3,749 research outputs found

    Canadian Doctors and State Health Insurance, 1911-1918

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    The Submillimeter Array

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    The Submillimeter Array (SMA), a collaborative project of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) and the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA), has begun operation on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. A total of eight 6-m telescopes comprise the array, which will cover the frequency range of 180-900 GHz. All eight telescopes have been deployed and are operational. First scientific results utilizing the three receiver bands at 230, 345, and 690 GHz have been obtained and are presented in the accompanying papers.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    The lithium depletion boundary and the age of NGC 2547

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    We present the results of a photometric and spectroscopic survey of cool M dwarf candidates in the young open cluster NGC 2547. Using the 2dF fiber spectrograph, we have searched for the luminosity at which lithium remains unburned in an attempt to constrain the cluster age. The lack of a population of individual lithium-rich objects towards the faint end of our sample places a very strong lower limit to the cluster age of 35 Myr. However, the detection of lithium in the averaged spectra of our faintest targets suggests that the lithium depletion boundary lies at 9.5 < M(I) < 10.0 and that the cluster age is < 54 Myr. The age of NGC 2547 judged from fitting isochrones to low-mass pre-main-sequence stars in colour-magnitude diagrams is 20-35 Myr using the same evolutionary models. The sense and size of the discrepancy in age determined by these two techniques is similar to that found in another young cluster, IC 2391, and in the low-mass pre main-sequence binary system, GJ 871.1AB. We suggest that the inclusion of rotation or dynamo-generated magnetic fields in the evolutionary models could reconcile the two age determinations, but only at the expense of increasing the cluster ages beyond that currently indicated by the lithium depletion. Alternatively, some mechanism is required that increases the rate of lithium depletion in young, very low-mass fully convective stars.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, accepted by MNRA

    QL-CONST1: an expert system for quality level prediction in concrete structures

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    Current trends in the fields of artifical intelligence and expert systems are moving towards the exciting possibility of reproducing and simulating human expertise and expert behaviour into a knowledge base, coupled with an appropriate, partially ‘intelligent’, computer code. This paper deals with the quality level prediction in concrete structures using the helpful assistance of an expert system, QL-CONST1, which is able to reason about this specific field of structural engineering. Evidence, hypotheses and factors related to this human knowledge field have been codified into a knowledge base. This knowledge base has been prepared in terms of probabilities of the presence of either hypotheses or evidence and the conditional presence of both. Human experts in the fields of structural engineering and the safety of structures gave their invaluable knowledge and assistance to the construction of the knowledge base. Some illustrative examples for, the validation of the expert system behaviour are included

    Three Additional Quiescent Low-Mass X-ray Binary Candidates in 47 Tucanae

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    We identify through their X-ray spectra one certain (W37) and two probable (W17 and X4) quiescent low-mass X-ray binaries (qLMXBs) containing neutron stars in a long Chandra X-ray exposure of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae, in addition to the two previously known qLMXBs. W37's spectrum is dominated by a blackbody-like component consistent with radiation from the hydrogen atmosphere of a 10 km neutron star. W37's lightcurve shows strong X-ray variability which we attribute to variations in its absorbing column depth, and eclipses with a probable 3.087 hour period. For most of our exposures, W37's blackbody-like emission (assumed to be from the neutron star surface) is almost completely obscured, yet some soft X-rays (of uncertain origin) remain. Two additional candidates, W17 and X4, present X-ray spectra dominated by a harder component, fit by a power-law of photon index ~1.6-3. An additional soft component is required for both W17 and X4, which can be fit with a 10 km hydrogen-atmosphere neutron star model. X4 shows significant variability, which may arise from either its power-law or hydrogen-atmosphere spectral component. Both W17 and X4 show rather low X-ray luminosities, Lx(0.5-10 keV)~5*10^{31} ergs/s. All three candidate qLMXBs would be difficult to identify in other globular clusters, suggesting an additional reservoir of fainter qLMXBs in globular clusters that may be of similar numbers as the group of previously identified objects. The number of millisecond pulsars inferred to exist in 47 Tuc is less than 10 times larger than the number of qLMXBs in 47 Tuc, indicating that for typical inferred lifetimes of 10 and 1 Gyr respectively, their birthrates are comparable.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 13 pages, 7 figures (2 color

