16 research outputs found

    Gerechtigkeit und Frieden bei Papst Franziskus im Horizont von Zärtlichkeit und Gewaltfreiheit

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    Der Artikel untersucht das Wirken und die Lehre von Papst Franziskus im Themenfeld „Frieden und Gerechtigkeit“. Basierend auf den Grundlagen, die seine Vorgänger gelegt haben, entwickelt Papst Franziskus eine radikalere Ablehnung tötender Gewalt als Mittel der Politik, lernt in der Ökumene von anderen Partnern und ist lehrmäßig stärker friedenstheologisch akzentuiert. Die theologischen Leitkategorien Liebe, Barmherzigkeit und Vergebung führen in der praktischen Konsequenz nicht nur zur Ablehnung der Todesstrafe, sondern auch zur Propagierung des Konzeptes „Aktiver Gewaltfreiheit“ für die katholische Kirche.This article analyzes the influence and the teachings of Pope Francis in the area of “peace and justice.” Based on the ideas of his predecessors, Pope Francis develops a more radical rejection of lethal violence of a means of politics, is open to learning from ecumenical partners, and dogmatically, he has emphasized a theology of peace. The practical implication of central theological categories of love, mercy, and forgiveness do not just lead to a repudiation of the death penalty, but also to the promotion of the concept of “active non-violence” for the Catholic Church

    Identifying Individual T Cell Receptors of Optimal Avidity for Tumor Antigens.

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    Cytotoxic T cells recognize, via their T cell receptors (TCRs), small antigenic peptides presented by the major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) on the surface of professional antigen-presenting cells and infected or malignant cells. The efficiency of T cell triggering critically depends on TCR binding to cognate pMHC, i.e., the TCR-pMHC structural avidity. The binding and kinetic attributes of this interaction are key parameters for protective T cell-mediated immunity, with stronger TCR-pMHC interactions conferring superior T cell activation and responsiveness than weaker ones. However, high-avidity TCRs are not always available, particularly among self/tumor antigen-specific T cells, most of which are eliminated by central and peripheral deletion mechanisms. Consequently, systematic assessment of T cell avidity can greatly help distinguishing protective from non-protective T cells. Here, we review novel strategies to assess TCR-pMHC interaction kinetics, enabling the identification of the functionally most-relevant T cells. We also discuss the significance of these technologies in determining which cells within a naturally occurring polyclonal tumor-specific T cell response would offer the best clinical benefit for use in adoptive therapies, with or without T cell engineering

    Preventing tumor escape by targeting a post-proteasomal trimming independent epitope

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    Adoptive T cell therapy (ATT) can achieve regression of large tumors in mice and humans; however, tumors frequently recur. High target peptide-major histocompatibility complex-I (pMHC) affinity and T cell receptor (TCR)-pMHC affinity are thought to be critical to preventing relapse. Here, we show that targeting two epitopes of the same antigen in the same cancer cells via monospecific T cells, which have similar pMHC and pMHC-TCR affinity, results in eradication of large, established tumors when targeting the apparently subdominant but not the dominant epitope. Only the escape but not the rejection epitope required postproteasomal trimming, which was regulated by IFN-γ, allowing IFN-γ–unresponsive cancer variants to evade. The data describe a novel immune escape mechanism and better define suitable target epitopes for ATT