22 research outputs found
Prototipe Pengaman Pintu Menggunakan Kunci Digital Berbasis Pengendali Mikro ATMega8535
A door system using password can be a security system which is used to protect valuable products from outsiders. In this case, a door protected with password is used to protect facilities or valuable documents in a room. This research is conducted by developing a prototype of door system which is equipped with alarm as an indicator if there are some mistakes in entering the password three times in a row; LCD as a displayer; keypad as a media to enter the password; and microcontroller ATMega8535 as a controller. The final result is a door’s security prototype using password in which door can only be opened if the password is correct. On the the contrary wrong password inserted in, the door can not be opened
Rancang Bangun Alat Pemantau Kualitas Udara Sekitar Berbasis Mikrokontroler AVR ATMega 8 Dengan Penampil Dot Matrix
Air pollution recently has attained an apprehension level, in line with the speed of vehicle production and industrial development. Air quality monitoring system that can display air condition, temperature and humidity is expected to be one solution in overcoming bad impact of air pollution problems. This research is aimed to produce an air quality and condition monitoring system device using gas sensor TGS-2600 and SHT11 for sensing temperature and humidity variables. Data from sensors are processed using AVR AT Mega 8 and Basic Stamp-2e microcontrollers, whereas information display using dot matrix circuit. The final result is a monitoring system device which can display air quality and condition data on its dot matrix display. Information displayed in form of running text: temperature in Celcius unit humidity in %RH unit, and air quality refer to concentration level of one type of gas pollutant i.e. carbĂłn monoxide concentration
Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Kendali Suhu untuk Sistem Bioreaktor
In this study a temperature controlled system (TCS) has been developed and applied to Bioreactor System. The bioreactor system has a glass column filled by algae biomass as adsorbent material for heavy metal ions. The purpose controlled keeps the inner temperature of glass column in a suitable value for adsorption process. The TCS for Bioreactor system consist of ATMEGA 8535 microcontroller, LM35DZ temperature sensor, and LCD 2x16. The temperature controlled system is set to produce the result 10, 20, 27, 30, 40, and 50 centigrade. TCS for Bioreactor system is formed by controlling refrigerator, heater and fan system. Furthermore, the results of temperature controlled system were analyzed for their performance. The change voltage Vac of current detector resistor Rd as used current-Iac change. Vac as an analogue signal converted to a digital data by ADC (Analog To Digital Converter), and then this data converted again by VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) that developed by microcontroller into frequency which varying follow the change Vac
Rancang Bangun Catu Daya DC 1V–20V Menggunakan Kendali P-I Berbasis Mikrokontroler
Abstrak -- Catu daya DC merupakan suatu rangkaian elektronik yang mengubah arus listrik bolak-balik menjadi arus listrik searah. Secara umum prinsip catu daya terdiri atas komponen utama yaitu transformator, dioda dan kondensator. Umumnya catu daya yang dijual dipasaran menghasilkan keluaran tegangan yang tidak stabil dan pengubahan nilai tegangan keluaran tidak dapat dilakukan dengan mudah, sehingga tidak cocok digunakan sebagai catu daya laboratorium. Berdasarkan latar belakang ini penulis mencoba membuat catu daya DC menggunakan kendali P-I berbasis mikrokontroler sehingga mempermudah untuk mengatur dan mempertahankan nilai tegangan yang diinginkan. Permasalahn yang timbul adalah bagaimana catu daya diatur untuk mendapatkan hasil tegangan keluaran yang sesuai dengan nilai set-point yang diberikan. Oleh karena itu permasalahan dapat diselesaikan dalam dua pokok bahasan yaitu: pokok bahasan perangkat keras (hardware) dan pokok bahasan perangkat lunak (software) yang mampu memprogram catu daya secara digital dan mengolah masukan data agar dapat menghasilkan keluaran data sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Pada alat ini menerapkan kendali PI sehingga mampu mempertahankan nilai tegangan apabila terjadi drop ketika pembebanan. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan mikronkontroller ATmega 8535 sebagai device pengendali utamanya, Keypad matrix 4x4 sebagai input set-point dan LCD 2x16 untuk tampilan pada catu daya serta menggunakan perangkat lunak CVAVR sebagai pemrogram. