21 research outputs found

    Calcipotriol/Betamethasone Dipropionate Aerosol Foam for Plaque Psoriasis: A Prospective, Observational, Non-Interventional, Single-Center Study of Patient Adherence and Satisfaction in Daily Use

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    This research was funded by Leo Pharma.Background: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease that has a negative impact on patients’ quality of life. Patients with mild–moderate psoriasis can be treated with topical medications, such as the combination drug calcipotriol/betamethasone dipropionate (Cal/BD). Objectives: This study investigated the adherence of psoriasis patients to therapy with Cal/BD aerosol foam, as well as their satisfaction with the treatment’s efficacy, safety, and effect on their quality of life. Methods: Patients with mild–moderate plaque psoriasis were eligible to participate in this open-label, non-placebo controlled, prospective single-center study. Adherence to treatment was assessed using the Morisky-Green scale 4 and 12 weeks after the start of treatment. Satisfaction with the treatment was assessed using the abbreviated Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication (TSQM-9). The severity of psoriasis was assessed on the mIGA and PGA scales, and the impact on quality of life was assessed using the PDI and DLQI scales. Results: A total of 65 patients entered the study. Adherence to treatment was good, with 73.8% of patients showing high adherence at 12 weeks. Satisfaction was also good, with 46 patients (70.8%) being completely satisfied. Conclusions: Over a 4-week period, patients treated with Cal/BD aerosol foam had significant improvement in disease severity that was directly related to treatment adherence.LEO Pharm

    An Unusual Case of Solar Urticaria Exacerbated by Clothing: Confirmation Through Phototesting

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    This work has been supported by the project no. PID2020-117224RB-100of Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. // Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA

    Validation of a Questionnaire to Assess the Perception of Women with Atopic Dermatitis in Family Planning

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    Introduction: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a highly frequent chronic inflammatory skin disease. It is important to know how women with AD approach family planning together with their disease. The aim of the present research is to develop and validate a questionnaire for women diagnosed with AD in order to measure their level of desire and gestational information. Materials and Methods: A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted. Women between 18 and 45 years old with mild, moderate, and severe forms of the disease were included and disease-free controls. An exploratory factorial analysis of the primary components and varimax rotation was used to measure the validity of the construct. Cronbach’s α was used to measure the reliability of the individual scales and the global questionnaire. Results: In total, 150 valid questionnaires were included. The final questionnaire consisted of 23 items that converged on six factors. The six scales had adequate reliability: “Pregnancy” (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.95), “Conception” (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.93), “Concern- information” (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.82), “Breastfeeding” (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.81), “Sexual life” (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.79), and “Family planning” (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.67). The total Cronbach’s alpha of the questionnaire was 0.94. Discussion: This questionnaire is the first specific measurement instrument developed for women with AD of childbearing age that has demonstrated adequate levels of reliability and construct validity. We consider it useful and valuable to study aspects such as family planning in this patient profile, and that can influence their decision to have offsprin

    The urban project. The end of degree project

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    Ésta es una publicación que explica nuestra experien¬cia docente en la invención de estrategias para el territorio urbano, basadas en el proyecto como instrumento de in¬tervención; un método que presenta características de los planes a la vez que de los proyectos arquitectónicos, con ideas que van más allá del artefacto que proponen y del lugar estricto en que se implantan. Comoquiera que este libro se dedica a presentar los pro¬yectos fin de carrera de los estudiantes de Arquitectura que han elegido elaborar propuestas que siguen esta línea arquitectónico-urbanística. Desde nuestra joven Escuela de Arquitectura de Granada, quisiéramos ver arraigar y desarrollar algunos de los atributos que se presentanen el prólogo de Joan Busquets, destacado urbanista y pro¬fesor. Obviamente, la generosa autoriza-ción para publicar este texto, quiere significar para noso¬tros, y así lo sugerimos a nuestros alumnos y lectores, una referencia de calidad para seguir profundizando y mejoran¬do en el camino emprendido. Que no es otro que el empeño de contribuir al bienestar más igualitario de los ciudadanos en los territorios en que transcurren sus vidas. The implication of the University in the problems of the so¬ciety and the territory of its environment and of its time, constitutes a major exigency more the university institution spreads toal most all the cities of our country, all more cons¬cience is of that the knowledge is an essential vector of our time and major they are the requirements of innovation to face the emergent problems of extensive urbanization and environmental deterioration. Thisuniversitycommitmentwithitsenviromentissufficientlyrecognizedwhenonespeaksaboutinvestigation but is re comforting also to recognize it in educational efforts like that here we preface. The teaching is formation of human resources and frame of possible confluence of universal concepts with the local conditions. To the margin of this confrontation of generic values with a few historical - social precise and local needs, those resources would not conform as share capital, as so¬lidary with a collective project. In these publications of the a Area of Urban development and Land management of one of its years in the Technical Top School of Architecture, it is necessary to admit this effort of commitment between the global thing and the lo¬cal thing, between the knowledge and the practice, between culture and society. It is necessary to recognize, to support its continuity and contagious diffusion it and it be grateful to all by those, teachers and pupils, who have collaborated both in the curses and in the publications.Junta de Andalucía y Universidad de Granad

