24 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Laws for the Spatial Distribution and the Number of Connected Components of Zero Sets of Gaussian Random Functions

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    We study the asymptotic laws for the spatial distribution and the number of connected components of zero sets of smooth Gaussian random functions of several real variables. The primary examples are various Gaussian ensembles of real-valued polynomials (algebraic or trigonometric) of large degree on the sphere or torus, and translation-invariant smooth Gaussian functions on the Euclidean space restricted to large domains

    Zeroes of Gaussian Analytic Functions with Translation-Invariant Distribution

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    We study zeroes of Gaussian analytic functions in a strip in the complex plane, with translation-invariant distribution. We prove that the a limiting horizontal mean counting-measure of the zeroes exists almost surely, and that it is non-random if and only if the spectral measure is continuous (or degenerate). In this case, the mean zero-counting measure is computed in terms of the spectral measure. We compare the behavior with Gaussian analytic function with symmetry around the real axis. These results extend a work by Norbert Wiener.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure. Some corrections were made and presentation was improve

    Random wave functions and percolation

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    Recently it was conjectured that nodal domains of random wave functions are adequately described by critical percolation theory. In this paper we strengthen this conjecture in two respects. First, we show that, though wave function correlations decay slowly, a careful use of Harris' criterion confirms that these correlations are unessential and nodal domains of random wave functions belong to the same universality class as non critical percolation. Second, we argue that level domains of random wave functions are described by the non-critical percolation model.Comment: 13 page

    On Nonlinear Functionals of Random Spherical Eigenfunctions

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    We prove Central Limit Theorems and Stein-like bounds for the asymptotic behaviour of nonlinear functionals of spherical Gaussian eigenfunctions. Our investigation combine asymptotic analysis of higher order moments for Legendre polynomials and, in addition, recent results on Malliavin calculus and Total Variation bounds for Gaussian subordinated fields. We discuss application to geometric functionals like the Defect and invariant statistics, e.g. polyspectra of isotropic spherical random fields. Both of these have relevance for applications, especially in an astrophysical environment.Comment: 24 page

    Lower bounds for quasianalytic functions, I. How to control smooth functions

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    Consider a class of functions of one real variable with the following uniqueness property: if a function f(x) from the class vanishes on a set of positive measure, then f is the zero function. In many instances, we would like to have a quantitative version of this property, e.g. a lower bound for f(x) outside a small exceptional set. Such estimates are well-known and useful for polynomials and analytic functions. In this work we prove similar results for the Denjoy-Carleman and the Bernstein classes of quasianalytic functions.Comment: Stylistic corrections have been mad

    Lower bounds for quasianalytic functions, I. How to control smooth functions

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    Let F\mathscr{F} be a class of functions with the uniqueness property: if fFf\in \mathscr{F} vanishes on a set EE of positive measure, then ff is the zero function. In many instances, we would like to have a quantitative version of this property, e.g. the estimate from below for the norm of the restriction operator ffEf\mapsto f\big|_E or, equivalently, a lower bound for f|f| outside a small exceptional set. Such estimates are well-known and useful for polynomials, complex- and real-analytic functions, exponential polynomials. In this work we prove similar results for the Denjoy-Carleman and the Bernstein classes of quasianalytic functions. In the first part, we consider quasianalytically smooth functions. This part relies upon Bang's approach and includes the proofs of relevant results of Bang. In the second part, which is to be published separately, we deal with classes of functions characterized by exponentially fast approximation by polynomials whose degrees belong to a given very lacunar sequence.The proofs are based on the elementary calculus technique