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah memperlihatkan bahwa nilai rata-rata selisih (volt) sistem Catu Daya DC dengan untai tertutup (close loop) lebih kecil (0,06V ; 0,25V untuk beban lampu, dan 0,07V ; 0,13 V untuk beban kipas angin serta 0,02V ; 0,34 untuk beban dua lampu). Hal ini dapat disebabkan karena pada sistem untai tertutup ada upaya untuk memperbaiki nilai keluaran agar hasilnya mendekati atau sama dengan nilai yang dinginkan (set point).Kata kunci -- catu daya, kendali PI, mikrokontroller, perangkat lunak CVAVR Abstract -- DC power supply is an electronic device used to convert an Alternating Current AC in to Direct Current (DC) form. Generally, some main components of DC power supply are transformer, dioda and condenser. Commonly DC power supply that is sold produces unstable output voltage, besides, to change the value of that output voltage is not a simply way, because of that the device is not compatible enough to be used in laboratory. Based on this case, the writer try to create a DC power supply using PI control based an microcontroller in purpose to make the voltage setting and maintaining value be come easier. Problem in this case is how to set power supply in order to obtain some corresponding outputs voltage with given set point. Thus the problem can be solved in two main subjects, that are : subject of hardware and software that able to operate the power supply in digital ways and used as the processing program to obtain desired output data. PI controller is applied in this device so it be able to maintain the voltage value whenever the drop voltage occur as the result of load effect. Microcontroller ATmega 8535 is used in this research as main control device, keypad matrix 4x4 is used as input of setpoint and LCD 2x16 as layer display of power supply, this research is also require CVAVR as software programming. Results show that deviation average value of power supply system with close loop is smaller (0,06V ; 0,25V for lamp as load ; 0,07V ; 0,13V for motor as load and 0,02V ; 0,34V for two lamp load). This case can be happened as the impact of effort from the closed system improve the value of the output so that result is close to or equal to desired value.Key words -- power supply, PI control, microcontroller, CVAVR softwar
Rancang Bangun Sistem Penyiraman Tanaman Secara Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor Suhu LM35 Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega8535
During the time, plants watering is done manually. But, sometimes we don’t have more time watering the plants. Therefore, we need a tool that can help us to do that. A tool as system that can work automatically. By using this tool, we hope watering plants can be done in the correct moment and time. This research is done by developing an automatically plants watering system using microcontroller ATMega8535 as the main controller and suhue sensor LM35. This system also uses Real Time Clock (RTC) 1307 as timer, and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) as display. The plants watering system can watering the plants automatically. When the detected temperature comes into the category limit that has been determined, system can work automatically watering the plants. LCD will displays real time and air temperature value surroundings the plants
Struktur Lakon Panji Reni dalam Pagelaran Wayang Topeng Malangan oleh Ki Soleh Adi Pramono
Puppet is one of the java being inherited Indonesia culture which must be preserved and be preserved. Puppet show a mask Malangan another type of works of art in which containing a variety of sort of the training and noble values, so that it can be used as conth to live participate in community events. Discussed the theme the research strcture Lakon Panji Reni in show puppet topeng Malangan by Ki Soleh Adi Pramono. Formulation is an issue that is presented (1) how a puppet topeng Malangan the theme Panji Reni the show?, (3) how about characteristic puppet topeng Malangan?, (3) how about structure Lakon Panji Reni?, (4) what are the values containted in the Lakon Panji Reni?. In line with the objectives of the study, this study uses qualitative descriptive. The object of this study is the structure of the Lakon Panji Reni in the puppet show topeng Malangan. Source of research data from (1) data premiere namely youtube channel Arts and culture that covers the performances of the Lakon Panji Reni wayang topeng Malangan, and (2) secondary data sources are Ki Soleh Adi Pramono as puppeteer in wayang topeng Malangan performance, experts/artists, history books, and articles. This study has the purpose of (1) explain the form of puppet mask Malangan in puppet show Mask, (2) explain the characteristics of puppet topeng Malangan, (3) explain the structure of the Lakon Panji Reni, and (4) explain the values contained in the play Panji Reni. The results of this study are the structure of the Lakon Panji Reni, such as plot, theme, characterization, setting, and mandate in the Lakon Panji Reni in wayang topeng Malangan.