    First results of the CAST-RADES haloscope search for axions at 34.67 μeV

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    We present results of the Relic Axion Dark-Matter Exploratory Setup (RADES), a detector which is part of the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST), searching for axion dark matter in the 34.67μeV mass range. A radio frequency cavity consisting of 5 sub-cavities coupled by inductive irises took physics data inside the CAST dipole magnet for the first time using this filter-like haloscope geometry. An exclusion limit with a 95% credibility level on the axion-photon coupling constant of gaγ & 4 × 10−13 GeV−1 over a mass range of 34.6738μeV < ma < 34.6771μeV is set. This constitutes a significant improvement over the current strongest limit set by CAST at this mass and is at the same time one of the most sensitive direct searches for an axion dark matter candidate above the mass of 25μeV. The results also demonstrate the feasibility of exploring a wider mass range around the value probed by CAST-RADES in this work using similar coherent resonant cavitiesWe wish to thank our colleagues at CERN, in particular Marc Thiebert from the coating lab, as well as the whole team of the CERN Central Cryogenic Laboratory for their support and advice in speci c aspects of the project. We thank Arefe Abghari for her contributions as the project's summer student during 2018. This work has been funded by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) under project FPA-2016-76978-C3-2-P and PID2019-108122GB-C33, and was supported by the CERN Doctoral Studentship programme. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council and BD, JG and SAC acknowledge support through the European Research Council under grant ERC-2018-StG-802836 (AxScale project). BD also acknowledges fruitful discussions at MIAPP supported by DFG under EXC-2094 { 390783311. IGI acknowledges also support from the European Research Council (ERC) under grant ERC-2017-AdG-788781 (IAXO+ project). JR has been supported by the Ramon y Cajal Fellowship 2012-10597, the grant PGC2018-095328-B-I00(FEDER/Agencia estatal de investigaci on) and FSE-GA2017-2019-E12/7R (Gobierno de Aragón/FEDER) (MINECO/FEDER), the EU through the ITN \Elusives" H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015/674896 and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under grant SFB-1258 as a Mercator Fellow. CPG was supported by PROMETEO II/2014/050 of Generalitat Valenciana, FPA2014-57816-P of MINECO and by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreements 690575 and 674896. AM is supported by the European Research Council under Grant No. 742104. Part of this work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344

    Study of Hypersensitivity to Malassezia furfur in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis with Head and Neck Pattern: Is It Useful as a Biomarker and Therapeutic Indicator in These Patients?

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is one of the most prevalent chronic inflammatory diseases. Head and neck (H&amp;N) involvement, also known as the picture-frame pattern, can be a diagnostic and even therapeutic challenge. Sensitization to the fungus Malassezia furfur seems to be implicated in this clinical presentation. To investigate the role of Malassezia furfur in H&amp;N dermatitis, we performed an observational single-centre study. Serum-specific IgE levels for Malassezia furfur were determined in a total of 25 patients with AD (15 receiving dupilumab treatment, 10 not receiving dupilumab), 14 patients with seborrheic dermatitis, and 19 healthy controls. Reactivity to Malasseziafurfur, in terms of serum-specific IgE levels (&gt;0.35 Ku.arb./L), was found in 80% of patients with AD. Risk factors to consider include high total IgE levels, sensitization to multiple pneumoallergens, and elevated LDH and CRP levels. Prescription of topical antifungals, oral antifungals, or a combination of both showed good response in 100% of cases in the H&amp;N AD group treated with dupilumab. The most appropriate treatment seems to be the use of oral itraconazole and/or ketoconazole cream. The median treatment time was 3 weeks. Localized dermatitis in H&amp;N significantly affects the patient&rsquo;s life. We present a study of sensitization to Malassezia furfur in patients with H&amp;N AD. It is important to know the differential diagnosis and to approach the study correctly. Sensitization to Malassezia furfur may be one of the main reasons, especially in patients being treated with dupilumab. The use of antifungals allows for adequate control, avoiding treatment changes and improving the patient&rsquo;s quality of life

    Study of Hypersensitivity to Malassezia furfur in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis with Head and Neck Pattern: Is It Useful as a Biomarker and Therapeutic Indicator in These Patients?

