75 research outputs found

    Evolution of consumer protection in case of lack of conformity of the goods with the contract Observations within the framework of the implementation of Directive 2019/771 on certain aspects of contracts for the sale of goods under Polish law

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    On 20 May 2019, Directive 2019/771 of the European Parliament and of the Council was adopted, which introduced many changes in the protection of consumer rights and certain aspects concerning contracts for the sale of goods. The amendment of the applicable provisions of Polish law and the introduction of new ones to meet the objectives of the above-mentioned act constitute a legislative challenge, which led to various doubts. This paper aims to review this issue, paying particular attention to changes in the protection of consumers and warranty institutions.20 maja 2019 r. została uchwalona Dyrektywa 2019/771 Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady, która wprowadziła wiele zmian w zakresie ochrony praw konsumenta oraz sprzedaży konsumenckiej. Dostosowanie dotychczasowych przepisów prawa polskiego oraz wprowadzenie nowych tak, by odpowiadały celom wspomnianego wyżej aktu stanowiło niemałe wyzwanie legislacyjne, które prowadziło do różnych wątpliwości. Niniejsza praca ma na celu przegląd tej problematyki, zwracając szczególną uwagę na zmiany dotyczące ochrony konsumentów oraz instytucji rękojmi

    Dietary supplements in the sport

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    In recent years, the popularity of dietary supplements among athletes has surged, often aimed at enhancing sports performance and improving training outcomes. However, along with this popularity comes an increasing risk of using substances classified as doping in sports. This article examines the current state of knowledge regarding dietary supplements used by athletes, considering the potential risk of violating anti-doping regulations. The article discuss popular ingredients such creatine, beta-alanine, branched-chain amino acids and others

    Retrospective Analysis of Reasons for Presenting to Emergency Ophthalmic Care in Poland and the USA – Literature Review

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    Introduction. Emergency Department is a hospital unit, where is provided care in in cases of sudden threat to life and health. One of the reasons why patients come to the Emergency Department is eye damage. Emergency ophthalmological services are a very important form of ophthalmological care because some conditions and diseases require quick intervention to prevent permanent vision damage or eye loss. Patients come to hospital emergency departments for many reasons, such as: eyeball injury, sudden pain or unexpected deterioration of vision. It is worth noting that some patients do not understand the provision of services within health care units and in conditions that do not require urgent care, they seek it in emergency rooms. Aim of study. The following study analyzes the reasons for reporting to emergency ophthalmological services in Poland and the United States. Knowing the most common causes of patients' ailments and the factors that influence them, we can plan strategies for providing specific services within health care units. Materials and methods. The work reviews articles published in the years 2005-2023 in Poland and the United States of America. The results obtained from individual studies were divided in terms of age, gender, traumatic and non-traumatic causes. Additionally, it was checked how often patients had to be hospitalized after staying in Polish emergency departments. Conclusions. Injuries and other eye diseases affect patients regardless of gender and age. Most often, these are adult men

    Use of horse riding in chronic pain therapy

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    Introduction and purpose: Chronic pain is a struggle itself and also a symptom in many common conditions. Its complexity requires diverse treatment methods including some that might seem unconventional, for example, horse riding. This study gathers information about the use of equine assisted therapy in pain relief. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Hippotherapy is known as an important part of care for patients with cerebral palsy, attention deficit and autism. The rhythmical, multidimensional movements of the horse are transmitted to the rider’s pelvis and help in strengthening and stretching the muscles which result in better posture stabilization and balance. The positive effects of equine assisted therapy are not limited to only physical ones but positive social, cognitive and psychological effects can be observed as well. In order to lower the cost and time of the therapy, horse riding simulators were invented. So far, horse riding has been tested as a pain relief tool in entities like nonspecific low back pain, multiple sclerosis and arthritis. Summary: Horse riding sessions had beneficial effects on pain levels among patients with nonspecific back pain and arthritis. There is a need to conduct further research in order to properly compare the use of real horses versus horse simulators. Hippotherapy was well perceived by different patient groups so maybe it has the potential to be an important part of pain management in various conditions

    Deficiency of thiamine and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome – review of pathophysiology, clinical presentation , diagnostics and treatment

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    Introduction and aim of the study: Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamine, which bioactive form is necessary for energy metabolism in all cells. Deficiency of thiamine may be caused by malnutrition, alcoholism and certain diseases and it leads to an acute neuropsychiatric disorder called Wernicke encephalopathy. Untreated patients can develop a residual syndrome called Korsakoff syndrome. The aim of our study is to present current knowledge of history, pathophysiology, causes, symptoms and treatment of vitamine B1 depletion and Wernicke-Korsakoff’s syndrome. Material and methods: Our review is based on the analysis of materials collected in „Pubmed”, „Google Scholar” and other scientific articles using keywords: „thiamine”, „thiamine deficiency”, „Wernicke encephalopathy”, „Korsakoff syndrome”. Conclusions: Despite numerous studies, Wernicke encephalopathy is still difficult to diagnose. Attention should be paid to the possibility of vitamin B1 deficiency in people who are at risk of it like alcoholics, malnourished or psychiatric patients. Wernicke encephalopathy is an acute neuropsychiatric disorder so the treatment should be started as soon as possible to reduce the risk of developing Korsakoff syndrome.

    Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome - review of pathophysiology, clinical presentation, differentiation and management

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    Introduction and purpose: The number of invented and produced medications has increased over recent years. Besides their positive impact on health, they invariably provide various kinds of side effects. This review is focused on malignant neuroleptic syndrome, a rare condition with no fully confirmed pathogenesis, which at least partially can be explained as an adverse effect of blocking dopamine receptors. Even though it usually affects psychiatric or neurological patients, doctors of all medical specializations should stay alert, as the condition can often lead to premature death. Brief description of knowledge: The main symptoms associated with NMS are hypertonia, hyperpyrexia, autonomic instability and altered consciousness. They can appear in any configuration, sometimes followed by less characteristic manifestations. It should be primarily differentiated from serotonin syndrome, malignant hyperpyrexia and catatonia, mostly through the interview of those who have taken medications and undergone surgeries, as there are not any specific lab tests available. Fundamental treatment methods consist of neuroleptic withdrawal, intensive supportive care, drug administration and eventually ECT.  Summary: NMS is an uncommon, severe disease that should be carefully considered in patients treated with neuroleptics. Due to its rarity and sudden onset, it appears to be problematic to conduct widespread research and studies, so there are still no concrete, consistent and unquestioned guidelines on recognizing and treating the condition.&nbsp

    miR-125b-5p, miR-155-3p, and miR-214-5p and target E2F2 gene in oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    It is known that E2F2 (E2F transcription factor 2) plays an important role as controller in the cell cycle. This study aimed to analyse the expression of the E2F2 gene and E2F2 protein and demonstrate E2F2 target microRNAs (miRNAs) candidates (miR-125b-5p, miR-155-3p, and miR-214-5p) in oral squamous cell carcinoma tumour and margin samples. The study group consisted 50 patients. The E2F2 gene and miRNAs expression levels were assessed by qPCR, while the E2F2 protein was assessed by ELISA. When analysing the effect of miRNAs expression on E2F2 gene expression and E2F2 protein level, we observed no statistically significant correlations. miR-125b-5p was downregulated, while miR-155-3p, and miR-214-5p were upregulated in tumour samples compared to margin. We observed a difference between the miR-125b-5p expression level in smokers and non-smokers in margin samples. Furthermore, HPV-positive individuals had a significantly higher miR-125b-5p and miR-214-5p expression level compared to HPV-negative patients in tumour samples. The study result showed that the E2F2 gene is not the target for analysed miRNAs in OSCC. Moreover, miR-155-3p and miR-125b-5p could play roles in the pathogenesis of OSCC. A differential expression of the analysed miRNAs was observed in response to tobacco smoke and HPV status

    miR-125b-5p, miR-155-3p, and miR-214-5p and target E2F2 gene in oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    It is known that E2F2 (E2F transcription factor 2) plays an important role as controller in the cell cycle. This study aimed to analyse the expression of the E2F2 gene and E2F2 protein and demonstrate E2F2 target microRNAs (miRNAs) candidates (miR-125b-5p, miR-155-3p, and miR-214-5p) in oral squamous cell carcinoma tumour and margin samples. The study group consisted 50 patients. The E2F2 gene and miRNAs expression levels were assessed by qPCR, while the E2F2 protein was assessed by ELISA. When analysing the effect of miRNAs expression on E2F2 gene expression and E2F2 protein level, we observed no statistically significant correlations. miR-125b-5p was downregulated, while miR-155-3p, and miR-214-5p were upregulated in tumour samples compared to margin. We observed a difference between the miR-125b-5p expression level in smokers and non-smokers in margin samples. Furthermore, HPV-positive individuals had a significantly higher miR-125b-5p and miR-214-5p expression level compared to HPV-negative patients in tumour samples. The study result showed that the E2F2 gene is not the target for analysed miRNAs in OSCC. Moreover, miR-155-3p and miR-125b-5p could play roles in the pathogenesis of OSCC. A differential expression of the analysed miRNAs was observed in response to tobacco smoke and HPV status

    SARS-CoV-2 infects an <I>in vitro</I> model of the human developing pancreas through endocytosis

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    Recent studies showed that SARS-CoV-2 can infect adult human pancreas and trigger pancreatic damage. Here, using human fetal pancreas samples and 3D differentiation of human pluripotent cells into pancreatic endocrine cells, we determined that SARS-CoV-2 receptors ACE2, TMPRSS2, and NRP1 are expressed in precursors of insulin-producing pancreatic β-cells, rendering them permissive to SARS-CoV-2 infection. We also show that SARS-CoV-2 enters and undergoes efficient replication in human multipotent pancreatic and endocrine progenitors in vitro. Moreover, we investigated mechanisms by which SARS-CoV-2 enters pancreatic cells, and found that ACE2 mediates the entry, while NRP1 and TMPRSS2 do not. Surprisingly, we found that in pancreatic progenitors, SARS-CoV-2 enters cells via cathepsin-dependent endocytosis, which is a different route than in respiratory tract. Therefore, pancreatic spheroids might serve as a model to study candidate drugs for endocytosis-mediated viral entry inhibition and to investigate whether SARS-CoV-2 infection may affect pancreas development, possibly causing lifelong health consequences