3 research outputs found
Young Zambian 'Waiting' for Opportunities and 'Working Towards' Living Well: Lifecourse and Aspiration in Youth Transitions
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- 19/07/2012
- Field of study
It has become increasingly difficult for young Zambians to construct youth-to-adult transitions that meet the normative expectations of coherent life trajectories towards being successful. We explore 60 young Zambians’ experiences through qualitative life history interviews focusing on processes of economic (dis)empowerment. We focus closely on what these Zambian youth aspire to, their ‘models’ for life course achievement and how they position their own progress towards and prospects for ‘success’ in relation to their peers. In doing so, we contribute to understanding the importance of youth wellbeing in times of increasing uncertainty
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Police, Law Enforcement and HIV
- Author
- Abdala
- Abdul-Quader
- Abrahams
- Aitken
- Alary
- Alistar
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- Altice
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- Amon
- Ancker
- Anderson
- APCOF African Union Commission, The Danish Institute for Human Rights.
- Aral
- Aral
- Aral
- Aral
- Aral
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- Arkin
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- Azbel
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- Bachireddy
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- Baral
- Baral
- Baral
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- Beattie
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- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Beletsky
- Bennett
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- Beyrer
- Beyrer
- Beyrer
- Beyrer
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- Bhattacharjee
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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- Biradavolu
- Biradavolu
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- Blankenship
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- Bojko
- Bojko
- Bojko
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- Booth
- Booth
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- Chan DK-C Hagger MS
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- Chen
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- Chheng
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- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
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- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Corsi
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- Cottler
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- Darke
- David Patterson
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- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Day
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- DeBeck
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- Decker
- Decker
- Decker
- Decker
- Decker
- Decker
- Decker
- Decker
- Decker
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- Deering
- Deering
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- Degenhardt
- Department of Justice and Constitutional Development.
- Dhanaraj
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- Dunleavy
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- El-Bassel
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- Erausquin
- Erausquin
- Erausquin
- Erausquin
- Erickson
- Esterberg
- Eurasian Harm Reduction Network
- Farley
- FHI 360
- FHI 360
- Fick
- FIDA Kenya.
- Fielding
- Fisher
- Flavin J.
- Footer
- Freimuth
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Galea
- Gerberding
- Gertler
- Ghanem
- Ghimire
- Ghimire
- Global Commission on Drug Policy
- Global Commission on HIV and the law (2012).
- Global fund to fight AIDS tuberculosis and malaria.
- Global Network of Sex Work Projects
- Godwin
- Goldenberg
- Goldenberg
- Golichenko
- Golovanevskaya
- Gordon
- Gowing
- Gowing
- Groseclose
- Gruskin
- Gupta
- Gurnani
- Halli
- Hate Crimes Working Group
- Hayashi
- Hayashi
- Hayashi
- Hayashi
- Hayashi
- Hayashi
- Hayashi
- Hayashi
- Hayes
- Heckathorn
- Hoffman
- Howell
- Hser
- Human Rights Watch
- Human Rights Watch
- Human Rights Watch.
- Human Rights Watch.
- Irwin
- Izenberg
- Izenberg
- Izenberg
- Jana
- Jardine
- Jardine
- Jefferson
- Jenkins
- Jurgens
- Jurgens
- Jürgens
- Jürgens
- Karnataka Health Promotion Trust Gender Sensitisation and People Friendly Police Project, National Law School of India University.
- Karpati
- Katsulis
- Kerr
- Kerr
- Kerr
- Kerr
- Kerrigan
- Kerrigan
- Kerrigan
- Khuat
- Kinlock
- Kismodi
- Kori
- Korthuis
- Kral
- Kutnjak Ivković
- Kutsa
- Kvitsinadze
- Kynoch
- Lancet Editorial.
- Landsberg
- Lane
- Lawrinson
- Li
- LICADHO. A progress report on Cambodia's exploding prison population.
- Lichtenstein
- Lieberthal
- Lim
- Liu
- Liu
- Lorentz
- Lowman
- Lucas
- Lunze
- Lunze
- Lunze
- Lunze
- Lunze
- Lutnick
- Ma
- MacKinnon
- Maeyer
- Maher
- Maibani-Michie
- Maldonado
- Manoek
- Marks
- Marshall
- Martin
- Mathers
- Mathers
- Mathers
- Mathers
- Mawby
- Mayhew
- Mayhew
- McLellan
- McMillan
- Meng
- Merchant
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Miller
- Mimiaga
- Mimiaga
- Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China
- Ministry of Health National Center for Dermatology and STDs.