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is one of the most prevalent chronic inflammatory diseases. Head and neck (H&N) involvement, also known as the picture-frame pattern, can be a diagnostic and even therapeutic challenge. Sensitization to the fungus Malassezia furfur seems to be implicated in this clinical presentation. To investigate the role of Malassezia furfur in H&N dermatitis, we performed an observational single-centre study. Serum-specific IgE levels for Malassezia furfur were determined in a total of 25 patients with AD (15 receiving dupilumab treatment, 10 not receiving dupilumab), 14 patients with seborrheic dermatitis, and 19 healthy controls. Reactivity to Malasseziafurfur, in terms of serum-specific IgE levels (>0.35 Ku.arb./L), was found in 80% of patients with AD. Risk factors to consider include high total IgE levels, sensitization to multiple pneumoallergens, and elevated LDH and CRP levels. Prescription of topical antifungals, oral antifungals, or a combination of both showed good response in 100% of cases in the H&N AD group treated with dupilumab. The most appropriate treatment seems to be the use of oral itraconazole and/or ketoconazole cream. The median treatment time was 3 weeks. Localized dermatitis in H&N significantly affects the patient's life. We present a study of sensitization to Malassezia furfur in patients with H&N AD. It is important to know the differential diagnosis and to approach the study correctly. Sensitization to Malassezia furfur may be one of the main reasons, especially in patients being treated with dupilumab. The use of antifungals allows for adequate control, avoiding treatment changes and improving the patient's quality of life

    Contact Dermatitis Due to Hair Care Products: A Comprehensive Review

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    Hair cosmetics are in fashion. Numerous products are commonly used in combination. Frequent allergens are present in hair cosmetics, which, with almost daily use, increase the risk of sensitization. Familiarity with the clinical distribution of the eczematous rash is necessary to seriously consider patch testing. Not all the products on the market are haptens. It is necessary to know how to patch your own products. When avoidance of the allergen is not possible, new treatments are evaluated to combat allergic contact dermatitis, mainly of the occupational type. In this manuscript, a complete and practical review of the main allergens and contact sources of hair cosmetic origin has been carried out

    Dermo‐cosmetic spray containing Rhealba oat plantlets and Uncaria tomentosa extract in patients with mild‐to‐moderate cutaneous pain

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    Background: Chronic cutaneous pain has a substantial negative impact on quality of life (QoL). Dermo-cosmetics can support therapies for treatment of chronic skin diseases, providing symptomatic relief from chronic cutaneous pain and improved QoL. Objectives: To assess the global tolerance and efficacy of a dermo-cosmetic spray containing Rhealba Oat Plantlet and Uncaria tomentosa extracts in reducing cutaneous pain when used as a monotherapy or in association with drug or dermo-cosmetic treatments in patients with an underlying skin pathology. Methods: Patients aged ≥1 month with a cutaneous pain level ≥3 and an underlying skin pathology were provided with the spray to use up to six times daily for 6–8 weeks. Immediate effect on cutaneous pain and patient satisfaction were assessed after the first application. Global efficacy and tolerance, reduction in symptoms, improvement in QoL, pain reduction and patient overall satisfaction were assessed after 6–8 weeks. Results: Immediately after the first application, significant reductions in cutaneous pain were observed across all age groups (P<0.0001), with 94% of patients reporting a reduction in pain. After 6–8 weeks, global tolerance was rated ‘very good’ or ‘good’ for 97% of patients, and the spray was efficacious in 95% of patients. Patient satisfaction with the efficacy of the spray was 95%. QoL scores improved in 86% and 94% of patients aged ≥12 and <12 years, respectively. Findings were similar across underlying pathology and therapy types (monotherapy or in association with anothertherapy). Conclusions: The spray was well-tolerated and efficacious in providing symptom relief in patients with mild-to-moderate cutaneous pain, irrespective of the underlying pathology or therapy type