Keywords : puppet topeng Malangan, Lakon Panji Reni, structure Lakon Panji Reni
Sistem Pemantauan Suhu dan Kelembaban Inkubator Telur Melalui Jaringan Global System for Mobile Comunication Berbasis Short Message Service
 Intisari--- Short Message Service (SMS) merupakan salah satu aplikasi pada jaringan Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). SMS adalah pesan singkat dengan biaya yang relatif rendah serta dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja tergantung dari jaringan operator. Masalah utama pada sistem pemantauan adalah jarak antara sistem pemantauan dan objek yang dipantau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan dan mengetahui ketepatan SMS sebagai media untuk memantau suhu dan kelembaban pada inkubator telur. Penelitian ini menggunakan modul GSM Icomsat V1.1 yang dihubungkan dengan data logger shield dan Arduino Uno, dengan mengasumsikan sumber energi yang digunakan adalah sumber energi PLN. Sistem ini dapat mengukur suhu dan kelembaban pada inkubator dengan nilai suhu antara 30,08 oC  — 41,70 oC dan kelembaban 36% – 69% RH. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian menghasilkan data optimal pada hari pertama pengujian dengan kesalahan rata-rata 39,58% dan 56,25%, 56,25%, 52,08%, 54,16%. Kendala utama pada penelitian ini adalah cara menstabilkan suhu dan kelembaban pada inkubator serta penerimaan SMS tidak setiap 30 menit karena waktu penundaan penerimaan SMS. Sehingga pemantauan dengan menggunakan SMS kurang efektif untuk memantau keadaan suhu dan kelembaban pada inkubator telur.Kata kunci--- Short Message Service (SMS), Suhu, Kelembaban, GSM Shield Icomsat V1.1. Abstract--- Short Message Service (SMS) is an application that works on Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). SMS is a simple short message relatively low cost can be accessed anywhere and anytime depend on available network server supplied. Monitoring system distance between monitor objects is the main problem, this research is aimed to apply and determine the accuracy of SMS as media to monitor the state of the temperature and humidity in the eggs incubator. This study uses a GSM module Icomsat V1.1 connected to the data logger shield and Arduino Uno, with assumes that the power source is supplied from PLN. This system can measure temperature and humidity in incubator with maintained temperature up to 30,08 oC — 41,70 oC and humidity is about 36% – 69% RH. Based on test result optimal data result that is sent via SMS happened in first day of testing with average error 39.58%, and 56.25%, 56.25%, 52.08%, 54.16% for next day. the main obstacle in this study is how to stabilize the temperature and humidity in the incubator and SMS reception isn’t delivered in every 30 minutes due to delay receipt. In conclusion, monitoring by using SMS is not really effective for monitoring the state of temperature and humidity in the incubator eggs because it does not work in real time due to the time delay.Keywords--- Short Message Service (SMS), Temperature, Humidity, Icomsat GSM Shield V1.
Rancang Bangun Alat Pemberi Pakan dan Pengatur Suhu Otomatis untuk Ayam Pedaging Berbasis Programmable Logic Controller pada Kandang Tertutup
Intisari— Banyak para peternak ayam pedaging di Indonesia masih menggunakan cara manual dalam memberi pakan ayam dan menjaga suhu optimal kandang ayam. Cara manual seperti ini menjadikan pemberian pakan dan penjagaan suhu kandang ayam kurang efektif dan efisien. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sebuah alat yaitu alat pemberi pakan dan pengatur suhu otomatis untuk ayam pedaging berbasis PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) pada kandang tertutup. Pada Penelitian ini, alat pemberi pakan dan pengatur suhu otomatis dibangun berbasiskan PLC Omron tipe ZEN-20C1DR-D-V2. PLC pada penelitian ini diprogram dengan Ladder Diagram menggunakan ZEN Software Support. Dalam penelitian ini dirancang konveyor yang akan berjalan untuk mengalirkan pakan (secara otomatis) sebanyak tiga kali dalam sehari. Aktuator suhu pada alat ini berupa pemanas dan blower pendingin. Komponen utama sebagai perintah input PLC dan sebagai pemicu program adalah pushbutton ON/OFF. Sedangkan output adalah rele sebagai pemicu kerja motor. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa alat ini mampu bekerja sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Kata kunci—PLC, Konveyor, Suhu, Otomatis.  Abstract— Many broiler breeders in Indonesia are still using manual way in feeding chickens and maintain optimal temperature henhouse . This manual way as to make feeding and guarding the chicken coop temperature is less effective and efficient . In this research designed a tool that is a feeder and automatic temperature control for broilers based PLC ( Programmable Logic Controller ) in closed house broiler. In this research, a feeder and automatic temperature control was built based on the type of PLC Omron ZEN- 20C1DR-D-V2. PLC in this research is programmed with Ladder Diagram using the ZEN Support Software . In this research designed conveyor which will run for a feed stream ( automatically ) as much as three times a day . Actuator temperature at the tool in the form of heating and cooling blower . The main components as input command PLC and as a trigger program is a pushbutton ON/OFF . While the output is relay to trigger the motor. The results show that the tool is able to work as expected. Keywords—PLC, Conveyor, Temperature, Automati
