52 research outputs found


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    The development of plasma technology is associated with the unique features of non-equilibrium low-temperature plasma: high electron energy and high concentration of chemically active excited and charged particles at low gas temperature, which allows to process thermolabile materials and biological objects in gentle conditions when high temperatures are not required. The biological effects of low-temperature plasma exposure are considered. It was established that during plasma treatment, a combined effect on cells and tissues of living systems from UV radiation, ions and chemically active particles occurs. Depending on the plasma type, the significance of each of the listed mechanisms for increasing the effectiveness of plasma treatment may vary. However, all these mechanisms interact with each other and have a synergistic effect. It was shown that the conducted studies confirm the ability of low-temperature plasma to inactivate pathogenic microorganisms upon contact with biological objects and foods. The results of the studies are presented, the purpose of which was to study the effect of plasma treatment on nitrite concentration in the water treated by this method and to assess the possibility of its use as a source of nitrite when curing meat products.The development of plasma technology is associated with the unique features of non-equilibrium low-temperature plasma: high electron energy and high concentration of chemically active excited and charged particles at low gas temperature, which allows to process thermolabile materials and biological objects in gentle conditions when high temperatures are not required. The biological effects of low-temperature plasma exposure are considered. It was established that during plasma treatment, a combined effect on cells and tissues of living systems from UV radiation, ions and chemically active particles occurs. Depending on the plasma type, the significance of each of the listed mechanisms for increasing the effectiveness of plasma treatment may vary. However, all these mechanisms interact with each other and have a synergistic effect. It was shown that the conducted studies confirm the ability of low-temperature plasma to inactivate pathogenic microorganisms upon contact with biological objects and foods. The results of the studies are presented, the purpose of which was to study the effect of plasma treatment on nitrite concentration in the water treated by this method and to assess the possibility of its use as a source of nitrite when curing meat products

    Species Peculiarities of Weeds in Terms of Heavy Metal Accumulation

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    Control over the accumulation of heavy metals (HM) in agrophytocenoses is an urgent environmental problem. An obligatory component of all field agrophytocenoses are various agrobiological groups of weeds. The purpose of this work was to study the features of HM accumulation in the weed component of agrophytocenoses. The study was carried out in agrophytocenoses of the Yaroslavl region, represented by winter and spring crops, legumes, corn, industrial crops, and a wide variety of weeds. According to the data of the route survey of crops in the Yaroslavl region, the weediness of agricultural plants was 31–101 pieces per square meter. Weeds differed in the content of HMs: by 5.8 times for Zn; more than 14 times for Cd and Pb; and about 6 times for Cu. Dandelion medicinal and creeping wheatgrass expressed the barrier function of the roots in relation to all of the studied elements. The contribution of weeds to the general elimination of trace elements and heavy metals by plants of agrophytocenoses is insignificant. Keywords: weeds, heavy metals, trace elements, barrier function of root

    Simulation of the Process of Training the Future Primary School Teachers for Organizing Extracurricular Activities

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    The purpose of the article is to develop and validate the model of training future teachers for the organization of extracurricular activities in the conditions of innovative educational environment. The leading method of research of the problem is the simulation, which allows  to present systematically the process of preparation of the future primary teachers for organizing extracurricular activities. The article presents the theoretical and methodological bases of preparation the future primary teachers for organizing extracurricular activities in elementary school. It was found that extracurricular activities are an integral part of the educational process in the school, which contributes to the full implementation of the requirements of the federal educational standards of primary education. The model of training future teachers for organizing extracurricular activity of younger pupils is developed and has a block structure: methodological unit including key scientific approaches and pedagogical conditions; diagnostic unit consisting of the criteria and the levels of indicators; meaningful unit comprising the steps of target work form

    PRS: Sharp Feature Priors for Resolution-Free Surface Remeshing

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    Surface reconstruction with preservation of geometric features is a challenging computer vision task. Despite significant progress in implicit shape reconstruction, state-of-the-art mesh extraction methods often produce aliased, perceptually distorted surfaces and lack scalability to high-resolution 3D shapes. We present a data-driven approach for automatic feature detection and remeshing that requires only a coarse, aliased mesh as input and scales to arbitrary resolution reconstructions. We define and learn a collection of surface-based fields to (1) capture sharp geometric features in the shape with an implicit vertexwise model and (2) approximate improvements in normals alignment obtained by applying edge-flips with an edgewise model. To support scaling to arbitrary complexity shapes, we learn our fields using local triangulated patches, fusing estimates on complete surface meshes. Our feature remeshing algorithm integrates the learned fields as sharp feature priors and optimizes vertex placement and mesh connectivity for maximum expected surface improvement. On a challenging collection of high-resolution shape reconstructions in the ABC dataset, our algorithm improves over state-of-the-art by 26% normals F-score and 42% perceptual RMSEv\text{RMSE}_{\text{v}}

    Formation of ICT-Competence of Future University School Teachers.

