11 research outputs found

    The role of small and medium-sized enterprises in the development of rural areas

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    Apart from the indisputable importance of SMEs to the national economy, they also provide social and economic benefits for regions they operate in. In this context, the rural areas seem to be interesting because currently there can be seen a reappraisal and emphasizing of their importance. Between 2015 and 2016 there were carried out surveys in two different regions (Hodonin and Holešov) in order to define the role of SMEs in rural areas. The aim of these surveys was to determine how the particular players of the regional development subjectively perceive the role of SMEs in rural areas, particularly how is the role subjectively perceived by SMEs themselves and also by local representatives in the given regions and how SMEs perceive doing business in such regions. The analysis of survey results together with the analysis of secondary data on the important characteristics of these two regions provided the basis for comparison of subjective perception of SMEs; economic and social benefits in these two different regions. According to our findings the role of SMEs in rural areas in the Czech Republic is determined by the creation of competitive environment, the deepening of ties between apprentices and practice, the use of local resources, the increase in rural area attractiveness, the financial benefits for municipalities, the creation of vacancies, the sustaining of positive relationships within the local community and the development of infrastructure.O

    Pojavnost displazije bedrenog zgloba u nekih pasmina lovačkih pasa.

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    An analysis of the occurrence of hip joint dysplasia (HJD) was carried out on the following hunting dogs in the Slovak Republic in the period 1995-2000: Bavarian mountain hound and Hannoverian hound. During the period under investigation we examined 299 animals of both breeds - 206 bitches and 93 dogs. Whereas in 1995 we found that 38.3% were affected by HJD, by the end of the observation period the number of HJD-positive dogs decreased to 26.1% in both breeds. Analysis of the results also showed that HJD was diagnosed in 22.3% of bitches and 18.9% of dogs. The differences between positive and negative findings during the investigated period were significant (P≤0.05) when evaluated by χ2 test. The incidence of HJD in both hunting dog breeds showed a decreasing tendency, probably as a result of selective breeding. HJD was evaluated using a 5-point gradation system, extending from A to E. However, stages D and E were not diagnosed.Analiza pojavnosti displazije bedrenog zgloba u lovačkih pasa pasmina bavarski krvosljednik i hanoveranski krvosljednik provedena je u Republici Slovačkoj u razdoblju od 1995. do 2000. U tom je razdoblju bilo pretraženo 299 životinja obih pasmina i to 206 ženki i 93 mužjaka. Za razliku od 1995. kada je bilo ustanovljeno 38,3% pretraženih pasa s displazijom bedrenog zgloba, na kraju promatranog razdoblja broj pozitivnih smanjio se na 26,1% u obje pasmine. Displazija je bila dokazana u 22,3% ženki i 18,9% mužjaka. Razlika između pozitivnih i negativnih nalaza u pretraživanom razdoblju bila je statistički značajna (P≤0,05) određeno χ2 testom. Smanjenje pojavnosti displazije bedrenog zgloba u promatranih pasmina pasa vjerojatno je rezultat odabira. Prosudba je bila provedena na osnovi pet stupnjeva označenih od A do E. Displazija stupnja D i E nije bila ustanovljena

    Změny v postavení zemědělského podniku v rámci agrobyznysu

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    Changes in the status of the agricultural company within the agribusiness. Brno, 2016. Diploma thesis. Mendel University, Superviser of thesis Ing. Ivo Zdráhal, Ph.D. This Diploma thesis characterizes substantive and structural changes in a agricultural company, active in primary production sector in the Czech Republic. In its individual parts it focuses not only on theoretical background related to the creation and shaping of today s agribusiness sector, but especially in its main section effectively declares the development of structural changes in the management of company. The thesis is processed in the form of case study, which under the terms of knowledge of the theoretical basis of forming the current agribusiness developments were examined in a company in a specific period of time. For effective reflexes were selected as the most important indicators, which are represented by crop rotation surfaces, per hectare yields and expenses, realized prices and average prices in the territory of both the Czech Republic and the territory of neighbouring states. As a commodity for which individual parameters were examined, three were selected crop (wheat, rapeseed, sugar beet) and one animal (milk). In addition to detailed analysis of these articles this thesis sets itself a goal of understanding the production ways which modern agricultural companies are going especially the form of investment construction of biogas stations, composting plant, Etc. Financial analysis in the separate chapter reflets economics of the development which has also been taken under the consideration Finally, the thesis focuses on the involvement of selected company Hanácká zemědělská společnost Jevíčko a. s. to a holding structure under the maternal company AGRO 2000 s. r. o. and on the influence the above mentioned indicators by this acquisition

    Dotace pro zemědělství v Evpropské unii a České republice

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    The bachelor thesis: "Subsidies for agriculture in the European Union and in the Czech Republic", is focused, in its parts, on historical development of the Common agricultural policy, on the ways how the concrete subsidies aimed on agrarian sector were formed to reach food self- sufficiency for Europe after world wars. For better understanding there is also defined agricultural branch and market where are the subjects of primary production which have a legal claim on supports in form of subsidies. These subsides are implemented on area of a member state - Czech Republic and are interpreted in period before the connecting the Czech Republic to the European Union, after the connecting to E. U. and specifically in every planning periods. As a supplementary can be marked information about administrative organs which arrange subsidies titles and payout the financial support keeping the rules of cross compliance standards

    Thermodynamic theory of the most energy-efficient natural repose angle

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    This paper describes the formation of the natural repose angle of non-cohesive bulk materials. The repose angle of particulates alpha is the angle between the tangent plane to the surface of the slope and the solid base. The paper presents a thermodynamic theory for the formation of the most energy-efficient natural slope alpha asymptotic to 30 degrees that can be found very often both in nature and industry. The theoretical foundation is based on Janssen theory of the statistical distribution of vertical and horizontal stress and adds its own consideration about dissipative work during the movement of material as a slope is being formed. The presented model is expanded to include an experimental part describing four methods of creation of a natural repose angle on three sand samples. The experiments performed demonstrated the validity of the submitted theory and the thermodynamic model with certain deviations derived from the essence of the experiments performed. These experiments explain a frequent occurrence of natural slopes with a repose angle of around 30 degrees.Web of Science35241239