689 research outputs found
Die Märtyrer von Nagrān und das Ende der Ḥimyar. Zur politischen Geschichte Südarabiens im frühen sechsten Jahrhundert
There is no other period within the pre-islamic history of Arabia providing such a number of different – literary and epigraphical – documents as the conflict between the ḥimyarites and the Abyssinians. In the 520s these struggles having also a strong religious-political connotation culminated in defeating and killing the South Arabian King Yūsuf (ḏū Nuwās) and the occupation of large parts of the Yemen by the Abyssinians, who were supported by the then great power Byzantium. Taking into consideration the current state of research the article gives a review of the course of events
Comparative Discourse Analysis of Political Speeches
Diese Masterarbeit stützt sich auf Arbeiten im Bereich der Diskursanalyse, um zu untersuchen, ob es möglich ist, politische Reden zu vergleichen. Zum Zweck der Analyse der Themen, der Struktur, der Sprachhandlungsmuster, der Nominationen, der Manipulation und der Verwendung der Pronomen wir und sie wurde der Kontext der Reden beschrieben. Die Kontexte wurden in die Analyse einbezogen, indem die politischen Situationen vor der Wahl beschrieben und grundlegende Informationen über die Politiker und ihre jeweiligen politischen Parteien bereitgestellt wurden. Die Struktur und die Themen der Rede wurden analysiert, um Daten für den Vergleich und für die folgenden Analysen zu liefern. Um herauszufinden, welche Funktionen die Reden erfüllen, wurden die Sprachhandlungsmuster analysiert und verglichen. Um zu sehen, wie die Politiker die Welt interpretieren, wurden Nominationen untersucht. Die Manipulation wurde untersucht, indem die Struktur der Sprache analysiert und nach expliziten Manipulationsarten gesucht wurde. Die Verwendung der Wörter wir und sie wurden statistisch beschrieben und den Bedeutungsgruppen zugeordnet. Die Analyse zeigt, dass die Rede der kroatischen Politikerin deutlich mehr Themen und Strukturen als die Rede ihres Amtskollegen enthält. Es wurde herausgefunden, dass in politischen Reden, die nach dem Präsidentenwahlsieg gehalten wurden, die häufigste Sprachhandlung sich auf das Informieren bezieht. Es wurde festgestellt, dass das Wort wir in der Rede der kroatischen Politikerin mehr als eine Bedeutung besitzt. Im Gegensatz zu ähnlichen Untersuchungen wird das Wort sie nicht negativ verwendet.Ovaj se rad temelji na radovima iz područja analize diskursa kako bi se istražilo je li moguće usporediti političke govore. Da bi teme, strukture, obrasci govornih činova nominacije, pokušaji manipulacije i upotreba zamjenica mi i oni bile analizirane, opisan je kontekst govora. Konteksti su uvršteni u analizu opisivanjem političke situacije prije izbora i davanjem osnovnih informacija o političarima i njihovim političkim strankama. Struktura i teme govora su analizirane kako bi se dobili podaci za usporedbu i naknadne analize. Kako bi se otkrilo koje funkcije govori imaju, obrađeni su i uspoređeni obrasci govornih činova. Kako bi se utvrdilo kako političari tumače svijet, istražene su nominacije. Manipulacija je istražena analizom strukture govora i traženjem eksplicitnih vrsta manipulacije. Upotreba riječi mi i oni statistički je opisana i dodijeljena je značenjskim skupinama. Analiza pokazuje da govor hrvatske političarke sadrži značajno više tema i struktura od govora njezinog kolege. Utvrđeno je da je govorni čin koji se najčešće pojavljuje u političkim govorima održanih nakon pobjede na izborima vezan za informiranje publike. Vjeruje se da je hrvatska političarka pokušala manipulirati publikom. Smatra se da riječ mi može imati više značenja u govoru hrvatske političarke. Za razliku od sličnih istraga, riječ oni ne koristi se negativno.This master's thesis draws on work in the field of discourse analysis to investigate whether it is possible to compare political speeches. To analyze the topics, the structure, the speech act patterns, the nominations, the manipulation, and the use of the pronouns we and they, the context of the speeches was described. The contexts were incorporated in the analysis by describing the political situation before the election and by providing basic information about the politicians and their respective political parties. The structure and themes of the speech were analysed to provide data for the comparison and the subsequent analyses. To uncover which functions the speeches fulfill, the speech act patterns were analysed and compared. To see how the politicians interpret the world, nominations were investigated. Manipulation was investigated by analysing the structure of the speech and by looking for explicit types of manipulation. The use of the words we and they was statistically described and assigned to groups of meaning. The analysis shows that the Croatian politician's speech contains significantly more topics and structures than the speech of her counterpart. It has been found that the primary function of political speeches held after an election victory is to inform an audience. We have reasons to believe that the Croatian politician may have attempted to manipulate the audience. It is believed that the word we may have more than one meaning in the speech of the Croatian politician. Unlike similar investigations, the word they is not used negatively
Philosophical works published by the Matica hrvatska (1842–2000)
U ovome članku obrađuje se i dokumentira prisutnost filozofije u izdanjima Matice hrvatske od njezina osnutka 1842. godine do zaključno 2000. godine. Objašnjava se važnost istraživanja baštine, osobito važnost istraživanja filozofske baštine upravo u krilu Matice hrvatske kao najstarije hrvatske kulturne ustanove te se kratko opisuje djelovanje trojice filozofa koji su bili predsjednici Matice.
