41 research outputs found

    The challenge of comprehensively mapping children's health in a nation-wide health survey: Design of the German KiGGS-Study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>From May 2003 to May 2006, the Robert Koch Institute conducted the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS). Aim of this first nationwide interview and examination survey was to collect comprehensive data on the health status of children and adolescents aged 0 to 17 years.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Participants were enrolled in two steps: first, 167 study locations (sample points) were chosen; second, subjects were randomly selected from the official registers of local residents. The survey involved questionnaires filled in by parents and parallel questionnaires for children aged 11 years and older, physical examinations and tests, and a computer assisted personal interview performed by study physicians. A wide range of blood and urine testing was carried out at central laboratories. A total of 17 641 children and adolescents were surveyed – 8985 boys and 8656 girls. The proportion of sample neutral drop-outs was 5.3%. The response rate was 66.6%.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The response rate showed little variation between age groups and sexes, but marked variation between resident aliens and Germans, between inhabitants of cities with a population of 100 000 or more and sample points with fewer inhabitants, as well as between the old West German states and the former East German states. By analysing the short non-responder questionnaires it was proven that the collected data give comprehensive and nationally representative evidence on the health status of children and adolescents aged 0 to 17 years.</p

    A Mutation in Myo15 Leads to Usher-Like Symptoms in LEW/Ztm-ci2 Rats

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    The LEW/Ztm-ci2 rat is an animal model for syndromal deafness that arose from a spontaneous mutation. Homozygous animals show locomotor abnormalities like lateralized circling behavior. Additionally, an impaired vision can be observed in some animals through behavioral studies. Syndromal deafness as well as retinal degeneration are features of the Usher syndrome in humans. In the present study, the mutation was identified as a base substitution (T->C) in exon 56 of Myo15, leading to an amino acid exchange from leucine (Leu) to proline (Pro) within the carboxy-terminal MyTH4 domain in the proteins' tail region. Myo15 mRNA was expressed in the retina as demonstrated for the first time with the help of in-situ hybridization and PCR. To characterize the visual phenotype, rats were examined by scotopic and photopic electroretinography and, additionally, histological analyses of the retinas were conducted. The complete loss of sight was detected along with a severe degeneration of photoreceptor cells. Interestingly, the manifestation of the disease does not solely depend on the mutation, but also on environmental factors. Since the LEW/Ztm-ci2 rat features the entire range of symptoms of the human Usher syndrome we think that this strain is an appropriate model for this disease. Our findings display that mutations in binding domains of myosin XV do not only cause non-syndromic hearing loss but can also lead to syndromic disorders including retinal dysfunction

    Regulation of Brown Fat Adipogenesis by Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B

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    Protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is a physiological regulator of insulin signaling and energy balance, but its role in brown fat adipogenesis requires additional investigation.To precisely determine the role of PTP1B in adipogenesis, we established preadipocyte cell lines from wild type and PTP1B knockout (KO) mice. In addition, we reconstituted KO cells with wild type, substrate-trapping (D/A) and sumoylation-resistant (K/R) PTP1B mutants, then characterized differentiation and signaling in these cells. KO, D/A- and WT-reconstituted cells fully differentiated into mature adipocytes with KO and D/A cells exhibiting a trend for enhanced differentiation. In contrast, K/R cells exhibited marked attenuation in differentiation and lipid accumulation compared with WT cells. Expression of adipogenic markers PPARγ, C/EBPα, C/EBPδ, and PGC1α mirrored the differentiation pattern. In addition, the differentiation deficit in K/R cells could be reversed completely by the PPARγ activator troglitazone. PTP1B deficiency enhanced insulin receptor (IR) and insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) tyrosyl phosphorylation, while K/R cells exhibited attenuated insulin-induced IR and IRS1 phosphorylation and glucose uptake compared with WT cells. In addition, substrate-trapping studies revealed that IRS1 is a substrate for PTP1B in brown adipocytes. Moreover, KO, D/A and K/R cells exhibited elevated AMPK and ACC phosphorylation compared with WT cells.These data indicate that PTP1B is a modulator of brown fat adipogenesis and suggest that adipocyte differentiation requires regulated expression of PTP1B