Model Sistem Kendali Pintu Otomatis Menggunakan Barcode Berbasis PC (Personal Computer) Pada Gerbang Laboratorium Teknik Elektro Unila
Intisari---Laboratorium adalah salah satu sarana yang sangat penting untuk menunjang belajar dan penelitian di Jurusan Teknik Elektro Unila. Terkadang pekerjaan atau penelitian tidak terselesaikan dijam kerja dilanjutkan diluar jam kerja. Saat ini jurusan hanya mengandalkan surat izin agar mahasiswa dapat melakukan kegiatan diluar jam kerja, namun solusi ini kurang efektif untuk menciptakan keamanan dan kondusif di laboratorium Teknik Elektro. Untuk itu perlu dibuatkan sebuah model pintu otomatis agar tidak semua mahasiswa dapat masuk ke laboratorium diluar jam kerja. Model pintu otomatis ini menggunakan barcode yang terdapat pada kartu ID sebagai sandi untuk membuka pintu. Dengan menggunakan scanner barcode sebagai sensor untuk membaca barcode dan ditambah mikrokontroler ATMEGA 8535 sebagai pengendali motor servo. Visual Basic .Net sebagai interface data antara pengguna dan MS. Access sebagai manajemen database. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan bahwa semua bagian dari sistem berjalan dengan baik. Scanner dapat membaca label barcode yang kemudian diteruskan ke database pada komputer dan kemudian dikirimkan ke mikrokontroler untuk memutar motor servo agar pintu terbuka hingga mendapatkan laporan kegiatan mahasiswa. Masalah terdapat apabila label barcode sudah rusak. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Model Sistem Pintu Otomatis Menggunakan Barcode berbasisis PC (personal Computer) dapat menjadi acuan untuk jurusan dalam menangani permasalahan izin penggunaan laboratorium diluar jam kerja. Kata Kunci--- Model, Barcode, Database, Mikrokontroler, Pintu Otomatis.  Abstract---Laboratory is one of the most important means to support study and research in the Department of Electrical Engineering Lampung University. Sometimes work or research is not resolved in hours of work resumed after hours. Current department relying only license to allow students to carry out activities outside working hours, but is less effective solution to creating and enabling security in Electrical Engineering laboratory. For that needs to be make a model of automatic doors that not all students can go to the lab after hours. This automatic door models using barcode found on the ID card as a password to unlock the door. This thesis uses a barcode scanner as sensor to read the barcode and microcontroller ATMEGA 8535 to control servo motor. Visual Basic Net as a data interface between the user and the MS Access as database management. From the test results showed that all parts of the systems running well. Scanner can read the barcode label then forwarded to a database on a computer and then transmitted to the microcontroller to control the servo motor that opens the door to get reports of student activity. There is a problem when the barcode label is damaged. It can be concluded that Model Automatic Door Systems Using Barcode based on PC (Personal Computer) may be a reference to the department in addressing the problem permits the use of the lab after hours. Keywords---Model, Barcode, Database, Microcontroller, Automatic Doors
Rancang Bangun Konveyor Penyortiran Barang Dengan Pengenalan Pola Bentuk dan Warna Menggunakan Webcam
Intisari---Pada penelitian ini dirancang sebuah konveyor yang dapat menyortir sebuah barang, dimana barang yang akan disortir dikenali terlebih dahulu polanya. Pola yang dikenali adalah pola bentuk yaitu lingkaran, oval atau bukan keduanya dan pola warna yaitu merah, kuning, hijau atau bukan ketiganya. Metode yang digunakan pada pengenalan pola bentuk adalah menghitung nilai matriks pada citra, sedangkan pada pengenalan pola warna digunakan metode perhitungan nilai Hue pada citra. Penyortiran barang berhasil dilakukan sesuai dengan inisialisasi yang diberikan. Diperoleh galat sebesar 10% pada pengenalan bentuk lingkaran, 10% pada pengenalan bentuk oval, 0% pada pengenalan warna merah, 10% pada pengenalan warna hijau dan 10% pada pengenalan warna kuning. Abstract---In this research designed a conveyor to sort the items, where items to be sorted will recognized their pattern. The pattern of shape that recognized is circular, oval or not either and pattern of color is red, yellow, green or not at all. The method used for identifying shape an object is calculated value of matrix, whereas in color recognition used method calculation Hue of an image. Sorting items successfully carried out accordance given initialization Obtained an error rate 10% on recognition of a circular shape, 10% on recognition of an oval shape, 0% on recognition of the color red, 10% green color recognition and 10% on recognition of yellow