- Minow
- Mittal
- ML
- Mlunde
- Molina
- Monaghan
- Muula
- National AIDS Authority
- National AIDS Control Organisation
- National Department of Health
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- National Narcotics Control Commission Office
- Nel
- Nelson
- Nemoto
- Nichols
- Nick Crofts
- Nosyk
- O'Leary
- O'Malley
- Odinokova
- Odinokova
- Odinokova
- Okal
- Open Society Foundation
- Open Society Foundation
- Open Society Foundations (OSF).
- Open Society Foundations. To protect and serve.
- Pagane
- Paintsil
- Palepu
- Panchanadeswaran
- Pando
- Paoline
- Parker
- Petersen
- Pienaar
- Pitpitan
- Pollini
- Pollini
- Pollini
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- Polonsky
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- Popoola
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- Poteat
- Praxis
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- Qiao
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- Ramesh
- Ramesh
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- Reed
- Reid
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- Reza-Paul
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rich
- Richter
- Ridzon
- Riley
- Rischitelli
- Robertson
- Rojanapithayakorn
- Rollnick
- Ross
- Rusakova
- Saggurti
- Saidel
- Salas
- Saldaña J.
- Salganik
- Samet
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- Sanderson
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- Sandfort
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- Sarang
- Sarang
- Sarkar
- Sarkar
- Saunders
- Saunders
- Schaub
- Scheibe
- Scheibe
- Schneiders
- Schönteich M
- Scorgie
- Scorgie
- Scorgie
- Scorgie
- Seal
- SecretarÃa de Gobernación
- SecretarÃa de Seguridad Pública
- Sexuality Poverty and Law Programme
- Shahmanesh
- Shannon
- Shannon
- Shannon
- Shannon
- Shannon
- Shannon
- Shannon
- Shannon
- Shannon
- Shannon
- Shaw
- Sherman
- Shields
- Shirk
- Silverman
- Simic
- Sisonke Sex Worker Movement
- Small
- Smith
- Sonder
- Sotyu
- South African Government
- South African National AIDS Council
- Southeast Asia Population Council.
- Step Up Project TB/HIV Care Association, Mainline, OUT LGBT Wellbeing.
- Stephens
- Stevens
- Strathdee
- Strathdee
- Strathdee
- Strathdee
- Strathdee
- Strathdee
- Strathdee
- Strathdee
- Strathdee
- Strathdee
- Strathdee
- Su
- Sukthankar
- Sullivan
- Sun
- Suresh
- Swasti Health Resource Centre Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society, India-Canada Collaborative HIV/AIDS Project, Karnataka Health Promotion Trust.
- SWEAT NACOSA, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS Tuberculsosis and Malaria.
- Tanguay
- Tanguay
- TB/HIV Care Association
- Tenni
- Tenni
- Tenni
- Tenni
- The Vancouver Police Department
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorne
- Thukral
- Tibbitts
- Tobin
- UCSF Anova Health Institute, WHRI.
- Uhlmann
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Centers for Disease Control, TB HIV Care Association, OUT LGBT Wellbeing.
- University of California San Francisco
- University of California San Francisco Anova Health Institute.
- Urban Futures Centre DU of T
- Urban Health Research Initiative of the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
- Uusküla
- Vagenas
- Van Craen M
- Vancouver Coastal Health
- Volkmann
- Volkmann
- Walby
- Wang
- Watson
- Weatherby
- Werb
- Werb
- Werb
- Whyle
- Wickersham
- Williams
- Williamson
- Wolfe
- Wolfe
- Wolfe
- Wolffers
- Women's Legal Centre SWEAT, Sisonke.
- Wong
- Wong
- Wood
- Wood
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization United Nations Population Fund, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, Global Network of Sex Work Projects, World Bank, United Nations Development Programme.
- World Health Organization.
- World Health Organization.
- World Medical Association
- Wu
- Yang
- Zeng
- Zhang
- Zhang
- Zhuang
- Zimet
- Zorn
- Zule
- Zung
- Publication venue
- 'International AIDS Society'
- Publication date
- Field of study