    Körperliche und geistige Funktionsfähigkeit bei Personen im Alter von 65 bis 79 Jahren in Deutschland

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    Die Funktionsfähigkeit spielt im Alter eine wichtige Rolle für ein selbstständiges Leben. In der Studie zur Gesundheit Erwachsener in Deutschland (DEGS1) wurden daher Timed-up and Go-Test (TUG), Chair-Rise-Test, Balance-Tests, Greifkraft-Test und Zahlen-Symbol-Test (ZST) eingesetzt, um die körperliche und kognitive Funktionsfähigkeit von 65- bis 79-Jährigen in Deutschland bevölkerungsrepräsentativ zu beschreiben. Von den 1853 Personen zwischen 65 und 79 Jahren, die ins Untersuchungszentrum kamen, nahmen über 90% an den Funktionstests teil. Für den TUG wurden im Mittel 10,7 s benötigt, für den Chair-Rise-Test 11,8 s. Von den möglichen 5 Punkten im Balance-Test (nach FICSIT4-Protokoll) wurden im Mittel 3,9 Punkte erreicht. Die mittlere maximale Greifkraft lag bei 32,3 kg. Im ZST wurden 43,8 Zeichen richtig zugeordnet. In allen Fähigkeitsbereichen wurde eine Leistungsabnahme mit zunehmendem Alter deutlich; geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede zeigen sich beim Chair-Rise-Test, Greifkraft-Test und ZST. Die objektive Erfassung körperlicher und kognitiver Funktionseinschränkungen in DEGS1 trägt zur Charakterisierung des Gesundheitszustandes Älterer bei und ist relevant für die Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung im höheren Lebensalter.In older age, physical and cognitive capabilities play an important role for independent living. For this reason, the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) included the Timed Up and Go test (TUG) and a chair-rise test, balance tests, a measurement of hand grip strength and the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) in order to representatively describe physical and cognitive performance of older people in Germany. Among 1,853 persons 65–79 years of age who came to the study centre more than 90% participated in the performance tests. The average time needed to complete the TUG and chair-rise tests were 10.7 and 11.8 s, respectively. On average, participants reached 3.9 of a maximum of 5 points in the balance tests (FICSIT4 protocol). Mean maximum grip strength was 32.3 kg. The mean number of correctly assigned symbols in the DSST was 43.8. In all functional capacity areas tested, performance declined with increasing age. There were differences by sex in the chair-rise test, hand grip strength and DSST. The objective measurement of physical and cognitive capabilities in DEGS1 contributes to describe the health status of older people with implications for health promotion and prevention. An English full-text version of this article is available at SpringerLink as supplemental

    Obesity and the associated mediators leptin, estrogen and IGF-I enhance the cell proliferation and early tumorigenesis of breast cancer cells

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    Breast cancer continues to be a major cause of cancer deaths in women. Estrogen, which is also produced by the adipose tissue, is held responsible for the elevated risk of breast cancer in obese women. However, the adipose tissue secrets hormones and adipokines such as leptin and IGF-I and these substances could also contribute to an increased breast cancer risk for obese women. In this study, the impact of obesity on cell proliferation was investigated. The carcinogen 7, 12, dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) was administered to normal weight and diet-induced obese female Sprague-Dawley rats. Cell proliferation was evaluated by immunohistological staining of BrdU-incorporation. In the mammary glands and inguinal lymphatic nodes of the obese rats, cell proliferation was significantly increased, indicating a significant influence of obesity on breast cancer. Effects of leptin, estrogen, and IGF-I on the proliferation of MCF-7 cells in vitro were assessed using an MTT assay. Cell culture experiments demonstrated a mitogenic role of these three mediators on cell proliferation. Our data demonstrate a stimulative effect of substances produced by the adipose tissue on breast cancer. Body weight specific cell proliferation suggests that obesity-related adipokines and mediators enhance cell proliferation and increase the risk for breast cancer