Tijekom 1850-ih Matica hrvatska objavila je u Nevenu prve članke s filozofskom tematikom, godine 1876. Šenoinu Poetiku, a godine 1894. Platonov dijalog Fedar u hrvatskom prijevodu. U njezina najutjecajnija izdanja u 20. stoljeću treba ubrojiti Bazalinu Povjest filozofije (1906–1912), prvu povijest filozofije na hrvatskom, te
dva Filipovićeva projekta nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata: Filozofsku hrestomatiju i Filozofijski rječnik. Posebno se prikazuju izdavaštvo strane filozofske literature i djela hrvatskih filozofa u izdanjima Matice hrvatske.
Članku je priložena »Bibliografija filozofskih izdanja Matice hrvatske (1852–2000)«, koja uključuje sva izdanja Matičine središnjice, tj. knjige i članke iz njezinih časopisa, zbornika i novina: Neven, Vienac, Glas Matice hrvatske, Hrvatsko kolo, Hrvatska revija, Kolo, Kritika, Hrvatski tjednik, Hrvatski znanstveni zbornik i Vijenac, te u posebnim odsjecima: »Filozofski članci u Hrvatskoj reviji (1951–1991)« i
»Filozofska izdanja Nakladnog zavoda Matice hrvatske nakon izdvajanja iz Matice hrvatske (1990–2000)«.This article explores the presence of philosophy in Matica Hrvatska since its establishment in 1842 until 1999. The importance of researching heritage is explained, as well as the importance of researching philosophical heritage of Matica hrvatska as the oldest Croatian cultural institution; therefore, the cultural work in Matica through history is briefly presented. The article also briefly describes the work of three presidents of Matica that were also philosophers.
In the 1850s Matica hrvatska published the first papers on philosophical topics in the journal Neven, Šenoa’s Poetics in 1876, and Plato’s dialogue Phedrus in Croatian in 1894. The most influential editions of Matica in 20th century include Bazala’s Povjest filozofije (1906–1912), the first history of philosophy in Croatian, and Filipović’s
two projects after the World War II: Filozofska hrestomatija and Filozofijski rječnik.
Croatian philosophy in Matica hrvatska, that is, philosophers that published their books and articles in Matica, and the philosophical topics that Croatian philosophers explored, holds a special place in the article, as well as the publishing of foreign philosophical works in Matica.
