103 research outputs found

    أسرار التشابه اللفظي في تفسير الشيخ الشعراوي المتعلقة بالتذكير والتأنيث (دراسة وصفية تحليلية): Secrets of Consimilarity in the Exegesis of Sheikh Shaarawi related to Masculinity & Femininity (An Analytical Descriptive Study)

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    The Holy Qur’an is Allah’s miraculous book for his creation in its composing, style, eloquence and organization, miraculous in its wisdom and knowledge, and as a unique way of guidance according to times and circumstances. The topic of Masculinity and Femininity (Tazkeer Wa Tanees) is one of the most important topics of semantics, and it looks at shaping words, phrases and sentences, to show its secrets and rhetorical characteristics. Scholars have devoted themselves to studying every aspect of the Book. Among this is the issue of the consimilarity, and after consideration and induction it became clear that the exegesis of Sheikh Al-Shaarawy is one of the exegeses that focused on this issue. Therefore, the contemplator in the interpretation of Sheikh Al-Shaarawi will find him explaining the secrets of Consimilarity and the mysteries of the miraculousness of the Holy Qur’an with especial care while mentioning the rhetorical styles in the Holy Quran. And the exegesis of Sheikh Al-Shaarawy is one of the most prominent exegeses that shows the secrets of consimilarity and the aspects of the miraculous Qur’anic phrasing with deep consideration. This aspect almost preoccupies his entire exegesis, so he does not mention a verse without interrogating it, so he extracts the secrets of the miraculousness in it, especially those related to the linguistic and rhetorical aspects, among other aspects. Hence the title of the topic: Secrets of Consimilarity in the Exegesis of Sheikh Saharawi Related to Masculinity and Femininity (An analytical descriptive study). This research deals with revealing the concept of consimilarity, its importance, its benefits, its secrets and its most important works. As it also studies the subject through the exegesis of Sheikh Al Shaarawy, which is considered one of the glorious contemporary interpretations.The research includes an introduction, a preface, two chapters, and a conclusion

    Integration of status consumption and theory of planned behavior: a conceptual framework

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    The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is a popular theory to predict human behavior in many social science studies, consumer behaviour being no exception. The TPB in its simplest form postulates that human actions can be predicted by their intentions towards that action, and assumes that this is because humans are rational beings. Despite its popularity, TPB has been criticized in previous research on a number of grounds.TPB is essentially confined to rational behavior of humans. However, humans are not always rational in their behaviors. TPB misses out on personality, motivation, learning, lifestyles, and emotions related constructs. Thus, TPB’s utility in predicting intentions has been questioned by previous researchers. It has been empirically found to predict between 35% and 66% of the variance in intentions towards behavior. These findings indicate the presence of additional predictor constructs of purchase intentions either directly or indirectly. Furthermore, products that are perceived as status symbols do not just satisfy functional needs of the consumers but also their social and status needs. Therefore, the current study integrates status consumption with the three independent variables of TPB, namely attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control in to a single framework and proposes that addition of status consumption will increase the predictive power of TPB for products perceived as status symbols by consumers

    Development and analysis of CTG repeat expansion cell lines to understand molecular events in myotonic dystrophy type 1

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    Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a dominant human neuromuscular disorder caused by a CTG repeat expansion at the 3’ end of the DMPK gene. Pathogenesis of DM1 is linked to a toxic gain of function due to mutant RNA and is manifested by nuclear retention of expanded CUG repeats and aberrant splicing. The development of an inducible model for DM1 with uninterrupted CTG repeats could help us to better understand early pathogenic changes in DM1 due to CUG repeat expansion. In the first part of this thesis, I report an inducible C2C12 mouse myoblast cell line in which the pTetOne inducible system was used to express 174 CTG repeats. This resulted in the production of RNA foci in 26% of cells. Efforts to make larger un-interrupted CTG repeats were unsuccessful due to their instability in the E.coli plasmid. In the second part of the thesis, I used the CRISPR/Cas9-induced genome-editing technique to knock-in an inducible promoter into the endogenous DMPK gene in a DM1 fibroblast cell line. For this, I employed two different CRISPR/Cas9 based strategies which exploit homology-directed repair (HDR) and non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). Our results suggest that CRISPR/Cas9 induced knock-in is enabled by non-homologous end joining more efficiently as compared to homology-directed repair. In the last part of the thesis, TruSeq RNA Sequencing was used to quantify the number of mutant DMPK transcripts and other molecular markers of DM1 pathogenesis that could be a valuable tool for the evaluation of the efficacy of therapeutic compounds. The sequencing results reveal the significant low abundance of mutant DMPK transcripts in the cytoplasmic fraction of DM1 lines and confirm the previously reported nuclear retention of mutant DMPK transcripts. We identify six potential genes which are dysregulated in DM1 fibroblasts and the absolute quantification of mutant DMPK transcripts along with these six reported dysregulated genes can be suitable biomarkers for disease severity and therapeutic response in DM1 fibroblasts. Additionally, these assays could be further refined to provide valuable tools to assess therapeutic compounds