    Microstability analysis of pellet fuelled discharges in MAST

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    Reactor grade plasmas are likely to be fuelled by pellet injection. This technique transiently perturbs the profiles, driving the density profile hollow and flattening the edge temperature profile. After the pellet perturbation, the density and temperature profiles relax towards their quasi-steady-state shape. Microinstabilities influence plasma confinement and will play a role in determining the evolution of the profiles in pellet fuelled plasmas. In this paper we present the microstability analysis of pellet fuelled H-mode MAST plasmas. Taking advantage of the unique capabilities of the MAST Thomson scattering system and the possibility of synchronizing the eight lasers with the pellet injection, we were able to measure the evolution of the post-pellet electron density and temperature profiles with high temporal and spatial resolution. These profiles, together with ion temperature profiles measured using a charge exchange diagnostic, were used to produce equilibria suitable for microstability analysis of the equilibrium changes induced by pellet injection. This analysis, carried out using the local gyrokinetic code GS2, reveals that the microstability properties are extremely sensitive to the rapid and large transient excursions of the density and temperature profiles, which also change collisionality and beta e significantly in the region most strongly affected by the pellet ablation.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures. This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article submitted for publication in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from i

    Historical geography II: traces remain

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    The second report in this series turns to focus on the trace in relation to life-writing and biography in historical geography and beyond. Through attention to tracing journeys, located moments and listening to the presence of ghosts (Ogborn, 2005), this report seeks to highlight the range of different ways in which historical geographers have explored lives, deaths, and their transient traces through varied biographical terrains. Continuing to draw attention in historical geography to the darkest of histories, this piece will pivot on moments of discovering the dead to showcase the nuanced ways in which historical geography is opening doors into uncharted lives and unspoken histories

    Safari:Instrument design of the far-infrared imaging spectrometer for spica

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    The next great leap forward in space-based far-infrared astronomy will be made by the Japanese-led SPICA mission, which is anticipated to be launched late 2020's as the next large astrophysics mission of JAXA, in partnership with ESA and with key European contributions. Filling in the gap between JWST and ALMA, the SPICA mission will study the evolution of galaxies, stars and planetary systems. SPICA will utilize a deeply cooled 3m-class telescope, provided by European industry, to realize zodiacal background limited performance, high spatial resolution and large collecting area. Making full advantage of the deeply cooled telescope (&lt;6K), the SAFARI instrument on SPICA is a highly sensitive wide-field imaging photometer and spectrometer operating in the 34-210 μm wavelength range. Utilizing Nyquist-sampled focal-plane arrays of very sensitive Transition Edge Sensors (TES), SAFARI will offer a photometric imaging (R ≈ 2), and a low (R = 100) and medium resolution (R = 2000 at 100 μm) imaging spectroscopy mode in three photometric bands within a 2'x2' instantaneous FoV by means of a cryogenic Mach-Zehnder Fourier Transform Spectrometer. In this paper we will provide an overview of the SAFARI instrument design and system architecture. We will describe the reference design of the SAFARI focal- plane unit, the implementation of the various optical instrument functions designed around the central large-stroke FTS system, the photometric band definition and out-of-band filtering by quasioptical elements, the control of straylight, diffraction and thermal emission in the long-wavelength limit, and how we interface to the large-format FPA arrays at one end and the SPICA telescope assembly at the other end. We will briefly discuss the key performance drivers with special emphasis on the optical techniques adopted to overcome issues related to very low background operation of SAFARI. A summary and discussion of the expected instrument performance and an overview of the astronomical capabilities finally conclude the paper.</p

    The stellar association around Gamma Velorum and its relationship with Vela OB2

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    We present the results of a photometric BVI survey of 0.9 square degrees around the Wolf-Rayet binary gamma^2 Vel and its early-type companion gamma^1 Vel. Several hundred PMS stars are identified and the youth of a subset of these is confirmed by the presence of lithium, H-alpha emission and X-ray activity. We show that the PMS stars are kinematically coherent and spatially concentrated around gamma Vel. The PMS stars have similar proper motions to gamma Vel, to main-sequence stars around gammaVel and to early-type stars of the wider Vela OB2 association of which gamma^2 Vel is the brightest member. The ratio of main-sequence stars to low-mass (0.1-0.6 Msun) PMS stars is consistent with a Kroupa mass function. Main-sequence fitting to stars around gamma Vel gives a distance modulus of 7.76+/-0.07 mag, consistent with a similarly-determined distance for Vela OB2 and with interferometric distances to gamma^2 Vel. High-mass stellar models indicate an age of 3-4 Myr for gamma^2 Vel, but the low-mass PMS stars have ages of ~10 Myr according to low-mass evolutionary models and 5-10 Myr by empirically placing them in an age sequence with other clusters based on colour-magnitude diagrams and lithium depletion. We conclude that the low-mass PMS stars form a genuine association with gamma Vel and that this is a subcluster within the larger Vela OB2 association. We speculate that gamma^2 Vel formed after the low-mass stars, expelling gas, terminating star formation and unbinding the association. The velocity dispersion of the PMS stars is too low for this star forming event to have produced all the stars in Vela OB2. Instead, star formation must have started at several sites within a molecular cloud, either sequentially or, simultaneously after some triggering event [abridged].Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA
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