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    The purpose of this research is to identify the specificity of formation of future university school teachers' ICT competence. Research methods. The leading method to investigate this problem is the pedagogical experiment (ascertaining, forming and control), and the method of statistical processing of quantitative results of research

    The willingness of teachers to use modern educational technologies in educational process

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    Among the most significant trends in the development of vocational education, introduction and use of educational technologies can be distinguished. Since the main goal of higher schools is to prepare a competent competitive specialist, they search for the most suitable methods that contribute to rapid achievement of results. The use of technologies by educational institutions is explained by their advantage over other methods of developing professional competence. Due to implementation of a certain algorithm of actions, they allow you to achieve guaranteed results in a timely manner. The purpose of the article is to form future teachers ' the level of competency development, reflecting students’ willingness to adapt, adjust and use educational technologies in professional teaching activities. To do this, we checked the level of motivation of future teachers, the level of knowledge of the theoretical foundations of educational technologies, their design and implementation in professional and pedagogical activities, and the level of formation of the ability to reflect. The development of competencies reflecting the student’s readiness to adapt, adjust and use educational technologies in professional pedagogical activity was carried out in a certain logical sequence, so that the student possessed versatile knowledge about educational technologies, was capable of their systematic creative application and his reflective activity was associated with self-actualization and striving for the implementation of constructive professional activities. The development process was carried out in the course of students solving research and design problems. Research activity was carried out by students in the study of the course “Pedagogical technologies”, fundamental for future teachers of vocational training. The implementation of the projects was carried out during the development of the course "Project Activities of a Professional Education Teacher"

    Uso de tecnologias educacionais a distância para melhorar a eficácia da formação profissional dos estudantes

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    The need of increasing the effectiveness of students’ professional training determines the search for new mechanisms, models and technologies of educational process organizing at a university based on systemic, competency-based and practice-oriented approaches. The theoretical and methodological foundations of increasing the effectiveness of students’ professional training are substantiated, including key scientific approaches (systemic, competency-based, practice-oriented) and the principles of their realization (professional orientation, competitiveness, interdisciplinarity, social partnership, practice orientation, pedagogical support, regionalization). A model for increasing the effectiveness of students’ professional training using distance educational technologies has been developed and experimentally tested. The pedagogical ways of increasing the effectiveness of future specialists’ professional training in universities using distance educational technologies have been identified. Distance educational technologies are considered as a means of increasing the effectiveness of students’ professional training. Correct use and further development of the abovementioned technologies would improve the overall professional competency of intending specialists in the area of education.La necesidad de incrementar la efectividad de la formación profesional de los estudiantes determina la búsqueda de nuevos mecanismos, modelos y tecnologías de organización de procesos educativos en una universidad basados en enfoques sistémicos, basados en competencias y orientados a la práctica. Se fundamentan los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos para aumentar la efectividad de la formación profesional de los estudiantes, incluyendo enfoques científicos clave (sistémicos, basados en competencias, orientados a la práctica) y los principios de su realización (orientación profesional, competitividad, interdisciplinariedad, asociación social, práctica). orientación, apoyo pedagógico, regionalización). Se ha desarrollado y probado experimentalmente un modelo para aumentar la eficacia de la formación profesional de los estudiantes utilizando tecnologías de educación a distancia. Se han identificado las formas pedagógicas de aumentar la eficacia de la formación profesional de los futuros especialistas en las universidades utilizando tecnologías de educación a distancia. Las tecnologías de la educación a distancia se consideran un medio para aumentar la eficacia de la formación profesional de los estudiantes. El uso correcto y un mayor desarrollo de las tecnologías mencionadas mejoraría la competencia profesional general de los futuros especialistas en el área de la educación.A necessidade de aumentar a eficácia do treinamento profissional dos estudantes determina a busca de novos mecanismos, modelos e tecnologias de organização do processo educacional em uma universidade com base em abordagens sistêmicas, baseadas na competência e orientadas para a prática. Os fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos para aumentar a eficácia da formação profissional dos estudantes são fundamentados, incluindo abordagens científicas fundamentais (sistêmica, baseada na competência, orientada para a prática) e os princípios de sua realização (orientação profissional, competitividade, interdisciplinaridade, parceria social, orientação prática, apoio pedagógico, regionalização). Um modelo para aumentar a eficácia da formação profissional dos estudantes utilizando tecnologias educacionais à distância foi desenvolvido e testado experimentalmente. Foram identificadas as formas pedagógicas de aumentar a eficácia da formação profissional dos futuros especialistas em universidades que utilizam tecnologias educacionais à distância. As tecnologias educacionais à distância são consideradas como um meio de aumentar a efetividade do treinamento profissional dos estudantes. O uso correto e o desenvolvimento posterior das tecnologias acima mencionadas melhorariam a competência profissional geral dos especialistas intencionados na área da educação

    Modernização da formação profissional de professores de Ensino Superior como estratégia para formar seu profissionalismo