    The Role of Universities and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Producing Entrepreneurs for Industry 4.0

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    Entrepreneurship is regarded as a tool to boost economic growth and alleviate poverty. A number of individuals from both developing and developed countries engage in entrepreneurial activities every year, but their success ratio is very low. In addition to that, recently scholars show concerns regarding the effectiveness of degree programs specialized in entrepreneurship being offered at universities in producing entrepreneurs for industry 4.0. This research aims to address these concerns studying the entrepreneurial intentions of students and the role played by Pakistani universities in producing entrepreneurs. To this end, we adopted data triangulation method by incorporating a case study method followed by semi-structured interviews. The results suggest that environmental factors significantly contribute to entrepreneurial intentions. Similarly, we found an underrepresentation of entrepreneurial courses at various degree programs in Pakistani universities. The findings further suggested that although relevant infrastructure and other facilities required by an effective entrepreneurial ecosystem are present in Pakistani universities, there is need of synchronization between the universities and elements of entrepreneurial ecosystem

    Utilizing Seismic and Well Logging Techniques for Locating Hydrocarbon of Kabirwala Area Punjab Platform Pakistan

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    Nandpur Gas field is situated at a distance of 64 km near District Multan. It lies in Middle Indus Basin Punjab Platform, Pakistan. The structure is dipping at a gentle angle toward the NW-SE. Tectonically the area fall in extensional regime and is dominated by Normal faults, favorable for accumulation of hydrocarbon. The interpretation of Seismic lines, time contour map and depth contour map confirms the Graben structure and stratigraphic traps (Pinchouts) in the study area. The high zone present in the South Eastern part of the contour maps is possible location of hydrocarbon entrapment, which is further confirmed by the presence of the well Nandpur -02.The reservoir quality of the Samana Suk Formation was much better in terms of clean Sandstone, porosity, water saturation and permeability. We use seismic lines, a base map and well data of Nandpur-02 area which was obtained from Landmark Resources, Pakistan. For subsurface mapping, structural interpretation, synthetic seismogram generation of investigated area we used four dip and five strike lines. These seismic lines and well data are in digital format. The reservoir discrimination and modeling is carried out with the help of geophysical parameter. Keywords: Seismic Interpretation, Time and depth contour map, Generating Synthetic Seismogram, 3D view, Reservoir Estimatio

    Pre-text Representation Transfer for Deep Learning with Limited Imbalanced Data : Application to CT-based COVID-19 Detection

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    Annotating medical images for disease detection is often tedious and expensive. Moreover, the available training samples for a given task are generally scarce and imbalanced. These conditions are not conducive for learning effective deep neural models. Hence, it is common to 'transfer' neural networks trained on natural images to the medical image domain. However, this paradigm lacks in performance due to the large domain gap between the natural and medical image data. To address that, we propose a novel concept of Pre-text Representation Transfer (PRT). In contrast to the conventional transfer learning, which fine-tunes a source model after replacing its classification layers, PRT retains the original classification layers and updates the representation layers through an unsupervised pre-text task. The task is performed with (original, not synthetic) medical images, without utilizing any annotations. This enables representation transfer with a large amount of training data. This high-fidelity representation transfer allows us to use the resulting model as a more effective feature extractor. Moreover, we can also subsequently perform the traditional transfer learning with this model. We devise a collaborative representation based classification layer for the case when we leverage the model as a feature extractor. We fuse the output of this layer with the predictions of a model induced with the traditional transfer learning performed over our pre-text transferred model. The utility of our technique for limited and imbalanced data classification problem is demonstrated with an extensive five-fold evaluation for three large-scale models, tested for five different class-imbalance ratios for CT based COVID-19 detection. Our results show a consistent gain over the conventional transfer learning with the proposed method.Comment: Best paper at IVCN

    Going Deep in Medical Image Analysis: Concepts, Methods, Challenges and Future Directions

