14 research outputs found

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenario de Violencia. Municipios de Bucaramanga, Floridablanca, Girón y San Gil

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    Los estudiantes de la Universidad Abierta y a Distancia -UNAD- desde el Diplomado de Profundización “Acompañamiento Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia” ponen en este documento su mira en las diferentes realidades y acontecimiento causados por el conflicto armado a través de una inmersión en los territorios y en los relatos de vida, evidenciando las secuelas tanto físicas como psicológicas, la revictimización a la que son sometidos diariamente por el estado y la misma sociedad, al igual que la reconstrucción de sus vidas, la capacidad resiliencia, y sus memorias como insumo esencial en la construcción de país, en el marco del posconflicto mediante técnicas como la imagen y las narrativas. En este orden de ideas el rol del psicólogo con enfoque social y comunitario busca adentrarse en las técnicas de atención psicosocial que permitan reconocer subjetividades, subjetividades colectivas, memorias, memorias colectivas, así como emergentes sociales en los individuos y comunidades con el fin de ser facilitadores de la reconstrucción social mediante el acompañamiento e intervención. Es así como este documento a partir de estrategias complejas y efectivas logra enfocarse en la imagen y las narrativas como dos formas de explorar los sucesos pasados, donde se exterioriza de una forma u otros pensamientos, sentimiento, concepciones, creencias y un sin número de emociones, el sentido histórico-cultural que son base para la transformación y reconstrucción de tejido social. Desde la imagen se explora el trabajo con la técnica foto voz, donde se reconocen en los diferentes escenarios de violencia las marcas que está ha dejado, así como también se identifican potencialidades desde el afrontamiento, el sentido comunitario, la resiliencia, la inclusión social y el desarrollo humano, como ejes constructores y también transformadores de realidades. También se incluye la estrategia de las narrativas que permiten realizar una catarsis no sólo para la víctima sino también para la misma sociedad, porque permiten reconocer las realidades contadas desde la vivencia de las víctimas, es así como se hace una inmersión en los relatos contados que posibilitan la comprensión holística del conflicto armado en Colombia, buscando interpretar y reinterpretar las situaciones vividas, las subjetividades tejidas entorno a este.Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD) students from the diploma Courseon p ycho-social support in Violence Scenarios, express in this document their views point in different realities and events caused by the armed conflict though the territories immersion and life’s stories, showing the physical and psychological sequels, the revictimization to that one that those are subjected daily by the state and the society, just like their life’s reconstruction, their resilience capacity and their memories as essential input in the country construction, all of this in the post conflict context by techniques as the image and narratives. In this ideas order, the psychologist role with social and community focus seeks to enter into the techniques of psychosocial attention that allow the recognition of subjectivities, collectives subjectivities, memories, collectives memories, just like social emerging in the people and community in order to be facilitators of the social reconstruction by the accompaniment and intervention. Is how this document from complex and effective strategies achieved focus in the image and narratives like two ways of exploring the past success, where it be externalize in few ways or other thoughts, feelings, conceptions, beliefs and too much motions, the sense historical-cultural that are foundation for the transformation and reconstruction of the social tissue. From the image can be explore the work with the technique photo-voice, where it recognize in the different violence stage that have left scars, as well as can dentify potential from the coping, community sense, the resilience, the social inclusion and human development, like constructors axes and agents of change too. It include the narrative strategy that let make catharsis, not just for the victim but also for the society, because it let recognize the reality that the victim can tell, this is like a immersion in the stories narrated that enable the holistic comprehension of the armed conflict of Colombia, looking for interpret and reinterpret the living situation, that surrounds the topic

    Spinal Cord Organoids to Study Motor Neuron Development and Disease

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    Motor neuron diseases (MNDs) are a heterogeneous group of disorders that affect the cranial and/or spinal motor neurons (spMNs), spinal sensory neurons and the muscular system. Although they have been investigated for decades, we still lack a comprehensive understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms; and therefore, efficacious therapies are scarce. Model organisms and relatively simple two-dimensional cell culture systems have been instrumental in our current knowledge of neuromuscular disease pathology; however, in the recent years, human 3D in vitro models have transformed the disease-modeling landscape. While cerebral organoids have been pursued the most, interest in spinal cord organoids (SCOs) is now also increasing. Pluripotent stem cell (PSC)-based protocols to generate SpC-like structures, sometimes including the adjacent mesoderm and derived skeletal muscle, are constantly being refined and applied to study early human neuromuscular development and disease. In this review, we outline the evolution of human PSC-derived models for generating spMN and recapitulating SpC development. We also discuss how these models have been applied to exploring the basis of human neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases. Finally, we provide an overview of the main challenges to overcome in order to generate more physiologically relevant human SpC models and propose some exciting new perspectives

    Insights into Association of the NuRD Complex with FOG-1 from the Crystal Structure of an RbAp48·FOG-1 Complex*

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    Chromatin-modifying complexes such as the NuRD complex are recruited to particular genomic sites by gene-specific nuclear factors. Overall, however, little is known about the molecular basis for these interactions. Here, we present the 1.9 Å resolution crystal structure of the NuRD subunit RbAp48 bound to the 15 N-terminal amino acids of the GATA-1 cofactor FOG-1. The FOG-1 peptide contacts a negatively charged binding pocket on top of the RbAp48 β-propeller that is distinct from the binding surface used by RpAp48 to contact histone H4. We further show that RbAp48 interacts with the NuRD subunit MTA-1 via a surface that is distinct from its FOG-binding pocket, providing a first glimpse into the way in which NuRD assembly facilitates interactions with cofactors. Our RbAp48·FOG-1 structure provides insight into the molecular determinants of FOG-1-dependent association with the NuRD complex and into the links between transcription regulation and nucleosome remodeling

    CD4+ T cell-derived IL-22 enhances liver metastasis by promoting angiogenesis

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    ABSTRACTMetastasis is a cancer-related systemic disease and is responsible for the greatest mortality rate among cancer patients. Interestingly, the interaction between the immune system and cancer cells seems to play a key role in metastasis formation in the target organ. However, this complex network is only partially understood. We previously found that IL-22 produced by tissue resident iNKT17 cells promotes cancer cell extravasation, the early step of metastasis. Based on these data, we aimed here to decipher the role of IL-22 in the last step of metastasis formation. We found that IL-22 levels were increased in established metastatic sites in both human and mouse. We also found that Th22 cells were the key source of IL-22 in established metastasis sites, and that deletion of IL-22 in CD4+ T cells was protective in liver metastasis formation. Accordingly, the administration of a murine IL-22 neutralizing antibody in the establishment of metastasis formation significantly reduced the metastatic burden in a mouse model. Mechanistically, IL-22-producing Th22 cells promoted angiogenesis in established metastasis sites. In conclusion, our findings highlight that IL-22 is equally as important in contributing to metastasis formation at late metastatic stages, and thus, identify it as a novel therapeutic target in established metastasis