21 research outputs found

    Does Deep Tectonic Tremor Occur in the Central‐Eastern Mediterranean Basin?

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    Tectonic tremor has been observed at the roots of many fault systems around the Pacific rim, including convergent and transform plate boundaries. The extent to which deep tremor signals are prevalent along fault systems elsewhere, including the Mediterranean basin, has not yet been documented in detail. A body of evidence suggests that tremor triggered during the surface waves of teleseismic events may commonly occur where ambient tremor during episodic tremor and slip episodes occur, suggesting triggered tremor provides a useful tool to identify regions with ambient tremor. We perform a systematic search of triggered tremor associated with large teleseismic events between 2010 and 2020 at four major fault systems within the central-eastern Mediterranean basin, namely the Hellenic and Calabrian subduction zones, and the North Anatolian and Kefalonia transform faults. In addition, we search for ambient tremor during a slow slip event in the eastern Sea of Marmara along a secondary branch of the North Anatolian Fault, and two slow slip events beneath western Peloponnese (Hellenic Subduction Zone). We find no unambiguous evidence for deep triggered tremor, nor ambient tremor. The absence of triggered tremor at the Hellenic and Calabrian subduction zones supports an interpretation of less favorable conditions for tremorgenesis in the presence of old and cold slabs. The absence of tremor along the transform faults may be due to an absence of the conditions commonly promoting tremorgenesis in such settings, including high-fluid pressures and low-differential stresses between the down-dip limit of the seismogenic layer and the continental Moho

    The Blazhko effect of RR lyrae in 2003-2004

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    Aims. Extensive photometry of RR Lyr was obtained over a 421-day interval in 2003-2004, covering more than 10 Blazhko cycles in a multisite campaign. The length and density of this data set allow for a detailed analysis. Methods. We used Fourier techniques to study RR Lyr's behavior over the pulsation and the Blazhko cycle. We propose a two-frequency model for decomposing the frequency spectrum. Results. The light variations were fitted with the main radial frequency, its harmonics up to 11th order, and the detected triplet frequencies. No significant quintuplet components were found in the frequency spectrum. Given the total time span of the measurements, we can now unambiguously conclude that the Blazhko period has become notably shorter than the previously known value of 40.8 days, whereas the main pulsation period remained roughly the same. Changes in the modulation period have been reported for other well-studied Blazhko variables. They challenge the explanations for the Blazhko effect which link the modulation period directly to the rotation period. The new photometry reveals an interval in the pulsation cycle of RR Lyr during which the star's intensity barely changes over the Blazhko cycle. This interval occurs during the infalling motion and between the supposed phases of the early and the main shock. The data also permit a more detailed study of the light curve shape at different phases in the Blazhko period through Fourier parameters. ESO 2006

    High-resolution surface wave tomography of the European crust and uppermost mantle from ambient seismic noise

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