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    Medical Image Analysis is currently experiencing a paradigm shift due to Deep Learning. This technology has recently attracted so much interest of the Medical Imaging community that it led to a specialized conference in `Medical Imaging with Deep Learning' in the year 2018. This article surveys the recent developments in this direction, and provides a critical review of the related major aspects. We organize the reviewed literature according to the underlying Pattern Recognition tasks, and further sub-categorize it following a taxonomy based on human anatomy. This article does not assume prior knowledge of Deep Learning and makes a significant contribution in explaining the core Deep Learning concepts to the non-experts in the Medical community. Unique to this study is the Computer Vision/Machine Learning perspective taken on the advances of Deep Learning in Medical Imaging. This enables us to single out `lack of appropriately annotated large-scale datasets' as the core challenge (among other challenges) in this research direction. We draw on the insights from the sister research fields of Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning etc.; where the techniques of dealing with such challenges have already matured, to provide promising directions for the Medical Imaging community to fully harness Deep Learning in the future

    Integration of Status Consumption and Theory of Planned Behavior: A Conceptual Framework

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    The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is a popular theory to predict human behavior in many social science studies, consumer behaviour being no exception. The TPB in its simplest form postulates that human actions can be predicted by their intentions towards that action, and assumes that this is because humans are rational beings.  Despite its popularity, TPB has been criticized in previous research on a number of grounds. TPB is essentially confined to rational behavior of humans. However, humans are not always rational in their behaviors. TPB misses out on personality, motivation, learning, lifestyles, and emotions related constructs. Thus, TPB’s utility in predicting intentions has been questioned by previous researchers. It has been empirically found to predict between 35% and 66% of the variance in intentions towards behavior. These findings indicate the presence of additional predictor constructs of purchase intentions either directly or indirectly. Furthermore, products that are perceived as status symbols do not just satisfy functional needs of the consumers but also their social and status needs. Therefore, the current study integrates status consumption with the three independent variables of TPB, namely attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control in to a single framework and proposes that addition of status consumption will increase the predictive power of TPB for products perceived as status symbols by consumers

    Intracranial Extra-axial Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma; a Case Report

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    Introduction: Head and neck sarcomas result in high mortality rates. A lot of new cases of sarcomas are diagnosed every year constituting about 1 % of all head and neck malignancies. Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas (UPS) are high grade soft tissue malignant tumors which occur primarily in limbs and retroperitoneal cavities. These tumors can often metastasize to the central nervous system. However, in rare instances, soft tissue sarcomas may develop as a primary lesion within the intracranial compartments. Case description: A young male presented to the clinic with occipital headache and blurring of vision. Initial workup included brain contrast enhanced computed tomography (CECT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The CECT suggested that there was an extra-axial mass present which was pressing against the adjacent left frontal lobe. Overlying frontal bone of the left side showed remodeling effect and associated mild periosteal reaction. MRI scan showed intracranial extra-axial lobulated mass with T1 intermediate to low signal intensity and intermediate to high signals on T2 sequences. Heterogeneous enhancement on post-contrast sequences was also seen. The lesion had a broad-based attachment with dura mater and was closely applied to the orbital roof without orbital invasion. Staging Positron emission tomography–computed tomography (PET/CT) scan showed a solitary site of disease in an intracranial location. Final diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology following excision of mass as undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma. Post-surgery MRI brain showed satisfactory postoperative appearance without any residual disease. Patient remained asymptomatic for 2 years and 6 months following the resection of the tumor. Practical implications: Most of the extra-axial intracranial soft tissue tumors arise from the meninges with meningiomas making the substantial bulk; however, possibility of other relatively rare tumors of meningeal origin must not be ignored. Intracranial soft tissue sarcomas mostly arise from meninges thus require a good understanding of clinical presentation as well as acquaintance with morphological features on radiological imaging to differentiate from other tumors. These can be treated with excision and radiotherapy along with sequential follow-ups to look for recurrence. Tissue sampling is mandatory followed by complete staging scan in case of sarcomas to rule out possible primary or secondary disease

    Association between Injections and HIV Incidence

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    Editors of medical journals accept that published research should be open to comment and correction in published correspondence ([1]; Box 1).“Post-publication peer review” enables comments on, clarifications of, and corrections to published research. All journals should have a correspondence page for this purpose. I previously criticised the effective “statute of limitations” in several leading general medical journals “whereby authors of papers are immune to disclosure of methodological weaknesses once some arbitrar