At the end of the article a bibliography of editions by Matica hrvatska with philosophical features during that period of time is presented. It includes all the books of Matica, as well as the articles from the journals and papers Neven, Vienac, Glas Matice hrvatske, Hrvatsko kolo, Hrvatska revija, Kolo, Kritika, Hrvatski tjednik, Hrvatski znanstveni zbornik, and Vijenac
Kolokacije u njemačkom jeziku: Spoj glagola i imenice
Substantiv-Verb (S-V) Kollokationen sind Wortverbindungen, die in Übereinstimmung mit den semantischen und syntaktischen Verbindungsregeln entstanden sind. Aufgrund früherer Untersuchung fanden wir heraus, dass Kollokationen aus verschiedenen Sprachen dieselbe Bedeutung, aber nicht unbedingt dieselbe Wörter haben. Wegen dieser Unregelmäßigkeit bilden Fremdsprachenlerner ungewöhnliche Kollokationen, die den Deutschmuttersprachlern merkwürdig klingen, nur weil sie nach den Regeln ihrer ursprünglichen Sprache Kollokationen mithilfe deutscher Wörter bilden. In dieser Bachelorarbeit untersuchten wir, nach welchen Regeln deutsche Kollokationen gebildet werden, welche Eigenschaften sie besitzen und wie man sie aus den DWDS-Korpora mithilfe des DWDS-Wortprofils extrahieren kann.Noun-verb Collocations are word combinations created in accordance with the rules of seman-tics and syntax. Based upon earlier research, we concluded that collocations originating from various languages transfer the same meaning using different words. Due to this irregularity, foreign language students create unusual collocations using German words but by employing rules found in their first language, which causes confusion amongst the German native speakers. In this bachelor’s thesis, we investigated the creation of collocations, their properties, and how one can extract them from the DWDS Corpus using DWDS Wortprofil.Kolokacije imenice i glagola su statistički česti spojevi riječi nastali spajanjem u skladu sa se-mantičkim i sintaktičkim pravilima određenoga jezika. Na temelju prijašnjih radova utvrdili smo da kolokacije iz različitih jezika nose isto značenje, ali i različite riječi. Zbog ove se ano-malije događa to, da učenici stranih jezika tvore neuobičajene kolokacije koje govornicima nje-mačkog jezika zvuče čudno zbog toga što su se tvorili prema pravilima nekog drugog jezika koristeći njemačke riječi. U ovome smo radu istraživali po kojim se pravilima tvore njemačke kolokacije, koje su njihove značajke i kako se one mogu izvući iz korpusa DWDS-a koristeći DWDS-Wortprofil
Živo filozofiranje Branka Despota (str. 415-420). Filozofski simpozij "Živo filozofiranje" povodom 70. rođendana Branka Despota, Odjel za filozofiju Matice hrvatske, Zagreb, 9. i 10. studenog 2012.
We present a new cubic-time algorithm to calculate the optimal next step in shift-reduce dependency parsing, relative to ground truth, commonly referred to as dynamic oracle. Unlike existing algorithms, it is applicable if the training corpus contains non-projective structures. We then show that for a projective training corpus, the time complexity can be improved from cubic to linear.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
Investigations on Lateralization of Function in the Disconnected Hemispheres of Man
The effect of long standing cerebral damage upon the pattern of functional lateralization revealed by division of the forebrain commissures was investigated in a young conunissurotomy patient with birth injury to the somato-sensory region of his left hemisphere. Results from a battery of sensory - motor tasks showed that, unlike previous
conunissurotomy cases, the major hemisphere of this subject had access to somesthetic information from the ipsilateral as well as the contralateral hand, thus allowing him to name objects out of sight in his left hand, and to use this hand to tactually find items, the pictures or names of which had been visually presented to only the left hemisphere. The most plausible explanation for these exceptional cross integrative abilities would be the presence of a left sided ipsilateral somesthetic projection, which, in compensation for the subject's early brain damage, has strengthened into a functional system. Additional evidence for compensatory reorganization in this boy was found in his minor hemisphere, which exhibited an enhanced capacity for expressive language, being capable of transcribing printed words into script6 and, upon occasion, of writing the name of an object.
Further research into the lateralization of higher intellectual functions in man involved a study of the psychological processes responsible for the superiority of the right side of the brain on certain perceptual activities.
The minor hemisphere, in the several commissurotomy patients tested, was found to excel the major on tasks involving visualization, from incomplete or disjointed sensory data, of the total stimulus configuration: this was revealed by its supremacy on such problems as: judging from a tactual or visual inspection of an arc, the size of the circle from which it had come, or mentally reconstructing the contour of a geometric shape seen in a fragmented state, or perceiving the pattern inherent in a visual display due to the differential spacing of its components. Extension of this testing to normal persons established that competency in the handling part-whole relationships is, in some manner, correlated with handedness, as left handed individuals performed much worse than right handed ones.</p
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