influence among the books containing congeniality between context in illustration is activity-comparative books

    Development of commercial trout breeding in southern Russia in the context of the import substitution strategy

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    Aquaculture is the main promising direction for the development of the fisheries industry. Analysis of the general condition of fish breeding enterprises and the potential for expanding production shows that the growth trend of traditional for the southern regions pond fish breeding is weak. A significant problem for the development of aquaculture is the high price of fish products and, accordingly, low demand. A substantial reduction in the cost of fish production is currently unlikely to be achieved, so switching to more valuable fish varieties can stimulate consumption. To ensure the development of the fish products market and increase demand, entrepreneurs in southern Russia are improving technologies for growing such valuable fish varieties as salmonoids, in particular, rainbow trout. Studying the activities of trout farms requires taking into account which area of activity is prioritized. A farm can produce marketable fish or fish planting material, as well as execute both types of production. The work observes the organizational features of trout farms and promising directions of their development. Solving such key issues as the provision of qualified personnel, high-quality feed of domestic, preferably regional production, and provision of logistically affordable and high-quality planting material is the basis for achieving the goals of import substitution for high-quality fish products in Russia


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengetahui apakah pembiayaan perbankan syariah berpengaruh terhadap tingkat disparitas pendapatan di DIY. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan sampel dari laporan pembiayaan perbankan syariah khususnya pembiayaan produktif sebagai (X1) dan pembiayaan konsumtif sebagai (X2). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis regresi data panel menggunakan software eviews 9. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan pembiayaan produktif perbankan syariah berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap tingkat disparitas di DIY yang berarti besarnya pembiayaan produktif perbankan Syariah mempengaruhi peningkatan disparitas di DIY. Sedangkan pada pembiayaan konsumtif menunjukkan ke arah negatif signifikan yang berarti besarnya pembiayaan konsumtif pada perbankan syariah tidak mempengaruhi peningkatan pada disparitas di DIY. Kata kunci: pembiayaan perbankan syariah, disparitas pendapatan

    Pengaruh Desain Alat Belajar Baca Huruf Hijaiyah terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Anak Usia Dini

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    Riset yang dilakukan oleh Institut Ilmu Qur’an (IIQ) pada tahun 2018 menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 65% umat Muslim di Indonesia tidak dapat membaca Al-Qur’an. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meminimalisir permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan memperkenalkannya sejak dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi elemen desain pada dua jenis alat belajar baca huruf hijaiyah yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca anak usia dini. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari dua siklus, dimana pada setiap siklusnya dilakukan sebanyak sepuluh kali pertemuan dengan dua kali pengujian berupa pretest dan posttest. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 8 anak berusia 4–6 tahun di RW 01 Bukit Resik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alat baca digital interaktif berupa Smart Hafiz versi 6 mampu meningkatkan kemampuan baca anak lebih baik dibandingkan dengan alat belajar baca berupa buku “Ngaji Yuk!

    Pengaruh Konteks pada Ilustrasi Buku Pendidikan Karakter terhadap Perilaku Disiplin Anak Usia Dini

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    This research aims to describe and explain: (1) the difference of influence in disciplinal behavior of the early ages in learning using character education books containing congeniality between context and illustration in the form of story, activity, and activity-comparative; (2) the strongest influence between story, activity, and activity-comparative books containing congeniality between context and illustration to disciplinal behavior of the early age. This research was conducted in TK Kristen Kalam Kudus Surakarta. This research was done with experimental quantitative method. Before the experiment was carried out, early analysis of character education books containing congeniality between context in illustration was done, continued by determining books that fit the criteria in congeniality between context and illustration based on the early analysis and experts’ opinions. The experts including book authors who are proficient in the psychological development of the early age, and teachers of kindergartens. Data retrieval was done using instruments. Instruments and data have been validated theoretically and contextually. The results conclude that there is a significant influence of congeniality between context and illustration to disciplinal behavior of the early age in kindergartens. The strongest influence among the books containing congeniality between context in illustration is activity-comparative books