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    The relevance of modernization process of professional training of future academic staff of higher educational institutions consists of a comprehensive update of the system of professional training of teachers and academic staff. These processes are focused on a scientifically and practically oriented improvement of the educational process. As well as professional and pedagogical interaction of its participants in the educational and professional environment. Theoretical and methodological foundations of increasing the professional training of teachers of higher schools in the conditions of master programmes are grounded; the author’s concept of improving the professional training of teachers of higher schools in the conditions of these programmes is formulated and tested; substantiated the content of the modernization of professional training of teachers of higher education; affordable author's model of modernized professional training of higher education teaching staff in the conditions of a master programmes. Experimentally verified effectiveness of the proposed scientific and methodological support for the professional training of teachers of higher educational institutions.La relevancia del proceso de modernización de la formación profesional del futuro personal académico de las instituciones de educación superior consiste en una actualización integral del sistema de formación profesional del profesorado y del personal académico. Estos procesos están enfocados a una mejora del proceso educativo con orientación científica y práctica. Así como la interacción profesional y pedagógica de sus participantes en el ámbito educativo y profesional. Se fundamentan los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos para incrementar la formación profesional de los docentes de las escuelas superiores en las condiciones de los programas de maestría; se formula y prueba el concepto del autor de mejorar la formación profesional de los profesores de las escuelas superiores en las condiciones de estos programas; fundamentó el contenido de la modernización de la formación profesional de los profesores de educación superior; modelo de autor asequible de formación profesional modernizada del personal docente de educación superior en las condiciones de un programa de maestría. Efectividad comprobada experimentalmente de la propuesta de apoyo científico y metodológico para la formación profesional de docentes de instituciones de educación superior.A relevância do processo de modernização do treinamento profissional do futuro pessoal acadêmico das instituições de ensino superior consiste em uma atualização abrangente do sistema de treinamento profissional de professores e pessoal acadêmico. Estes processos estão focalizados em uma melhoria científica e orientada para a prática do processo educacional. Assim como a interação profissional e pedagógica de seus participantes no ambiente educacional e profissional. Os fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos do aumento da formação profissional de professores de escolas superiores nas condições dos programas de mestrado são fundamentados; o conceito do autor de melhorar a formação profissional de professores de escolas superiores nas condições destes programas é formulado e testado; fundamentado o conteúdo da modernização da formação profissional de professores de ensino superior; modelo de autor acessível de modernização da formação profissional de professores de ensino superior nas condições de um programa de mestrado. Eficácia comprovada experimentalmente do apoio científico e metodológico proposto para a formação profissional de professores de instituições de ensino superior

    Forecasting the development of the sea coastal area based on analysis of the clif-beach dynamic system

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    The paper is devoted to the study of the dynamics and stability of the coast. The seaside territories are an active geodynamic system, which,being at the junction of the land and sea systems, has a high rate of change(transformation) processes. Relevance of the topic due to the economic value of the shores and a huge in-crease in anthropogenic load on them. A dynamic simulation model is presented to calculate the optimal amount of beachforming material to be maintained on the beach. The studies carried out made it possible to significantly clarify the ideas about the hydro- and lithodynamic processes occurring in the coastal zone of the beach. The influence of the parameters of waves and sediments that make up the beaches on such morphometric characteristics of the surf zone, which are important for the practice of marine coastal protection, such as the length and height of the wave run-up, the depth at the point of their collapse, is shown

    A combined use of silver pretreatment and impregnation with consequent Nissl staining for cortex and striatum architectonics study

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    Despite a rapid growth in the application of modern techniques for visualization studies in life sciences, the classical methods of histological examination are yet to be outdated. Herein, we introduce a new approach that involves combining silver nitrate pretreatment and impregnation with consequent Nissl (cresyl violet) staining for cortex and striatum architectonics study on the same microscopy slide. The developed approach of hybrid staining provides a high-quality visualization of cellular and subcellular structures, including impregnated neurons (about 10%), Nissl-stained neurons (all the remaining ones), and astrocytes, as well as chromatophilic substances, nucleoli, and neuropil in paraffin sections. We provide a comparative study of the neuronal architectonics in both the motor cortex and striatum based on the differences in their tinctorial properties. In addition to a comparative study of the neuronal architectonics in both the motor cortex and striatum, the traditional methods to stain the cortex (motor and piriform) and the striatum are considered. The proposed staining approach compiles the routine conventional methods for thin sections, expanding avenues for more advanced examination of neurons, blood–brain barrier components, and fibers both under normal and pathological conditions. One of the main hallmarks of our method is the ability to detect changes in the number of glial cells. The results of astrocyte visualization in the motor cortex obtained by the developed technique agree well with the alternative studies by glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunohistochemical reaction. The presented approach of combined staining has great potential in current histological practice, in particular for the evaluation of several neurological disorders in clinical, pre-clinical, or neurobiological animal studies